예제 #1
 public function UpdateField($fieldAlias, $newValue, &$pkVal = NULL)
     if (!array_key_exists($fieldAlias, $this->fields)) {
     if ($pkVal === NULL && !$this->flag_is_set(ALLOW_ADD, $fieldAlias)) {
         throw new Exception('Module does not allow adding records');
     if ($pkVal !== NULL && !$this->flag_is_set(ALLOW_EDIT, $fieldAlias)) {
         throw new Exception('Module does not allow editing records');
     if (!$this->bypassSecurity && !$this->flag_is_set(PERSISTENT, $fieldAlias) && uEvents::TriggerEvent('CanAccessModule', $this) === FALSE) {
         throw new Exception('Access Denied when attempting to update field');
     $tableAlias = $this->fields[$fieldAlias]['tablename'];
     if (!$tableAlias) {
         return FALSE;
     // cannot update a field that has no table
     if (uEvents::TriggerEvent('BeforeUpdateField', $this, array($fieldAlias, $newValue, &$pkVal)) === FALSE) {
         $this->ResetField($fieldAlias, $pkVal);
         return FALSE;
     $oldPkVal = $pkVal;
     $fieldPK = $this->GetPrimaryKey($fieldAlias);
     $tbl = $this->fields[$fieldAlias]['vtable'];
     $values = $this->GetValues($fieldAlias, $pkVal);
     $fieldType = $this->GetFieldType($fieldAlias);
     if ($this->fields[$fieldAlias]['inputtype'] == itPASSWORD && $fieldType !== ftRAW) {
         if (empty($newValue)) {
             return FALSE;
         $newValue = uCrypt::Encrypt($newValue);
     $originalValue = $newValue;
     $field = $this->fields[$fieldAlias]['field'];
     $table = $tbl['tModule'];
     $tablePk = $tbl['pk'];
     if (preg_match('/{[^}]+}/', $field) > 0 || IsSelectStatement($field) || is_array($field)) {
         $this->ResetField($fieldAlias, $pkVal);
         return FALSE;
         // this field is a pragma, select statement or callback
     $preModPk = NULL;
     if ($table !== $this->GetTabledef()) {
         if ($pkVal === NULL) {
             // current module PK if not row exists, create it
             $this->UpdateField($this->GetPrimaryKey(), null, $pkVal);
         $row = $this->LookupRecord($pkVal, true);
         $pkLinkTo = null;
         $pkLinkFrom = null;
         $pkValTo = null;
         $pkValFrom = null;
         foreach ($tbl['joins'] as $fromField => $toField) {
             if ($toField == $this->sqlTableSetupFlat[$tbl['parent']]['pk']) {
                 $pkLinkFrom = $fromField;
                 $pkLinkTo = $toField;
                 // from (parent) pk / to (child) pk
                 foreach ($this->fields as $_f => $_finfo) {
                     if ($_finfo['tablename'] == $this->sqlTableSetupFlat[$tbl['parent']]['alias'] && $_finfo['field'] == $fromField) {
                         $pkValFrom = $row[$_f];
                     } elseif ($_finfo['tablename'] == $this->sqlTableSetupFlat[$tbl['alias']]['alias'] && $_finfo['field'] == $toField) {
                         $pkValTo = $row[$_f];
         $tableObj = utopia::GetInstance($table);
         if ($pkValTo === NULL && $pkValFrom) {
             $tableObj->UpdateField($pkLinkTo, $pkValFrom);
             $row = $this->LookupRecord($pkVal, true);
         $tableObj = utopia::GetInstance($table);
         if ($tableObj instanceof iLinkTable) {
             // delete all where tofield is oldpk
             database::query('DELETE FROM `' . $tableObj->tablename . '` WHERE `' . $pkLinkTo . '` = ?', array($pkVal));
             // loop through new values (unless empty) and add them to the link table
             if ($newValue !== NULL && $newValue !== '') {
                 if (!is_array($newValue)) {
                     $newValue = array($newValue);
                 foreach ($newValue as $v) {
                     $n = null;
                     $tableObj->UpdateField($pkLinkTo, $pkVal, $n, $fieldType);
                     //set left
                     $tableObj->UpdateField($field, $v, $n, $fieldType);
                     //set right
             return true;
         // pk of table
         $preModPk = $pkVal;
         $pkVal = $row['_' . $tableAlias . '_pk'];
         if ($pkVal === NULL) {
             // linked target does not exist, create it
             if ($pkLinkTo == $field) {
                 $tableObj->UpdateField($pkLinkTo, $newValue, $pkVal, $fieldType);
             } else {
                 $tableObj->UpdateField($field, $newValue, $pkVal, $fieldType);
             foreach ($this->fields as $_f => $_finfo) {
                 // set pkLinkFrom to newly created record in linked table
                 if (isset($_finfo['vtable']) && $_finfo['vtable']['tModule'] == $this->GetTabledef() && $_finfo['field'] == $pkLinkFrom) {
                     $this->UpdateField($_f, $pkVal, $preModPk);
     // lets update the field
     $tableObj = utopia::GetInstance($table);
     try {
         $ret = $tableObj->UpdateField($field, $newValue, $pkVal, $fieldType) === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $ret = false;
         switch ($e->getCode()) {
             case 1062:
                 // duplicate key
                 uNotices::AddNotice('An entry already exists with this value.', NOTICE_TYPE_ERROR);
                 throw $e;
     if ($preModPk !== NULL) {
         $pkVal = $preModPk;
     if ($oldPkVal === NULL) {
         // new record added
         // update default values
         if (!$this->noDefaults) {
             $this->noDefaults = true;
             foreach ($this->fields as $dalias => $fieldData) {
                 if ($fieldAlias == $dalias) {
                 // dont update the default for the field which is being set.
                 if ($dalias == $this->GetPrimaryKey()) {
                 $default = $this->GetDefaultValue($dalias);
                 if (!empty($default)) {
                     //echo "//setting default for $dalias to $default PK $pkVal\n";
                     $this->UpdateField($dalias, $default, $pkVal);
             $this->noDefaults = false;
         // new record has been created.  pass the info on to child modules, incase they need to act on it.
         uEvents::TriggerEvent('OnNewRecord', $this, $pkVal);
     if (array_key_exists('onupdate', $this->fields[$fieldAlias])) {
         foreach ($this->fields[$fieldAlias]['onupdate'] as $callback) {
             list($callback, $arr) = $callback;
             //echo "$callback,".print_r($arr,true);
             if (is_string($callback)) {
                 // $callback = array($this,$callback);
                 $callback = array($this, $callback);
             array_unshift($arr, $pkVal);
             $newRet = call_user_func_array($callback, $arr);
             if ($ret === TRUE) {
                 $ret = $newRet;
     $this->ResetField($fieldAlias, $pkVal);
     if ($oldPkVal !== $pkVal) {
         $this->ResetField($fieldAlias, $oldPkVal);
     if (uEvents::TriggerEvent('AfterUpdateField', $this, array($fieldAlias, $newValue, &$pkVal)) === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     return $ret;
예제 #2
 public static function VerifyAccount($user_id)
     $o = utopia::GetInstance(__CLASS__);
     $rec = $o->LookupRecord($user_id);
     // already verified
     if (!$rec['email_confirm']) {
         return true;
     // account email changed, send
     $randKey = uCrypt::GetRandom(20);
     $o->UpdateField('email_confirm_code', $randKey, $user_id);
     $url = $o->GetURL(array('c' => $randKey));
     //$url = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote(PATH_REL_ROOT,'/').'/','',$url);
     uNotices::AddNotice('Please check ' . $rec['email_confirm'] . ' for a validation link.');
     uEmailer::SendEmailTemplate('account_activate', array('email' => $rec['email_confirm'], 'activate_link' => $url), 'email');
     return false;
예제 #3
 public static function CreateSalt()
     return '$1$' . uCrypt::GetRandom(12, './abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789');
예제 #4
 public function ResetPW($user)
     $rec = $this->LookupRecord(array('username' => $user));
     if (!$rec) {
         return FALSE;
     // user not found.
     // account has not yet been validated.
     if ($rec['username'] == $rec['email_confirm']) {
     $randKey = uCrypt::GetRandom(20);
     $this->SetFieldOptions('email_confirm_code', ALLOW_EDIT);
     $this->UpdateField('email_confirm_code', $randKey, $rec['user_id']);
     $this->SetFieldOptions('email_confirm_code', NULL);
     //email out verification
     $name = $rec['username'] ? ' ' . $rec['username'] : '';
     $url = $this->GetURL(array('e' => $user, 'c' => $randKey));
     $url = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(PATH_REL_ROOT, '/') . '/', '', $url);
     if (empty($rec['password'])) {
         uEmailer::SendEmailTemplate('account_activate', array('email' => $user, 'contact_name' => $name, 'activate_link' => $url), 'email');
     } else {
         uEmailer::SendEmailTemplate('account_resetpw', array('email' => $user, 'contact_name' => $name, 'activate_link' => $url), 'email');