function __construct() { $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['noframework'] = true; require_once PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/felamimail/inc/'; $xajax = new xajax($GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/felamimail/xajax.php', false, true), 'xajax_', 'utf-8'); $xajax->waitCursorOff(); $xajax->registerFunction("doXMLHTTP"); $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['java_script'] .= $xajax->getJavascript($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] . '/felamimail/js/'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->validate_file('jsapi', 'jsapi', 'felamimail'); $this->displayCharset = 'utf-8'; if (!isset($_POST['composeid']) && !isset($_GET['composeid'])) { // create new compose session $this->bocompose = CreateObject('felamimail.bocompose', '', $this->displayCharset); $this->composeID = $this->bocompose->getComposeID(); } else { // reuse existing compose session if (isset($_POST['composeid'])) { $this->composeID = $_POST['composeid']; } else { $this->composeID = $_GET['composeid']; } $this->bocompose = CreateObject('felamimail.bocompose', $this->composeID, $this->displayCharset); } $this->t = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template', PHPGW_APP_TPL); $this->bofelamimail = CreateObject('felamimail.bofelamimail', $this->displayCharset); $this->mailPreferences = ExecMethod('felamimail.bopreferences.getPreferences'); $this->t->set_unknowns('remove'); $this->rowColor[0] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg01"]; $this->rowColor[1] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg02"]; if (!isset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->css) || !is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->css)) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->css = createObject('phpgwapi.css'); } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->css->validate_file('app', 'felamimail'); }
require_once "{$include}/xajax_webwin/"; $conf['html_headers'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $baseURL . '/include/xajax_webwin/webwin.js"></script>' . "\n"; $conf['html_headers'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $baseURL . '/include/xajax_webwin/webwinTT.js"></script>' . "\n"; $conf['html_headers'] .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $baseURL . '/include/xajax_webwin/webwin.css" />' . "\n"; // These aren't AJAX, but it's part of our "Advanced Development Kit" ;-) // NIFTY CORNERS // $conf['html_headers'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$baseURL.'/include/js/nifty_corners/nifty.js"></script>' . "\n"; // $conf['html_headers'] .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$baseURL.'/include/js/nifty_corners/nifty_styles.css" />' . "\n"; // $conf['html_headers'] .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$baseURL.'/include/js/nifty_corners/nifty_print.css" media="print"/>' . "\n"; // DomTT // $conf['html_headers'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$baseURL.'/include/js/domTT/domLib.js"></script>' . "\n"; // $conf['html_headers'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$baseURL.'/include/js/domTT/domTT.js"></script>' . "\n"; // Process xajax requests $xajax->{$xajaxProcReq}(); // Include the xajax javascript in our html headers $conf['html_headers'] .= $xajax->getJavascript($baseURL . '/include/xajax'); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: parse_options_string($string) // Returns an array from a string of comma separated key => value pairs. // If $string doesn't look like an array the original string is returned. // I.E. "id => 14, name=>this is a test" becomes: // array('id' => 14, 'name' => 'this is a test'); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function parse_options_string($input) { $array = array(); // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $array if (is_string($input) and preg_match('/=>/', $input)) { $parts = explode(',', $input); foreach ($parts as $part) { $part = explode('=>', $part, 2);
$return .= '<select id="destination" name="SessionCoursesListDestination[]" class="form-control">'; while ($course = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { $course_list_destination[] = $course['code']; $return .= '<option value="' . $course['code'] . '" title="' . @htmlspecialchars($course['title'] . ' (' . $course['visual_code'] . ')', ENT_QUOTES, api_get_system_encoding()) . '">' . $course['title'] . ' (' . $course['visual_code'] . ')</option>'; } $return .= '</select>'; $_SESSION['course_list_destination'] = $course_list_destination; // Send response by ajax $xajax_response->addAssign('ajax_list_courses_destination', 'innerHTML', api_utf8_encode($return)); } } return $xajax_response; } $xajax->processRequests(); /* HTML head extra */ $htmlHeadXtra[] = $xajax->getJavascript(api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH) . 'xajax/'); $htmlHeadXtra[] = '<script type="text/javascript"> function checkSelected(id_select,id_radio,id_title,id_destination) { var num=0; obj_origin = document.getElementById(id_select); obj_destination = document.getElementById(id_destination); for (x=0;x<obj_origin.options.length;x++) { if (obj_origin.options[x].selected) { if (obj_destination.options.length > 0) { for (y=0;y<obj_destination.options.length;y++) { if (obj_origin.options[x].value == obj_destination.options[y].value) { obj_destination.options[y].selected = true; } } }
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => "resume_session.php?id_session=" . $id_session, "name" => get_lang('SessionOverview')); // Database Table Definitions $tbl_session_rel_course_rel_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $tbl_session = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $tbl_session_rel_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_USER); $tbl_session_rel_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE); $tbl_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); // setting the name of the tool $tool_name = get_lang('SubscribeCoursesToSession'); $add_type = 'multiple'; if (isset($_GET['add_type']) && $_GET['add_type'] != '') { $add_type = Security::remove_XSS($_REQUEST['add_type']); } $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_GET['page']) : null; $xajax->processRequests(); $htmlHeadXtra[] = $xajax->getJavascript('../inc/lib/xajax/'); $htmlHeadXtra[] = '<script> function add_course_to_session (code, content) { document.getElementById("course_to_add").value = ""; document.getElementById("ajax_list_courses_single").innerHTML = ""; destination = document.getElementById("destination"); for (i=0;i<destination.length;i++) { if(destination.options[i].text == content) { return false; } } destination.options[destination.length] = new Option(content,code);
$template->assign_vars(array('STREET_USE' => $useracreage)); page_header($user->lang['INDEX']); $template->set_filenames(array('body' => 'city_1_bizbody.html')); page_footer(); break; case 'applyroom': require_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/xajax/'; $xajax = new xajax($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/xajax/city/license.server.php'); $xajax->registerFunction('license'); //$xajax->debugOn(); $user->setup('shop_info'); $sql = 'SELECT tech.* FROM ' . CITY_TECH . ' tech WHERE city_id =' . $cityid; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $template->assign_vars(array('C_BUILD_LV' => $row['city_build_lv'], 'U_HALL_ROOM' => "{$phpbb_root_path}city.{$phpEx}{$SID}&i=hall&cityid={$cityid}", 'M_AJAX' => $xajax->getJavascript(), 'CITY_ID' => $cityid)); } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . CITY_LICENSE . ' WHERE cityid =' . $cityid . ''; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($row['licensetype'] == 1) { $t_time = ''; if ($row['useful_life'] > 3600) { $h = $row['useful_life'] / 3600; $t_time = $h . $user->lang['HOUR']; if ($row['useful_life'] % 3600 > 60) { $m = $row['useful_life'] % 3600 / 60; $t_time .= $m . $user->lang['MINUTE']; }
} /** Ajax request */ if (defined('R3_USERMANAGER_RELATIVE_LINKS') && R3_USERMANAGER_RELATIVE_LINKS) { $url = basename(__FILE__); $p = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'); if ($p > 0) { $url .= substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $p); } } else { $url = R3_DOMAIN_URL . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } $url .= (strpos($url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&') . 'proxytime=' . md5(time()); $objAjax = new xajax($url); $objAjax->registerExternalFunction('submitForm', 'domains_edit_ajax.php'); $objAjax->processRequests(); $smarty->assign('xajax_js_include', $objAjax->getJavascript(R3_JS_URL)); /** Authentications methods */ $authMethods = $auth->getAuthenticationMethods(array('DB', 'POP3', 'LDAP')); $smarty->assign('do_auth_type_list', $authMethods); /** Applications list */ try { $appList = $auth->getApplicationsList(); } catch (EPermissionDenied $e) { } $smarty->assign('applications_list', $auth->mkAssociativeArray($appList, 'APPLICATION')); if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'add') { $data['do_auth_type'] = 'DB'; $data['do_auth_data'] = ''; $data['do_name'] = ''; $data['do_alias'] = ''; $data['applications'] = array();
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #$Id: addcontent.php 8510 2012-11-24 17:04:05Z calguy1000 $ $CMS_ADMIN_PAGE = 1; require_once "../include.php"; $urlext = '?' . CMS_SECURE_PARAM_NAME . '=' . $_SESSION[CMS_USER_KEY]; check_login(); $userid = get_userid(); define('XAJAX_DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING', $config['admin_encoding']); require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/lib/xajax/xajax_core/'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/editcontent_extra.php'; $xajax = new xajax(); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION, 'ajaxpreview'); $headtext = $xajax->getJavascript('../lib/xajax') . "\n"; if (isset($_POST["cancel"])) { redirect("listcontent.php" . $urlext); } require_once "header.php"; $tmpfname = ''; $error = FALSE; $submit = false; if (isset($_POST["submitbutton"])) { $submit = true; } $apply = false; if (isset($_POST["applybutton"])) { $apply = true; } $contentobj = null;
/** * Uses new functions (php 5.2) for displaying real upload progress. * @param string $upload_id The value of the field UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER, the second parameter (XXX) of the $form->addElement('file', XXX) sentence * @param string $element_after The first element of the form (to place at first UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER) * @param int $delay (optional) The frequency of the xajax call * @param bool $wait_after_upload (optional) */ public function add_real_progress_bar($upload_id, $element_after, $delay = 2, $wait_after_upload = false) { if (!function_exists('uploadprogress_get_info')) { $this->add_progress_bar($delay); return; } $xajax_upload = new xajax(api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH) . 'upload.xajax.php'); $xajax_upload->registerFunction('updateProgress'); // IMPORTANT : must be the first element of the form $el = $this->insertElementBefore(FormValidator::createElement('html', '<input type="hidden" name="UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER" value="' . $upload_id . '" />'), $element_after); $this->addElement('html', '<br />'); // Add div-element where the progress bar is to be displayed $this->addElement('html', ' <div id="dynamic_div_container" style="display:none"> <div id="dynamic_div_label">' . get_lang('UploadFile') . '</div> <div id="dynamic_div_frame" style="width:214px; height:12px; border:1px solid grey; background-image:url(' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'real_upload_frame.gif);"> <div id="dynamic_div_filled" style="width:0%;height:100%;background-image:url(' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'real_upload_step.gif);background-repeat:repeat-x;background-position:center;"></div> </div> </div>'); if ($wait_after_upload) { $this->addElement('html', ' <div id="dynamic_div_waiter_container" style="display:none"> <div id="dynamic_div_waiter_label"> ' . get_lang('SlideshowConversion') . ' </div> <div id="dynamic_div_waiter_frame"> <img src="' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'real_upload_frame.gif" /> </div> </div> '); } // Get the xajax code $this->addElement('html', $xajax_upload->getJavascript(api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH) . 'xajax')); // Get the upload code $this->addElement('html', api_get_js('js/upload.js')); $this->addElement('html', '<script type="text/javascript">var myUpload = new upload(' . abs(intval($delay)) * 1000 . ');</script>'); if (!$wait_after_upload) { $wait_after_upload = 0; } // Add the upload event $this->updateAttributes("onsubmit=\"javascript: myUpload.startRealUpload('dynamic_div','" . $upload_id . "','" . $this->getAttribute('id') . "'," . $wait_after_upload . ")\""); }
define('XAJAX_DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING', $config['admin_encoding']); require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/lib/xajax/xajax_core/'; $xajax = new xajax(); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION, 'content_list_ajax'); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION, 'content_setactive'); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION, 'content_setinactive'); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION, 'content_setdefault'); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION, 'content_expandall'); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION, 'content_collapseall'); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION, 'content_toggleexpand'); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION, 'content_move'); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION, 'content_delete'); // $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION,'reorder_display_list'); // $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION,'reorder_process'); $xajax->processRequest(); $headtext = $xajax->getJavascript($config['root_url'] . '/lib/xajax') . "\n"; include_once "header.php"; function prettyurls_ok() { static $_prettyurls_ok = -1; if (-1 < $_prettyurls_ok) { return $_prettyurls_ok; } $config = cmsms()->GetConfig(); if (isset($config['url_rewriting']) && $config['url_rewriting'] != 'none') { $_prettyurls_ok = 1; } else { $_prettyurls_ok = 0; } return $_prettyurls_ok; }
for ($i = 0; $i < count($cities); $i++) { $addCities[$i + 1]['name'] = $cities[$i]['city_name_ru']; } $objResponse->addScriptCall("addCity", $addCities); return $objResponse; } } require_once "classes/ajax/xajax.class.php"; $objResponse = new xajaxResponse("utf-8"); $xajax = new xajax("utf-8"); $xajax->registerFunction(array("getRegion", "location", "getRegion")); $xajax->registerFunction(array("getCity", "location", "getCity")); $xajax->registerFunction(array("getOption", "location", "getOption")); $xajax->registerFunction(array("getName", "location", "getName")); $xajax->processRequests(); $xjavascript = $xajax->getJavascript("../../../"); $next_tovar = $db->assoc("Select * From adv \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWhere subcat_id = '" . $tovar['subcat_id'] . "' and city = '" . $tovar['city'] . "' and id > " . $tovar['id'] . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\torder by id asc"); $pre_tovar = $db->assoc("Select * From adv \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWhere subcat_id = '" . $tovar['subcat_id'] . "' and city = '" . $tovar['city'] . "' and id < " . $tovar['id'] . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\torder by id desc"); $similar_tovar = $db->in_array("Select * From adv \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWhere subcat_id = '" . $tovar['subcat_id'] . "' and region = '" . $tovar['region'] . "' and id <> " . $tovar['id'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\torder by id desc limit 0,4"); if ($tovar['metro']) { if ($tovar['city'] == 'Москва') { $city_id = '1'; } else { $city_id = '174'; } $out = $db->assoc("select * From metro Where name = '" . $tovar['metro'] . "' and city_id = '{$city_id}'"); } else { //$out = $db->assoc("select * From net_city Where name_ru = '".$tovar['city']."'"); } //$on_body_load = 'onload="initialize()"'; include 'tpl/main/header.tpl';
$JSResponse = new xajaxResponse(); // read template information @(include DOC_DIR . '/templates/' . $template . '/info.php'); // call plugin @(include DOC_DIR . '/templates/' . $engine['name'] . '/' . $engine['plugin'] . '.php'); $JSResponse->assign('plugin', 'innerHTML', $result); return $JSResponse; } /* Using AJAX for template plugins */ require LIB_DIR . '/xajax/xajax_core/'; $xajax = new xajax(); $xajax->configure('errorHandler', true); $xajax->configure('javascript URI', 'img'); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION, 'plugin'); $xajax->processRequest(); $SMARTY->assign('xajax', $xajax->getJavascript()); /* end AJAX plugin stuff */ $layout['pagetitle'] = trans('Documents Generator'); if (isset($_POST['document'])) { $document = $_POST['document']; $oldfromdate = $document['fromdate']; $oldtodate = $document['todate']; if (!$document['type']) { $error['type'] = trans('Document type is required!'); } if (!$document['title']) { $error['title'] = trans('Document title is required!'); } if ($document['number'] == '') { $tmp = $LMS->GetNewDocumentNumber($document['type'], $document['numberplanid']); $document['number'] = $tmp ? $tmp : 0;
function loadXajax() { // Prevents xajax from loading twice if already loaded by jReviews or BlueFlame Platform if (!class_exists('xajax') && !defined('XAJAX_LOADED') && !defined('XAJAX_VER')) { define('XAJAX_LOADED', 1); App::import('Vendor', 'xajax_05final' . DS . 'xajax_core' . DS . ''); if (defined('MVC_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN')) { $xajax = new xajax('index2.php?option=' . S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_CMSCOMP') . '&task=xajax&no_html=1'); } else { $xajax = new xajax(); } $xajax->setCharEncoding(strtoupper(cmsFramework::getCharset())); if (strtolower(cmsFramework::getCharset()) == 'utf-8') { $decodeUTF8 = false; } else { $decodeUTF8 = true; } /* Set defaults from params */ $this->xajax_statusMessage ? $xajax->setFlag('statusMessages', true) : $xajax->setFlag('statusMessages', false); $this->xajax_waitCursor ? $xajax->setFlag('waitCursor', true) : $xajax->setFlag('waitCursor', false); $this->xajax_debug ? $xajax->setFlag('debug', true) : $xajax->setFlag('debug', false); $decodeUTF8 ? $xajax->setFlag('decodeUTF8Input', true) : $xajax->setFlag('decodeUTF8Input', false); $xajax->registerFunction('xajaxDispatch'); // ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); // Results in wrong encoding error ni certain servers $xajax->processRequest(); $js = $xajax->getJavascript(S2_VENDORS_URL . 'xajax_05final' . _DS); cmsFramework::addScript($js); } }
<?php /** * @author */ define(RU, "1"); //for windows-1251 require_once SERVER_PATH . '/lib/xajax/'; $xajax = new xajax(); //$xajax->debugOn(); if (RU == 1) { $xajax->decodeUTF8InputOn(); } $xajax->statusMessagesOn(); $xajax->errorHandlerOn(); //$xajax->setLogFile("../xajax/xajax_log/errors.log"); $xajax->registerFunction("process_form"); $xajax->registerFunction("process_browse_url"); $xajax->processRequests(); $sXajaxJavascript = $xajax->getJavascript('/lib/xajax');
} if ($row['object1'] != '') { $object1 = unserialize($row['object1']); } else { $object1 = ''; } if ($row['object2'] != '') { $object2 = unserialize($row['object2']); } else { $object2 = ''; } if ($row['object3'] != '') { $object3 = unserialize($row['object3']); } else { $object3 = ''; } if ($row['object4'] != '') { $object4 = unserialize($row['object4']); } else { $object4 = ''; } $template->assign_block_vars('formula_list', array('FORMULA_ID' => $row['formulaid'], 'OBJECTNAME' => $row['objectname'], 'OBJECTID' => $row['objectid'], 'CASTG' => $row['price_g'], 'CASTS' => $row['price_s'], 'CASTC' => $row['price_c'], 'SKILL1ID' => $skill1['skid'] ? $skill1['skid'] : 0, 'SKILL1NAME' => $skill1['skid'] ? $skill1['skname'] : '', 'SKILL1LV' => $skill1['skid'] ? $skill1['sklv'] : 0, 'SKILL2ID' => $skill2 ? $skill2['skid'] : 0, 'SKILL2NAME' => $skill2 ? $skill2['skname'] : '', 'SKILL2LV' => $skill2 ? $skill2['sklv'] : 0, 'OBJECT1ID' => $object1 ? $object1['obid'] : 0, 'OBJECT1NAME' => $object1 ? $object1['obname'] : '', 'OBJECT1LV' => $object1 ? $object1['oblv'] : 0, 'OBJECT1NUM' => $object1 ? $object1['obnum'] : 0, 'OBJECT2ID' => $object2 ? $object2['obid'] : 0, 'OBJECT2NAME' => $object2 ? $object2['obname'] : '', 'OBJECT2LV' => $object2 ? $object2['oblv'] : 0, 'OBJECT2NUM' => $object2 ? $object2['obnum'] : 0, 'OBJECT3ID' => $object3 ? $object3['obid'] : 0, 'OBJECT3NAME' => $object3 ? $object3['obname'] : '', 'OBJECT3LV' => $object3 ? $object3['oblv'] : 0, 'OBJECT3NUM' => $object3 ? $object3['obnum'] : 0, 'OBJECT4ID' => $object4 ? $object4['obid'] : 0, 'OBJECT4NAME' => $object4 ? $object4['obname'] : '', 'OBJECT4LV' => $object4 ? $object4['oblv'] : 0, 'OBJECT4NUM' => $object4 ? $object4['obnum'] : 0)); } $template->assign_vars(array('M_AJAX' => $xajax->getJavascript(), 'BUILDID' => $confid, 'BUILD_NAME' => $build_info['build_name'], 'S_MAIN_URL' => $url, 'SKILL_USE' => $user->lang['SKILL_USE'][$build_info['system_type']])); $db->sql_freeresult($result); // Output page page_header($user->lang['INDEX']); $template->set_filenames(array('body' => 'confraternity_do_body.html')); page_footer(); break; }
/** * Finishes configuration parameters * * @return boolean True if successful * @access public * @since 1.5 */ function mainConfig() { global $mainframe; $vars =& $this->getVars(); // get ftp configuration into registry for use in case of safe mode if ($vars['ftpEnable']) { JInstallationHelper::setFTPCfg($vars); } // Check a few directories are writeable as this may cause issues if (!is_writeable(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'tmp') || !is_writeable(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'installation' . DS . 'sql' . DS . 'migration')) { $vars['dircheck'] = JText::_('Some paths may be unwritable'); } // Require the xajax library require_once JPATH_BASE . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'xajax' . DS . ''; // Instantiate the xajax object and register the function $xajax = new xajax(JURI::base() . 'installer/jajax.php'); $xajax->registerFunction(array('instDefault', 'JAJAXHandler', 'sampledata')); // $xajax->debugOn(); $xajax->errorHandlerOn(); $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addCustomTag($xajax->getJavascript('', 'includes/js/xajax.js', 'includes/js/xajax.js')); // Deal with possible sql script uploads from this stage $vars['loadchecked'] = 0; if (JRequest::getVar('sqlupload', 0, 'post', 'int') == 1) { $vars['sqlresponse'] = JInstallationHelper::uploadSql($vars); $vars['dataloaded'] = '1'; $vars['loadchecked'] = 1; } if (JRequest::getVar('migrationupload', 0, 'post', 'int') == 1 && JRequest::getVar('migrationUploaded', 0, 'post', 'int') == 0) { jexit(print_r(JRequest::getVar('migrationUploaded', 0, 'post', 'int'))); $vars['migresponse'] = JInstallationHelper::uploadSql($vars, true); $vars['dataloaded'] = '1'; $vars['loadchecked'] = 2; } if (JRequest::getVar('migrationUploaded', 0, 'post', 'int') == 1) { $vars['migresponse'] = JInstallationHelper::findMigration($vars); $vars['dataloaded'] = '1'; $vars['loadchecked'] = 2; } // $strip = get_magic_quotes_gpc(); if (isset($vars['siteName'])) { $vars['siteName'] = stripslashes(stripslashes($vars['siteName'])); } $folders = array('administrator/backups', 'administrator/cache', 'administrator/components', 'administrator/language', 'administrator/modules', 'administrator/templates', 'cache', 'components', 'images', 'images/banners', 'images/stories', 'language', 'plugins', 'plugins/content', 'plugins/editors', 'plugins/search', 'plugins/system', 'tmp', 'modules', 'templates'); // Now lets make sure we have permissions set on the appropriate folders // foreach ($folders as $folder) // { // if (!JInstallationHelper::setDirPerms( $folder, $vars )) // { // $lists['folderPerms'][] = $folder; // } // } return true; }
<?php include "global.php"; $xajax = new xajax(); $xajax->registerFunction("codesFunction"); $xajax->processRequests(); $smarty->assign('str', $xajax->getJavascript('./xajax/')); function codesFunction() { $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); $objResponse->assign('showCodes', 'innerHTML', '<img src="images.php?' . md5(rand(10000, 99999)) . '" width="70" height="20">'); return $objResponse->getXML(); } $do_act = @$_POST['do_act']; $userName = @$_POST['username']; $pwd = @$_POST['password']; if ($do_act == 'login') { $select = $db->select(); $select->from(TABLE_CXECH_MEMBER, '*'); $select->where('m_username =?', $userName); //$select->where('m_pwd =?', $pwd); $rows = $db->fetchRow($select); if ($rows) { if ($pwd == $rows['m_pwd']) { $u_ary = array('login_failure' => 0); $db->update(TABLE_CXECH_MEMBER, $u_ary, 'm_id =' . $rows['m_id']); $msg = '登陆成功'; } else { $rows['login_failure'] = $rows['login_failure'] + 1; $u_ary = array('login_failure' => $rows['login_failure']); $db->update(TABLE_CXECH_MEMBER, $u_ary, 'm_id =' . $rows['m_id']);
include_once 'lib/map/map_query.php'; if (!function_exists('ms_newMapObj')) { $msg = tra("You must first setup MapServer"); $smarty->assign('msg', $msg); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } $access->check_feature(array('feature_maps', 'ajax_xajax')); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_map_view'); //setting up xajax require_once "lib/ajax/xajax/xajax_core/"; $xajax = new xajax("x_maps.php"); //$xajax->setFlag('debug',true); //$xajax->configure('statusMessages',true); $xajax->register(XAJAX_FUNCTION, "map_redraw"); $smarty->assign('xajax_javascript', $xajax->getJavascript("lib/ajax/xajax")); //handling the layer manager menu: visible by default if never used before if (getCookie('layermenu', "menu") != 'o' && getCookie('layermenu', "menu") != 'c') { $smarty->assign('mnu_layermenu', 'display:block;'); } $smarty->assign('tiki_p_map_edit', $tiki_p_map_edit); if (isset($_REQUEST['mapfile'])) { // Validate to prevent displaying any file if (strstr($_REQUEST["mapfile"], '..')) { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $msg = tra("You do not have permission to do that"); $smarty->assign('msg', $msg); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } $mapfile = $_REQUEST['mapfile'];
if (count($sparray) + count($sparrayNoLogout) === 0) { $httpredirect->setDestination(sspmod_SAML2_Message::getDebugDestination()); $httpredirect->send($rg); } else { $logoutresponse = $httpredirect->getRedirectURL($rg); } } elseif (array_key_exists('RelayState', $logoutInfo)) { SimpleSAML_Utilities::redirect($logoutInfo['RelayState']); exit; } else { echo 'You are logged out'; exit; } } catch (Exception $exception) { SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'GENERATELOGOUTRESPONSE', $exception); } $spmeta = $metadata->getMetaData($requester, 'saml20-sp-remote'); $spname = $requester; if (array_key_exists('name', $spmeta)) { $spname = $spmeta['name']; } $et = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, 'logout-iframe.php'); $et->data['header'] = 'Logout'; $et->data['sparray'] = $sparray; $et->data['sparrayNoLogout'] = $sparrayNoLogout; $et->data['logoutresponse'] = $logoutresponse; $et->data['xajax'] = $xajax; $et->data['requesterName'] = $spname; $et->data['head'] = $xajax->getJavascript(); $et->show(); exit(0);