예제 #1
                            // remove last comma
                            $item_sql = substr_replace($item_sql, '', -1);
                            // execute query
                    } else {
            // close file handle
            $end_time = time();
            $import_time_sec = $end_time - $start_time;
            utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'bibliography', 'Importing ' . $cnt_insert . ' bibliographic records from file : ' . $_FILES['importFile']['name']);
            $msg = "";
            $msg .= "<strong>" . $row_count . "</strong> " . __("record(s) in file. Start processing from record") . " <strong>" . $record_offset . " " . __("in") . " " . $import_time_sec . " " . __("second(s)") . "</strong><br>";
            $msg .= "<strong>" . $cnt_record_ignore . "</strong> " . __("record(s) ignored") . ", ";
            $msg .= "<strong>" . $cnt_insert . "</strong> " . __("record(s) inserted") . ", ";
            $msg .= "<strong>" . $cnt_update . "</strong> " . __("record(s) updated") . " " . __("having") . " " . "<strong>" . $cnt_sql_error . "</strong> " . __("record(s) with sql error");
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
            //        echo 'parent.$(\'importInfo\').update(\'<strong>'.$cnt_insert.'</strong> records inserted or updated successfully to bibliographic database, from record <strong>'.$_POST['recordOffset'].' in '.$import_time_sec.' second(s)</strong>\');'."\n";
            echo 'parent.$(\'importInfo\').update(\'' . $msg . '\');' . "\n";
            echo 'parent.$(\'importInfo\').setStyle( {display: \'block\'} );' . "\n";
            echo '</script>';
예제 #2
파일: content.php 프로젝트: slims/s3st14
        $error_num = 0;
        if (!is_array($_POST['itemID'])) {
            // make an array
            $_POST['itemID'] = array((int) $_POST['itemID']);
        // loop array
        foreach ($_POST['itemID'] as $itemID) {
            $itemID = (int) $itemID;
            // get content data
            $content_q = $dbs->query('SELECT content_title FROM content WHERE content_id=' . $itemID);
            $content_d = $content_q->fetch_row();
            if (!$sql_op->delete('content', "content_id='{$itemID}'")) {
            } else {
                // write log
                utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'system', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' DELETE content (' . $content_d[0] . ')');
        // error alerting
        if ($error_num == 0) {
            utility::jsAlert(__('All Data Successfully Deleted'));
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.setContent(\'mainContent\', \'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_POST['lastQueryStr'] . '\', \'post\');</script>';
        } else {
            utility::jsAlert(__('Some or All Data NOT deleted successfully!\\nPlease contact system administrator'));
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.setContent(\'mainContent\', \'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_POST['lastQueryStr'] . '\', \'post\');</script>';
/* search form */
예제 #3
            $_POST['itemID'] = array((int) $_POST['itemID']);
        // loop array
        foreach ($_POST['itemID'] as $itemID) {
            $itemID = (int) $itemID;
            // get group data
            $group_q = $dbs->query('SELECT group_name FROM user_group WHERE group_id=' . $itemID);
            $group_d = $group_q->fetch_row();
            if (!$sql_op->delete('user_group', 'group_id=' . $itemID)) {
            } else {
                // also delete all records related to this data
                // delete group privileges
                $dbs->query('DELETE FROM group_access WHERE group_id=' . $itemID);
                // write log
                utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'system', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' DELETE group (' . $group_d[0] . ')');
        // error alerting
        if ($error_num == 0) {
            utility::jsAlert(__('All Data Successfully Deleted'));
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.setContent(\'mainContent\', \'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_POST['lastQueryStr'] . '\', \'post\');</script>';
        } else {
            utility::jsAlert(__('Some or All Data NOT deleted successfully!\\nPlease contact system administrator'));
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.setContent(\'mainContent\', \'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_POST['lastQueryStr'] . '\', \'post\');</script>';
/* search form */
예제 #4
파일: ucpoll.php 프로젝트: slims/s3st14
                        foreach ($data['subjects'] as $subject) {
                            $subject['auth_list'] = $subject['auth_list'] ? "'" . $subject['auth_list'] . "'" : 'NULL';
                            @$dbs->query('INSERT IGNORE INTO mst_topic (topic,topic_type,auth_list,input_date,last_update)
                                VALUES (\'' . $subject['name'] . '\', \'' . $subject['type'] . '\', ' . $subject['auth_list'] . ', \'' . $curr_date . '\', \'' . $curr_date . '\')');
                            $subject['name'] = $dbs->escape_string(trim($subject['name']));
                            $subject_id = utility::getID($dbs, 'mst_topic', 'topic_id', 'topic', $subject['name'], $cache_subject);
                            $biblio_subject_sql .= " ({$biblio_id}, {$subject_id}, " . $subject['level'] . "),";
                        // remove last comma
                        $biblio_subject_sql = substr_replace($biblio_subject_sql, '', -1);
                        // execute query
                        // echo $dbs->error;
            // close poll
            ucs_nodes_poll::clear_poll($dbs, $node_id);
            // write log
            utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'nodes', $biblio['node_info']['id'], 'ucs', 'Node ' . $node_id . '(' . $sysconf['node'][$node_id]['name'] . ') upload ' . $r . ' of catalog data');
            die(json_encode(array('status' => 'UPLOADED', 'message' => $r . ' catalog record uploaded succesfully to ' . $sysconf['server']['name'] . '!')));
        } else {
            die(json_encode(array('status' => 'NOT_AUTHORIZED', 'message' => 'You not authorized to upload data to server ' . $sysconf['server']['name'] . '! Please check your ucnode.inc.php file for correct configuration!')));
    } else {
        die(json_encode(array('status' => 'NOT_AUTHORIZED', 'message' => 'You not authorized to upload data to server ' . $sysconf['server']['name'] . '! Please check your ucnode.inc.php file for correct configuration!')));
} else {
    die(json_encode(array('status' => 'NO_DATA', 'message' => 'Request is empty! Could be error on HTTP request')));
예제 #5
 // loop array
 $http_query = '';
 foreach ($_POST['itemID'] as $itemID) {
     $itemID = (int) $itemID;
     // check if this biblio data still have an item
     $_sql_biblio_item_q = sprintf('SELECT b.title, COUNT(item_id) FROM biblio AS b
     LEFT JOIN item AS i ON b.biblio_id=i.biblio_id
     WHERE b.biblio_id=%d GROUP BY title', $itemID);
     $biblio_item_q = $dbs->query($_sql_biblio_item_q);
     $biblio_item_d = $biblio_item_q->fetch_row();
     if ($biblio_item_d[1] < 1) {
         if (!$sql_op->delete('biblio', "biblio_id={$itemID}")) {
         } else {
             // write log
             utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'bibliography', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' DELETE bibliographic data (' . $biblio_item_d[0] . ') with biblio_id (' . $itemID . ')');
             // delete related data
             $sql_op->delete('biblio_topic', "biblio_id={$itemID}");
             $sql_op->delete('biblio_author', "biblio_id={$itemID}");
             $sql_op->delete('biblio_attachment', "biblio_id={$itemID}");
             // add to http query for UCS delete
             $http_query .= "itemID[]={$itemID}&";
     } else {
         $still_have_item[] = substr($biblio_item_d[0], 0, 45) . '... still have ' . $biblio_item_d[1] . ' copies';
 if ($still_have_item) {
     $titles = '';
     foreach ($still_have_item as $title) {
예제 #6
        // create logon class instance
        $logon = new admin_logon($username, $password);
        if ($logon->adminValid($dbs)) {
            // set cookie admin flag
            setcookie('admin_logged_in', true, time() + 14400, SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR);
            // write log
            utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $username, 'Login', 'Login success for user ' . $username . ' from address ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
            echo 'alert(\'' . __('Welcome to Library Automation, ') . $logon->real_name . '\');';
            echo 'location.href = \'admin/index.php\';';
            echo '</script>';
        } else {
            // write log
            utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $username, 'Login', 'Login FAILED for user ' . $username . ' from address ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
            // message
            $msg = '<script type="text/javascript">';
            $msg .= 'alert(\'' . __('Wrong Username or Password. ACCESS DENIED') . '\');';
            $msg .= 'history.back();';
            $msg .= '</script>';
            simbio_security::destroySessionCookie($msg, SENAYAN_SESSION_COOKIES_NAME, SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'admin', false);

<div id="loginForm">
        <div style="font-weight: bold; color: #FF0000;"><?php 
예제 #7
                        $sql_str = "INSERT IGNORE INTO member\r\n                        (member_id, member_name, gender,\r\n                        member_type_id, member_email, member_address, postal_code,\r\n                        inst_name, is_new, member_image, pin, member_phone,\r\n                        member_fax, member_since_date, register_date,\r\n                        expire_date, birth_date, member_notes,\r\n                        input_date, last_update)\r\n                            VALUES ({$member_id}, {$member_name}, {$gender},\r\n                            {$member_type_id}, {$member_email}, {$member_address}, {$postal_code},\r\n                            {$inst_name}, {$is_new},\r\n                            {$member_image}, {$pin}, {$member_phone},\r\n                            {$member_fax}, {$member_since_date}, {$register_date},\r\n                            {$expire_date}, {$birth_date}, {$member_notes},\r\n                            {$curr_datetime}, {$curr_datetime})";
                        // send query
                        if (!$dbs->error) {
                        } else {
                            echo $sql_str . '<br />';
                            echo $dbs->error . '<hr />';
            // close file handle
            utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'membership', 'Importing ' . $inserted_row . ' members data from file : ' . $_FILES['importFile']['name']);
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
            echo 'parent.$(\'#importInfo\').html(\'<strong>' . $inserted_row . '</strong> ' . __('records inserted successfully to members database, from record') . ' <strong>' . $_POST['recordOffset'] . '</strong>\');' . "\n";
            echo 'parent.$(\'#importInfo\').css( {\'display\': \'block\'} );' . "\n";
            echo '</script>';
<fieldset class="menuBox">
<div class="menuBoxInner importIcon">
echo strtoupper(__('Import Data')) . '<hr />' . __('Import for members data from CSV file');
예제 #8
    // xml result
    $xml_result = $_POST['enable_xml_result'] == '1' ? true : false;
    $dbs->query('UPDATE setting SET setting_value=\'' . $dbs->escape_string(serialize($xml_result)) . '\' WHERE setting_name=\'enable_xml_result\'');
    // file download
    $file_download = $_POST['allow_file_download'] == '1' ? true : false;
    $dbs->query('UPDATE setting SET setting_value=\'' . $dbs->escape_string(serialize($file_download)) . '\' WHERE setting_name=\'allow_file_download\'');
    // session timeout
    $session_timeout = intval($_POST['session_timeout']) >= 1800 ? $_POST['session_timeout'] : 1800;
    $dbs->query('UPDATE setting SET setting_value=\'' . $dbs->escape_string(serialize($session_timeout)) . '\' WHERE setting_name=\'session_timeout\'');
    // barcode encoding
    $dbs->query('UPDATE setting SET setting_value=\'' . $dbs->escape_string(serialize($_POST['barcode_encoding'])) . '\' WHERE setting_name=\'barcode_encoding\'');
    // spellchecker
    $spellchecker_enabled = $_POST['spellchecker_enabled'] == '1' ? true : false;
    $dbs->query('REPLACE INTO setting (setting_value, setting_name) VALUES (\'' . serialize($spellchecker_enabled) . '\',  \'spellchecker_enabled\')');
    // write log
    utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'system', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' change application global configuration');
    utility::jsAlert(__('Settings saved. Refreshing page'));
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">top.location.href = \'' . AWB . 'index.php?mod=system\';</script>';
/* Config Vars update process end */
// create new instance
$form = new simbio_form_table_AJAX('mainForm', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'post');
$form->submit_button_attr = 'name="updateData" value="' . __('Save Settings') . '" class="btn btn-default"';
// form table attributes
$form->table_attr = 'align="center" id="dataList" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"';
$form->table_header_attr = 'class="alterCell" style="font-weight: bold;"';
$form->table_content_attr = 'class="alterCell2"';
// load settings from database
// version status
예제 #9
            } else {
                // record to log
                utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'stock_take', 'Stock Take ERROR : Item Code ' . $item_code . ' doesnt exists in stock take data. Invalid Item Code OR Maybe out of Stock Take range (from uploaded file ' . $upload->new_filename . ')');
        // message
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
        echo 'parent.$(\'#stUploadMsg\').html(\'' . __('Succesfully upload stock take file') . $upload->new_filename . ', <b>' . $i . '</b>' . __(' item codes scanned!') . '\')';
        echo '.css( {\'display\': \'block\'} );' . "\n";
        echo '</script>';
    } else {
        // write log
        utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'stock_take', 'ERROR : ' . $_SESSION['realname'] . ' FAILED TO upload stock take file ' . $upload->new_filename . ', with error (' . $upload->error . ')');
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
        echo 'parent.$(\'#stUploadMsg\').html(\'Failed to upload stock take file! <div>Error : ' . $upload->error . '</div>\')';
        echo '.toggleClass(\'errorBox\').css( {\'display\': \'block\'} );' . "\n";
        echo '</script>';
<fieldset class="menuBox">
<div class="menuBoxInner stockTakeIcon">
echo __('STOCK TAKE UPLOAD - Upload a plain text file (.txt) containing list of Item Code to stock take. Each Item Code separated by line.');
<hr />
    <form name="uploadForm" class="notAJAX" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php 
예제 #10
require UCS_BASE_DIR . 'admin/default/session_check.inc.php';
if (isset($_SESSION['formID']) && isset($_POST['nodeID']) && isset($_POST['removeAll'])) {
    // check form ID
    if ($_SESSION['formID'] === $_POST['formID']) {
        echo '<div class="errorBox">' . __('ERROR ON PROCESSING DATA REMOVAL REQUEST') . '</div>';
    $node_ID = trim($dbs->escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['nodeID'])));
    if (isset($sysconf['node'][$node_ID])) {
        $node = $sysconf['node'][$node_ID];
        // remove all data
        $remove_q = $dbs->query('DELETE FROM biblio WHERE node_id=\'' . $node_ID . '\'');
        $deleted = $dbs->affected_rows;
        if ($deleted) {
            // write to log
            utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'bibliography', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' remove all bibliographic of ' . $node['name']);
            echo '<div class="infoBox">' . sprintf(__('%d records of %s removed succesfully from database'), $deleted, $node['name']) . '</div>';
    // nullify form ID
    $_SESSION['formID'] = null;
// nullify form ID
$_SESSION['formID'] = null;
<fieldset class="menuBox">
<div class="menuBoxInner trashIcon">
echo strtoupper(__('Nodes Data Removal'));
예제 #11
         if (function_exists('imagecopyresampled')) {
             // we use phpthumb class to resize image
             include LIB . 'phpthumb/ThumbLib.inc.php';
             // create phpthumb object
             $src = IMAGES_BASE_DIR . 'labels/' . $image_upload->new_filename;
             $phpthumb = PhpThumbFactory::create($src);
             $w = $h = 24;
             $phpthumb->resize($w, $h);
             $phpthumb->save(IMAGES_BASE_DIR . 'labels/' . $data['label_name'] . '.png', 'PNG');
         // write log
         utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'bibliography', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' upload label image file ' . $image_upload->new_filename);
         utility::jsAlert('Label image file successfully uploaded');
     } else {
         // write log
         utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'bibliography', 'ERROR : ' . $_SESSION['realname'] . ' FAILED TO upload label image file ' . $image_upload->new_filename . ', with error (' . $image_upload->error . ')');
         utility::jsAlert('FAILED to upload label image! Please see System Log for more detailed information');
 $data['input_date'] = date('Y-m-d');
 $data['last_update'] = date('Y-m-d');
 // create sql op object
 $sql_op = new simbio_dbop($dbs);
 if (isset($_POST['updateRecordID'])) {
     // remove input date
     // filter update record ID
     $updateRecordID = $dbs->escape_string(trim($_POST['updateRecordID']));
     // update the data
     $update = $sql_op->update('mst_label', $data, 'label_id=' . $updateRecordID);
 public function sendOverdueNotice()
     global $sysconf;
     if (!class_exists('PHPMailer')) {
         return false;
     $_mail = new PHPMailer(false);
     // telling the class to use SMTP
     // get message template
     $_msg_tpl = @file_get_contents(SENAYAN_BASE_DIR . 'admin/admin_template/overdue-mail-tpl.html');
     // date
     $_curr_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // compile overdue data
     $_overdue_data = '<table width="100%" border="1">' . "\n";
     $_overdue_data .= '<tr><th>Title</th><th>Item Code</th><th>Loan Date</th><th>Due Date</th><th>Overdue</th></tr>' . "\n";
     $_arr_overdued = self::getOverduedLoan($this->obj_db, $this->member_id);
     foreach ($_arr_overdued as $_overdue) {
         $_overdue_data .= '<tr>';
         $_overdue_data .= '<td>' . $_overdue['title'] . '</td><td>' . $_overdue['item_code'] . '</td><td>' . $_overdue['loan_date'] . '</td><td>' . $_overdue['due_date'] . '</td><td>' . $_overdue['Overdue Days'] . ' days</td>' . "\n";
         $_overdue_data .= '</tr>';
     $_overdue_data .= '</table>';
     // message
     $_message = str_ireplace(array('<!--MEMBER_ID-->', '<!--MEMBER_NAME-->', '<!--OVERDUE_DATA-->', '<!--DATE-->'), array($this->member_id, $this->member_name, $_overdue_data, $_curr_date), $_msg_tpl);
     // e-mail setting
     // $_mail->SMTPDebug = 2;
     $_mail->SMTPAuth = $sysconf['mail']['auth_enable'];
     $_mail->Host = $sysconf['mail']['server'];
     $_mail->Port = $sysconf['mail']['server_port'];
     $_mail->Username = $sysconf['mail']['auth_username'];
     $_mail->Password = $sysconf['mail']['auth_password'];
     $_mail->SetFrom($sysconf['mail']['from'], $sysconf['mail']['from_name']);
     $_mail->AddReplyTo($sysconf['mail']['reply_to'], $sysconf['mail']['reply_to_name']);
     $_mail->AddAddress($this->member_email, $this->member_name);
     $_mail->Subject = 'Overdue Notice for Member ' . $this->member_name . ' (' . $this->member_email . ')';
     $_mail->AltBody = strip_tags($_message);
     $_sent = $_mail->Send();
     if (!$_sent) {
         return array('status' => 'ERROR', 'message' => $_mail->ErrorInfo);
         utility::writeLogs($this->obj_db, 'staff', isset($_SESSION['uid']) ? $_SESSION['uid'] : '1', 'membership', 'FAILED to send overdue notification e-mail to ' . $this->member_email . ' (' . $_mail->ErrorInfo . ')');
     } else {
         return array('status' => 'SENT', 'message' => 'Overdue notification E-Mail have been sent to ' . $this->member_email);
         utility::writeLogs($this->obj_db, 'staff', isset($_SESSION['uid']) ? $_SESSION['uid'] : '1', 'membership', 'Overdue notification e-mail sent to ' . $this->member_email);
예제 #13
파일: uc-ops.php 프로젝트: slims/s3st14
        if ($json_error) {
            die(json_encode(array('status' => 'JSON_ERROR', 'message' => $json_errors[$json_error])));
    // node ID
    $node_id = $op['node_info']['id'];
    // authentication
    if (isset($sysconf['node'][$node_id])) {
        // check for password
        if ($sysconf['node'][$node_id]['password'] === $op['node_info']['password']) {
            $action = $op['node_data']['operation'];
            $action_data = $op['node_data']['biblio'];
            // update/delete catalog data
            if ($action_data) {
                if ($action == 'delete') {
                    $_del = @$dbs->query("DELETE FROM biblio WHERE orig_biblio_id IN ({$action_data}) AND node_id='{$node_id}'");
                    $_deleted_num = $dbs->affected_rows;
                    // write log
                    utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'nodes', $op['node_info']['id'], 'ucs', 'Node ' . $node_id . '(' . $op['node_info']['name'] . ') delete ' . $_deleted_num . ' catalog data');
                    die(json_encode(array('status' => 'DELETED', 'message' => $_deleted_num . ' catalog record(s) delete succesfully from ' . $sysconf['server']['name'] . '!')));
        } else {
            die(json_encode(array('status' => 'NOT_AUTHORIZED', 'message' => 'You not authorized to update data on server ' . $sysconf['server']['name'] . '! Please check your ucnode.inc.php file for correct configuration!')));
    } else {
        die(json_encode(array('status' => 'NOT_AUTHORIZED', 'message' => 'You not authorized to update data on server ' . $sysconf['server']['name'] . '! Please check your ucnode.inc.php file for correct configuration!')));
} else {
    die(json_encode(array('status' => 'NO_DATA', 'message' => 'Request is empty! Could be error on HTTP request')));
예제 #14
// IP based access limitation
require LIB . 'ip_based_access.inc.php';
require SB . 'admin/default/session_check.inc.php';
require SIMBIO . 'simbio_FILE/simbio_directory.inc.php';
require SIMBIO . 'simbio_GUI/form_maker/simbio_form_table_AJAX.inc.php';
require SIMBIO . 'simbio_GUI/table/simbio_table.inc.php';
require SIMBIO . 'simbio_DB/simbio_dbop.inc.php';
if (isset($_POST['updateSettings'])) {
    $setting_type = trim($_POST['settingType']);
    $setting_name = $setting_type . '_print_settings';
    // reset
    $dbs->query(sprintf("REPLACE INTO setting (setting_name, setting_value) VALUES ('%s', '%s')", $setting_name, $dbs->escape_string(serialize($_POST[$setting_type]))));
    // write log
    utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'system', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' change ' . $setting_type . ' print settings');
    utility::jsAlert(__('Settings saved'));
    echo '<script type="text/javascript"></script>';
/* Config Vars update process end */
$type = 'barcode';
if (isset($_GET['type'])) {
    $type = trim($_GET['type']);
if (!in_array($type, array('barcode', 'label', 'membercard'))) {
    $type = 'barcode';
// include printed settings configuration file
include SB . 'admin' . DS . 'admin_template' . DS . 'printed_settings.inc.php';
// check for custom template settings
$custom_settings = SB . 'admin' . DS . $sysconf['admin_template']['dir'] . DS . $sysconf['template']['theme'] . DS . 'printed_settings.inc.php';
예제 #15
            $_POST['itemID'] = array((int) $_POST['itemID']);
        // loop array
        foreach ($_POST['itemID'] as $itemID) {
            $itemID = (int) $itemID;
            // get module data
            $module_q = $dbs->query('SELECT module_name, module_path FROM mst_module WHERE module_id=' . $itemID);
            $module_d = $module_q->fetch_row();
            if (!$sql_op->delete('mst_module', "module_id={$itemID}")) {
            } else {
                // also delete all records related to this data
                // delete group privileges
                $dbs->query('DELETE FROM group_access WHERE module_id=' . $itemID);
                // write log
                utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'system', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' DELETE module (' . $module_d[0] . ') with path (' . $module_d[1] . ')');
        // error alerting
        if ($error_num == 0) {
            utility::jsAlert(__('All Data Successfully Deleted'));
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.setContent(\'mainContent\', \'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_POST['lastQueryStr'] . '\', \'post\');</script>';
        } else {
            utility::jsAlert(__('Some or All Data NOT deleted successfully!\\nPlease contact system administrator'));
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.setContent(\'mainContent\', \'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_POST['lastQueryStr'] . '\', \'post\');</script>';
/* search form */
예제 #16
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">self.location.href = \'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'serial_control/subscription.php?biblioID=' . $biblioID . '\';</script>';
        } else {
            /* INSERT RECORD MODE */
            // insert the data
            $insert = $sql_op->insert('serial', $data);
            $serial_id = $sql_op->insert_id;
            if ($insert) {
                $exemplar = (int) $_POST['exemplar'];
                // generate kardex entry
                $serial = new serial($dbs, $serial_id);
                $serial->generateKardexes($exemplar, true);
                // alert
                utility::jsAlert(__('New Subscription Data Successfully Saved'));
                utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'serial_control', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' add new subcription(' . $sql_op->insert_id . ') ' . $period);
            } else {
                utility::jsAlert(__('Subscription Data FAILED to Save. Please Contact System Administrator') . "\n" . $sql_op->error);
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">self.location.href = \'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'serial_control/subscription.php?biblioID=' . $biblioID . '\';</script>';
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['itemID']) and !empty($_POST['itemID']) and isset($_POST['itemAction'])) {
        if (!($can_read and $can_write)) {
        $sql_op = new simbio_dbop($dbs);
예제 #17
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
// key to authenticate
define('INDEX_AUTH', '1');
/* Library Automation logout */
// required file
require '../sysconfig.inc.php';
// start the session
require SB . 'admin/default/session.inc.php';
// write log
utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'system', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' Log Out from application from address ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
// redirecting pages
$msg = '<script type="text/javascript">';
if ($sysconf['logout_message']) {
    $msg .= 'alert(\'' . __('You Have Been Logged Out From Library Automation System') . '\');';
$msg .= 'location.href = \'' . SWB . 'index.php?p=login\';';
$msg .= '</script>';
// unset admin cookie flag
setcookie('admin_logged_in', true, time() - 86400, SWB);
// completely destroy session cookie
simbio_security::destroySessionCookie($msg, COOKIES_NAME, SWB . 'admin/', true);
예제 #18
require SIMBIO_BASE_DIR . 'simbio_DB/simbio_dbop.inc.php';
if (isset($_POST['resync'])) {
    // update stock item data against bibliographic and item data
    $update_q = $dbs->query('UPDATE stock_take_item AS sti
        LEFT JOIN item AS i ON sti.item_code=i.item_code
            LEFT JOIN mst_coll_type AS ct ON i.coll_type_id=ct.coll_type_id
            LEFT JOIN mst_location AS loc ON i.location_id=loc.location_id
            LEFT JOIN biblio AS b ON i.biblio_id=b.biblio_id
                LEFT JOIN mst_gmd AS g ON b.gmd_id=g.gmd_id
        SET sti.title=b.title, sti.gmd_name=g.gmd_name,
            sti.classification=b.classification, sti.call_number=b.call_number,
    if (!$dbs->error) {
        $aff_rows = $dbs->affected_rows;
        // record to log
        utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'stock_take', 'Stock Take Re-Synchronization');
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
        echo 'parent.$(\'resyncInfo\').update(\'' . $aff_rows . ' Stock Take\\\'s Item Data Successfully Synchronized!\');' . "\n";
        echo 'parent.$(\'resyncInfo\').setStyle( {display: \'block\'} );' . "\n";
        echo '</script>';
    } else {
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
        echo 'parent.$(\'resyncInfo\').update(\'Stock Take\\\'s Item Data FAILED to Synchronized!\');' . "\n";
        echo 'parent.$(\'resyncInfo\').setStyle( {color: \'red\', display: \'block\'} );' . "\n";
        echo '</script>';
echo '<div class="infoBox">' . lang_mod_stocktake_resync_info . "\n";
echo '<hr size="1" />' . "\n";
echo '<form action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method="post" target="resyncSubmit">' . "\n";
예제 #19
                        } else {
                            if ($dbs->affected_rows > 0) {
            // close file handle
            $end_time = time();
            $import_time_sec = $end_time - $start_time;
            utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'bibliography', 'Importing ' . $updated_row . ' item records from file : ' . $_FILES['importFile']['name']);
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
            echo 'parent.$(\'#importInfo\').html(\'<strong>' . $updated_row . '</strong> records updated successfully to item database, from record <strong>' . $_POST['recordOffset'] . ' in ' . $import_time_sec . ' second(s)</strong>\');' . "\n";
            echo 'parent.$(\'#importInfo\').css( {\'display\': \'block\'} );' . "\n";
            echo '</script>';
<fieldset class="menuBox">
<div class="menuBoxInner importIcon">
echo __('ITEM IMPORT TOOL');
    <hr />
예제 #20
파일: item.php 프로젝트: slims/s3st15_matoa
 // loop array
 foreach ($_POST['itemID'] as $itemID) {
     $itemID = (int) $itemID;
     // check if the item still on loan
     $loan_q = $dbs->query('SELECT i.item_code, b.title, COUNT(l.loan_id) FROM item AS i
     LEFT JOIN biblio AS b ON i.biblio_id=b.biblio_id
     LEFT JOIN loan AS l ON (i.item_code=l.item_code AND l.is_lent=1 AND l.is_return=0)
     WHERE i.item_id=' . $itemID . ' GROUP BY i.item_code');
     $loan_d = $loan_q->fetch_row();
     // if there is no loan
     if ($loan_d[2] < 1) {
         if (!$sql_op->delete('item', 'item_id=' . $itemID)) {
         } else {
             // write log
             utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'bibliography', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' DELETE item data (' . $loan_d[0] . ') with title (' . $loan_d[1] . ')');
     } else {
         $still_on_loan[] = $loan_d[0] . ' - ' . $loan_d[1];
 if ($still_on_loan) {
     $items = '';
     foreach ($still_on_loan as $item) {
         $items .= $item . "\n";
     utility::jsAlert(__('Item data can not be deleted because still on hold by members') . " : \n" . $items);
     echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.$(\'#mainContent\').simbioAJAX(\'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_POST['lastQueryStr'] . '\');</script>';
예제 #21
        // put html to file
        $file_write = @file_put_contents(REPORT_FILE_BASE_DIR . $stk_take_report_filename, $html_str);
        if ($file_write) {
            // open result in new window
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.openWin(\'' . SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR . '/' . FILES_DIR . '/' . REPORT_DIR . '/' . $stk_take_report_filename . '\', \'popMemberReport\', 800, 500, true)</script>';
        } else {
            utility::jsAlert('ERROR! Stock take report failed to generate, possibly because ' . REPORT_FILE_BASE_DIR . ' directory is not writable');
        // update
        $update_st_q = $dbs->query("UPDATE stock_take SET report_file='{$stk_take_report_filename}' WHERE is_active=1");
        // set currently active stock take process to unactive
        $inactive_q = $dbs->query('UPDATE stock_take SET is_active=0');
        // clean all current stock take error log
        $error_log_q = $dbs->query('DELETE FROM system_log WHERE log_location=\'stock_take\' AND log_msg LIKE \'Stock Take ERROR%\'');
        // write log
        utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'stock_take', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' finish stock take (' . $stk_take_d[0] . ') from address ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
        // send an alert
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
        echo 'alert(\'' . __('Stock Take Proccess Finished!') . '\');';
        echo 'parent.location.href = \'' . SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'admin/index.php?mod=stock_take\';';
        echo '</script>';
} else {
    <fieldset class="menuBox">
    <div class="menuBoxInner errorIcon">
    <strong style="color: #f00;"><?php 
    echo strtoupper(__('Finish Stock Take'));
<hr />
예제 #22
             // get number of item on loan
             $item_loan_q = $dbs->query("SELECT COUNT(loan_id) FROM loan AS l WHERE is_lent=1 AND is_return=0");
             $item_loan_d = $item_loan_q->fetch_row();
             if (!$item_loan_d[0]) {
                 $item_loan_d[0] = 0;
             // update data for item being loan
             $update_q = $dbs->query("UPDATE stock_take_item SET status='l' WHERE item_code IN (SELECT item_code FROM loan AS l WHERE is_lent=1 AND is_return=0)");
             // total rows inserted
             $total_rows_q = $dbs->query("SELECT COUNT(item_code) FROM stock_take_item WHERE status='m'");
             $total_rows_d = $total_rows_q->fetch_row();
             if ($total_rows_d[0] > 0) {
                 // update total_lost_item field value in stock_take table
                 $update_total_q = $dbs->query('UPDATE stock_take SET total_item_stock_taked=' . $total_rows_d[0] . ', total_item_loan=' . $item_loan_d[0] . ', total_item_lost=' . $total_rows_d[0] . ", stock_take_users='" . $_SESSION['realname'] . "\n' WHERE stock_take_id={$stock_take_id}");
                 // write log
                 utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'stock_take', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' initialize stock take (' . $data['stock_take_name'] . ') from address ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
                 utility::jsAlert(__('Stock Taking Initialized'));
                 echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.location.href = \'' . SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'admin/index.php?mod=stock_take\';</script>';
             } else {
                 // delete stock take data
                 $dbs->query('DELETE FROM stock_take WHERE stock_take_id=' . $stock_take_id);
                 utility::jsAlert(__('Stock Taking FAILED to Initialized.\\nNo item to stock take!'));
 // create new instance
 $form = new simbio_form_table('mainForm', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=new', 'post');
 $form->submit_button_attr = 'name="saveData" value="' . __('Initialize Stock Take') . '" class="button"';
 // form table attributes
예제 #23
 function sendReserveMail()
     if (count($_SESSION['m_mark_biblio']) > 0) {
         $_ids = '(';
         foreach ($_SESSION['m_mark_biblio'] as $_biblio) {
             $_ids .= (int) $_biblio . ',';
         $_ids = substr_replace($_ids, '', -1);
         $_ids .= ')';
     } else {
         return array('status' => 'ERROR', 'message' => 'No Titles to reserve');
     global $dbs, $sysconf;
     require LIB . 'phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';
     $_mail = new PHPMailer(false);
     // get message template
     $_msg_tpl = @file_get_contents(SB . 'template/reserve-mail-tpl.html');
     // date
     $_curr_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // query
     $_biblio_q = $dbs->query("SELECT biblio_id, title FROM biblio WHERE biblio_id IN {$_ids}");
     // compile reservation data
     $_data = '<table width="100%" border="1">' . "\n";
     $_data .= '<tr><th>Titles to reserve</th></tr>' . "\n";
     while ($_title_d = $_biblio_q->fetch_assoc()) {
         $_data .= '<tr>';
         $_data .= '<td>' . $_title_d['title'] . '</td>' . "\n";
         $_data .= '</tr>';
     $_data .= '</table>';
     // message
     $_message = str_ireplace(array('<!--MEMBER_ID-->', '<!--MEMBER_NAME-->', '<!--DATA-->', '<!--DATE-->'), array($_SESSION['mid'], $_SESSION['m_name'], $_data, $_curr_date), $_msg_tpl);
     // e-mail setting
     // $_mail->SMTPDebug = 2;
     $_mail->SMTPAuth = $sysconf['mail']['auth_enable'];
     $_mail->Host = $sysconf['mail']['server'];
     $_mail->Port = $sysconf['mail']['server_port'];
     $_mail->Username = $sysconf['mail']['auth_username'];
     $_mail->Password = $sysconf['mail']['auth_password'];
     $_mail->SetFrom($sysconf['mail']['from'], $sysconf['mail']['from_name']);
     $_mail->AddReplyTo($sysconf['mail']['reply_to'], $sysconf['mail']['reply_to_name']);
     // send carbon copy off reserve e-mail to member/requester
     $_mail->AddCC($_SESSION['m_email'], $_SESSION['m_name']);
     // send reservation e-mail to librarian
     $_mail->AddAddress($sysconf['mail']['from'], $sysconf['mail']['from_name']);
     // additional recipient
     if (isset($sysconf['mail']['add_recipients'])) {
         foreach ($sysconf['mail']['add_recipients'] as $_recps) {
             $_mail->AddAddress($_recps['from'], $_recps['from_name']);
     $_mail->Subject = 'Reservation request from Member ' . $_SESSION['m_name'] . ' (' . $_SESSION['m_email'] . ')';
     $_mail->AltBody = strip_tags($_message);
     $_sent = $_mail->Send();
     if (!$_sent) {
         return array('status' => 'ERROR', 'message' => $_mail->ErrorInfo);
         utility::writeLogs($this->obj_db, 'member', isset($_SESSION['mid']) ? $_SESSION['mid'] : '0', 'membership', 'FAILED to send reservation e-mail to ' . $_SESSION['m_email'] . ' (' . $_mail->ErrorInfo . ')');
     } else {
         return array('status' => 'SENT', 'message' => 'Overdue notification E-Mail have been sent to ' . $_SESSION['m_email']);
         utility::writeLogs($this->obj_db, 'member', isset($_SESSION['mid']) ? $_SESSION['mid'] : '0', 'membership', 'Reservation notification e-mail sent to ' . $_SESSION['m_email']);
예제 #24
            if ($item_check_d['status'] == 'e') {
                echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
                echo 'parent.$(\'#stError\').html(\'Item ' . $item_code . ' is already SCANNED!\')';
                echo '.css( {\'display\': \'block\'} );' . "\n";
                echo 'parent.$(\'#itemCode\').val(\'\').focus();' . "\n";
                echo '</script>';
            } else {
                $listShow = 0;
                if (isset($_POST['listShow']) && $_POST['listShow'] == '1') {
                    $listShow = 1;
                // current time
                $curr_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                $update = $dbs->query("UPDATE stock_take_item SET status='e', checked_by='" . $_SESSION['realname'] . "', last_update='" . $curr_time . "' WHERE item_code='{$item_code}'");
                $update = $dbs->query("UPDATE stock_take SET total_item_lost=total_item_lost-1 WHERE is_active=1");
                echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
                echo 'parent.$(\'#mainContent\').simbioAJAX(\'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'stock_take/current.php?listShow=' . $listShow . '\');' . "\n";
                echo '</script>';
    } else {
        // record to log
        utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'stock_take', 'Stock Take ERROR : Item Code ' . $item_code . ' doesnt exists in stock take data. Invalid Item Code OR Maybe out of Stock Take range');
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
        echo 'parent.$(\'#stError\').html(\'Item Code ' . $item_code . ' doesnt exists in stock take data.\\nInvalid Item Code OR Maybe out of Stock Take range\')';
        echo '.css( {\'display\': \'block\'} );' . "\n";
        echo 'parent.$(\'#itemCode\').val(\'\').focus();' . "\n";
        echo '</script>';
    echo '</body></html>';
예제 #25
                echo 'parent.setIframeContent(\'attachIframe\', \'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/iframe_attach.php?biblioID=' . $updateBiblioID . '\');';
                echo '</script>';
            } else {
                utility::jsAlert('' . __('File Attachment data FAILED to update!') . '' . "\n" . $sql_op->error);
        } else {
            if ($sql_op->insert('biblio_attachment', $data)) {
                echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
                echo 'alert(\'' . __('File Attachment uploaded succesfully!') . '\');';
                echo 'parent.setIframeContent(\'attachIframe\', \'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/iframe_attach.php?biblioID=' . $data['biblio_id'] . '\');';
                echo '</script>';
            } else {
                utility::jsAlert('' . __('File Attachment data FAILED to save!') . '' . "\n" . $sql_op->error);
        utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'bibliography', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' updating file attachment data');
    } else {
        if ($uploaded_file_id) {
            // add to session array
            $fdata['file_id'] = $uploaded_file_id;
            $fdata['access_type'] = trim($_POST['accessType']);
            $_SESSION['biblioAttach'][$uploaded_file_id] = $fdata;
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
            echo 'alert(\'' . __('File Attachment uploaded succesfully!') . '\');';
            echo 'parent.setIframeContent(\'attachIframe\', \'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/iframe_attach.php\');';
            echo '</script>';
// create new instance
$form = new simbio_form_table('mainForm', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?biblioID=' . $biblioID, 'post');
    echo '</script>';
// transaction is started
if (isset($_POST['memberID']) or isset($_SESSION['memberID'])) {
    // create member object
    // if there is already member ID session
    if (isset($_SESSION['memberID'])) {
        $memberID = trim($_SESSION['memberID']);
    } else {
        // new transaction proccess
        // clear previous sessions
        $_SESSION['temp_loan'] = array();
        $memberID = trim(preg_replace('@\\s*(<.+)$@i', '', $_POST['memberID']));
        // write log
        utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'member', $memberID, 'circulation', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' start transaction with member (' . $memberID . ')');
    $member = new member($dbs, $memberID);
    if (!$member->valid()) {
        # echo '<div class="errorBox">Member ID '.$memberID.' not valid (unregistered in database)</div>';
        echo '<div class="errorBox">' . __('Member ID') . ' ' . $memberID . ' ' . __(' not valid (unregistered in database)') . '</div>';
    } else {
        // get member information
        $member_type_d = $member->getMemberTypeProp();
        // member type ID
        $_SESSION['memberTypeID'] = $member->member_type_id;
        // save member ID to the sessions
        $_SESSION['memberID'] = $member->member_id;
        // create renewed/reborrow session array
        $_SESSION['reborrowed'] = array();
예제 #27
                            $subject_type = 'gr';
                        } else {
                            if ($subject['term_type'] == 'Occupation') {
                                $subject_type = 'oc';
                            } else {
                                $subject_type = strtolower(substr($subject['term_type'], 0, 1));
                    $subject_id = getSubjectID($subject['term'], $subject_type, $subject_cache);
                    @$dbs->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO biblio_topic (biblio_id, topic_id, level) VALUES ({$biblio_id}, {$subject_id}, 1)");
            if ($biblio_id) {
                // write to logs
                utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'bibliography', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' insert bibliographic data from P2P service (server:' . $p2pserver . ') with (' . $biblio['title'] . ') and biblio_id (' . $biblio_id . ')');
    utility::jsAlert($r . ' records inserted to database.');
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.$(\'#mainContent\').simbioAJAX(\'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '\');</script>';
if (isset($_GET['keywords']) && $can_read && isset($_GET['p2pserver'])) {
    $max_fetch = 20;
    # get server information
    $serverid = (int) $_GET['p2pserver'];
    $p2pserver = $sysconf['p2pserver'][$serverid]['uri'];
예제 #28
파일: app_user.php 프로젝트: slims/s3st14
        $error_num = 0;
        if (!is_array($_POST['itemID'])) {
            // make an array
            $_POST['itemID'] = array((int) $_POST['itemID']);
        // loop array
        foreach ($_POST['itemID'] as $itemID) {
            $itemID = (int) $itemID;
            // get user data
            $user_q = $dbs->query('SELECT username, realname FROM user WHERE user_id=' . $itemID);
            $user_d = $user_q->fetch_row();
            if (!$sql_op->delete('user', "user_id='{$itemID}'")) {
            } else {
                // write log
                utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'system', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' DELETE user (' . $user_d[1] . ') with username (' . $user_d[0] . ')');
        // error alerting
        if ($error_num == 0) {
            utility::jsAlert(__('All Data Successfully Deleted'));
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.setContent(\'mainContent\', \'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_POST['lastQueryStr'] . '\', \'post\');</script>';
        } else {
            utility::jsAlert(__('Some or All Data NOT deleted successfully!\\nPlease contact system administrator'));
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.setContent(\'mainContent\', \'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_POST['lastQueryStr'] . '\', \'post\');</script>';
if (!$changecurrent) {
예제 #29
파일: index.php 프로젝트: jgoegelein/s3st13
     $_POST['itemID'] = array($dbs->escape_string(trim($_POST['itemID'])));
 // loop array
 foreach ($_POST['itemID'] as $itemID) {
     $itemID = $dbs->escape_string(trim($itemID));
     // check if the member still have loan
     $loan_q = $dbs->query('SELECT DISTINCT m.member_id, m.member_name, COUNT(l.loan_id) FROM member AS m
 LEFT JOIN loan AS l ON (m.member_id=l.member_id AND l.is_lent=1 AND l.is_return=0)
 WHERE m.member_id=\'' . $itemID . '\' GROUP BY m.member_id');
     $loan_d = $loan_q->fetch_row();
     if ($loan_d[2] < 1) {
         if (!$sql_op->delete('member', "member_id='{$itemID}'")) {
         } else {
             // write log
             utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'membership', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' DELETE member data (' . $loan_d[1] . ') with ID (' . $loan_d[0] . ')');
     } else {
         $still_have_loan[] = $loan_d[0] . ' - ' . $loan_d[1];
 if ($still_have_loan) {
     $members = '';
     foreach ($still_have_loan as $mbr) {
         $members .= $mbr . "\n";
     utility::jsAlert(__('Below member data can\'t be deleted because still have unreturned item(s)') . ' : ' . "\n" . $mbr);
 // error alerting
예제 #30
    <div class="infoBox">
echo __('Add or remove application shortcuts');
if (isset($_POST['selectedShortcuts']) && count($_POST['selectedShortcuts'])) {
    $shortcuts = $dbs->escape_string(serialize($_POST['selectedShortcuts']));
    $dbs->query('REPLACE INTO setting (setting_name, setting_value) VALUES
        (\'shortcuts_' . $_SESSION['uid'] . '\', \'' . $shortcuts . '\')');
    echo '<div class="infoBox">' . __('Shortcut setting saved') . '</div>';
    // write log
    utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'system', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' change application shortcuts');
/* main content */
<form name="shortcut-form" class="shortcut-form submitViaAJAX" id="mainForm" method="post" action="<?php 
echo MWB . 'system/shortcut.php';
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-5">
    <select class="form-control shortcuts-list" name="shortcutsOptions" id="shortcuts-options" multiple="multiple" size="10">