  * Transformation handler: 'ts_links' / direction: "db"
  * Processing linked images inserted in the RTE.
  * This is used when content goes from the RTE to the database.
  * Images inserted in the RTE has an absolute URL applied to the src attribute. This URL is converted to a media uid
  * @param	string		The content from RTE going to Database
  * @return	string		Processed content
 function transform_db($value, &$pObj)
     // Split content into <a> tag blocks and process:
     $blockSplit = $pObj->splitIntoBlock('A', $value);
     foreach ($blockSplit as $k => $v) {
         if ($k % 2) {
             // If an A-tag was found:
             $attribArray = $pObj->get_tag_attributes_classic($pObj->getFirstTag($v), 1);
             $info = $pObj->urlInfoForLinkTags($attribArray['href']);
             $uid = false;
             if (isset($attribArray['txdam'])) {
                 $uid = intval($attribArray['txdam']);
             if (!$uid and $info['relUrl']) {
                 $info['relUrl'] = rawurldecode($info['relUrl']);
                 $uid = tx_dam::file_isIndexed($info['relUrl']);
             // found an id, so convert the a tag to a media tag
             if ($uid) {
                 if ($attribArray['usedamcolumn'] == 'true') {
                 if (is_array($pObj->procOptions['HTMLparser_db.']['tags.']['media.'])) {
                     $tags = array();
                     $tags['a'] = $pObj->procOptions['HTMLparser_db.']['tags.']['media.'];
                     $blockSplit[$k] = $pObj->HTMLcleaner($blockSplit[$k], $tags, true);
                 $bTag = '<media ' . $uid . ($attribArray['target'] ? ' ' . $attribArray['target'] : ($attribArray['class'] || $attribArray['title'] ? ' -' : '')) . ($attribArray['class'] ? ' ' . $attribArray['class'] : ($attribArray['title'] ? ' -' : '')) . ($attribArray['title'] ? ' "' . $attribArray['title'] . '"' : '') . '>';
                 $eTag = '</media>';
                 $blockSplit[$k] = $bTag . $this->transform_db($pObj->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k]), $pObj) . $eTag;
             } else {
                 // just rebuild the tag so it can be processed by t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_links_db
                 $bTag = '<a ' . t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attribArray, 1) . '>';
                 $eTag = '</a>';
                 $blockSplit[$k] = $bTag . $this->transform_db($pObj->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k]), $pObj) . $eTag;
     $value = implode('', $blockSplit);
     $value = $pObj->TS_links_db($value);
     return $value;
  * tx_dam::index_process()
 public function test_index_process()
     $filepath = $this->getFixtureFilename('iptc');
     $uid = tx_dam::file_isIndexed($filepath);
     self::assertFalse($uid, 'File index found, but shouldn\'t');
     $indexed = tx_dam::index_process($filepath);
     $indexed = current($indexed);
     self::assertTrue(isset($indexed['uid']), 'File not indexed');
     $meta = tx_dam::meta_getDataByUid($indexed['uid'], '*');
     $date = date('d.m.Y', $meta['date_cr']);
     self::assertEquals($date, '04.07.2006', 'Wrong date: ' . $date);
     self::assertEquals($meta['title'], 'Hummelflug', 'Wrong title: ' . $meta['title']);
     self::assertEquals($meta['file_hash'], '184e454250f6f606a1dba14b5c7b38c5', 'Wrong file_hash: ' . $meta['file_hash']);
     self::assertEquals(intval($meta['media_type']), TXDAM_mtype_image, 'Wrong media_type: ' . $meta['media_type']);
     self::assertEquals($meta['file_type'], 'jpg', 'Wrong file_type: ' . $meta['file_type']);
     self::assertEquals($meta['file_mime_type'], 'image', 'Wrong file_mime_type: ' . $meta['file_mime_type']);
     self::assertEquals($meta['file_mime_subtype'], 'jpeg', 'Wrong file_mime_subtype: ' . $meta['file_mime_subtype']);
     self::assertTrue((bool) $meta['hpixels'], 'Missing value');
     self::assertTrue((bool) $meta['vpixels'], 'Missing value');
     self::assertTrue((bool) $meta['hres'], 'Missing value');
     self::assertTrue((bool) $meta['vres'], 'Missing value');
     self::assertTrue((bool) $meta['width'], 'Missing value');
     self::assertTrue((bool) $meta['height'], 'Missing value');
     self::assertTrue((bool) $meta['height_unit'], 'Missing value');
  * Indiziert eine Datei mit DAM.
  * ACHTUNG: wenn die Feld Collation der DB-Felder file_name und file_path
  *     in der tx_dam Tabelle auf *_ci (utf8_general_ci) stehen,
  *     wird bei der Prüfung Gruß-/Kleinschreibung ignoriert,
  *     was bei unix-Systemen zu Fehlern führt!
  *     Die einfache Lösung ist, die Collation der beiden Felder
  *     auf *_bin (utf8_bin) zu setzen!
  * @param string $file
  * @param int $beUserId
  * @return uid
 public static function indexProcess($file, $beUserId)
     if (!tx_rnbase_util_Extensions::isLoaded('dam')) {
         return 0;
     require_once tx_rnbase_util_Extensions::extPath('dam', 'lib/class.tx_dam.php');
     $mediaUid = tx_dam::file_isIndexed($file);
     if (!$mediaUid) {
         // process file indexing
         $damData = tx_dam::index_process($file);
         $mediaUid = $damData[0]['uid'];
     return $mediaUid;
예제 #4
  * Process auto indexing for the given file.
  * This should be used to index files easily.
  * When auto indexing is disabled the indexing will not be processed.
  * @param	string		$filename Filename with path
  * @param	boolean		$reindex If set already indexed files will be reindexed
  * @return	array		Meta data array. $meta['fields'] has the record data. Returns false when nothing was indexed but file might be in index already.
 function index_autoProcess($filename, $reindex = false)
     global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS;
     // disable auto indexing by setup
     if (!tx_dam::config_getValue('setup.indexing.auto')) {
         return false;
     $filename = tx_dam::file_absolutePath($filename);
     if (!@is_file($filename)) {
         return false;
     // we don't index indexing setup files
     if (basename($filename) == '.indexing.setup.xml') {
         return false;
     if (!$reindex and tx_dam::file_isIndexed($filename)) {
         return false;
     require_once PATH_txdam . 'lib/class.tx_dam_indexing.php';
     $index = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_dam_indexing');
     // overrule some parameter from setup
     // indexing ...
     return current($index->meta);
  * Processes auto indexing if the file is not yet indexed
  * @param array $item
 function autoIndex(&$item)
     static $indexed = 0;
     if ($this->maxAutoIndexingItems and $indexed >= $this->maxAutoIndexingItems) {
     // we don't index indexing setup files
     if ($item['file_name'] === '.indexing.setup.xml') {
     } elseif (!($uid = tx_dam::file_isIndexed($item))) {
         if ($metaRow = tx_dam::index_autoProcess($item)) {
             $item = $metaRow['fields'];
             $item['__isIndexed'] = true;
  * Renders the item icon
  * @param	array		$item item array
  * @return	string
 function getItemIcon($item)
     static $titleNotIndexed;
     static $iconNotIndexed;
     if (!$iconNotIndexed) {
         $titleNotIndexed = 'title="' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('fileNotIndexed') . '"';
         $iconNotIndexed = '<img' . t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], 'gfx/required_h.gif', 'width="10" height="10"') . ' ' . $titleNotIndexed . ' alt="" />';
     $type = $item['__type'];
     if ($type == 'file') {
         $titleAttr = '';
         $attachToIcon = '';
         if (!$item['__isIndexed'] and !($uid = tx_dam::file_isIndexed($item))) {
             $attachToIcon = $iconNotIndexed;
             $titleAttr = $titleNotIndexed;
         $iconTag = tx_dam::icon_getFileTypeImgTag($item, $titleAttr);
         if ($this->enableContextMenus) {
             $iconTag = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->wrapClickMenuOnIcon($iconTag, tx_dam::file_absolutePath($item));
         $iconTag .= $attachToIcon;
     } else {
         $titleAttr = 'title="' . htmlspecialchars($item[$type . '_title']) . '"';
         $iconTag = tx_dam::icon_getFileTypeImgTag($item, $titleAttr);
         if ($this->enableContextMenus) {
             $iconTag = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->wrapClickMenuOnIcon($iconTag, tx_dam::path_makeAbsolute($item));
     return $iconTag;
  * Recompile a TypoLink value from the array of properties made with getTypoLinkParts() into an elements array
  * @param	array		TypoLink properties
  * @param	array		Array of elements to be modified with substitution / information entries.
  * @param	string		The content to process.
  * @param	integer		Index value of the found element - user to make unique but stable tokenID
  * @return	string		The input content, possibly containing tokens now according to the added substitution entries in $elements
  * @see getTypoLinkParts()
 function setTypoLinkPartsElement($tLP, &$elements, $content, $idx)
     // Based on link type, maybe do more:
     switch ((string) $tLP['LINK_TYPE']) {
         case 'file':
             // Initialize, set basic values. In any case a link will be shown
             $tokenID = $this->makeTokenID('setTypoLinkPartsElement:' . $idx);
             $elements[$tokenID . ':' . $idx] = array();
             $elements[$tokenID . ':' . $idx]['matchString'] = $content;
             // Process files found in fileadmin directory:
             if (!$tLP['query']) {
                 // We will not process files which has a query added to it. That will look like a script we don't want to move.
                 if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($tLP['filepath'], $this->fileAdminDir . '/')) {
                     // File must be inside fileadmin/
                     // Let see if the file is indexded by DAM
                     $mediaId = tx_dam::file_isIndexed(rawurldecode($tLP['filepath']));
                     // If file is indexed by DAM continue. Otherwise ignore this link.
                     if ($mediaId) {
                         // Set up the basic token and token value for the relative file:
                         $elements[$tokenID . ':' . $idx]['subst'] = array('type' => 'db', 'recordRef' => 'tx_dam:' . $mediaId, 'tokenID' => $tokenID, 'tokenValue' => $mediaId);
                     } else {
                         // Set up the basic token and token value for the relative file:
                         $elements[$tokenID . ':' . $idx]['subst'] = array('type' => 'file', 'relFileName' => $tLP['filepath'], 'tokenID' => $tokenID, 'tokenValue' => $tLP['filepath']);
                     // Depending on whether the file exists or not we will set the
                     $absPath = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName(PATH_site . $tLP['filepath']);
                     if (!@is_file($absPath)) {
                         $elements[$tokenID . ':' . $idx]['error'] = 'File does not exist!';
                     // Output content will be the token instead
                     $content = '{softref:' . $tokenID . '}';
                 } else {
                     return $content;
             } else {
                 return $content;
             return parent::setTypoLinkPartsElement($tLP, $elements, $content, $idx);
     // Finally, for all entries that was rebuild with tokens, add target and class in the end:
     if (strlen($content) && strlen($tLP['target'])) {
         $content .= ' ' . $tLP['target'];
         if (strlen($tLP['class'])) {
             $content .= ' ' . $tLP['class'];
     // Return rebuilt typolink value:
     return $content;
  * tx_dam::process_renameFile()
 public function test_process_renameFile()
     $filepath = $this->getFixtureTempFilename();
     $uid = tx_dam::file_isIndexed($filepath);
     self::assertNoUID($uid, 'File index found, but shouldn\'t');
     tx_dam::config_setValue('setup.indexing.auto', true);
     $indexed = tx_dam::index_autoProcess($filepath, $reindex = false);
     self::assertTrue(isset($indexed['isIndexed']), 'File not indexed');
     $uid = $indexed['fields']['uid'];
     $filepathNew = $filepath . '.doc';
     $error = tx_dam::process_renameFile($filepath, tx_dam::file_basename($filepathNew));
     if ($error) {
     self::assertTrue(is_file($filepathNew), 'File not renamed');
     $uid2 = tx_dam::file_isIndexed($filepathNew);
     self::assertUID($uid2, 'File index not found');
     self::assertEquals(intval($uid), intval($uid2), 'Wrong uid: ' . $uid . ' - ' . $uid2);
     $data = tx_dam::meta_getDataByUid($uid);
     self::assertEquals($data['file_name'], tx_dam::file_basename($filepathNew), 'Wrong file name ' . $indexed['fields']['file_name'] . ' != ' . tx_dam::file_basename($filepathNew));