public static function listGroups() { $ContactCategory = new waContactCategoryModel(); $categories = $ContactCategory->select('*')->where("app_id='shop'")->order('name')->fetchAll(); $cats = array(array('value' => '', 'title' => '')); foreach ($categories as $category) { $cats[] = array('value' => $category['id'], 'title' => htmlentities($category['name'], null, 'UTF-8')); } return $cats; }
public function execute() { $cm = new waContactCategoryModel(); // List of categories user is allowed to add contacts to $categories = $cm->select('*')->where('system_id IS NULL')->fetchAll('id'); // Set of catorories that are always checked and disabled in list $d = waRequest::get('disabled'); if (!is_array($d)) { $d = array($d); } $this->view->assign('categories', $categories); $this->view->assign('disabled', array_fill_keys($d, true)); }
protected function getCategories() { $categories = waRequest::post('categories', array(), 'array_int'); $cm = new waContactCategoryModel(); return $cm->select('id')->where("system_id IS NULL AND id IN(" . implode(',', $categories) . ")")->fetchAll(null, true); }