$wdc->set_user('user'); $wdc->set_pass('password'); // use HTTP/1.1 $wdc->set_protocol(1); // enable debugging $wdc->set_debug(false); if (!$wdc->open()) { print 'Error: could not open server connection'; exit; } // check if server supports webdav rfc 2518 if (!$wdc->check_webdav()) { print 'Error: server does not support webdav or user/password may be wrong'; exit; } $dir = $wdc->ls('/'); ?> <h1>class_webdav_client Test-Suite:</h1><p> Using method webdav_client::ls to get a listing of dir /:<br> <table summary="ls" border="1"> <th>Filename</th><th>Size</th><th>Creationdate</th><th>Resource Type</th><th>Content Type</th><th>Activelock Depth</th><th>Activelock Owner</th><th>Activelock Token</th><th>Activelock Type</th> <?php foreach ($dir as $e) { $ts = $wdc->iso8601totime($e['creationdate']); $line = sprintf('<tr><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td></tr>', $e['href'], $e['getcontentlength'], date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $ts), $e['resourcetype'], $e['getcontenttype'], $e['activelock_depth'], $e['activelock_owner'], $e['activelock_token'], $e['activelock_type']); print urldecode($line); } ?> </table> <p> Create a new collection (Directory) using method webdav_client::mkcol...