sendMessage() 공개 메소드

Send text messages.
public sendMessage ( integer $chat_id, string $text, string $parse_mode = null, boolean $disable_web_page_preview = false, integer $reply_to_message_id = null, KeyboardMarkup $reply_markup = null ) : Array
$chat_id integer
$text string
$parse_mode string
$disable_web_page_preview boolean
$reply_to_message_id integer
$reply_markup KeyboardMarkup
리턴 Array
예제 #1
 } else {
     file_put_contents($fileOfLastUpdate, "0");
     $lastUpdateId = 0;
 // Делаем long-poll запрос 60 секунд к серверу телеграм
 $updates = $tg->pollUpdates($lastUpdateId, 60);
 // Обрабатываем Updates, если они есть.
 foreach ($updates['result'] as $data) {
     $updateId = $updates['result'][count($updates['result']) - 1]['update_id'];
     $message = $data['message']['text'];
     $chatId = $data['message']['chat']['id'];
     // Эта команда для дебага, чтобы не перезапускать apache каждый раз, когда нужно перезапустить tbServer.php
     // Отправляешь боту команду /reboot и сервер останавливается.
     // В рабочей версии - нужно закоментить этот IF(){}
     if ($message == "/reboot") {
         $tg->sendMessage($chatId, 'Сервер будет перезапущен в течение минуты!');
         file_put_contents($fileOfLastUpdate, $updateId);
     $db = tbDatabase();
     // Проверим, авторизован ли пользователь
     $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT count(*) as count FROM tbManagers WHERE mBotChatId=:mBotChatId");
     $sth->execute(array(":mBotChatId" => $chatId));
     $answer = $sth->fetch();
     if ($answer["count"] > 0) {
         $isAuth = true;
     } else {
         $isAuth = false;
     if ($isAuth === false) {
         if ($message == $tbManagerPassword) {
예제 #2
        switch ($data['message']['text']) {
            case '/start':
            case '/remove':
    $offset = $response['result'][count($response['result']) - 1]['update_id'] + 1;
$chats = allChats();
$quotes = readQuotes();
$i = 0;
for ($i; $i < count($chats); $i++) {
    $tg->sendMessage($chats[$i]['chat_id'], $quotes[$chats[$i]['init']]);
    if ($chats[$i]['init'] == count($quotes) - 1) {
function addContact($chatID)
    $contactsDB = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'contacts.db';
    if (!file_exists($contactsDB)) {
        $db = new \PDO("sqlite:" . $contactsDB, null, null, array(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));
        $db->exec('CREATE TABLE contacts (`chat_id` TEXT, `init` INT)');
    } else {
        $db = new \PDO("sqlite:" . $contactsDB, null, null, array(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));
    $sql = 'SELECT chat_id FROM contacts WHERE chat_id = :chat_id';
예제 #3
 $updates = $tg->pollUpdates($updateIdFrom, 60);
 foreach ($updates['result'] as $data) {
     $updateId = $updates['result'][count($updates['result']) - 1]['update_id'];
     $chatId = $data['message']['chat']['id'];
     $message = "";
     if ($data['message']['voice']) {
         $voice = $data['message']['voice'];
     if ($data['message']['text']) {
         $message = $data['message']['text'];
     print "\r\n";
     if (in_array($chatId, $authDialogs)) {
         if ($message == "/reboot") {
             $tg->sendMessage($chatId, 'Сервер будет перезапущен в течение минуты!');
             file_put_contents($fileOfUpdate, $updateId);
             fopen($dir . "/stopserver");
         if ($message == "/start") {
             $tg->sendMessage($chatId, "Вы вошли в режим наблюдения!");
         } elseif ($message == "/stop") {
             $k = array_search($chatId, $authDialogs);
             if ($k !== false) {
                 $f = fopen($fileOfAuth, "w+");
                 foreach ($authDialogs as $i => $item) {
                     if (trim($item) != null) {
                         fwrite($f, $item . "\r\n");
$customKeyboard = [['7', '8', '9'], ['4', '5', '6'], ['1', '2', '3'], ['0']];
$reply_markup = $tg->replyKeyboardMarkup($customKeyboard, true, true);
do {
    // Get updates the bot has received
    // Offset to confirm previous updates
    $updates = $tg->pollUpdates($offset);
    if ($updates['ok'] && count($updates['result']) > 0) {
        foreach ($updates['result'] as $data) {
            if (is_null($chat_id)) {
                $chat_id = $data['message']['chat']['id'];
            if (!$sendQuestion) {
                // sends an action 'typing'
                $tg->sendChatAction($chat_id, 'typing');
                // send message with a custom reply markup
                $tg->sendMessage($chat_id, 'Guess the number', null, false, null, $reply_markup);
                $sendQuestion = true;
            if ($data['message']['text'] == 5) {
                $tg->sendChatAction($chat_id, 'typing');
                $tg->sendMessage($chat_id, 'You did it! :)');
                $tg->sendChatAction($chat_id, 'upload_photo');
                $tg->sendPhoto($chat_id, '');
                $guessed = true;
            } else {
                $tg->sendMessage($chat_id, 'Wrong number :/ try again', null, false, null, $reply_markup);
        $offset = $updates['result'][count($updates['result']) - 1]['update_id'] + 1;
} while (!$guessed);
예제 #5
    $managers = array();
    while ($a = $sth->fetch()) {
        $managers[] = $a;
    if (count($managers) > 0) {
        $r = rand(0, count($managers) - 1);
        $managerId = $managers[$r]['mId'];
        $chatId = $managers[$r]['mBotChatId'];
        $managerName = $managers[$r]['mName'];
    } else {
        echo json_encode(array("status" => "error", "error" => "NO_MANAGERS"));
    if ($params['tbChatHash'] == null) {
        $chHash = uniqid("chat_");
    } else {
        $chHash = $params['tbChatHash'];
    $sth = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO tbChats (chHash, chManager) VALUES (:chHash, :chManager)");
    $sth->execute(array(":chHash" => $chHash, ":chManager" => $managerId));
    $chId = $db->lastInsertId();
require_once "tbClass.php";
// Новый экземпляр телеграм бота
$tg = new telegramBot($tbAPIToken);
$tg->sendMessage($chatId, $params['tbMessage'] . "\r\n\r\nДля ответа перейти в чат — /chat_" . $chId . "\r\nПосмотреть историю — /history_" . $chId . "");
$sth = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO tbMessages (msgChatId, msgFrom, msgTime, msgText) VALUES (:msgChatId, :msgFrom, :msgTime, :msgText)");
$sth->execute(array(":msgChatId" => $chId, ":msgFrom" => "c", ":msgTime" => time(), ":msgText" => $params['tbMessage']));
$mId = $db->lastInsertId();
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok", "managerName" => $managerName, "tbChatHash" => $chHash, "lastMessageId" => $mId, "lastMessageDate" => date("H:i:s")));
    $managers = array();
    while ($a = $sth->fetch()) {
        $managers[] = $a;
    if (count($managers) > 0) {
        $r = rand(0, count($managers) - 1);
        $managerId = $managers[$r]['mId'];
        $chatId = $managers[$r]['mBotChatId'];
        $managerName = $managers[$r]['mName'];
    } else {
        echo json_encode(array("status" => "error", "error" => "NO_MANAGERS"));
    if ($params['tbChatHash'] == null) {
        $chHash = uniqid("chat_");
    } else {
        $chHash = $params['tbChatHash'];
    $sth = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO tbChats (chHash, chManager) VALUES (:chHash, :chManager)");
    $sth->execute(array(":chHash" => $chHash, ":chManager" => $managerId));
    $chId = $db->lastInsertId();
require_once "tbClass.php";
// Новый экземпляр телеграм бота
$tg = new telegramBot($tbAPIToken);
$tg->sendMessage($chatId, $params['tbMessage'] . "\r\n\r\n" . $_localization["forAnswerGoToChat"] . " — /chat_" . $chId . "\r\n" . $_localization["viewHistory"] . " — /history_" . $chId);
$sth = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO tbMessages (msgChatId, msgFrom, msgTime, msgText) VALUES (:msgChatId, :msgFrom, :msgTime, :msgText)");
$sth->execute(array(":msgChatId" => $chId, ":msgFrom" => "c", ":msgTime" => time(), ":msgText" => $params['tbMessage']));
$mId = $db->lastInsertId();
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok", "managerName" => $managerName, "tbChatHash" => $chHash, "lastMessageId" => $mId, "lastMessageDate" => date("H:i:s")));
예제 #7
 } else {
     file_put_contents($fileOfLastUpdate, "0");
     $lastUpdateId = 0;
 // Делаем long-poll запрос 60 секунд к серверу телеграм
 $updates = $tg->pollUpdates($lastUpdateId, 60);
 // Обрабатываем Updates, если они есть.
 foreach ($updates['result'] as $data) {
     $updateId = $updates['result'][count($updates['result']) - 1]['update_id'];
     $message = $data['message']['text'];
     $chatId = $data['message']['chat']['id'];
     // Эта команда для дебага, чтобы не перезапускать apache каждый раз, когда нужно перезапустить tbServer.php
     // Отправляешь боту команду /reboot и сервер останавливается.
     // В рабочей версии - нужно закоментить этот IF(){}
     if ($message == "/reboot") {
         $tg->sendMessage($chatId, $_localization["serverRestart"]);
         file_put_contents($fileOfLastUpdate, $updateId);
     $db = tbDatabase();
     // Проверим, авторизован ли пользователь
     $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT count(*) as count FROM tbManagers WHERE mBotChatId=:mBotChatId");
     $sth->execute(array(":mBotChatId" => $chatId));
     $answer = $sth->fetch();
     if ($answer["count"] > 0) {
         $isAuth = true;
     } else {
         $isAuth = false;
     if ($isAuth === false) {
         if ($message == $tbManagerPassword) {