if ($errs = $mosh->check_form($colmap)) { // handled below } else { $vals = $mosh->get_form_vals($colmap); /** get list of all file upload fields from colmap **/ $upfiles = array(); foreach ($colmap as $k => $params) { if ($params[1] == 'image_upload' or $params[1] == 'file') { $upfiles[$k] = array(); } } /** are there any actual files coming in? if so process *********************************/ $uplo_count = 0; if (count($upfiles)) { foreach (array_keys($upfiles) as $upfile) { $uplo = new uploadable($upfile); if (!$uplo->is_uploaded_file()) { #unset($upfiles[$upfile]); } else { // we got one - use $uplo to check it and save it and create DB vals as needed $uplo->preserve_original_name = true; $uplo->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); // tell $uplo what kind of image we expect and where to put it: $uplo->params(array('path' => CSHOP_MEDIA_FULLPATH, 'ws_path' => CSHOP_MEDIA_URLPATH) + $colmap[$upfile][3]); // set other possible params for uplo from the colmap attribs section [3] // todo something better */ $res = $uplo->save_upload(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $errs[] = $res->getMessage(); } else { // get the name of the new file
$vals = array(); $img_vals = array(); if ($errs = $mosh->check_form($colmap)) { // handled below } else { $vals = $mosh->get_form_vals($colmap); /** get list of all file upload fields from colmap **/ $upfiles = array(); foreach ($colmap as $k => $params) { if ($params[1] == 'image_upload' or $params[1] == 'file') { $upfiles[$k] = array(); } } /** process each uploaded image **/ foreach (array_keys($upfiles) as $upfile) { $uplo = new uploadable("f_{$upfile}"); if (!$uplo->is_uploaded_file()) { if ($ACTION == OP_ADD) { // not req. } } else { // we got one - use $uplo to check it and save it and create DB vals as needed $uplo->unique_filename = true; $uplo->preserve_original_name = true; $uplo->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); // tell $uplo what kind of image we expect and where to put it: $uplo->params(array('path' => CSHOP_MEDIA_FULLPATH, 'allowed' => 'web_images', 'ws_path' => CSHOP_MEDIA_URLPATH)); $res = $uplo->save_upload(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $errs[] = $res->getMessage(); } else {
$res = $mdb->query($sql); while ($row = $res->fetchRow(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { if (empty($row['invid'])) { $counts['new_inv'] += $sth_inv->execute(array($mdb->nextID('cm_inventory'), $row['qty'], $row['sku'], $row['name'], sizecode($row['size']), sizecode(strtolower($row['color'])))); } else { $counts['updated_inv'] += $sth_up->execute(array($row['qty'], $row['sku'])); } } /* cleanup! */ $mdb->query("DROP TABLE tmp_inv"); $mdb->commit(); $SHOWFORM = false; $DID_PROCESS = true; } } elseif (isset($_POST['op_up'])) { $uplo = new uploadable('datafile'); if (!$uplo->is_uploaded_file()) { $errs[] = "You must upload a data file to get started."; } else { $uplo->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $uplo->preserve_original_name = false; $uplo->params = array('path' => CSHOP_MEDIA_FULLPATH, 'ws_path' => CSHOP_MEDIA_URLPATH, 'fnamebase' => uniqid('inventory-data.000')); $res = $uplo->save_upload(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $errs[] = $res->getMessage(); } else { $newfilename = $uplo->get_newname(); // get the name of the new file $fullpathfile = $uplo->fullPathtoFile; ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', 1); if (!($fh = fopen($fullpathfile, "r"))) {
$vals = array(); $img_vals = array(); if ($errs = $mosh->check_form($colmap)) { // handled below } else { $vals = $mosh->get_form_vals($colmap); /** get list of all file upload fields from colmap **/ $upfiles = array(); foreach ($colmap as $k => $params) { if ($params[1] == 'image_upload' or $params[1] == 'file') { $upfiles[$k] = array(); } } /** process each uploaded image **/ foreach (array_keys($upfiles) as $upfile) { $uplo = new uploadable("f_{$upfile}"); if (!$uplo->is_uploaded_file()) { if ($ACTION == OP_ADD) { // not req. } } else { // we got one - use $uplo to check it and save it and create DB vals as needed $uplo->unique_filename = true; $uplo->preserve_original_name = true; $uplo->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); // tell $uplo what kind of image we expect and where to put it: $uplo->params($colmap[$upfile][3]); $res = $uplo->save_upload(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $errs[] = $res->getMessage(); } else {
} /** **/ if (!$productid) { trigger_error("productid was not passed", E_USER_ERROR); } $allowed_image_types = function_exists('imagecreatefromgif') ? 'web_images' : 'web_images_nogif'; $colmap = array('upfile' => array('Image', 'image_upload', null, array('allowed' => $allowed_image_types, 'maxdims' => IMG_MAX_DIMS, 'path' => CSHOP_MEDIA_FULLPATH, 'ws_path' => CSHOP_MEDIA_URLPATH), true), 'class' => array('Class', 'select', $CSHOP_MEDIA_CLASSES, null, false), 'colorways_id' => array('Colorway', 'select', array(), null, false), 'order_weight' => array('Order Weight', 'numeric', null, array('size' => 3), false)); /** POST rec'd, check valid, proc. upload and save if OK */ if (isset($_POST['f_op']) and ($ACTION == OP_ADD or $ACTION == OP_EDIT)) { $mosh = new mosh_tool(); if ($errs = $mosh->check_form($colmap)) { // handled below } else { $vals = $mosh->get_form_vals($colmap); $vals['cm_products_id'] = $productid; $uplo = new uploadable("f_upfile"); if (!$uplo->is_uploaded_file()) { if ($ACTION == OP_ADD) { $errs[] = 'You must upload image!'; } } else { // we got one - use $uplo to check it and save it and create DB vals as needed $uplo->preserve_original_name = true; $uplo->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); // tell $uplo what kind of image we expect and where to put it: $uplo->params = $colmap['upfile'][3]; $res = $uplo->save_upload(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $errs[] = $res->getMessage(); } else { // get the name of the new file
$fex->add_element($colmap); /** POST rec'd, check valid, proc. upload and save if OK */ if (isset($_POST['f_op']) and ($ACTION == OP_ADD or $ACTION == OP_EDIT)) { $msg = ''; $vals = array(); $img_vals = array(); if ($errs = $fex->validate($_POST)) { // handled below } else { $vals = $fex->get_submitted_vals($_POST); $upfiles = array('imageid' => array(), 'feature_imageid' => array()); // tracks all new files we need to insert in media_prod table /** process each uploaded image **/ foreach ($upfiles as $upfile => $img_vals) { // upfile = name of field with uploaded file in it $uplo = new uploadable("f_{$upfile}"); if (!$uplo->is_uploaded_file()) { /* if ($ACTION == OP_ADD and $upfile == 'imageid') { $errs[] = 'You must upload image for this product!'; } */ } else { // we got one - use $uplo to check it and save it and create DB vals as needed $uplo->unique_filename = true; $uplo->preserve_original_name = true; $uplo->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); // tell $uplo what kind of image we expect and where to put it: $uplo->params = $colmap[$upfile][3]; $res = $uplo->save_upload(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) {