예제 #1
  * Primary bootstrapping for TubePress.
 function bootTubePress()
      * First, record the root path.
     if (!defined('TUBEPRESS_ROOT')) {
         define('TUBEPRESS_ROOT', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../'));
      * Finally, hand off control to the TubePress bootstrapper. This will
      * 1. Setup logging.
      * 2. Build and compile the core IOC container.
      * 3. Load system add-ons
      * 4. Load user add-ons
     require TUBEPRESS_ROOT . '/src/main/php/classes/tubepress/impl/boot/PrimaryBootstrapper.php';
     $bootStrapper = new tubepress_impl_boot_PrimaryBootstrapper();
     define('TUBEPRESS_BOOT_COMPLETE', true);
  * Performs TubePress-wide initialization.
  * @return boolean True if boot completed normally, false otherwise.
 public final function boot()
      * Don't boot twice!
     if (self::$_alreadyBooted) {
         return true;
      * Setup initial class loader.
      * Setup basic logging facilities.
      * Record start time.
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($this->_shouldLog) {
             $this->_logger->error('Caught exception while booting: ' . $e->getMessage());
             //flush out log statements
         return false;
      * Remember that we booted.
     self::$_alreadyBooted = true;
      * Record finish time.
      * Free up some memory.
     return true;