/** * List the layouts in <option> fields * @author Howard <*****@*****.**> * @param array $instance * @param string $field_name * @return string */ public function generate_pages_selectbox($instance, $field_name = 'wpltarget') { $pages = wpl_global::get_wp_pages(); $data = ''; foreach ($pages as $page) { $data .= '<option '; if (isset($instance[$field_name]) and $page->ID == $instance[$field_name]) { $data .= 'selected="selected" '; } $data .= 'value="' . $page->ID . '"'; $data .= '>'; $data .= substr($page->post_title, 0, 100); $data .= '</option>'; } return $data; }
/** * List WP Pages in <option> fields * @author Howard <*****@*****.**> * @param int $selected * @return string */ public static function generate_pages_selectbox($selected) { $pages = wpl_global::get_wp_pages(); $output = ''; foreach ($pages as $page) { $output .= '<option '; if (isset($selected) and $page->ID == $selected) { $output .= 'selected="selected" '; } $output .= 'value="' . $page->ID . '">'; $output .= substr($page->post_title, 0, 100); $output .= '</option>'; } return $output; }
</span> <?php } ?> <span class="ajax-inline-save" id="wpl_ajax_loader_<?php echo $setting_record->id; ?> "></span> </div> </div> <?php $done_this = true; } elseif ($type == 'wppages' and !$done_this) { $show_empty = isset($options['show_empty']) ? $options['show_empty'] : NULL; $wp_pages = wpl_global::get_wp_pages(); ?> <div class="prow wpl_setting_form_container wpl_st_type<?php echo $setting_record->type; ?> wpl_st_<?php echo $setting_record->setting_name; ?> " id="wpl_st_<?php echo $setting_record->id; ?> "> <div class="select-wp"> <label for="wpl_st_form_element<?php echo $setting_record->id; ?>