protected function _save_img_bg($image) { if (!upload::valid($image) or !upload::type($image, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'))) { $this->session->set_flash('error_msg', 'Only upload file jpg , jpeg , png , gif'); url::redirect('admin_config'); } else { $directory = DOCROOT . 'themes/client/styleSIC/index/pics/'; if ($file = upload::save($image, NULL, $directory)) { $filename = 'bg_' . md5(rand(0, 999)) . time() . '.png'; Image::factory($file)->save($directory . $filename); // Delete the temporary file unlink($file); return $filename; } return FALSE; } }
protected function validate_this() { $input = Input::instance(); $fname = isset($_FILES[$this->name . '_file']) ? $this->name . '_file' : $this->name; $file = isset($_FILES[$fname]) ? $_FILES[$fname] : NULL; $already_uploaded = $input->post($this->name . '_path') ? TRUE : FALSE; $this->was_validated = TRUE; if ($this->required and empty($file['name']) and !$already_uploaded) { if ($already_uploaded and is_file($input->post($this->name . '_path'))) { unlink($input->post($this->name . '_path')); } $this->error = $this->required_msg; return $this->error; } elseif (!$this->required and !$input->post($this->name) and empty($file['name'])) { return; } else { $allowed_types = Formo::splitby($this->allowed_types); $time = time(); // this means we're good with the file uploaded already if ($already_uploaded === TRUE and !$file['name']) { $full_path = $input->post($this->name . '_path'); $path = array_pop(explode('/', $full_path)); $file_name = $input->post($this->name); } elseif ($file['name']) { // delete old entry if ($already_uploaded) { $full_path = $input->post($this->name . '_path'); $path = array_pop(preg_split('/\\//', $full_path)); $file_name = $input->post($this->name); if (is_file($full_path)) { unlink($full_path); } } // start validating if (!upload::required($file)) { return $this->error = Kohana::lang('formo.invalidfile'); } if (!upload::size($file, array($this->max_size))) { return $this->error = Kohana::lang('formo.too_large') . ' (' . $this->max_size . ')'; } if (!upload::type($file, $allowed_types)) { return $this->error = Kohana::lang('formo.invalid_type'); } $full_path = upload::save($fname, $time . $file['name'], DOCROOT . $this->upload_path, 0777); $path = array_pop(preg_split('/\\//', $full_path)); $file_name = $file['name']; } // fill $this->data with appropriate info $this->data['orig_name'] = $file_name; $this->data['file_name'] = end(preg_split('/\\//', $full_path)); $this->data['path'] = preg_replace('/\\/' . $this->data['file_name'] . '/', '', $full_path); $this->data['full_path'] = $full_path; $this->data['file_ext'] = strtolower(substr(strrchr($file_name, '.'), 1)); $this->data['file_type'] = reset(Kohana::config('mimes.' . $this->data['file_ext'])); $this->data['bytes'] = filesize($full_path); $this->data['file_size'] = round(filesize($full_path) / 1024, 2); $this->data['time'] = $time; if ($isize = getimagesize($full_path)) { $this->data['is_image'] = 1; $this->data['image_width'] = $isize[0]; $this->data['image_height'] = $isize[1]; $this->data['image_size_str'] = $isize[3]; } else { $this->data['is_image'] = 0; $this->data['image_width'] = NULL; $this->data['image_height'] = NULL; $this->data['image_size_str'] = NULL; } $this->value = $this->data; // create the extra stuff for saving past, accepted uploads and unvalidated forms $this->type = 'text'; $this->_was_file = TRUE; $this->add_class($this->file_link_class); $this->value = $file_name; $this->readOnly = 'readOnly'; $this->onClick = 'file_replace(\'' . $this->id . '\')'; $oldclose = $this->element_close; $class = !empty($this->class) ? ' class="' . preg_replace('/ *' . $this->file_link_class . '/', '', $this->class) . '"' : ''; $this->str = '<input type="text" name="' . $this->name . '" value="' . $this->value . '"' . Formo::quicktagss($this->_find_tags()) . ' />' . '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . 'function file_replace(id){' . "\n" . 'var txt = document.getElementById(id);' . "\n" . 'var file = document.getElementById(id+"_file");' . "\n" . ' = "none";' . "\n" . ' = "inline";' . "\n" . '}' . "\n" . '</script>' . "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->name . '_path" id="' . $this->id . '_path" value="' . $full_path . '" />' . "\n" . '<input type="file" name="' . $this->name . '_file" id="' . $this->id . '_file"' . $class . ' style="display:none"/>' . "\n" . $oldclose; } }
protected function _save_img_s3($image) { require Kohana::find_file('views/aws', 'init'); if (!upload::valid($image) or !upload::type($image, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'))) { $this->session->set_flash('error_msg', 'Only upload file jpg , jpeg , png , gif'); ///url::redirect('admin_config'); //die(); return FALSE; } else { $name = $image['name']; $size = $image['size']; $tmp = $image['tmp_name']; $actual_image_name = 'ans_' . md5($image['name'] . time()) . "." . 'png'; try { // Upload data. $result = $s3Client->putObject(array('Bucket' => $s3_bucket, 'Key' => 'answer/' . $actual_image_name, 'SourceFile' => $this->s3_resize($tmp, 593, 539), 'ACL' => 'public-read', 'ContentType' => 'image/png')); return $actual_image_name; } catch (S3Exception $e) { return FALSE; } return FALSE; } }
protected function _save_img_courses($image, $hd_id = '') { if (!upload::valid($image) or !upload::type($image, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'))) { $this->session->set_flash('error_msg', 'Only upload file jpg , jpeg , png , gif'); if ($hd_id) { url::redirect('admin_test/edit/' . $hd_id); } else { url::redirect('admin_test/create'); } } else { $directory = DOCROOT . 'uploads/courses_img/'; if ($file = upload::save($image, NULL, $directory)) { $filename = md5(rand(0, 999)) . '.png'; Image::factory($file)->resize(200, 200, Image::AUTO)->save($directory . $filename); // Delete the temporary file unlink($file); return $filename; } return FALSE; } }