unset($iData, $xml); } // make sure we found something before we continue if (!rewardsFound($items)) { echo 'No rewards were found.'; $cache->close(); exit; } // now we need to build the actual html $language = new wowhead_language(); $language->loadLanguage($lang); $html = ''; foreach ($items as $key => $standing) { if (sizeof($standing) > 0) { $html .= '<table class="faction-table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">'; $html .= '<tr><th>' . $language->words[$key] . '</th></tr>'; $html .= '<tr><td>'; foreach ($standing as $item) { $html .= "<div style=\"padding-left: 5px; display: block;\"><div class=\"iconsmall\" style=\"background: url(" . $item['icon'] . ") no-repeat scroll 4px 4px; top: 5px;\"><div class=\"tile\"><a href=\"" . $item['url'] . "\" target=\"_blank\" /></a></div></div><span style=\"height: 20px; display: inline; padding-top: 3px;\"><a class=\"q" . $item['quality'] . "\" href=\"" . $item['url'] . "\" target=\"_blank\">[" . $item['name'] . "]</a></span></div>\n"; } $html .= '</tr></td></table><br />'; } } $cache->saveFactionRewards($html, $id, $lang); print $html; } } else { print stripslashes($result['rewards']); } } $cache->close();