function insert_entry($_arg, $errorArray, $value = "") { if ($_arg[action] == 'add' or $_arg[action] == 'insert' and $errorArray) { // set default value if ($value) { $_arg[name] = $value; } echo "<form name='descriptor' method='get' action='index.php'>"; $name = thesaurus::name($_arg[parent]); if ($name) { echo "<p><b>Neuen Unterbegriff in '<span class='red'>"; echo "<a href='index.php?action=show&id={$_arg['parent']}'>{$name}</a>"; echo "</span>' "; if (right::link()) { echo "anlegen"; } else { echo "vorschlagen"; } echo "</b></p>"; } else { echo "<p><b>Neuen Thesaurus anlegen</b></p>"; } $error = $errorArray[name]; // name of new descriptor echo form::field("text", "name", $_arg[name], 30, "class='{$error}'", "<span class='small'>Name</span><br>", "", "name-field"); switch ($error) { case exist: echo "<br><b class='exist'>Eintrag existiert schon</b>"; echo form::link("", " Eintrag ansehen", "index.php?action=suchen&searchString={$_arg['name']}&searchtype=2", "showexist"); break; case alike: /* echo "<br><b class='exist'>Ähnliche Einträge existiert schon</b>"; echo form::link(""," Einträge ansehen","index.php?action=suchen&searchString=$_arg[name]&searchtype=1","showalike"); */ break; default: break; } echo "<br>"; // type of descriptor /* $typeArray = thesaurus::get_type_list(); $entryType = thesaurus::get_entrytype($_arg[parent]); echo form::selector("entrytype",$typeArray,1,"",$entryType[entrytype],"<span class='small'>Begriffstype</span><br>","","entrytype"); */ echo "<br>"; // status of descriptor if (right::write()) { $statusArray = thesaurus::get_status_list(); echo form::selector("status", $statusArray, 1, "", thesaurus::get_status($id), "<span class='small'>Status</span><br>", "", "statustype"); } else { echo "<span class='small'>Status</span><br><span class='normal'>" . thesaurus::get_status_name(thesaurus::newstatus()) . "</span>"; echo form::field("hidden", "status", thesaurus::newstatus()); } echo "</p>"; $error = $errorArray[comment]; // comment field echo form::textfield("comment", $_arg[comment], 45, 3, "class='{$error}'", "Bemerkungen<br>", "", "comment-field"); echo form::field("submit", "", "anlegen", "", "", "", "", "new"); echo form::field("hidden", "parent", $_arg[parent]); echo form::field("hidden", "id", $_arg[id]); echo form::field("hidden", "action", "insert"); echo form::field("hidden", "type", 1); echo "</form>"; } }