예제 #1

// Avoid direct access to this piece of code
if (!function_exists('add_action')) {
$is_dashboard = empty($_REQUEST['page']) || $_REQUEST['page'] != 'wp-slim-view-1';
// Available icons
$supported_browser_icons = array('Android', 'Anonymouse', 'Baiduspider', 'BlackBerry', 'BingBot', 'CFNetwork', 'Chrome', 'Chromium', 'Default Browser', 'Exabot/BiggerBetter', 'FacebookExternalHit', 'FeedBurner', 'Feedfetcher-Google', 'Firefox', 'Internet Archive', 'Googlebot', 'Google Bot', 'Google Feedfetcher', 'Google Web Preview', 'IE', 'IEMobile', 'iPad', 'iPhone', 'iPod Touch', 'Maxthon', 'Mediapartners-Google', 'Microsoft-WebDAV', 'msnbot', 'Mozilla', 'NewsGatorOnline', 'Netscape', 'Nokia', 'Opera', 'Opera Mini', 'Opera Mobi', 'Python', 'PycURL', 'Safari', 'W3C_Validator', 'WordPress', 'Yahoo! Slurp', 'YandexBot');
$supported_os_icons = array('android', 'blackberry os', 'cellos', 'chromeos', 'ios', 'iphone osx', 'java', 'linux', 'macosx', 'rim os', 'symbianos', 'win7', 'win8', 'win8.1', 'winphone7', 'winphone7.5', 'winphone8', 'winphone8.1', 'winvista', 'winxp', 'unknown');
$supported_browser_types = array(__('Human', 'wp-slimstat'), __('Bot/Crawler', 'wp-slimstat'), __('Mobile Device', 'wp-slimstat'), __('Syndication Reader', 'wp-slimstat'));
$plugin_url = plugins_url('', dirname(__FILE__));
// Get the data
wp_slimstat_db::$debug_message = '';
$all_results = wp_slimstat_db::get_recent(wp_slimstat_reports::$reports_info['slim_p7_02']['callback_args']);
$results = array_slice($all_results, wp_slimstat_db::$filters_normalized['misc']['start_from'], wp_slimstat::$options['number_results_raw_data']);
// Echo the debug message
echo wp_slimstat_db::$debug_message;
// Return the results if we are not echoing them (export, email, etc)
if (isset($_args['echo']) && $_args['echo'] === false) {
    return $results;
$count_all_results = count($all_results);
$count_page_results = count($results);
if ($count_page_results == 0) {
    echo '<p class="nodata">' . __('No data to display', 'wp-slimstat') . '</p>';
} else {
    // Pagination
    echo wp_slimstat_reports::report_pagination($count_page_results, $count_all_results, true, wp_slimstat::$options['number_results_raw_data']);
    // Show delete button? (only those who can access the settings can see it)
    $current_user_can_delete = current_user_can(wp_slimstat::$options['capability_can_admin']);
    public static function show_chart($_args = array())
        wp_slimstat_db::$debug_message = '';
        switch ($_args['type']) {
            case 'p1_01':
                $chart_data = wp_slimstat_db::get_data_for_chart('COUNT(ip)', 'COUNT(DISTINCT(ip))');
                $chart_labels = array(__('Pageviews', 'wp-slimstat'), __('Unique IPs', 'wp-slimstat'));
            case 'p2_01':
                $chart_data = wp_slimstat_db::get_data_for_chart('COUNT(DISTINCT visit_id)', 'COUNT(DISTINCT ip)', '(visit_id > 0 AND browser_type <> 1)');
                $chart_labels = array(__('Visits', 'wp-slimstat'), __('Unique IPs', 'wp-slimstat'));
            case 'p3_01':
                $chart_data = wp_slimstat_db::get_data_for_chart('COUNT(DISTINCT(referer))', 'COUNT(DISTINCT(ip))', '(referer IS NOT NULL AND referer NOT LIKE "%' . home_url() . '%")');
                $chart_labels = array(__('Domains', 'wp-slimstat'), __('Unique IPs', 'wp-slimstat'));
                $chart_data = array();
                $chart_labels = array('', '');
        echo wp_slimstat_db::$debug_message;
		<div id="chart-placeholder"></div><div id="chart-legend"></div>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			SlimStatAdmin.chart_data = [];

        if (!empty($chart_data['previous']['label'])) {
				label: '<?php 
            echo $chart_labels[0] . ' ' . $chart_data['previous']['label'];
				data: [<?php 
            $tmp_serialize = array();
            $j = 0;
            foreach ($chart_data['previous']['first_metric'] as $a_value) {
                $tmp_serialize[] = "[{$j}, {$a_value}]";
            echo implode(',', $tmp_serialize);
				points: {
					show: true,
					symbol: function(ctx, x, y, radius, shadow){
						ctx.arc(x, y, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, false)
				label: '<?php 
            echo $chart_labels[1] . ' ' . $chart_data['previous']['label'];
				data: [<?php 
            $tmp_serialize = array();
            $j = 0;
            foreach ($chart_data['previous']['second_metric'] as $a_value) {
                $tmp_serialize[] = "[{$j}, {$a_value}]";
            echo implode(',', $tmp_serialize);
				points: {
					show: true,
					symbol: function(ctx, x, y, radius, shadow){
						ctx.arc(x, y, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, false)

				label: '<?php 
        echo $chart_labels[0] . ' ' . $chart_data['current']['label'];
				data: [<?php 
        $tmp_serialize = array();
        $j = 0;
        foreach ($chart_data['current']['first_metric'] as $a_value) {
            $tmp_serialize[] = "[{$j}, {$a_value}]";
        echo implode(',', $tmp_serialize);
				points: {
					show: true,
					symbol: function(ctx, x, y, radius, shadow){
						ctx.arc(x, y, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, false)
				label: '<?php 
        echo $chart_labels[1] . ' ' . $chart_data['current']['label'];
				data: [<?php 
        $tmp_serialize = array();
        $j = 0;
        foreach ($chart_data['current']['second_metric'] as $a_value) {
            $tmp_serialize[] = "[{$j}, {$a_value}]";
        echo implode(',', $tmp_serialize);
				points: {
					show: true,
					symbol: function(ctx, x, y, radius, shadow){
						ctx.arc(x, y, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, false)

			SlimStatAdmin.ticks = [<?php 
        $tmp_serialize = array();
        $max_ticks = max(count($chart_data['current']['first_metric']), count($chart_data['previous']['first_metric']));
        if (!empty(wp_slimstat_db::$filters_normalized['date']['interval'])) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $max_ticks; $i++) {
                $tmp_serialize[] = "[{$i},'" . date('d/m', wp_slimstat_db::$filters_normalized['utime']['start'] + $i * 86400) . "']";
        } else {
            $min_idx = min(array_keys($chart_data['current']['first_metric']));
            for ($i = $min_idx; $i < $max_ticks + $min_idx; $i++) {
                $tmp_serialize[] = '[' . ($i - $min_idx) . ',"' . $i . '"]';
        echo implode(',', $tmp_serialize);
		</script> <?php 
        if (defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX) {