protected function do_search() { global $wpdb; if (isset($wpdb->base_prefix)) { $_prefix = $wpdb->base_prefix; } else { $_prefix = $wpdb->prefix; } $options = $this->options; $searchData = $this->searchData; $s = $this->s; $_s = $this->_s; $allcommentsresults = array(); if ($options['set_incomments']) { $like = ""; if ($not_exactonly) { $sr = implode("%' OR lower({$wpdb->comments}.comment_content) like '%", $_s); if ($like != "") { $sr = " OR lower({$wpdb->comments}.comment_content) like '%" . $sr . "%'"; } else { $sr = " lower({$wpdb->comments}.comment_content) like '%" . $sr . "%'"; } } else { if ($like != "") { $sr = " OR lower({$wpdb->comments}.comment_content) like '%" . $s . "%'"; } else { $sr = " lower({$wpdb->comments}.comment_content) like '%" . $s . "%'"; } } $like .= $sr; $querystr = "\n \t\tSELECT \n {$wpdb->comments}.comment_ID as id,\n {$wpdb->comments}.comment_post_ID as post_id,\n {$wpdb->comments}.user_id as user_id,\n {$wpdb->comments}.comment_content as content,\n {$wpdb->comments}.comment_date as date\n \t\tFROM {$wpdb->comments}\n \t\tWHERE\n ({$wpdb->comments}.comment_approved=1)\n AND\n (" . $like . ")\n \t\tORDER BY {$wpdb->comments}.comment_ID DESC\n \t\tLIMIT " . $searchData['maxresults']; $commentsresults = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT); if (is_array($commentsresults)) { foreach ($commentsresults as $k => $v) { $commentsresults[$k]->link = get_comment_link($v->id); $commentsresults[$k]->author = get_comment_author($v->id); if ($searchData['settings-imagesettings']['show'] == 1) { $imgs = $searchData['settings-imagesettings']; ksort($imgs['from']); foreach ($imgs['from'] as $kk => $source) { $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($v->content, "comment" . $v->id, AJAXSEARCHPRO_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $imgs['width'], $imgs['height'], $imgs['imagenum'], $searchData['imagebg']); $res = $img->get_image(); if ($res != '') { $commentsresults[$k]->image = plugins_url('/ajax-search-pro/cache/' . $res); break; } } } $commentsresults[$k]->title = substr($commentsresults[$k]->content, 0, 15) . "..."; } } $allcommentsresults = array_merge($allcommentsresults, $commentsresults); } $this->results = $allcommentsresults; return $allcommentsresults; }
/** * Fetches an image with the imageCache class */ protected function getCachedImage($post) { if ($post->image == null) { $i = 1; $im = ""; for ($i == 1; $i < 6; $i++) { switch ($this->imageSettings['image_source' . $i]) { case "featured": $__im = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->id)); if ($__im != "") { $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($__im, "post" . $post->id, ASP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->imageSettings['image_width'], $this->imageSettings['image_height'], -1, $this->imageSettings['image_bg_color']); $_im = $img->get_image(); if ($_im != '') { $im = plugins_url('/ajax-search-pro/cache/' . $_im); } } break; case "content": $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($post->content, "post" . $post->id, ASP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->imageSettings['image_width'], $this->imageSettings['image_height'], 1, $this->imageSettings['image_bg_color']); $_im = $img->get_image(); if ($_im != '') { $im = plugins_url('/ajax-search-pro/cache/' . $_im); } break; case "excerpt": $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($post->excerpt, "post" . $post->id, ASP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->imageSettings['image_width'], $this->imageSettings['image_height'], 1, $this->imageSettings['image_bg_color']); $_im = $img->get_image(); if ($_im != '') { $im = plugins_url('/ajax-search-pro/cache/' . $_im); } break; case "screenshot": $im = '' . urlencode(get_permalink($post->id)) . '?w=' . $this->imageSettings['image_width'] . '&h=' . $this->imageSettings['image_height']; break; case "custom": if ($this->imageSettings['image_custom_field'] != "") { $val = get_post_meta($post->id, $this->imageSettings['image_custom_field'], true); if ($val != null && $val != "") { $im = $val; } } break; case "default": if ($this->imageSettings['image_default'] != "") { $im = $this->imageSettings['image_default']; } break; default: $im = ""; break; } if ($im != null && $im != '') { break; } } return $im; } else { return $post->image; } }
protected function do_search() { global $wpdb; if (isset($wpdb->base_prefix)) { $_prefix = $wpdb->base_prefix; } else { $_prefix = $wpdb->prefix; } $options = $this->options; $searchData = $this->searchData; $s = $this->s; $_s = $this->_s; $repliesresults = array(); $userresults = array(); $groupresults = array(); if (function_exists('bp_core_get_user_domain')) { /* BP users */ $like = ""; if ($options['set_inbpusers']) { if ($not_exactonly) { $sr = implode("%' OR lower({$wpdb->users}.display_name) like '%", $_s); if ($like != "") { $sr = " OR lower({$wpdb->users}.display_name) like '%" . $sr . "%'"; } else { $sr = " lower({$wpdb->users}.display_name) like '%" . $sr . "%'"; } } else { if ($like != "") { $sr = " OR lower({$wpdb->users}.display_name) like '%" . $s . "%'"; } else { $sr = " lower({$wpdb->users}.display_name) like '%" . $s . "%'"; } } $like .= $sr; } $querystr = "\n SELECT\n {$wpdb->users}.ID as id,\n {$wpdb->users}.display_name as title,\n '' as date,\n '' as author\n FROM\n {$wpdb->users}\n WHERE \n (" . $like . ") \n "; $userresults = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT); foreach ($userresults as $k => $v) { $userresults[$k]->link = bp_core_get_user_domain($v->id); $imgs = $searchData['settings-imagesettings']; if ($searchData['settings-imagesettings']['show'] == 1) { $im = bp_core_fetch_avatar('item_id=' . $userresults[$k]->id); if ($searchData['resultstype'] == 'vertical') { $_width = $imgs['width']; $_height = $imgs['height']; } else { $_width = wpdreams_width_from_px($searchData['hreswidth']); $_vimageratio = $_width / $searchData['selected-imagesettings']['width']; $_height = $_vimageratio * $searchData['selected-imagesettings']['height']; } $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($im, "user" . $v->id, AJAXSEARCHPRO_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $_width, $_height, 1, $searchData['imagebg']); $res = $img->get_image(); if ($res != '') { $userresults[$k]->image = plugins_url('/ajax-search-pro/cache/' . $res); } } $update = get_usermeta($v->id, 'bp_latest_update'); if (is_array($update) && isset($update['content'])) { $userresults[$k]->content = $update['content']; } if ($userresults[$k]->content != '') { $userresults[$k]->content = substr(strip_tags($userresults[$k]->content), 0, $searchData['descriptionlength']) . "..."; } else { $userresults[$k]->content = ""; } } /* BP groups */ $like = ""; if ($options['set_inbpgroups']) { if ($not_exactonly) { $sr = implode("%' OR lower(" . $wpdb->prefix . " like '%", $_s); if ($like != "") { $sr = " OR lower(" . $wpdb->prefix . " like '%" . $sr . "%'"; } else { $sr = " lower(" . $wpdb->prefix . " like '%" . $sr . "%'"; } } else { if ($like != "") { $sr = " OR lower(" . $wpdb->prefix . " like '%" . $s . "%'"; } else { $sr = " lower(" . $wpdb->prefix . " like '%" . $s . "%'"; } } $like .= $sr; if ($not_exactonly) { $sr = implode("%' OR lower(" . $wpdb->prefix . "bp_groups.description) like '%", $_s); if ($like != "") { $sr = " OR lower(" . $wpdb->prefix . "bp_groups.description) like '%" . $sr . "%'"; } else { $sr = " lower(" . $wpdb->prefix . "bp_groups.description) like '%" . $sr . "%'"; } } else { if ($like != "") { $sr = " OR lower(" . $wpdb->prefix . "bp_groups.description) like '%" . $s . "%'"; } else { $sr = " lower(" . $wpdb->prefix . "bp_groups.description) like '%" . $s . "%'"; } } $like .= $sr; if (isset($searchData['searchinbpprivategroups']) && $searchData['searchinbpprivategroups'] == 0) { $_and = "AND " . $wpdb->prefix . "bp_groups.status = 'public'"; } else { $_and = ""; } $querystr = "\n SELECT\n " . $wpdb->prefix . " as id,\n " . $wpdb->prefix . " as title,\n " . $wpdb->prefix . "bp_groups.description as content,\n " . $wpdb->prefix . "bp_groups.date_created as date,\n {$wpdb->users}.user_nicename as author \n FROM\n " . $wpdb->prefix . "bp_groups\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->users} ON {$wpdb->users}.ID = " . $wpdb->prefix . "bp_groups.creator_id\n WHERE \n (" . $like . ")\n " . $_and; //AND ".$wpdb->prefix."bp_groups.status = 'public' $groupresults = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT); foreach ($groupresults as $k => $v) { $group = new BP_Groups_Group($v->id); $groupresults[$k]->link = bp_get_group_permalink($group); $imgs = $searchData['settings-imagesettings']; if ($searchData['settings-imagesettings']['show'] == 1) { $avatar_options = array('item_id' => $v->id, 'object' => 'group', 'type' => 'full', 'html' => true); if ($searchData['resultstype'] == 'vertical') { $_width = $imgs['width']; $_height = $imgs['height']; } else { $_width = wpdreams_width_from_px($searchData['hreswidth']); $_vimageratio = $_width / $searchData['selected-imagesettings']['width']; $_height = $_vimageratio * $searchData['selected-imagesettings']['height']; } $im = bp_core_fetch_avatar($avatar_options); $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($im, "bp" . $v->id, AJAXSEARCHPRO_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $_width, $_height, 1, $searchData['imagebg']); $res = $img->get_image(); if ($res != '') { $groupresults[$k]->image = plugins_url('/ajax-search-pro/cache/' . $res); } } if ($groupresults[$k]->content != '') { $groupresults[$k]->content = substr(strip_tags($groupresults[$k]->content), 0, $searchData['descriptionlength']) . "..."; } } } do_action('bbpress_init'); /* if ($searchinbpforums && class_exists('BB_Query_Form')) { $like = ""; if ($not_exactonly) { $sr = implode("%' OR lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_forums.forum_name) like '%",$_s); if ($like!="") { $sr = " OR lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_forums.forum_name) like '%".$sr."%'"; } else { $sr = " lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_forums.forum_name) like '%".$sr."%'"; } } else { if ($like!="") { $sr = " OR lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_forums.forum_name) like '%".$s."%'"; } else { $sr = " lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_forums.forum_name) like '%".$s."%'"; } } $like .= $sr; if ($not_exactonly) { $sr = implode("%' OR lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_topics.topic_title) like '%",$_s); if ($like!="") { $sr = " OR lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_topics.topic_title) like '%".$sr."%'"; } else { $sr = " lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_topics.topic_title) like '%".$sr."%'"; } } else { if ($like!="") { $sr = " OR lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_topics.topic_title) like '%".$s."%'"; } else { $sr = " lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_topics.topic_title) like '%".$s."%'"; } } $like .= $sr; if ($not_exactonly) { $sr = implode("%' OR lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_posts.post_text) like '%",$_s); if ($like!="") { $sr = " OR lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_posts.post_text) like '%".$sr."%'"; } else { $sr = " lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_posts.post_text) like '%".$sr."%'"; } } else { if ($like!="") { $sr = " OR lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_posts.post_text) like '%".$s."%'"; } else { $sr = " lower(".$wpdb->prefix."bb_posts.post_text) like '%".$s."%'"; } } $like .= $sr; $querystr = " SELECT ".$wpdb->prefix."bb_posts.post_id as id, ".$wpdb->prefix.$searchData['bpgroupstitle'].", ".$wpdb->prefix."bb_posts.post_text as content, ".$wpdb->prefix."bb_posts.post_time as date, ".$wpdb->prefix."bb_topics.topic_id as topic_id, $wpdb->users.user_nicename as author FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."bb_posts LEFT JOIN $wpdb->users ON $wpdb->users.ID = ".$wpdb->prefix."bb_posts.poster_id LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->prefix."bb_topics ON ".$wpdb->prefix."bb_posts.topic_id = ".$wpdb->prefix."bb_topics.topic_id LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->prefix."bb_forums ON ".$wpdb->prefix."bb_posts.forum_id = ".$wpdb->prefix."bb_forums.forum_id WHERE (".$like.") "; $repliesresults = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT); foreach ($repliesresults as $k=>$v) { $topic_query_vars = array( 'topic_id'=> $v->topic_id, 'topic_status' => 'normal', 'open' => 'open'); $topic_query = new BB_Query_Form( 'topic', $topic_query_vars ); $topics = $topic_query->results; if (is_array($topics)) { foreach ( $topics as $topic ) : $first_post = bb_get_first_post( $topic ); $_qs = "SELECT post_id as id FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."bb_posts WHERE topic_id=".$v->topic_id; $_posts = $wpdb->get_results($_qs, OBJECT); $_count = 0; foreach ($_posts as $_post) { $_count++; if ($_post->id==$v->id) break; } $_bbp_post_count = get_option("_bbp_replies_per_page", 15); $_page = intval(($_count-1) / $_bbp_post_count); if ($_page>0) { $_page = "?topic_page=".($_page+1); } else { $_page = ""; } $repliesresults[$k]->link = get_bloginfo('url')."/groups/".$topic->object_slug."/forum/topic/".$topic->topic_slug."/".$_page."#post-".$v->id; endforeach; } if ($searchData['settings-imagesettings']['show']==1) { $im = $repliesresults[$k]->content; $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($im, AJAXSEARCHPRO_PATH.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."cache".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $imgs['width'], $imgs['height'], 1, $searchData['imagebg']); $res = $img->get_image(); if ($res!='') { $repliesresults[$k]->image = plugins_url('/ajax-search-pro/cache/'.$res ); } } if ($repliesresults[$k]->content!='') $repliesresults[$k]->content = substr(strip_tags($repliesresults[$k]->content), 0, $searchData['descriptionlength'])."..."; $repliesresults[$k]->title = substr(strip_tags($repliesresults[$k]->title), 0, 30)."..."; } } Forum search Deprecated */ } $this->results = array('repliesresults' => $repliesresults, 'groupresults' => $groupresults, 'userresults' => $userresults); return $this->results; }
/** * Fetches an image with the imageCache class */ protected function getCachedImage($post, $get_content = false, $get_excerpt = false) { if ($post->image == null) { $i = 1; $im = ""; for ($i == 1; $i < 6; $i++) { switch ($this->imageSettings['image_source' . $i]) { case "featured": $__im = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->id)); if ($__im != "") { $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($__im, "post" . $post->id, ASP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->imageSettings['image_width'], $this->imageSettings['image_height'], -1, $this->imageSettings['image_bg_color']); $_im = $img->get_image(); if ($_im != '') { $im = plugins_url('/ajax-search-pro/cache/' . $_im); } } break; case "content": $content = $get_content ? get_post_field('post_content', $post->id) : $post->content; $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content); $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($content, "post" . $post->id, ASP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->imageSettings['image_width'], $this->imageSettings['image_height'], 1, $this->imageSettings['image_bg_color']); $_im = $img->get_image(); if ($_im != '') { $im = plugins_url('/ajax-search-pro/cache/' . $_im); } break; case "excerpt": $excerpt = $get_excerpt ? get_post_field('post_excerpt', $post->id) : $post->excerpt; $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($excerpt, "post" . $post->id, ASP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->imageSettings['image_width'], $this->imageSettings['image_height'], 1, $this->imageSettings['image_bg_color']); $_im = $img->get_image(); if ($_im != '') { $im = plugins_url('/ajax-search-pro/cache/' . $_im); } break; case "screenshot": $im = '' . urlencode(get_permalink($post->id)) . '?w=' . $this->imageSettings['image_width'] . '&h=' . $this->imageSettings['image_height']; break; case "post_format": $format = get_post_format($post->id); switch ($format) { case "audio": $im = ASP_URL . "img/post_format/audio.png"; break; case "video": $im = ASP_URL . "img/post_format/video.png"; break; case "quote": $im = ASP_URL . "img/post_format/quote.png"; break; case "image": $im = ASP_URL . "img/post_format/image.png"; break; case "gallery": $im = ASP_URL . "img/post_format/gallery.png"; break; case "link": $im = ASP_URL . "img/post_format/link.png"; break; default: $im = ASP_URL . "img/post_format/default.png"; break; } break; case "custom": if ($this->imageSettings['image_custom_field'] != "") { $val = get_post_meta($post->id, $this->imageSettings['image_custom_field'], true); if ($val != null && $val != "") { $im = $val; } } break; case "default": if ($this->imageSettings['image_default'] != "") { $im = $this->imageSettings['image_default']; } break; default: $im = ""; break; } if ($im != null && $im != '') { break; } } return $im; } else { return $post->image; } }
protected function post_process() { $pageposts = $this->results; $options = $this->options; $searchData = $this->searchData; $s = $this->s; $_s = $this->_s; /* Category filtering */ $_selected_categories = array(); if (isset($options['categoryset'])) { $_selected_categories = $options['categoryset']; } $_all_categories = get_all_category_ids(); if (count($_selected_categories) > 0 && count($_all_categories) != count($_selected_categories)) { foreach ($pageposts as $k => $v) { if ($v->term_id == null) { $v->term_id = ""; continue; } if ($v->post_type != 'post' && $searchData['pageswithcategories'] != 1) { continue; } $_term_ids = explode(',', $v->term_id); if (count($_term_ids) <= 0) { $_term_ids = array($v->term_id); } $match = false; $_new_terms = array(); foreach ($_term_ids as $_term_id) { if (in_array($_term_id, $_selected_categories)) { $match = true; $_new_terms[] = $_term_id; } } if (!$match) { unset($pageposts[$k]); } else { $v->term_id = implode(",", $_new_terms); } } } /* !Category filtering */ /* TERM filtering */ if (isset($options['termset'])) { $terms = array(); $o_terms = array(); foreach ($options['termset'] as $term => $tax) { if ($tax != "0") { $o_terms[$tax][] = $term; } } //var_dump($o_terms); foreach ($pageposts as $k => $v) { $terms = $o_terms; foreach ($terms as $ex_taxonomy => $ex_terms) { $_post_terms = wp_get_post_terms($v->id, $ex_taxonomy); $post_terms = array(); if (is_array($_post_terms) && isset($_post_terms[0])) { foreach ($_post_terms as $_term) { $post_terms[] = (int) $_term->term_id; } foreach ($ex_terms as $_term) { /* Get all child terms of the current term */ $args = array('child_of' => $_term); $termchildren = get_terms($ex_taxonomy, $args); if (isset($termchildren) && count($termchildren) > 0) { foreach ($termchildren as $child_term) { if (!in_array((int) $child_term->term_id, $ex_terms)) { $ex_terms[] = (int) $child_term->term_id; } } } /* Get the parent term of the current term */ $parent = get_term_by('id', $_term, $ex_taxonomy); if (isset($parent) && isset($parent->term_id) && $parent->term_id != 0) { $ex_terms[] = $parent->term_id; } } $diff = array_unique(array_diff($post_terms, $ex_terms)); //var_dump($post_terms); //var_dump($ex_terms); //var_dump($diff); //exit; if (!is_array($diff) || count($diff) < 1) { unset($pageposts[$k]); break; } } } } } /* !TERM filtering */ /* Images, title, desc */ foreach ($pageposts as $k => $v) { // Let's simplify things $r =& $pageposts[$k]; $r->title = apply_filters('asp_result_title_before_prostproc', $r->title, $r->id); $r->content = apply_filters('asp_result_content_before_prostproc', $r->content, $r->id); $r->image = apply_filters('asp_result_image_before_prostproc', $r->image, $r->id); $r->author = apply_filters('asp_result_author_before_prostproc', $r->author, $r->id); $r->date = apply_filters('asp_result_date_before_prostproc', $r->date, $r->id); $r->link = get_permalink($v->id); $use_timthumb = get_option('asp_usetimbthumb'); if ($use_timthumb) { if ($searchData['settings-imagesettings']['show'] == 1) { $imgs = $searchData['settings-imagesettings']; ksort($imgs['from']); if ($searchData['resultstype'] == 'vertical') { $_width = $imgs['width']; $_height = $imgs['height']; } else { $_width = wpdreams_width_from_px($searchData['hreswidth']); $_vimageratio = $_width / $searchData['selected-imagesettings']['width']; $_height = $_vimageratio * $searchData['selected-imagesettings']['height']; } foreach ($imgs['from'] as $kk => $source) { if ($kk == -11) { continue; } if (isset($r->image) || $r->image != '') { continue; } if ($source == 'featured') { $im = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($v->id)); } else { if ($source == 'content') { $im = wpdreams_get_image_from_content($v->content, $imgs['imagenum']); } else { if ($source == 'excerpt') { $im = wpdreams_get_image_from_content($v->excerpt, $imgs['imagenum']); } else { if ($source == 'usecustom') { if (isset($imgs['customname']) && $imgs['customname'] != '') { $im = get_post_meta($v->id, $imgs['customname'], true); if ($im != '' && $im != false) { } else { continue; } } else { continue; } } } } } if ($im !== false && $im != '') { $r->image = plugins_url('/ajax-search-pro/includes/timthumb.php') . '?cc=' . str_replace('#', '', wpdreams_rgb2hex($searchData['imagebg'])) . '&ct=0&q=95&w=' . $_width . '&h=' . $_height . '&src=' . rawurlencode($im); break; } } } } else { if ($searchData['settings-imagesettings']['show'] == 1) { $imgs = $searchData['settings-imagesettings']; ksort($imgs['from']); if ($searchData['resultstype'] == 'vertical') { $_width = $imgs['width']; $_height = $imgs['height']; } else { if ($searchData['resultstype'] == 'horizontal') { $_width = wpdreams_width_from_px($searchData['hreswidth']); $_vimageratio = $_width / $searchData['selected-imagesettings']['width']; $_height = $_vimageratio * $searchData['selected-imagesettings']['height']; } else { $_width = wpdreams_width_from_px($searchData['preswidth']) - 2 * wpdreams_width_from_px($searchData['prespadding']); $_height = $_width; } } foreach ($imgs['from'] as $kk => $source) { if ($kk == -11) { continue; } if (isset($r->image) || $r->image != '') { continue; } // Calculate the image size if ($source == 'featured') { //$im = get_the_post_thumbnail($v->id); $im = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($v->id)); //var_dump($im); $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($im, "post" . $v->id, AJAXSEARCHPRO_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $_width, $_height, -1, $searchData['imagebg']); } else { if ($source == 'content') { $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($v->content, "post" . $v->id, AJAXSEARCHPRO_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $_width, $_height, $imgs['imagenum'], $searchData['imagebg']); } else { if ($source == 'excerpt') { $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($v->excerpt, "post" . $v->id, AJAXSEARCHPRO_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $_width, $_height, $imgs['imagenum'], $searchData['imagebg']); } else { if ($source == 'usecustom') { if (isset($imgs['customname']) && $imgs['customname'] != '') { $im = get_post_meta($v->id, $imgs['customname'], true); if ($im != '' && $im != false) { $img = new wpdreamsImageCache($im, "post" . $v->id, AJAXSEARCHPRO_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $_width, $_height, -1, $searchData['imagebg']); } else { continue; } } else { continue; } } } } } $res = $img->get_image(); if ($res != '') { $r->image = plugins_url('/ajax-search-pro/cache/' . $res); break; } } } } if (!isset($searchData['titlefield']) || $searchData['titlefield'] == "0" || is_array($searchData['titlefield'])) { $r->title = get_the_title($r->id); } else { if ($searchData['titlefield'] == "1") { if (strlen($r->excerpt) >= 200) { $r->title = substr($r->excerpt, 0, 200); } else { $r->title = $r->excerpt; } } else { $mykey_values = get_post_custom_values($searchData['titlefield'], $r->id); if (isset($mykey_values[0])) { $r->title = $mykey_values[0]; } else { $r->title = get_the_title($r->id); } } } if (!isset($searchData['striptagsexclude'])) { $searchData['striptagsexclude'] = "<a><span>"; } if (!isset($searchData['descriptionfield']) || $searchData['descriptionfield'] == "0" || is_array($searchData['descriptionfield'])) { if (function_exists('qtrans_getLanguage')) { $r->content = apply_filters('the_content', $r->content); } $_content = strip_tags($r->content, $searchData['striptagsexclude']); } else { if ($searchData['descriptionfield'] == "1") { $_content = strip_tags($r->excerpt, $searchData['striptagsexclude']); } else { if ($searchData['descriptionfield'] == "2") { $_content = strip_tags(get_the_title($r->id), $searchData['striptagsexclude']); } else { $mykey_values = get_post_custom_values($searchData['descriptionfield'], $r->id); if (isset($mykey_values[0])) { $_content = strip_tags($mykey_values[0], $searchData['striptagsexclude']); } else { $_content = strip_tags(get_content_w($r->content), $searchData['striptagsexclude']); } } } } if ($_content == "") { $_content = $r->content; } if (isset($searchData['runshortcode']) && $searchData['runshortcode'] == 1) { if ($_content != "") { $_content = apply_filters('the_content', $_content); } if ($_content != "") { $_content = preg_replace('#<script(.*?)>(.*?)</script>#is', '', $_content); } } if (isset($searchData['stripshortcode']) && $searchData['stripshortcode'] == 1) { if ($_content != "") { $_content = strip_shortcodes($_content); } } $_content = strip_tags($_content, $searchData['striptagsexclude']); if ($_content != '' && strlen($_content) > $searchData['descriptionlength']) { $r->content = substr($_content, 0, $searchData['descriptionlength']) . "..."; } else { $r->content = $_content . "..."; } $r->title = apply_filters('asp_result_title_after_prostproc', $r->title, $r->id); $r->content = apply_filters('asp_result_content_after_prostproc', $r->content, $r->id); $r->image = apply_filters('asp_result_image_after_prostproc', $r->image, $r->id); $r->author = apply_filters('asp_result_author_after_prostproc', $r->author, $r->id); $r->date = apply_filters('asp_result_date_after_prostproc', $r->date, $r->id); } /* !Images, title, desc */ //var_dump($pageposts); die(); $this->results = $pageposts; return $pageposts; }