  * Get extensions that have category plugin or category fe
  * @param boolean $onlyKeys If true, only the extension keys are returned.
  * @return array Array of frontend extension keys
 public static function getFrontendExtensions($onlyKeys = TRUE)
     $extensions = array();
     if (t3lib_div::int_from_ver(TYPO3_version) < 6001000) {
         $list = array();
         /** @var $extensionList tx_em_Extensions_List */
         $extensionList = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_em_Extensions_List');
         $cat = tx_em_Tools::getDefaultCategory();
         $path = PATH_typo3conf . 'ext/';
         $extensionList->getInstExtList($path, $list, $cat, 'L');
     } else {
         $list = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::getLoadedExtensionListArray();
     foreach ($list as $extensionName => $extensionData) {
         if (isset($extensionData['EM_CONF']['category'])) {
             if (trim($extensionData['EM_CONF']['category']) === 'plugin' || trim($extensionData['EM_CONF']['category']) === 'fe') {
                 if ((bool) $onlyKeys) {
                     array_push($extensions, $extensionName);
                 } else {
                     $extensions[$extensionName] = $extensionData;
     return $extensions;
  * Method collects and stores extension version details into the database.
  * @access  protected
  * @param   SplSubject  $subject  a subject notifying this observer
  * @return  void
 protected function loadIntoDB(SplSubject &$subject)
     // flush every 50 rows to database
     if ($this->sumRecords !== 0 && $this->sumRecords % 50 === 0) {
         $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTmultipleRows('cache_extensions', self::$fieldNames, $this->arrRows, self::$fieldIndicesNoQuote);
         $this->arrRows = array();
     // order must match that of self::$fieldNamses!
     $this->arrRows[] = array($subject->getExtkey(), $subject->getVersion(), tx_em_Tools::makeVersion($subject->getVersion(), 'int'), intval($subject->getAlldownloadcounter()), intval($subject->getDownloadcounter()), !is_null($subject->getTitle()) ? $subject->getTitle() : '', $subject->getOwnerusername(), !is_null($subject->getAuthorname()) ? $subject->getAuthorname() : '', !is_null($subject->getAuthoremail()) ? $subject->getAuthoremail() : '', !is_null($subject->getAuthorcompany()) ? $subject->getAuthorcompany() : '', intval($subject->getLastuploaddate()), $subject->getT3xfilemd5(), $this->repositoryUID, tx_em_Tools::getDefaultState($subject->getState() ? $subject->getState() : ''), intval($subject->getReviewstate()), tx_em_Tools::getDefaultCategory($subject->getCategory() ? $subject->getCategory() : ''), $subject->getDescription() ? $subject->getDescription() : '', $subject->getDependencies() ? $subject->getDependencies() : '', $subject->getUploadcomment() ? $subject->getUploadcomment() : '');
  * Upload extension to ter
  * @param  $em
  * @return
 function uploadToTER($em)
     $uArr = $this->emObj->extensionDetails->makeUploadarray($em['extKey'], $em['extInfo']);
     if (!is_array($uArr)) {
         return $uArr;
     // Render new version number:
     $newVersionBase = $em['extInfo']['EM_CONF']['version'];
     switch ((string) $em['upload']['mode']) {
         case 'new_dev':
             $cmd = 'dev';
         case 'new_sub':
             $cmd = 'sub';
         case 'new_main':
             $cmd = 'main';
         case 'custom':
             $newVersionBase = $em['upload']['version'];
         case 'latest':
             $cmd = '';
     $versionArr = tx_em_Tools::renderVersion($newVersionBase, $cmd);
     $em['version'] = $versionArr['version'];
     // Create dependency / conflict information:
     $dependenciesArr = array();
     $extKeysArr = $uArr['EM_CONF']['constraints']['depends'];
     if (is_array($extKeysArr)) {
         foreach ($extKeysArr as $extKey => $version) {
             if (strlen($extKey)) {
                 $dependenciesArr[] = array('kind' => 'depends', 'extensionKey' => utf8_encode($extKey), 'versionRange' => utf8_encode($version));
     $extKeysArr = $uArr['EM_CONF']['constraints']['conflicts'];
     if (is_array($extKeysArr)) {
         foreach ($extKeysArr as $extKey => $version) {
             if (strlen($extKey)) {
                 $dependenciesArr[] = array('kind' => 'conflicts', 'extensionKey' => utf8_encode($extKey), 'versionRange' => utf8_encode($version));
     // FIXME: This part must be removed, when the problem is solved on the TER-Server #5919
     if (count($dependenciesArr) == 1) {
         $dependenciesArr[] = array('kind' => 'depends', 'extensionKey' => '', 'versionRange' => '');
     // END for Bug #5919
     // Compile data for SOAP call:
     $accountData = array('username' => $em['user']['fe_u'], 'password' => $em['user']['fe_p']);
     $extensionData = array('extensionKey' => utf8_encode($em['extKey']), 'version' => utf8_encode($em['version']), 'metaData' => array('title' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['title']), 'description' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['description']), 'category' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['category']), 'state' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['state']), 'authorName' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['author']), 'authorEmail' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['author_email']), 'authorCompany' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['author_company'])), 'technicalData' => array('dependencies' => $dependenciesArr, 'loadOrder' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['loadOrder']), 'uploadFolder' => (bool) intval($uArr['EM_CONF']['uploadfolder']), 'createDirs' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['createDirs']), 'shy' => (bool) intval($uArr['EM_CONF']['shy']), 'modules' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['module']), 'modifyTables' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['modify_tables']), 'priority' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['priority']), 'clearCacheOnLoad' => (bool) intval($uArr['EM_CONF']['clearCacheOnLoad']), 'lockType' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['lockType']), 'doNotLoadInFEe' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['doNotLoadInFE']), 'docPath' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['docPath'])), 'infoData' => array('codeLines' => intval($uArr['misc']['codelines']), 'codeBytes' => intval($uArr['misc']['codebytes']), 'codingGuidelinesCompliance' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['CGLcompliance']), 'codingGuidelinesComplianceNotes' => utf8_encode($uArr['EM_CONF']['CGLcompliance_note']), 'uploadComment' => utf8_encode($em['upload']['comment']), 'techInfo' => $uArr['techInfo']));
     $filesData = array();
     foreach ($uArr['FILES'] as $filename => $infoArr) {
         $filesData[] = array('name' => utf8_encode($infoArr['name']), 'size' => intval($infoArr['size']), 'modificationTime' => intval($infoArr['mtime']), 'isExecutable' => intval($infoArr['is_executable']), 'content' => $infoArr['content'], 'contentMD5' => $infoArr['content_md5']);
     $soap = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_em_Connection_Soap');
     $soap->init(array('wsdl' => $this->wsdlURL, 'soapoptions' => array('trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 0)));
     $response = $soap->call('uploadExtension', array('accountData' => $accountData, 'extensionData' => $extensionData, 'filesData' => $filesData));
     if ($response === FALSE) {
         switch (TRUE) {
             case is_string($soap->error):
                 return $soap->error;
                 return $soap->error->faultstring;
     return $response;
  * Adds extension to extension list and returns new list. If -1 is returned, an error happend.
  * Checks dependencies etc.
  * @param	string		Extension key
  * @param	array		Extension information array - information about installed extensions
  * @return	string		New list of installed extensions or -1 if error
  * @see showExtDetails()
 function addExtToList($extKey, $instExtInfo)
     global $TYPO3_LOADED_EXT;
     // ext_emconf.php information:
     $conf = $instExtInfo[$extKey]['EM_CONF'];
     // Get list of installed extensions and add this one.
     $listArr = array_keys($TYPO3_LOADED_EXT);
     if ($conf['priority'] == 'top') {
         array_unshift($listArr, $extKey);
     } else {
         $listArr[] = $extKey;
     // Manage other circumstances:
     $listArr = tx_em_Tools::managesPriorities($listArr, $instExtInfo);
     $listArr = $this->removeRequiredExtFromListArr($listArr);
     // Implode unique list of extensions to load and return:
     $list = implode(',', array_unique($listArr));
     return $list;
 function storeXMLResult()
     foreach ($this->extXMLResult as $extkey => $extArr) {
         $max = -1;
         $maxrev = -1;
         $last = '';
         $lastrev = '';
         $usecat = '';
         $usetitle = '';
         $usestate = '';
         $useauthorcompany = '';
         $useauthorname = '';
         $verArr = array();
         foreach ($extArr['versions'] as $version => $vArr) {
             $iv = tx_em_Tools::makeVersion($version, 'int');
             if ($vArr['title'] && !$usetitle) {
                 $usetitle = $vArr['title'];
             if ($vArr['state'] && !$usestate) {
                 $usestate = $vArr['state'];
             if ($vArr['authorcompany'] && !$useauthorcompany) {
                 $useauthorcompany = $vArr['authorcompany'];
             if ($vArr['authorname'] && !$useauthorname) {
                 $useauthorname = $vArr['authorname'];
             $verArr[$version] = $iv;
             if ($iv > $max) {
                 $max = $iv;
                 $last = $version;
                 if ($vArr['title']) {
                     $usetitle = $vArr['title'];
                 if ($vArr['state']) {
                     $usestate = $vArr['state'];
                 if ($vArr['authorcompany']) {
                     $useauthorcompany = $vArr['authorcompany'];
                 if ($vArr['authorname']) {
                     $useauthorname = $vArr['authorname'];
                 $usecat = $vArr['category'];
             if ($vArr['reviewstate'] && $iv > $maxrev) {
                 $maxrev = $iv;
                 $lastrev = $version;
         if (!strlen($usecat)) {
             $usecat = 4;
             // Extensions without a category end up in "misc"
         } else {
             if (isset($this->revCatArr[$usecat])) {
                 $usecat = $this->revCatArr[$usecat];
             } else {
                 $usecat = 4;
                 // Extensions without a category end up in "misc"
         if (isset($this->revStateArr[$usestate])) {
             $usestate = $this->revCatArr[$usestate];
         } else {
             $usestate = 999;
             // Extensions without a category end up in "misc"
         foreach ($extArr['versions'] as $version => $vArr) {
             $vArr['version'] = $version;
             $vArr['intversion'] = $verArr[$version];
             $vArr['extkey'] = $extkey;
             $vArr['alldownloadcounter'] = $extArr['downloadcounter'];
             $vArr['dependencies'] = serialize($vArr['dependencies']);
             $vArr['category'] = $usecat;
             $vArr['title'] = $usetitle;
             if ($version == $last) {
                 $vArr['lastversion'] = 1;
             if ($version == $lastrev) {
                 $vArr['lastreviewedversion'] = 1;
             $vArr['state'] = isset($this->revStateArr[$vArr['state']]) ? $this->revStateArr[$vArr['state']] : $usestate;
             // 999 = not set category
             $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery('cache_extensions', $vArr);
예제 #6
  * Analyses the php-scripts of an available extension on server
  * @param	string		Absolute path to extension
  * @param	string		Prefix for tables/classes.
  * @param	string		Extension key
  * @return	array		Information array.
  * @see makeDetailedExtensionAnalysis()
 public static function getClassIndexLocallangFiles($absPath, $table_class_prefix, $extKey)
     $excludeForPackaging = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['excludeForPackaging'];
     $filesInside = t3lib_div::removePrefixPathFromList(t3lib_div::getAllFilesAndFoldersInPath(array(), $absPath, 'php,inc', 0, 99, $excludeForPackaging), $absPath);
     $out = array();
     $reg = array();
     foreach ($filesInside as $fileName) {
         if (substr($fileName, 0, 4) != 'ext_' && substr($fileName, 0, 6) != 'tests/') {
             // ignore supposed-to-be unit tests as well
             $baseName = basename($fileName);
             if (substr($baseName, 0, 9) == 'locallang' && substr($baseName, -4) == '.php') {
                 $out['locallang'][] = $fileName;
             } elseif ($baseName != 'conf.php') {
                 if (filesize($absPath . $fileName) < 500 * 1024) {
                     $fContent = t3lib_div::getUrl($absPath . $fileName);
                     if (preg_match('/\\n[[:space:]]*class[[:space:]]*([[:alnum:]_]+)([[:alnum:][:space:]_]*)/', $fContent, $reg)) {
                         // Find classes:
                         $lines = explode(LF, $fContent);
                         foreach ($lines as $l) {
                             $line = trim($l);
                             if (preg_match('/^class[[:space:]]*([[:alnum:]_]+)([[:alnum:][:space:]_]*)/', $line, $reg)) {
                                 $out['classes'][] = $reg[1];
                                 $out['files'][$fileName]['classes'][] = $reg[1];
                                 if ($reg[1] !== 'ext_update' && substr($reg[1], 0, 3) != 'ux_' && !t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($reg[1], $table_class_prefix) && strcmp(substr($table_class_prefix, 0, -1), $reg[1])) {
                                     $out['NSerrors']['classname'][] = $reg[1];
                                 } else {
                                     $out['NSok']['classname'][] = $reg[1];
                         // If class file prefixed 'class.'....
                         if (substr($baseName, 0, 6) == 'class.') {
                             $fI = pathinfo($baseName);
                             $testName = substr($baseName, 6, -(1 + strlen($fI['extension'])));
                             if ($testName !== 'ext_update' && substr($testName, 0, 3) != 'ux_' && !t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($testName, $table_class_prefix) && strcmp(substr($table_class_prefix, 0, -1), $testName)) {
                                 $out['NSerrors']['classfilename'][] = $baseName;
                             } else {
                                 $out['NSok']['classfilename'][] = $baseName;
                                 if (is_array($out['files'][$fileName]['classes']) && tx_em_Tools::first_in_array($testName, $out['files'][$fileName]['classes'], 1)) {
                                     $out['msg'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_class_ok'), $fileName, $testName);
                                 } else {
                                     $out['errors'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_class_not_ok'), $fileName, $testName);
                         // Check for proper XCLASS definition
                         // Match $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS'] with single or doublequotes
                         $XclassSearch = '\\$TYPO3_CONF_VARS\\[TYPO3_MODE\\]\\[[\'"]XCLASS[\'"]\\]';
                         $XclassParts = preg_split('/if \\(defined\\([\'"]TYPO3_MODE[\'"]\\)(.*)' . $XclassSearch . '/', $fContent, 2);
                         if (count($XclassParts) !== 2) {
                             // Match $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'][TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS'] with single or doublequotes
                             $XclassSearch = '\\$GLOBALS\\[[\'"]TYPO3_CONF_VARS[\'"]\\]\\[TYPO3_MODE\\]\\[[\'"]XCLASS[\'"]\\]';
                             $XclassParts = preg_split('/if \\(defined\\([\'"]TYPO3_MODE[\'"]\\)(.*)' . $XclassSearch . '/', $fContent, 2);
                         if (count($XclassParts) == 2) {
                             preg_match('/^\\[[\'"]([[:alnum:]_\\/\\.]*)[\'"]\\]/', $XclassParts[1], $reg);
                             if ($reg[1]) {
                                 $cmpF = 'ext/' . $extKey . '/' . $fileName;
                                 if (!strcmp($reg[1], $cmpF)) {
                                     if (preg_match('/_once[[:space:]]*\\(' . $XclassSearch . '\\[[\'"]' . preg_quote($cmpF, '/') . '[\'"]\\]\\);/', $XclassParts[1])) {
                                         $out['msg'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_xclass_ok'), $fileName);
                                     } else {
                                         $out['errors'][] = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_xclass_no_include');
                                 } else {
                                     $out['errors'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_xclass_incorrect'), $reg[1], $cmpF);
                             } else {
                                 $out['errors'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_no_xclass_filename'), $fileName);
                         } elseif (!tx_em_Tools::first_in_array('ux_', $out['files'][$fileName]['classes'])) {
                             // No Xclass definition required if classname starts with 'ux_'
                             $out['errors'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_no_xclass_found'), $fileName);
     return $out;
  * Double install warning.
  * @param	string		Double-install string, eg. "LG" etc.
  * @param	string		Current scope, eg. "L" or "G" or "S"
  * @return	string		Message
 function extInformationArray_dbInst($dbInst, $current)
     if (strlen($dbInst) > 1) {
         $others = array();
         for ($a = 0; $a < strlen($dbInst); $a++) {
             if (substr($dbInst, $a, 1) != $current) {
                 $others[] = '"' . $this->api->typeLabels[substr($dbInst, $a, 1)] . '"';
         return tx_em_Tools::rfw(sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('extInfoArray_double_installation_infotext'), implode(' ' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_common.xml:and') . ' ', $others), $this->api->typeLabels[$current]));
     } else {
         return '';
예제 #8
  * Returns the absolute path where the extension $extKey is installed (based on 'type' (SGL))
  * @param	string		Extension key
  * @param	string		Install scope type: L, G, S
  * @return	string		Returns the absolute path to the install scope given by input $type variable. It is checked if the path is a directory. Slash is appended.
 public function getExtPath($extKey, $type, $returnWithoutExtKey = FALSE)
     return tx_em_Tools::getExtPath($extKey, $type, $returnWithoutExtKey);
  * Updates the database according to extension requirements
  * DBAL compliant (based on Install Tool code)
  * @param	string		Extension key
  * @param	array		Extension information array
  * @return	void
 function forceDBupdates($extKey, $extInfo)
     $instObj = new t3lib_install();
     // Updating tables and fields?
     if (is_array($extInfo['files']) && in_array('ext_tables.sql', $extInfo['files'])) {
         $fileContent = t3lib_div::getUrl(tx_em_Tools::getExtPath($extKey, $extInfo['type']) . 'ext_tables.sql');
         $FDfile = $instObj->getFieldDefinitions_fileContent($fileContent);
         if (count($FDfile)) {
             $FDdb = $instObj->getFieldDefinitions_database(TYPO3_db);
             $diff = $instObj->getDatabaseExtra($FDfile, $FDdb);
             $update_statements = $instObj->getUpdateSuggestions($diff);
             foreach ((array) $update_statements['add'] as $string) {
             foreach ((array) $update_statements['change'] as $string) {
             foreach ((array) $update_statements['create_table'] as $string) {
     // Importing static tables?
     if (is_array($extInfo['files']) && in_array('ext_tables_static+adt.sql', $extInfo['files'])) {
         $fileContent = t3lib_div::getUrl(tx_em_Tools::getExtPath($extKey, $extInfo['type']) . 'ext_tables_static+adt.sql');
         $statements = $instObj->getStatementarray($fileContent, 1);
         list($statements_table, $insertCount) = $instObj->getCreateTables($statements, 1);
         // Traverse the tables
         foreach ($statements_table as $table => $query) {
             $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->admin_query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table);
             if ($insertCount[$table]) {
                 $statements_insert = $instObj->getTableInsertStatements($statements, $table);
                 foreach ($statements_insert as $v) {
  * Install translations for all selected languages for an extension
  * @param string $extKey		The extension key to install the translations for
  * @param string $lang		Language code of translation to fetch
  * @param string $mirrorURL		Mirror URL to fetch data from
  * @return mixed	true on success, error string on fauilure
 function updateTranslation($extKey, $lang, $mirrorURL)
     $l10n = $this->parentObject->terConnection->fetchTranslation($extKey, $lang, $mirrorURL);
     if (is_array($l10n)) {
         $file = PATH_site . 'typo3temp/' . $extKey . '-l10n-' . $lang . '.zip';
         $path = 'l10n/' . $lang . '/';
         if (!is_dir(PATH_typo3conf . $path)) {
             t3lib_div::mkdir_deep(PATH_typo3conf, $path);
         t3lib_div::writeFile($file, $l10n[0]);
         // this prevent first update having errors
         t3lib_div::rmdir(PATH_typo3conf . $path . $extKey, TRUE);
         if (tx_em_Tools::unzip($file, PATH_typo3conf . $path)) {
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             return $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('translation_unpacking_failed');
     } else {
         return $l10n;
  * Enables an extension
  * @param  $extensionKey
  * @return void
 public function enableExtension($extensionKey)
     $this->extensionList = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_em_Extensions_List', $this);
     $install = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_em_Install', $this);
     list($installedList, ) = $this->extensionList->getInstalledExtensions();
     $newExtensionList = $this->extensionList->addExtToList($extensionKey, $installedList);
     $install->forceDBupdates($extensionKey, $installedList[$extensionKey]);
  * performs various compatibility modifications
  * and fixes/workarounds for wireit limitations
  * @param array $extensionConfigurationJSON
  * @param boolean $prepareForModeler
  * @return array the modified configuration
 public function fixExtensionBuilderJSON($extensionConfigurationJSON, $prepareForModeler)
     $extBuilderVersion = tx_em_Tools::renderVersion($extensionConfigurationJSON['log']['extension_builder_version']);
     $extensionConfigurationJSON['modules'] = $this->mapOldRelationTypesToNewRelationTypes($extensionConfigurationJSON['modules']);
     $extensionConfigurationJSON['modules'] = $this->generateUniqueIDs($extensionConfigurationJSON['modules']);
     $extensionConfigurationJSON['modules'] = $this->resetOutboundedPositions($extensionConfigurationJSON['modules']);
     $extensionConfigurationJSON['modules'] = $this->mapAdvancedMode($extensionConfigurationJSON['modules'], $prepareForModeler);
     $extensionConfigurationJSON['modules'] = $this->mapOldActions($extensionConfigurationJSON['modules']);
     if ($extBuilderVersion['version_int'] < 2000100) {
         $extensionConfigurationJSON = $this->importExistingActionConfiguration($extensionConfigurationJSON);
     $extensionConfigurationJSON = $this->reArrangeRelations($extensionConfigurationJSON);
     return $extensionConfigurationJSON;