예제 #1

// Create a new instance of the Trello class
$trello = new tschwemley\trello\Trello(array('clientKey' => null, 'clientSecret' => null));
// Get the request tokens based on consumer and secret keys. Store them in token array.
$token = $trello->getRequestToken('http://dotaresource.com/trelloAPI/tests/callback.php');
// Store the tokens into a session so we can use them during callback
$_SESSION['oauth_token'] = $token['oauth_token'];
$_SESSION['oauth_token_secret'] = $token['oauth_token_secret'];
// Get the authorize URL
$data = $trello->getAuthorizeUrl($token['oauth_token'], array('name' => 'medhub', 'expiration' => 'never', 'scope' => 'read,write'));
// Direct user to Trello 'Allow Access' screen
header("Location: {$data}");