예제 #1
 public static function getPhotoUrl($id, $ts, $width = null, $height = null)
     if ($width === 'original') {
         $size = 'original';
     } else {
         if ($width && !$height) {
             $size = $width . 'x' . $width;
         } else {
             if (!$width) {
                 $width = 96;
                 $size = '96x96';
             } else {
                 $size = $width . 'x' . $height;
     if ($ts) {
         if (waSystemConfig::systemOption('mod_rewrite')) {
             return wa()->getDataUrl('photo/' . $id . '/' . $ts . '.' . $size . '.jpg', true, 'contacts');
         } else {
             if (file_exists(wa()->getDataPath('photo/' . $id . '/' . $ts . '.' . $size . '.jpg', true, 'contacts'))) {
                 return wa()->getDataUrl('photo/' . $id . '/' . $ts . '.' . $size . '.jpg', true, 'contacts');
             } else {
                 return wa()->getDataUrl('photo/thumb.php/' . $id . '/' . $ts . '.' . $size . '.jpg', true, 'contacts');
     } else {
         $size = (int) $width;
         if (!in_array($size, array(20, 32, 50, 96))) {
             $size = 96;
         return wa()->getRootUrl() . 'wa-content/img/userpic' . $size . '.jpg';
예제 #2
 public static function getPhotoUrlTemplate($photo, $absolute = false)
     $path = self::getPhotoFolder($photo['id']) . '/' . $photo['id'];
     if ($photo['status'] <= 0 && !empty($photo['hash'])) {
         $path .= '.' . $photo['hash'];
     $path .= '/' . $photo['id'] . '.%size%.' . $photo['ext'];
     if (waSystemConfig::systemOption('mod_rewrite')) {
         return wa()->getDataUrl($path, true, 'photos', $absolute);
     } else {
         return wa()->getDataUrl('thumb.php/' . $path, true, 'photos', $absolute);
예제 #3
  * Reads file contents and outputs it to browser with appropriate headers.
  * @param string $file File to path
  * @param string|null $attach Name, which will be suggested to user when he requests to download the file.
  *     If not specified, browser's auto-suggestion will be used.
  * @param bool $exit Flag requiring to send file transfer headers to user's browser. By default (true) headers are sent.
  * @param bool $md5 Flag requiring to send the Content-MD5 header. By default (false) this header is not sent.
  * @throws waException If file does not exist
 public static function readFile($file, $attach = null, $exit = true, $md5 = false)
     if (file_exists($file)) {
         $response = wa()->getResponse();
         $file_type = self::getMimeType($attach ? $attach : $file);
         if ($md5) {
             $md5 = base64_encode(pack('H*', md5_file($file)));
         @ini_set('async_send', 1);
         if ($attach !== null) {
             $send_as = str_replace('"', '\\"', is_string($attach) ? $attach : basename($file));
             $send_as = preg_replace('~[\\n\\r]+~', ' ', $send_as);
             $x_accel_redirect = waSystemConfig::systemOption('x_accel_redirect');
             $file_size = filesize($file);
             if (empty($x_accel_redirect)) {
                 $from = $to = false;
                 if ($http_range = waRequest::server('HTTP_RANGE')) {
                     // multi range support incomplete
                     list($dimension, $range) = explode("=", $http_range, 2);
                     $ranges = explode(',', $range);
                     $intervals = array();
                     foreach ($ranges as $range) {
                         $range = trim($range);
                         if (preg_match('/^(\\d+)-(\\d+)$/', $range, $matches)) {
                             $intervals[] = array('from' => intval($matches[1]), 'to' => intval($matches[2]));
                         } elseif (preg_match('/^(\\d+)-$/', $range, $matches)) {
                             $intervals[] = array('from' => intval($matches[1]), 'to' => $file_size - 1);
                         } elseif (preg_match('/^-(\\d+)$/', $range, $matches)) {
                             $intervals[] = array('from' => $file_size - intval($matches[1]), 'to' => $file_size - 1);
                         } else {
                             throw new waException('Requested range not satisfiable', 416);
                     foreach ($intervals as $interval) {
                         if ($from === false) {
                             $from = $interval['from'];
                         if ($to === false) {
                             $to = $interval['to'];
                         } else {
                             if ($to + 1 == $interval['from']) {
                                 $to = $interval['to'];
                             } else {
                                 //hole at interval
                                 throw new waException('Requested range not satisfiable', 416);
                     if ($from < 0 || $to + 1 > $file_size) {
                         throw new waException('Requested range not satisfiable', 416);
                     $range_length = $to - $from + 1;
                     $response->addHeader("Content-Length", $range_length);
                     $response->addHeader("Content-Range", "bytes {$from}-{$to}/{$file_size}");
                 } else {
                     $response->addHeader("Content-Length", $file_size);
                     if ($md5) {
                         $response->addHeader("Content-MD5", $md5);
                 $response->addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, must-revalidate");
                 $response->addHeader("Content-type", "{$file_type}");
                 $response->addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"{$send_as}\"");
                 $response->addHeader("Last-Modified", filemtime($file));
                 $response->addHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
                 $response->addHeader("Connection", "close");
                 $fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
                 if ($from) {
                     fseek($fp, $from);
                 $response = null;
                 //TODO: adjust chunk size
                 $chunk = 1048576;
                 while (!feof($fp) && $chunk && connection_status() == 0) {
                     if ($to) {
                         $chunk = min(1 + $to - @ftell($fp), $chunk);
                     if ($chunk) {
                         print @fread($fp, $chunk);
             } else {
                 $response->addHeader("Content-type", $file_type);
                 //RFC 6266
                 $response->addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"{$send_as}\"");
                 $response->addHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
                 $response->addHeader("Content-Length", $file_size);
                 $response->addHeader("Expires", "0");
                 $response->addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, must-revalidate", false);
                 $response->addHeader("Pragma", "public");
                 $response->addHeader("Connection", "close");
                 if ($md5) {
                     $response->addHeader("Content-MD5", $md5);
                 $response->addHeader("X-Accel-Redirect", $file);
                 $response = null;
                 //$response->addHeader("X-Accel-Limit-Rate", $rate_limit);
         } else {
             $response->addHeader("Content-type", $file_type);
             $response->addHeader("Last-Modified", filemtime($file));
             if ($md5) {
                 $response->addHeader("Content-MD5", $md5);
             $response = null;
         if ($exit) {
             if (!empty($response)) {
                  * @var waResponse $response
     } else {
         throw new waException("File not found", 404);
예제 #4
  * Returns URL of a product image. 
  * @param array $image Key-value image data object
  * @param string $size Size value string (e.g., '200x0', '96x96', etc.)
  * @param bool $absolute Whether absolute URL must be returned
  * @return string
 public static function getUrl($image, $size = null, $absolute = false)
     $path = shopProduct::getFolder($image['product_id']) . "/{$image['product_id']}/images/{$image['id']}/{$image['id']}.{$size}.{$image['ext']}";
     if (waSystemConfig::systemOption('mod_rewrite')) {
         return wa()->getDataUrl($path, true, 'shop', $absolute);
     } else {
         if (file_exists(wa()->getDataPath($path, true, 'shop'))) {
             return wa()->getDataUrl($path, true, 'shop', $absolute);
         } else {
             $path = str_replace('products/', 'products/thumb.php/', $path);
             return wa()->getDataUrl($path, true, 'shop', $absolute);
예제 #5
function smarty_block_wa_js($params, $content, &$smarty)
    if (!$content) {
        return '';
    // jquery ui custom bundle
    $ui_custom = array('core' => 0, 'widget' => 0, 'mouse' => 0, 'draggable' => 0, 'droppable' => 0, 'sortable' => 0, 'datepicker' => 1);
    $files = explode("\n", $content);
    $wa = waSystem::getInstance();
    $jquery_ui_path = "wa-content/js/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.";
    $jquery_ui_path_n = strlen($jquery_ui_path);
    $n = strlen($wa->getRootUrl());
    $locale = $wa->getLocale();
    // Non-debug mode: merge all files into one cache
    if (!SystemConfig::isDebug() && isset($params['file'])) {
        $root_path = $wa->getConfig()->getRootPath();
        $app_path = $wa->getConfig()->getAppPath();
        $result = '';
        $files_combine = array();
        $mtime = file_exists($app_path . '/' . $params['file']) ? filemtime($app_path . '/' . $params['file']) : 0;
        $r = true;
        foreach ($files as $f) {
            $f = trim($f);
            $f = substr($f, $n);
            if ($f) {
                if (substr($f, 0, $jquery_ui_path_n) == $jquery_ui_path) {
                    $jquery_f = substr($f, $jquery_ui_path_n);
                    if (substr($jquery_f, -7) == '.min.js') {
                        $jquery_f = substr($jquery_f, 0, -7);
                    if (isset($ui_custom[$jquery_f])) {
                        if (!$result) {
                            $result = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $wa->getRootUrl() . 'wa-content/js/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.custom.min.js"></script>' . "\n";
                        // include locale
                        if ($ui_custom[$jquery_f] && $locale != 'en_US') {
                            $result .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $wa->getRootUrl() . 'wa-content/js/jquery-ui/i18n/jquery.ui.' . $jquery_f . '-' . $locale . '.js"></script>' . "\n";
                if (!file_exists($f)) {
                    $r = false;
                $files_combine[] = $f;
                if ($mtime && filemtime($root_path . '/' . $f) > $mtime) {
                    $mtime = 0;
        if ($files_combine) {
            if ($r && !$mtime && waFiles::create($app_path . '/' . $params['file'])) {
                // check Google Closure Compiler
                // https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/docs/gettingstarted_app
                if ($compiler = waSystemConfig::systemOption('js_compiler')) {
                    $cmd = 'java -jar "' . $compiler . '"';
                    foreach ($files_combine as $file) {
                        $cmd .= ' --js "' . $root_path . '/' . $file . '"';
                    $cmd .= ' --js_output_file "' . $app_path . '/' . $params['file'] . '"';
                    system($cmd, $res);
                    $r = !$res;
                    if (!$r) {
                        waLog::log("Error occured while compress files:\n\t" . implode("\n\t", $files_combine) . "\n\t{$params['file']}\n\ncommand:\n{$cmd}", __FUNCTION__ . '.log');
                } else {
                    $r = false;
                if (!$r) {
                    $data = "";
                    foreach ($files_combine as $file) {
                        $data .= file_get_contents($root_path . '/' . $file) . ";\n";
                    $r = @file_put_contents($app_path . '/' . $params['file'], $data);
                    if (!$r) {
                        waLog::log("Error occured while compress files:\n\t" . implode("\n\t", $files_combine) . "\n\t{$params['file']}", __FUNCTION__ . '.log');
        if ($r) {
            if ($files_combine) {
                $result .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $wa->getAppStaticUrl() . $params['file'] . '?v' . $wa->getVersion() . '"></script>' . "\n";
            return $result;
    // Debug mode (or no file specified): include all files separately
    $result = "";
    foreach ($files as $f) {
        $f = trim($f);
        if ($f) {
            // Add ?version to circumvent browser caching
            if (substr($f, $n, 10) !== 'wa-content') {
                $f .= '?v' . $wa->getVersion();
            $result .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $f . '"></script>' . "\n";
            // Add datepicker localization automatically
            // !!! This is not really a good idea since it will break in non-debug mode anyways
            if (substr($f, $n) == $jquery_ui_path . 'datepicker.min.js' && $locale != 'en_US') {
                $result .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $wa->getRootUrl() . 'wa-content/js/jquery-ui/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-' . $locale . '.js"></script>' . "\n";
    return $result;
예제 #6
  * Returns the photo URL of the specified contact.
  * @param int $id Contact id
  * @param int $ts Contact photo id stored in contact's 'photo' property. If not specified, the URL of the default
  *     userpic is returned.
  * @param int|string|null $width Image width. Arbitrary integer value, or string value 'original', which requires
  *     that method must return the URL of the original image originally uploaded from a user's computer. Defaults to 96.
  * @param int|string|null $height Image height (integer). If not specified, the integer value specified for the
  *     $width parameter is used.
  * @param string $type
  * @param bool $retina
  * @return string
 public static function getPhotoUrl($id, $ts, $width = null, $height = null, $type = 'person', $retina = null)
     if ($width === 'original') {
         $size = 'original';
     } else {
         if ($width && !$height) {
             $size = $width . 'x' . $width;
         } else {
             if (!$width) {
                 $width = 96;
                 $size = '96x96';
             } else {
                 $size = $width . 'x' . $height;
     if ($retina === null) {
         $retina = wa()->getEnv() == 'backend';
     $dir = self::getPhotoDir($id, false);
     if ($ts) {
         if ($size != 'original' && $retina) {
             $size .= '@2x';
         if (waSystemConfig::systemOption('mod_rewrite')) {
             return wa()->getDataUrl("photos/{$dir}{$ts}.{$size}.jpg", true, 'contacts');
         } else {
             if (file_exists(wa()->getDataPath("photos/{$dir}{$ts}.{$size}.jpg", true, 'contacts'))) {
                 return wa()->getDataUrl("photos/{$dir}{$ts}.{$size}.jpg", true, 'contacts');
             } else {
                 return wa()->getDataUrl("photos/thumb.php/{$dir}{$ts}.{$size}.jpg", true, 'contacts');
     } else {
         $size = (int) $width;
         if (!in_array($size, array(20, 32, 50, 96))) {
             $size = 96;
         if ($retina) {
             $size .= '@2x';
         if ($type == 'company') {
             return wa()->getRootUrl() . 'wa-content/img/company' . $size . '.jpg';
         } else {
             return wa()->getRootUrl() . 'wa-content/img/userpic' . $size . '.jpg';