예제 #1
function borrar_foto($id)
    global $__BD;
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    $codigo = '';
    $ordenSQL = "select referencia,nomfichero from articulosfotos where id={$id}";
    $result = $__BD->db_query($ordenSQL);
    $row = $__BD->db_fetch_row($result);
    $referencia = $row[0];
    $nomFich = $row[1];
    $fichNor = _IMG_ROOT . 'img_normal/' . $referencia . '/' . $nomFich;
    $fichThum = _IMG_ROOT . 'img_thumb/' . $referencia . '/' . $nomFich;
    $fichMed = _IMG_ROOT . 'img_mediana/' . $referencia . '/' . $nomFich;
    $fichSuperThum = _IMG_ROOT . 'img_superthumb/' . $referencia . '/' . $nomFich;
    if (file_exists($fichThum)) {
    if (file_exists($fichNor)) {
    if (file_exists($fichMed)) {
    if (file_exists($fichSuperThum)) {
    $ordenSQL = "delete from articulosfotos where id={$id}";
    $objResponse->remove('imagen_' . $id);
    return $objResponse;
예제 #2
function removeHandler($sId, $sHandler)
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    $objResponse->removeHandler($sId, "click", $sHandler);
    $objResponse->remove('handler' . $sHandler);
    return $objResponse;
예제 #3
function removeInput($aInputData)
    $sId = $aInputData['inputId'];
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    return $objResponse;
function streamStream($url, $size)
    global $smarty;
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    preg_match('/(\\d+)\\sx\\s(\\d+)/', $size, $matches);
    $width = (int) $matches[1];
    $height = (int) $matches[1];
    $objResponse->append('ajax-contentBubble', 'innerHTML', $smarty->fetch('el-player.tpl'));
    $objResponse->script("loadFile('{$url}', {$width}, {$height}, 'true')");
    return $objResponse;
function delete_file($arquivoId)
    global $user;
    require_once "lib/persistentObj/PersistentObjectFactory.php";
    $arquivo = PersistentObjectFactory::createObject("Publication", (int) $arquivoId);
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    if (!isset($arquivo->user) || $arquivo->user != $user) {
        return $objResponse;
    return $objResponse;
function deleteComment($commentId)
    global $arquivo, $user, $smarty;
    foreach ($arquivo->comments as $comment) {
        if ($comment->id == $commentId) {
            $c =& $comment;
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    if (!$c || $c->user != $user) {
        return $objResponse;
    $objResponse->assign("ajax-commentCount", "innerHTML", count($arquivo->comments) - 1);
    return $objResponse;
예제 #7
function Lenta_AddFav($fav_id, $pfx, $user_id, $undo = 0, $priority = 0)
    $stars = array(0 => 'bsg.png', 1 => 'bsgr.png', 2 => 'bsy.png', 3 => 'bsr.png');
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    $star = "favstar{$pfx}{$fav_id}";
    $li = "fav{$pfx}{$fav_id}";
    $commune_message_id = $pfx == 'CM' ? $fav_id : NULL;
    $portfolio_id = $pfx == 'PF' ? $fav_id : NULL;
    $blog_id = $pfx == 'BL' ? $fav_id : NULL;
    if (lenta::AddFav($user_id, $commune_message_id, $portfolio_id, $blog_id, $undo, $priority)) {
        if (!$undo) {
            $objResponse->assign($star, "src", '/images/bookmarks/' . $stars[$priority]);
            $sort = $_COOKIE['lenta_fav_order'] != "" ? $_COOKIE['lenta_fav_order'] : "date";
            $favs = lenta::GetFavorites($user_id, $sort);
            $objResponse->assign('lenta_fav_list', 'innerHTML', __lentaPrntFavs($favs, $user_id));
            $objResponse->script("\$('lenta_count_favs').set('html'," . count($favs) . ")");
        } else {
            $objResponse->assign($star, "src", '/images/bookmarks/bsw.png');
            $objResponse->script("\n                {$star}.setAttribute('on',0);\n                favBlock = \$('lenta_fav_list');\n                if(favBlock) {\n                    if(favBlock.innerHTML.match(/<LI[^>]*>/i)==null) {\n                      \$('lenta_fav_sort_by').setStyle('display','none');\n                      favBlock.innerHTML = 'Нет закладок';\n                    }\n                }\n              ");
    return $objResponse;
예제 #8
function AddFav($backto, $backto2, $message_id, $user_id, $om, $undo, $priority = 0)
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    if (get_uid(false) != $user_id) {
        return $objResponse;
    $sort = $_COOKIE['commune_fav_order'] != '' ? $_COOKIE['commune_fav_order'] : 'date';
    if (commune::AddFav($message_id, $user_id, $undo, $priority)) {
        if (!$undo) {
            $objResponse->assign($backto, 'src', commune::getStarByPR($priority));
            //$objResponse->assign($backto, "onclick", 'return true;');
            $msg = commune::GetMessage($message_id);
            $favs = commune::GetFavorites($user_id, NULL, $sort, $msg['commune_id']);
            $objResponse->assign('favBlock', 'innerHTML', __commPrntFavs($favs, $user_id, $om));
        } else {
            $objResponse->assign($backto, 'src', '/images/bookmarks/bsw.png');
            //$objResponse->assign($backto, "onclick", "ShowFavFloat({$msg_id}, {$user_id}, {$om})");
            $objResponse->script("\n        {$backto}.setAttribute('on',0);\n        if(favBlock.innerHTML.match(/<LI[^>]*>/i)==null)\n          favBlock.innerHTML = 'Нет закладок';\n      ");
    return $objResponse;
예제 #9
파일: xajax.php 프로젝트: apexad/editsee
function closePopup()
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    if ($_SESSION['popup_close_redirect'] == 'yes') {
        $project7 = new editsee_App();
        $_SESSION['popup_close_redirect'] = '';
        $_SESSION['temp_theme'] = '';
    return $objResponse;
function deleteFileReference($i, $fileId)
    global $arquivo;
    if ($arquivo->mainFile == (int) $i) {
        $arquivo->update(array('mainFile' => NULL));
    if ($arquivo->mainFile > (int) $i) {
        $arquivo->update(array('mainFile' => $arquivo->mainFile--));
    require_once "lib/persistentObj/PersistentObjectFactory.php";
    $file = PersistentObjectFactory::createObject("FileReference", (int) $fileId);
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    return $objResponse;
예제 #11
* Получить список групп в виде SELECT.
* @param    integer $selected_group_id  ID выбранной группы
* @param    string  $element_id         ID <SELECT> для которого надо получить группы
function GetGroupsForSelect($selected_group_id = 0, $element_id)
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    if (hasPermissions('ourcontacts')) {
        $html = '';
        $groups = contacts::getGroups();
        if ($groups) {
            $objResponse->insertAfter($element_id . '_label', 'select', $element_id);
            $objResponse->assign($element_id, 'name', $element_id);
            foreach ($groups as $group) {
                $objResponse->create("{$element_id}", 'option', $element_id . '_o_' . $group['id']);
                $objResponse->assign($element_id . '_o_' . $group['id'], 'value', $group['id']);
                $objResponse->assign($element_id . '_o_' . $group['id'], 'innerHTML', $group['title']);
                if ($group['id'] == $selected_group_id) {
                    $objResponse->assign($element_id . '_o_' . $group['id'], 'selected', true);
    return $objResponse;
예제 #12
function RefuseProjectOffer($po_id, $prj_id, $user_id, $type, $po_reason = 0)
    global $session;
    $user = new users();
    $prj = new projects();
    $prj_offer = new projects_offers();
    $po_id = intval($po_id);
    $prj_id = intval($prj_id);
    $po_reason = intval($po_reason);
    $user_id = intval($user_id);
    $user_name = $user->GetName($user_id, $error);
    $emp_id = get_uid(false);
    $emp_name = $user->GetName($emp_id, $error);
    $pod = new projects_offers_dialogue();
    $pod->markReadEmp(array($po_id), $emp_id);
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    //Не позволяем производить действия с заблокированным проектом
    if (projects::CheckBlocked(intval($prj_id))) {
        $objResponse->script("document.location.href='/projects/index.php?pid=" . intval($prj_id) . "'");
    } else {
        $error = '';
        $project = $prj->GetPrjCust($prj_id);
        if ($project['exec_id'] == $user_id) {
            $error = $prj->ClearExecutor($prj_id, $emp_id);
        if (!$error) {
            $error .= ($error ? ' ' : '') . $prj_offer->SetRefused($po_id, $prj_id, $user_id, $po_reason, true);
            $project = $prj->GetPrjCust($prj_id);
            require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/external/base.php';
            require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/external/api/api.php';
            require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/external/api/mobile.php';
            externalApi_Mobile::addPushMsg($user_id, 'prj_select_reject', array('from_user_id' => $project['user_id'], 'name' => $project['name'], 'project_id' => $project['id']));
            list($po_offers_count, $msg_offers_count) = $prj_offer->CountPrjOffers($prj_id, 'offers');
            $objResponse->assign('po_offers_count', 'innerHTML', $po_offers_count);
            if ($msg_offers_count > 0) {
                $objResponse->assign('op_count_offers_new_msgs', 'innerHTML', '<img src="/images/ico_envelop.gif" alt="" width="10" height="8" border="0"> ' . $msg_offers_count . ' ' . ending($msg_offers_count, 'новое сообщение', 'новых сообщения', 'новых сообщений'));
            } else {
                $objResponse->assign('op_count_offers_new_msgs', 'innerHTML', '');
                if ($type == 'o') {
            list($po_executor_count, $msg_executor_count) = $prj_offer->CountPrjOffers($prj_id, 'executor');
            $objResponse->assign('po_executor_count', 'innerHTML', $po_executor_count);
            if ($msg_executor_count > 0) {
                $objResponse->assign('op_count_executor_new_msgs', 'innerHTML', '<img src="/images/ico_envelop.gif" alt="" width="10" height="8" border="0"> ' . $msg_executor_count . ' ' . ending($msg_executor_count, 'новое сообщение', 'новых сообщения', 'новых сообщений'));
            } else {
                $objResponse->assign('op_count_executor_new_msgs', 'innerHTML', '');
                if ($type == 'i') {
            list($po_candidate_count, $msg_candidate_count) = $prj_offer->CountPrjOffers($prj_id, 'candidate');
            $objResponse->assign('po_candidate_count', 'innerHTML', $po_candidate_count);
            if ($msg_candidate_count > 0) {
                $objResponse->assign('op_count_candidate_new_msgs', 'innerHTML', '<img src="/images/ico_envelop.gif" alt="" width="10" height="8" border="0"> ' . $msg_candidate_count . ' ' . ending($msg_candidate_count, 'новое сообщение', 'новых сообщения', 'новых сообщений'));
            } else {
                $objResponse->assign('op_count_candidate_new_msgs', 'innerHTML', '');
                if ($type == 'c') {
            list($po_refuse_count, $msg_refuse_count) = $prj_offer->CountPrjOffers($prj_id, 'refuse');
            $objResponse->assign('po_refuse_count', 'innerHTML', $po_refuse_count);
            if ($msg_refuse_count > 0) {
                $objResponse->assign('op_count_refuse_new_msgs', 'innerHTML', '<img src="/images/ico_envelop.gif" alt="" width="10" height="8" border="0"> ' . $msg_refuse_count . ' ' . ending($msg_refuse_count, 'новое сообщение', 'новых сообщения', 'новых сообщений'));
            } else {
                if ($type == 'r') {
                $objResponse->assign('op_count_refuse_new_msgs', 'innerHTML', '');
            //$objResponse->assign("po_b_exec_" . $po_id, "innerHTML", '<a id="po_img_exec_' . $po_id . '" class="b-button-multi__link" onclick="xajax_SelectProjectExecutor(' . $po_id . ', ' . $prj_id . ', ' . $user_id . ', ' . "'" . $type . "'" . ', ' . 0 . ');" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Буду работать с этим человеком."><span class="b-button-multi__inner"><span class="b-button-multi__icon b-button-multi__icon_green"></span><span class="b-button-multi__txt">Исполнитель</span></span></a>');
            //$objResponse->assign("po_b_select_" . $po_id, "innerHTML", '<a id="po_img_select_' . $po_id . '" class="b-button-multi__link" onclick="xajax_SelectProjectOffer(' . $po_id . ', ' . $prj_id . ', ' . $user_id  . ', ' . "'" . $type . "'" . ');" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Прошел предварительный отбор. Может быть исполнителем"><span class="b-button-multi__inner"><span class="b-button-multi__icon b-button-multi__icon_blue"></span><span class="b-button-multi__txt">Кандидат</span></span></a>');
            //$objResponse->assign("po_b_refuse_" . $po_id, "innerHTML", '<a id="po_img_refuse_' . $po_id . '" class="b-button-multi__link"  href="javascript:void(0)" title="Этот человек мне не подходит.  Может быть в следующий раз."><span class="b-button-multi__inner"><span class="b-button-multi__icon b-button-multi__icon_red"></span><span class="b-button-multi__txt">Отказано</span></span></a>');
            $objResponse->remove('po_' . $po_id);
            $objResponse->remove('po_u_' . $po_id);
            $objResponse->remove('po_bar_' . $po_id);
        if ($_SESSION['offers_on_page'] == 0) {
            $objResponse->script("document.location.href='/projects/index.php?pid=" . intval($prj_id) . '&type=' . $type . "'");
    return $objResponse;
예제 #13
function DeleteOpinion($op_id, $from = 'frl')
    $op_id = intval($op_id);
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    $msg = opinions::GetMessageById($op_id);
    $old_rating = $msg['rating'];
    if (get_uid(0) == $msg['fromuser_id'] || hasPermissions('users')) {
        $error = opinions::DeleteMsg($msg['fromuser_id'], $op_id, hasPermissions('users'));
    } else {
        $error = 'Вы не можете удалить мнение об этом пользователе.';
    if (!$error) {
        //$user = new users();
        $ot = $old_rating == 1 ? 'plus' : ($old_rating == -1 ? 'minus' : 'neitral');
        $objResponse->call('opinionChConuters', 'ops-' . $from . $ot);
        // @deprecated #0015627
        // $objResponse->prepend("messages_container","innerHTML",  opinions::printAddForm(get_uid(false),$msg['touser_id'],$from));
    } else {
    return $objResponse;
예제 #14
function page($table, $bid, $pageid, $TotalRows)
    global $tpl;
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    include 'settings/config.php';
    include 'settings/tables.php';
    include 'settings/template.php';
    require_once 'lib/select.php';
    require_once 'lib/pagenavi.php';
    if ($table == $tbl_blog_comments) {
        $max_pages = ceil($TotalRows / $set[0]["perpage_comments"]);
        if (is_numeric($pageid) == false) {
            if ($pageid == 'first') {
                $pageid = 1;
            if ($pageid == 'last') {
                $pageid = $max_pages;
        $begin_c = ($pageid - 1) * $set[0]["perpage_comments"];
        /* Print :: SELECT :: Comments */
        $comments = new SelectEntrys();
        $comments->cols = 'id, bid, time, name, comment, lang';
        $comments->table = $tbl_blog_comments;
        $comments->condition = "bid = '{$bid}' AND deleted = '0'";
        $comments->order = "time DESC";
        $comments->limit = "{$begin_c}, " . $set[0]['perpage_comments'];
        $comments->multiSelect = 1;
        //$comments->br          = 1;
        $array_com[] = $comments->row();
        /* Modify Comment Array */
        foreach ($array_com as $array_com2) {
            for ($b = 0; $b < count($array_com2); $b++) {
                //replace url links
                $array_com2[$b]['comment'] = str_replace("www.", "http://www.", $array_com2[$b]['comment']);
                $array_com2[$b]['comment'] = str_replace("http://http://", "http://", $array_com2[$b]['comment']);
                //$array_com2[$b]['comment'] = preg_replace("[[:alpha:]]+://[^<>[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]/]", "<a href=\"\\0\" class='postedlink' target='_blank'>\\0</a>", $array_com2[$b]['comment']);
                //avoid layout damage
                $array_com2[$b]['comment'] = wordwrap($array_com2[$b]['comment'], 60, " ", 1);
                $array_com2[$b]['comment'] = utf8_encode($array_com2[$b]['comment']);
                //line breaks
                $array_com2[$b]['comment_unformatted'] = $array_com2[$b]['comment'];
                $array_com2[$b]['comment'] = nl2br($array_com2[$b]['comment']);
            $array_com3[] = $array_com2;
        /* Generate Pagenavi for comments */
        $naviObj = new pagenavi();
        $naviObj->tableE = $tbl_blog_comments;
        // required
        $naviObj->conditionE = "bid = '{$bid}' AND deleted = '0'";
        if (is_numeric($pageid) && $pageid <= $max_pages) {
            if ($TotalRows > $set[0]["perpage_comments"]) {
                $naviObj->totalrows = $TotalRows;
                $naviObj->showperpage = $set[0]["perpage_comments"];
                $pages_c = $naviObj->rowpages($pageid);
                // global parameter, defined in config.php
        if ($TotalRows == $set[0]['perpage_comments']) {
            $p_in = "p_cpages_" . $bid;
            $p_in2 = "p_cpages2_" . $bid;
            $p_out = "p_page_" . $bid;
            $p_out2 = "p_page2_" . $bid;
            $objResponse->assign($p_out, "innerHTML", '&nbsp;');
            $objResponse->assign($p_out2, "innerHTML", '&nbsp;');
        /* Generate output */
        $tpl->assign('array_com', $array_com3);
        $tpl->assign('xajax_bid', $bid);
        $tpl->assign('pages_c', $pages_c);
        $tpl->assign('blog_id', $bid);
        $tpl->assign('com_total', $TotalRows);
        $tpl->assign('page_id', $pageid);
        $tpl->assign('Myadmin', $Myadmin);
        $html = $tpl->fetch("pagenavi_ajax.tpl");
        $html2 = $tpl->fetch("blog/comments_show.tpl");
        $p_name = "p_comments_" . $bid;
        $p_name2 = "p_cpages_" . $bid;
        $p_name3 = "p_cpages2_" . $bid;
        $html4 = $tpl->fetch("blog/comments.tpl");
        $objResponse->assign($p_name, "innerHTML", $html2);
        if ($TotalRows > $set[0]['perpage_comments']) {
            $objResponse->assign($p_name2, "innerHTML", $html);
        if ($TotalRows > $set[0]['perpage_comments']) {
            $objResponse->assign($p_name3, "innerHTML", $html);
        // $objResponse->remove($p_name2);
        // $objResponse->assign($p_name2,"innerHTML","");
        $bullshit = 0;
        //   if ($TotalRows > $set[0]['perpage_comments'] and $bullshit == 0) { $objResponse->assign($p_name2,"innerHTML",$html5);  $bullshit =1; }
        //if ($TotalRows > $set[0]['perpage_comments']) $objResponse->assign($p_name3,"innerHTML",$html);
        //  $objResponse->assign($p_name,"innerHTML",$html2);
    return $objResponse;
예제 #15
function delete_mount_point($mountPoint)
    global $tikilib, $user;
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    if (!$tikilib->getOne('select mountPoint from el_ice where user = ? and mountPoint = ?', array($user, $mountPoint))) {
        return $objResponse;
    exec(escapeshellcmd("iceWriter.pl delete {$mountPoint}"), $a, $out);
    if (!$out) {
        require_once 'lib/elgal/elIce/IceStats.php';
        $tikilib->query("delete from el_ice where mountPoint = ?", array($mountPoint));
        $objResponse->script('fixedTooltip("Seu ponto de transmissão no EstúdioLivre foi removido com sucesso!")');
    return $objResponse;
예제 #16
function confirmDeleteActuacion($idActuacion)
    global $core;
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    $sql = "DELETE FROM actuacion WHERE id = '{$idActuacion}'";
    if ($core->db->Execute($sql) === false) {
        $objResponse->alert('Hubo un problema al borrar la información');
    } else {
        $objResponse->alert('El registro fue borrado con exito');
        $objResponse->remove('trActuacion' . $idActuacion);
    return $objResponse;