예제 #1
  * Parse speaking URL and translate it to parameters understood by TYPO3
  * Function is called from tslib_fe
  * The overall format of a speaking URL is these five parts [TYPO3_SITE_URL] / [pre-var] / [page-identification] / [post-vars] / [file.ext]
  * - "TYPO3_SITE_URL" is fixed value from the environment,
  * - "pre-var" is any number of segments separated by "/" mapping to GETvars AND with a known lenght,
  * - "page-identification" identifies the page id in TYPO3 possibly with multiple segments separated by "/" BUT with an UNKNOWN length,
  * - "post-vars" is sets of segments offering the same features as "pre-var"
  * - "file.ext" is any filename that might apply
  * @param array $params Params for hook
  * @return void Setting internal variables.
 public function decodeSpURL($params)
     $this->devLog('Entering decodeSpURL');
     // Setting parent object reference (which is $GLOBALS['TSFE'])
     $this->pObj =& $params['pObj'];
     // Initializing config / request URL
     // If there has been a redirect (basically; we arrived here otherwise than via "index.php" in the URL) this can happend either due to a CGI-script or because of reWrite rule. Earlier we used $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['REDIRECT_URL'] to check but...
     if ($this->pObj->siteScript && substr($this->pObj->siteScript, 0, 9) != 'index.php' && substr($this->pObj->siteScript, 0, 1) != '?') {
         // Getting the path which is above the current site url
         // For instance "first/second/third/index.html?&param1=value1&param2=value2"
         // should be the result of the URL
         // "http://localhost/typo3/dev/dummy_1/first/second/third/index.html?&param1=value1&param2=value2"
         // Note: sometimes in fcgi installations it is absolute, so we have to make it
         // relative to work properly.
         $speakingURIpath = $this->pObj->siteScript[0] == '/' ? substr($this->pObj->siteScript, 1) : $this->pObj->siteScript;
         // Call hooks
         if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['realurl']['decodeSpURL_preProc'])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['realurl']['decodeSpURL_preProc'] as $userFunc) {
                 $hookParams = array('pObj' => &$this, 'params' => $params, 'URL' => &$speakingURIpath);
                 $this->apiWrapper->callUserFunction($userFunc, $hookParams, $this);
         // Append missing slash if configured for
         if ($this->extConf['init']['appendMissingSlash']) {
             $regexp = '~^([^\\?]*[^/])(\\?.*)?$~';
             if (substr($speakingURIpath, -1, 1) == '?') {
                 $speakingURIpath = substr($speakingURIpath, 0, -1);
             if (preg_match($regexp, $speakingURIpath)) {
                 // Only process if a slash is missing:
                 $options = $this->apiWrapper->trimExplode(',', $this->extConf['init']['appendMissingSlash'], true);
                 if (in_array('ifNotFile', $options)) {
                     if (!preg_match('/\\/[^\\/\\?]+\\.[^\\/]+(\\?.*)?$/', '/' . $speakingURIpath)) {
                         $speakingURIpath = preg_replace($regexp, '\\1/\\2', $speakingURIpath);
                         $this->appendedSlash = true;
                 } else {
                     $speakingURIpath = preg_replace($regexp, '\\1/\\2', $speakingURIpath);
                     $this->appendedSlash = true;
                 if ($this->appendedSlash && count($options) > 0) {
                     foreach ($options as $option) {
                         $matches = array();
                         if (preg_match('/^redirect(\\[(30[1237])\\])?$/', $option, $matches)) {
                             $code = count($matches) > 1 ? $matches[2] : 301;
                             $status = 'HTTP/1.1 ' . $code . ' TYPO3 RealURL redirect M' . __LINE__;
                             // Check path segment to be relative for the current site.
                             // parse_url() does not work with relative URLs, so we use it to test
                             if (!@parse_url($speakingURIpath, PHP_URL_HOST)) {
                                 header('Location: ' . $this->apiWrapper->locationHeaderUrl($speakingURIpath));
         // If the URL is a single script like "123.1.html" it might be an "old" simulateStaticDocument request. If this is the case and support for this is configured, do NOT try and resolve it as a Speaking URL
         $fI = $this->apiWrapper->split_fileref($speakingURIpath);
         if (!$this->apiWrapper->testInt($this->pObj->id) && $fI['path'] == '' && $this->extConf['fileName']['defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev'] && $this->extConf['init']['respectSimulateStaticURLs']) {
             // If page ID does not exist yet and page is on the root level and both
             // respectSimulateStaticURLs and defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev are set, than
             // ignore respectSimulateStaticURLs and attempt to resolve page id.
             // See http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=1530
             /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
             $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage('decodeSpURL: ignoring respectSimulateStaticURLs due defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev for the root level page!)', 2);
             $this->extConf['init']['respectSimulateStaticURLs'] = false;
         if (!$this->extConf['init']['respectSimulateStaticURLs'] || $fI['path']) {
             $this->devLog('RealURL powered decoding (TM) starting!');
             // Parse path
             $uParts = @parse_url($speakingURIpath);
             if (!is_array($uParts)) {
                 $this->decodeSpURL_throw404('Current URL is invalid');
             $speakingURIpath = $this->speakingURIpath_procValue = $uParts['path'];
             // Redirecting if needed (exits if so).
             // Looking for cached information
             $cachedInfo = $this->decodeSpURL_decodeCache($speakingURIpath);
             // If no cached info was found, create it
             if (!is_array($cachedInfo)) {
                 // Decode URL
                 $cachedInfo = $this->decodeSpURL_doDecode($speakingURIpath, $this->extConf['init']['enableCHashCache']);
                 // Storing cached information
                 $this->decodeSpURL_decodeCache($speakingURIpath, $cachedInfo);
             // Re-create QUERY_STRING from Get vars for use with typoLink()
             $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $this->decodeSpURL_createQueryString($cachedInfo['GET_VARS']);
             // Jump-admin if configured
             // Setting info in TSFE
             $this->pObj->id = $cachedInfo['id'];
             if ($this->mimeType) {
                 header('Content-type: ' . $this->mimeType);
                 $this->mimeType = null;