예제 #1
 public static function refreshAPIData()
      * We need the Teamspeak 3 and GW2 API libraries
     require_once "library/Moturdrn/TS3GW2Auth/Includes/GW2_API_Tools/GW2_API_Tools.php";
     require_once "library/Moturdrn/TS3GW2Auth/Includes/TeamSpeak3/ts3admin.class.php";
     $tsAdmin = new ts3admin(XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_ts3server, XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_ts3serverquery);
     if ($tsAdmin->getElement('success', $tsAdmin->connect())) {
         $tsAdmin->login(XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_ts3username, XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_ts3password);
     $logArray = array();
      * Create the Auth model for getting keys etc
     $authModel = XenForo_Model::create('Moturdrn_TS3GW2Auth_Model_Auth');
     $checkSchedule = self::CHECK_EVERY_HOURS;
     $lastChecked_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("-{$checkSchedule} hours"));
     $lastChecked = strtotime($lastChecked_date);
     $auths = $authModel->getAuthOlderThan($lastChecked);
     $checkDate = strtotime("now");
     foreach ($auths as $auth) {
         $APIData = gw2_api_request('/v2/account', $auth['gw2_apikey']);
         $response = json_decode($APIData[count($APIData) - 1], true);
         /* API Returned OK - Key Valid */
         if ($APIData[0] == 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK') {
             /**     @var $authWriter Moturdrn_TS3GW2Auth_DataWriter_Auth   * */
             $authWriter = XenForo_DataWriter::create('Moturdrn_TS3GW2Auth_DataWriter_Auth');
             $authWriter->set('gw2_name', $response['name']);
             $authWriter->set('gw2_account_guid', $response['id']);
             $authWriter->set('gw2_world', $response['world']);
             $authWriter->set('last_check', $checkDate);
             /* API Returned Bad Request - Key Revoked */
         } elseif ($APIData[0] == 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request' && $response['text'] == 'invalid key') {
             /**     @var $authWriter Moturdrn_TS3GW2Auth_DataWriter_Auth   * */
             $authWriter = XenForo_DataWriter::create('Moturdrn_TS3GW2Auth_DataWriter_Auth');
             $authWriter->set('gw2_world', 0);
             $logWriter = XenForo_DataWriter::create('Moturdrn_TS3GW2Auth_DataWriter_Log');
             $logWriter->set('date', $checkDate);
             $logWriter->set('ts3_uniqueid', $auth['ts3_uniqueid']);
             $logWriter->set('ts3_dbid', $auth['ts3_dbid']);
             $logWriter->set('message', 'API Key Not Valid');
             $logWriter->set('apikey', $auth['gw2_apikey']);
             $logWriter->set('apidata', serialize($APIData));
             $logWriter->set('extradata', '');
      * Get Verified TS3 IDs and Unverified TS3 IDs
     $verified = $authModel->getAuthVerified(XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_worldid);
     $verifiedMembers = $currentMembers = $newMembers = $oldMembers = array();
     foreach ($verified as $key => $addToGroup) {
         $verifiedMembers[] = $addToGroup['ts3_uniqueid'];
     $group_members = $tsAdmin->serverGroupClientList(XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_verified_group, true);
     foreach ($group_members['data'] as $member) {
         $currentMembers[] = $member['client_unique_identifier'];
     $newMembers = array_diff($verifiedMembers, $currentMembers);
     $oldMembers = array_diff($currentMembers, $verifiedMembers);
     foreach ($newMembers as $newMember) {
         $ts3_dbid = $tsAdmin->clientGetDbIdFromUid($newMember);
         if ($ts3_dbid['success'] == 1) {
             $tsAdmin->serverGroupAddClient(XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_verified_group, $ts3_dbid['data']['cldbid']);
     foreach ($oldMembers as $oldMember) {
         $ts3_dbid = $tsAdmin->clientGetDbIdFromUid($oldMember);
         if ($ts3_dbid['success'] == 1) {
             $tsAdmin->serverGroupDeleteClient(XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_verified_group, $ts3_dbid['data']['cldbid']);
예제 #2
 public function doAuthUnAuth($action, $ts3_dbid)
     $this->_ts3group = XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_verified_group;
     $this->_ts3server = XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_ts3server;
     $this->_ts3port = XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_ts3port;
     $this->_ts3sqport = XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_ts3serverquery;
     $this->_ts3user = XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_ts3username;
     $this->_ts3pass = XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_ts3password;
     $this->_gw2world = XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_worldid;
     $this->_ts3prefix = XenForo_Application::getOptions()->ts3gw2auth_keyprefix;
     require_once "library/Moturdrn/TS3GW2Auth/Includes/TeamSpeak3/ts3admin.class.php";
     $tsAdmin = new ts3admin($this->_ts3server, $this->_ts3sqport);
     if ($tsAdmin->getElement('success', $tsAdmin->connect())) {
         $tsAdmin->login($this->_ts3user, $this->_ts3pass);
     if ($action == 'Auth') {
         $tsAdmin->serverGroupAddClient($this->_ts3group, $ts3_dbid);
     } elseif ($action == 'UnAuth') {
         $tsAdmin->serverGroupDeleteClient($this->_ts3group, $ts3_dbid);
예제 #3
function tslink_update_groups($mybb_uid)
    if (!isset($messages)) {
        $messages = [];
    $messages[] = 'In the following part we gonna update the user his groups on the TS server.';
    require __DIR__ . '/config.php';
    // Connect to the database.
    $ConnectDB = new mysqli($hostname, $username, $password, $database);
    // check connection
    if ($ConnectDB->connect_errno) {
    // Get the member from the mybb database.
    $getit = "SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE uid = '{$mybb_uid}' LIMIT 1";
    $messages['getit_query'] = $getit;
    $rows = $ConnectDB->query($getit);
    $row = $rows->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
    $messages['found_member'] = 'User ID: ' . $row['uid'] . ' Username: '******'username'];
    // Get the memberstatus from the user.
    $memberstatus = $row['memberstatus'];
    $messages['memberstatus'] = $memberstatus;
    // Let's determine which servergroup to use according to the status of the user.
    if ($memberstatus == '2') {
        $ServerGroupID_ToAdd = $ts3_sgid_vip_member;
    } elseif ($memberstatus == '1') {
        $ServerGroupID_ToAdd = $ts3_sgid_don_member;
    } else {
        $ServerGroupID_ToAdd = $ts3_sgid_member;
    $messages['ServerGroupID_ToAdd'] = $ServerGroupID_ToAdd;
    // Get the user's unique id's from the mybb database
    $get_ts_uids = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . "tslink_uids WHERE uid = '{$mybb_uid}' ";
    $messages['get_ts_uids_query'] = $get_ts_uids;
    $ts_unique_ids = $ConnectDB->query($get_ts_uids);
    foreach ($ts_unique_ids as $ts_unique_id) {
        $messages['registered_ts_db_entries'][] = 'TS UID: ' . $ts_unique_id['ts_uid'] . ' TS CLDBID: ' . $ts_unique_id['ts_cldbid'];
    $messages['groups_wont_be_removed'] = implode(',', $ts3_sgid_dont_remove);
    // Build a new ts3admin object.
    $ts3 = new ts3admin($ts3_server, $ts3_query_port);
    // Connect to the TS server.
    if ($ts3->getElement('success', $ts3->connect())) {
        $messages['ts_connection'] = 'Successful';
        // Login to the TS server.
        if ($ts3->getElement('success', $ts3->login($ts3_username, $ts3_password))) {
            $messages['ts3_login'] = '******';
            // Select virtual server.
            if ($ts3->getElement('success', $ts3->selectServer($ts3_server_port))) {
                $messages['ts3_virtual_server_select'] = 'Successful';
                // Set displayed name in TS to given
                foreach ($ts_unique_ids as $ts_unique_id) {
                    // First lets remove all groups the user is member of.
                    // First get all servergroups the user is member of.
                    $ClientServerGroups = $ts3->servergroupsbyclientid($ts_unique_id['ts_cldbid']);
                    $csg = [];
                    $c = 0;
                    if (is_array($ClientServerGroups['data'])) {
                        foreach ($ClientServerGroups['data'] as $ClientServerGroup) {
                            $messages['found_groups']['CLDBID_' . $ts_unique_id['ts_cldbid']][] = 'sgid: ' . $ClientServerGroup['sgid'] . ' Name: ' . $ClientServerGroup['name'];
                    // For every servergroup found, remove it.
                    if (is_array($ClientServerGroups['data'])) {
                        foreach ($ClientServerGroups['data'] as $Client_ServerGroup) {
                            $csg[] = $Client_ServerGroup['sgid'];
                    foreach ($csg as $ClientServerGroupID) {
                        // Except for the servergroups we don't want to have removed.
                        if (!in_array($ClientServerGroupID, $ts3_sgid_dont_remove)) {
                            try {
                                $messages['SGID_' . $ClientServerGroupID]['removing_from'][] = 'CLDBID: ' . $ts_unique_id['ts_cldbid'];
                                $removeResults = $ts3->serverGroupDeleteClient($ClientServerGroupID, $ts_unique_id['ts_cldbid']);
                                if ($removeResults['success']) {
                                    $messages['SGID_' . $ClientServerGroupID]['removing_from_result']['CLDBID_' . $ts_unique_id['ts_cldbid']] = 'Succes.';
                                } else {
                                    $messages['SGID_' . $ClientServerGroupID]['removing_from_result']['CLDBID_' . $ts_unique_id['ts_cldbid']] = $removeResults['errors'];
                            } catch (Exception $e) {
                                // Catches the error(s) if any. But don't do anything with it.
                    try {
                        // Add the user to the servergroup.
                        $messages['SGID_' . $ServerGroupID_ToAdd]['adding_to'][] = 'CLDBID: ' . $ts_unique_id['ts_cldbid'];
                        $serverGroupAddClientResults = $ts3->serverGroupAddClient($ServerGroupID_ToAdd, $ts_unique_id['ts_cldbid']);
                        if ($serverGroupAddClientResults['success']) {
                            $messages['SGID_' . $ServerGroupID_ToAdd]['adding_to_result']['CLDBID_' . $ts_unique_id['ts_cldbid']] = 'Succes.';
                        } else {
                            $messages['SGID_' . $ServerGroupID_ToAdd]['adding_to_result']['CLDBID_' . $ts_unique_id['ts_cldbid']] = $serverGroupAddClientResults['errors'];
                        //$messages[$ServerGroupID_ToAdd]['adding_to_result'][] = $serverGroupAddClientResults;
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        // Catches the error(s) if any. But don't do anything with it.
            } else {
                echo '<p>Could not select the virtual server.</p> <p>Please check the TS server port in the config!</p> <p>Also make sure this (UDP) port is open in the outgoing firewall!</p>';
                $messages['ts3_virtual_server_select'] = 'Could not select the virtual server.';
        } else {
            echo '<p>Could not login to the TS server.</p> <p>Please check the username and password in the config!</p>';
            $messages['ts3_login'] = '******';
    } else {
        echo '<p>Connection to the TS server could not be established.</p> <p>Please check the TS server and TS server query port in the config!</p> <p>Also make sure this (TCP) port is open in the outgoing firewall!</p>';
        $messages['ts3_connect'] = 'Connection to the TS server could not be established.';
    if (count($ts3->getDebugLog()) > 0) {
        $messages['ts3_add_remove_debuglog'] = $ts3->getDebugLog();
    // Close connection
    return $messages;