function init($conf) { $this->conf = $conf; $this->pi_setPiVarDefaults(); $this->pi_loadLL(); $this->pi_initPIflexForm(); // Init FlexForm configuration for plugin $this->hooks = array(); if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ods_osm']['class.tx_odsosm_pi1.php'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ods_osm']['class.tx_odsosm_pi1.php'] as $classRef) { $this->hooks[] =& t3lib_div::getUserObj($classRef); } } /* -------------------------------------------------- Configuration (order of priority) - FlexForm - TypoScript - Extension -------------------------------------------------- */ $flex = array(); $options = array('height', 'lat', 'layer', 'leaflet_layer', 'library', 'lon', 'marker', 'marker_popup_initial', 'mouse_navigation', 'openlayers_layer', 'openlayers3_layer', 'position', 'show_layerswitcher', 'show_scalebar', 'show_pan_zoom', 'show_popups', 'static_layer', 'use_coords_only_nomarker', 'width', 'zoom'); foreach ($options as $option) { $value = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'], $option, 'sDEF'); if ($value) { switch ($option) { case 'marker': case 'marker_popup_initial': $flex[$option] = $this->splitGroup($value, 'tt_address'); break; default: $flex[$option] = $value; break; } } } if ($flex['library']) { $flex['layer'] = $flex[$flex['library'] . '_layer']; } $this->config = array_merge(tx_odsosm_div::getConfig(), $conf, $flex); if (!is_array($this->config['marker'])) { $this->config['marker'] = array(); } if (is_array($conf['marker.'])) { foreach ($conf['marker.'] as $name => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { if (!is_array($this->config['marker'][$name])) { $this->config['marker'][$name] = array(); } $this->config['marker'][$name] = $this->config['marker'][$name] + explode(',', $value); } } } $this->config['layer'] = explode(',', $this->config['layer']); if (is_numeric($this->config['height'])) { $this->config['height'] .= 'px'; } if (is_numeric($this->config['width'])) { $this->config['width'] .= 'px'; } if ($this->config['show_layerswitcher']) { $this->config['layers_visible'] = array(); } else { $this->config['layers_visible'] = $this->config['layer']; } if ($this->config['external_control']) { if (t3lib_div::_GP('lon')) { $this->config['lon'] = t3lib_div::_GP('lon'); } if (t3lib_div::_GP('lat')) { $this->config['lat'] = t3lib_div::_GP('lat'); } if (t3lib_div::_GP('zoom')) { $this->config['zoom'] = t3lib_div::_GP('zoom'); } if (t3lib_div::_GP('layers')) { $this->config['layers_visible'] = explode(',', t3lib_div::_GP('layers')); } if (t3lib_div::_GP('records')) { $this->config['marker'] = $this->splitGroup(t3lib_div::_GP('records'), 'tt_address'); } } $this->config['id'] = 'osm_' . $this->cObj->data['uid']; $this->config['marker'] = $this->extractGroup($this->config['marker']); // Show this marker's popup intially if (is_array($this->config['marker_popup_initial'])) { foreach ($this->config['marker_popup_initial'] as $table => $records) { foreach ($records as $uid) { if (isset($this->config['marker'][$table][$uid])) { $this->config['marker'][$table][$uid]['initial_popup'] = true; } } } } // Library if (empty($this->config['library'])) { $this->config['library'] = 'leaflet'; } require_once t3lib_extMgm::extPath('ods_osm') . 'class.tx_odsosm_' . $this->config['library'] . '.php'; $this->library = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_odsosm_' . $this->config['library']); $this->library->init($this->config); $this->library->cObj = $this->cObj; // Get marker records $this->library->markers = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows('*', 'tx_odsosm_marker', '1' . $this->cObj->enableFields('tx_odsosm_marker'), '', '', '', 'uid'); }
function processDatamap_postProcessFieldArray($status, $table, $id, &$fieldArray, $obj) { switch ($table) { case 'fe_users': case 'tt_address': $config = tx_odsosm_div::getConfig(array('autocomplete')); // Search coordinates if ($config['autocomplete'] && ($fieldArray['zip'] || $fieldArray['city'] || $fieldArray['address'])) { $address = $obj->datamap[$table][$id]; if ($config['autocomplete'] == 2 || floatval($address['tx_odsosm_lon']) == 0) { $ll = tx_odsosm_div::updateAddress($address); if ($ll) { $fieldArray['tx_odsosm_lon'] = sprintf('%01.6f', $address['lon']); $fieldArray['tx_odsosm_lat'] = sprintf('%01.6f', $address['lat']); if ($address['street']) { $fieldArray['address'] = $address['street']; if ($address['housenumber']) { $fieldArray['address'] .= ' ' . $address['housenumber']; } } if ($address['zip']) { $fieldArray['zip'] = $address['zip']; } if ($address['city']) { $fieldArray['city'] = $address['city']; } if ($address['state'] && $table == 'tt_address') { $fieldArray['region'] = $address['state']; } if ($address['country']) { $fieldArray['country'] = $address['country']; } } } } break; case 'tx_odsosm_track': $filename = PATH_site . 'uploads/tx_odsosm/' . $fieldArray['file']; if ($fieldArray['file'] && file_exists($filename)) { require_once t3lib_extMgm::extPath('ods_osm', 'res/geoPHP/'); $polygon = geoPHP::load(file_get_contents($filename), pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $box = $polygon->getBBox(); $fieldArray['min_lon'] = sprintf('%01.6f', $box['minx']); $fieldArray['min_lat'] = sprintf('%01.6f', $box['miny']); $fieldArray['max_lon'] = sprintf('%01.6f', $box['maxx']); $fieldArray['max_lat'] = sprintf('%01.6f', $box['maxy']); } break; case 'tx_odsosm_marker': if ($fieldArray['icon'] && file_exists(PATH_site . 'uploads/tx_odsosm/' . $fieldArray['icon'])) { $size = getimagesize(PATH_site . 'uploads/tx_odsosm/' . $fieldArray['icon']); $fieldArray['size_x'] = $size[0]; $fieldArray['size_y'] = $size[1]; $fieldArray['offset_x'] = -round($size[0] / 2); $fieldArray['offset_y'] = -$size[1]; } break; case 'tx_odsosm_vector': if ($fieldArray['data']) { $this->lon = array(); $this->lat = array(); $vector = json_decode($fieldArray['data']); foreach ($vector->geometry->coordinates[0] as $coordinates) { $this->lon[] = $coordinates[0]; $this->lat[] = $coordinates[1]; } } $fieldArray['min_lon'] = sprintf('%01.6f', min($this->lon)); $fieldArray['min_lat'] = sprintf('%01.6f', min($this->lat)); $fieldArray['max_lon'] = sprintf('%01.6f', max($this->lon)); $fieldArray['max_lat'] = sprintf('%01.6f', max($this->lat)); break; } }
/** * Search for the given address in one of the geocoding services and update * its data. * * Data lat, lon, zip and city may get updated. * * @param array &$address Address record from database * @param integer $service Geocoding service to use * - 0: internal caching database table * - 1: * - 2: * * @return boolean True if the address got updated, false if not. */ function searchAddress(&$address, $service = 0) { $config = tx_odsosm_div::getConfig(array('default_country', 'geo_service_email', 'geo_service_user')); $ll = false; $country = strtoupper(strlen($address['country']) == 2 ? $address['country'] : $config['default_country']); $email = t3lib_div::validEmail($config['geo_service_email']) ? $config['geo_service_email'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']; if (TYPO3_DLOG) { $service_names = array(0 => 'cache', 1 => 'geonames', 2 => 'nominatim'); t3lib_div::devLog('Search address using ' . $service_names[$service], 'ods_osm', 0, $address); } switch ($service) { case 0: // cache $where = array(); if ($country) { $where[] = 'country=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($country, 'tx_odsosm_geocache'); } if ($address['city']) { $where[] = '(city=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($address['city'], 'tx_odsosm_geocache') . ' OR search_city=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($address['city'], 'tx_odsosm_geocache') . ')'; } if ($address['zip']) { $where[] = 'zip=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($address['zip'], 'tx_odsosm_geocache'); } if ($address['street']) { $where[] = 'street=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($address['street'], 'tx_odsosm_geocache'); } if ($address['housenumber']) { $where[] = 'housenumber=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($address['housenumber'], 'tx_odsosm_geocache'); } if ($where) { $where[] = 'deleted=0'; $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_odsosm_geocache', implode(' AND ', $where)); $row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res); if ($row) { $ll = true; $set = array('tstamp' => time(), 'cache_hit' => $row['cache_hit'] + 1); $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_UPDATEquery('tx_odsosm_geocache', 'uid=' . $row['uid'], $set); $address['lat'] = $row['lat']; $address['lon'] = $row['lon']; if ($row['zip']) { $address['zip'] = $row['zip']; } if ($row['city']) { $address['city'] = $row['city']; } if ($row['state']) { $address['state'] = $row['state']; } if (empty($address['country'])) { $address['country'] = $row['country']; } } } break; case 1: // if ($country) { $query['country'] = $country; } if ($address['city']) { $query['placename'] = $address['city']; } if ($address['zip']) { $query['postalcode'] = $address['zip']; } if ($query) { $query['maxRows'] = 1; $query['username'] = $config['geo_service_user']; $xml = t3lib_div::getURL('' . http_build_query($query, '', '&'), false, 'User-Agent: TYPO3 extension ods_osm/' . t3lib_extMgm::getExtensionVersion('ods_osm')); if (TYPO3_DLOG && $xml === false) { t3lib_div::devLog('t3lib_div::getURL failed', "ods_osm", 3); } if ($xml) { $xmlobj = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); if ($xmlobj->status) { if (TYPO3_DLOG) { t3lib_div::devLog('GeoNames message', 'ods_osm', 2, (array) $xmlobj->status->attributes()); } $o_flashMessage = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_FlashMessage', (string) $xmlobj->status->attributes()->message, 'GeoNames message', t3lib_FlashMessage::WARNING); t3lib_FlashMessageQueue::addMessage($o_flashMessage); } if ($xmlobj->code) { $ll = true; $address['lat'] = (string) $xmlobj->code->lat; $address['lon'] = (string) $xmlobj->code->lng; if ($xmlobj->code->postalcode) { $address['zip'] = (string) $xmlobj->code->postalcode; } if ($xmlobj->code->name) { $address['city'] = (string) $xmlobj->code->name; } if (empty($address['country'])) { $address['country'] = (string) $xmlobj->code->countryCode; } } } } break; case 2: // $query['country'] = $country; $query['email'] = $email; $query['addressdetails'] = 1; $query['format'] = 'xml'; if ($this->address_type == 'structured') { if ($address['city']) { $query['city'] = $address['city']; } if ($address['zip']) { $query['postalcode'] = $address['zip']; } if ($address['street']) { $query['street'] = $address['street']; } if ($address['housenumber']) { $query['street'] = $address['housenumber'] . ' ' . $query['street']; } if (TYPO3_DLOG) { t3lib_div::devLog('Nominatim structured', 'ods_osm', -1, $query); } $ll = tx_odsosm_div::searchAddressNominatim($query, $address); if (!$ll && $query['postalcode']) { unset($query['postalcode']); if (TYPO3_DLOG) { t3lib_div::devLog('Nominatim retrying without zip', 'ods_osm', -1, $query); } $ll = tx_odsosm_div::searchAddressNominatim($query, $address); } } if ($this->address_type == 'unstructured') { $query['q'] = $address['address']; if (TYPO3_DLOG) { t3lib_div::devLog('Nominatim unstructured', 'ods_osm', -1, $query); } $ll = tx_odsosm_div::searchAddressNominatim($query, $address); } break; } if (TYPO3_DLOG) { if ($ll) { t3lib_div::devLog('Return address', 'ods_osm', 0, $address); } else { t3lib_div::devLog('No address found', 'ods_osm', 0); } } return $ll; }