/** * Builds XHTML to display the control * * @param string $data * @param string $query * @return string XHTML */ public function output_html($data, $query = '') { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; $namestr = get_string('name'); $settingsstr = get_string('settings'); $hiddenstr = get_string('hiddenshow', 'repository'); require_once "../webservice/lib.php"; $protocols = webservice_lib::get_list_protocols(); $table = new html_table(); $table->head = array($namestr, $hiddenstr, $settingsstr); $table->align = array('left', 'center', 'center'); $table->data = array(); foreach ($protocols as $i) { $hidetitle = $i->get_protocolid() ? get_string('clicktohide', 'repository') : get_string('clicktoshow', 'repository'); $hiddenshow = ' <a href="' . $this->baseurl . '&hide=' . $i->get_protocolid() . '">' . '<img src="' . $OUTPUT->old_icon_url('i/' . ($i->get_enable() ? 'hide' : 'show')) . '"' . ' alt="' . $hidetitle . '" ' . ' title="' . $hidetitle . '" />' . '</a>' . "\n"; $settingnames = $i->get_setting_names(); if (!empty($settingnames)) { $settingsshow = ' <a href="' . $this->baseurl . '&settings=' . $i->get_protocolid() . '">' . $settingsstr . '</a>' . "\n"; } else { $settingsshow = ""; } $table->data[] = array($i->get_protocolname(), $hiddenshow, $settingsshow); //display a grey row if the type is defined as not visible if (!$i->get_enable()) { $table->rowclasses[] = 'dimmed_text'; } else { $table->rowclasses[] = ''; } } $output = $OUTPUT->table($table); return highlight($query, $output); }
/** * Check if the Moodle site has the web service protocol enable * @global object $CFG * @param string $protocol */ function display_webservices_availability($protocol) { global $CFG; $available = true; echo get_string('webservicesenable', 'webservice') . ": "; if (empty($CFG->enablewebservices)) { echo "<strong style=\"color:red\">" . get_string('fail', 'webservice') . "</strong>"; $available = false; } else { echo "<strong style=\"color:green\">" . get_string('ok', 'webservice') . "</strong>"; } echo "<br/>"; foreach (webservice_lib::get_list_protocols() as $wsprotocol) { if (strtolower($wsprotocol->get_protocolid()) == strtolower($protocol)) { echo get_string('protocolenable', 'webservice', array($wsprotocol->get_protocolid())) . ": "; if (get_config($wsprotocol->get_protocolid(), "enable")) { echo "<strong style=\"color:green\">" . get_string('ok', 'webservice') . "</strong>"; } else { echo "<strong style=\"color:red\">" . get_string('fail', 'webservice') . "</strong>"; $available = false; } echo "<br/>"; continue; } } //check debugging if ($CFG->debugdisplay) { echo "<strong style=\"color:red\">" . get_string('debugdisplayon', 'webservice') . "</strong>"; $available = false; } return $available; }