private function findsame($idpost) { $posts = tposts::i(); $post = tpost::i($idpost); if (count($post->categories) == 0) { return array(); } $cats = tcategories::i(); $cats->loadall(); $same = array(); foreach ($post->categories as $idcat) { if (!isset($cats->items[$idcat])) { continue; } $itemsposts = $cats->itemsposts->getposts($idcat); $itemsposts = $posts->stripdrafts($itemsposts); foreach ($itemsposts as $id) { if ($id == $idpost) { continue; } $same[$id] = isset($same[$id]) ? $same[$id] + 1 : 1; } } arsort($same); return array_slice(array_keys($same), 0, $this->maxcount); }
protected function create() { parent::create(); $this->adminclass = 'tadminexcerptslide'; $this->addmap('items', array()); $this->tags = tcategories::i(); }
protected function create() { parent::create(); $this->adminclass = 'tadminsingletagwidget'; $this->basename = 'widget.singletag'; $this->addmap('items', array()); $this->tags = tcategories::i(); }
public function getcontent() { $type = tadminhtml::getparam('type', 'tags') == 'tags' ? 'tags' : 'categories'; $tags = $type == 'tags' ? ttags::i() : tcategories::i(); if ($err = self::auth()) { return $err; } $id = tadminhtml::idparam(); if ($id > 0 && !$tags->itemexists($id)) { return self::error403(); } $theme = tview::i(tviews::i()->defaults['admin'])->theme; $html = tadminhtml::i(); $html->section = 'tags'; $lang = tlocal::i('tags'); if ($id == 0) { $views = tviews::i(); $name = $type == 'tags' ? 'tag' : 'category'; $item = array('title' => '', 'idview' => isset($views->defaults[$name]) ? $views->defaults[$name] : 1, 'idperm' => 0, 'icon' => 0, 'includechilds' => $tags->includechilds, 'includeparents' => $tags->includeparents, 'invertorder' => false, 'lite' => $tags->lite, 'liteperpage' => 1000, 'url' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'description' => '', 'head' => ''); } else { $item = $tags->getitem($id); } switch ($_GET['get']) { case 'view': if ($id > 0) { foreach (array('includechilds', 'includeparents', 'invertorder', 'lite') as $prop) { $item[$prop] = (int) $item[$prop] > 0; } } $args = new targs(); $args->add($item); $result = $html->parsearg('[checkbox=includechilds] [checkbox=includeparents] [checkbox=invertorder] [checkbox=lite] [text=liteperpage]', $args); $result .= $this->getviewicon($item['idview'], $item['icon']); $result .= tadminperms::getcombo($item['idperm']); break; case 'seo': $args = targs::i(); if ($id == 0) { $args->url = ''; $args->keywords = ''; $args->description = ''; $args->head = ''; } else { $args->add($tags->contents->getitem($id)); $args->url = $tags->items[$id]['url']; } $result = $html->parsearg('[text=url] [text=description] [text=keywords] [editor=head]', $args); break; case 'text': $result = $this->geteditor('raw', $id == 0 ? '' : $tags->contents->getcontent($id), true); $result .= $this->gethead(); break; default: $result = var_export($_GET, true); } return turlmap::htmlheader(false) . $result; }
function migrateposts() { global $data, $man; $data->loadfile('posts' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index'); $posts = tposts::instance(); $posts->lock(); if (dbversion) { $man = tdbmanager::instance(); $man->setautoincrement('posts', $data->lastid); } else { $posts->autoid = $data->lastid; } $tags = ttags::instance(); $tags->lock(); $tags->itemsposts->lock(); $cats = tcategories::instance(); $cats->lock(); $cats->itemsposts->lock(); $items = $data->data['items']; foreach ($items as $id => $item) { $post = migratepost($id); savepost($post); $cats->itemsposts->setitems($post->id, $post->categories); $tags->itemsposts->setitems($post->id, $post->tags); migratecomments($id); if (!dbversion) { $posts->items[$post->id] = array('posted' => $post->posted); if ($post->status != 'published') { $posts->items[$post->id]['status'] = $post->status; } if ($post->author > 1) { $posts->items[$post->id]['author'] = $post->author; } } } $posts->UpdateArchives(); $posts->addrevision(); $posts->unlock(); $tags->itemsposts->unlock(); $tags->unlock(); $cats->itemsposts->unlock(); $cats->unlock(); $arch = tarchives::instance(); $arch->postschanged(); //update trust values if (dbversion) { $db = litepublisher::$db; $trusts = $db->res2assoc($db->query("SELECT author as 'author', count(author) as 'count' FROM {$db->comments} \r\nwhere status = 'approved' GROUP BY author")); $db->table = 'comusers'; foreach ($trusts as $r) { $db->setvalue($r['author'], 'trust', $r['count']); } unset($trust); } }
public function deleteCategory($blogid, $username, $password, $id) { $this->auth($username, $password, 'editor'); $id = (int) $id; $categories = tcategories::i(); if (!$categories->itemexists($id)) { return xerror(404, "Sorry, no such page."); } $categories->delete($id); return true; }
protected function create() { parent::create(); $this->addmap('tml', array()); $this->data['showhome'] = true; $this->data['showchilds'] = true; $this->data['childsortname'] = 'title'; $this->data['showsimilar'] = true; $this->data['breadpos'] = 'before'; $this->data['similarpos'] = 'after'; $this->cats = tcategories::i(); }
function tforumUninstall($self) { tcategories::i()->unbind($self); tthemeparser::i()->unbind($self); ttheme::clearcache(); tlocalmerger::i()->deleteplugin(basename(dirname(__FILE__))); tjsmerger::i()->deletefile('default', '/plugins/forum/forum.min.js'); $item = tcategories::i()->getitem($self->rootcat); $menus = tmenus::i(); while ($menus->deleteurl($item['url'])) { } $adminmenus = tadminmenus::i(); $adminmenus->deletetree($adminmenus->url2id('/admin/plugins/forum/')); litepublisher::$classes->delete('tforumeditor'); $linkgen = tlinkgenerator::i(); unset($linkgen->data['forum']); $linkgen->save(); }
public function getPostCategories($id, $username, $password) { $id = (int) $id; $this->canedit($username, $password, $id); $posts = tposts::i(); if (!$posts->itemexists($id)) { return $this->xerror(404, "Invalid post id."); } $post = tpost::i($id); $categories = tcategories::i(); $categories->loaditems($post->categories); $isPrimary = true; $result = array(); foreach ($post->categories as $idcat) { $item = $categories->getitem($idcat); $result[] = array('categoryName' => $item['title'], 'categoryId' => (string) $idcat, 'isPrimary' => $isPrimary); $isPrimary = false; } return $result; }
public function getcontent() { $result = ''; $this->basename = 'forum'; $posts = tposts::i(); $html = $this->html; $html->section = 'editor'; $lang = tlocal::admin('editor'); if ($this->idpost == 0) { $forum = tforum::i(); if ($forum->moderate && !litepublisher::$options->ingroup('editor')) { // if too many drafts then reject $hold = $posts->db->getcount('status = \'draft\' and author = ' . litepublisher::$options->user); if ($hold >= 3) { $lang = tlocal::admin('forum'); return $html->manydrafts; } } } $post = tpost::i($this->idpost); ttheme::$vars['post'] = $post; $args = new targs(); $args->id = $this->idpost; $args->title = tcontentfilter::unescape($post->title); $args->raw = $post->rawcontent; $cats = tcategories::i(); $cats->loadall(); $args->category = tposteditor::getcombocategories($cats->getchilds(tforum::i()->rootcat), $post->idcat); if ($post->id > 0) { $result .= $html->h4($lang->formhead . ' ' . $post->bookmark); } $html->section = 'forum'; $result .= $html->editor($args); $result = $html->fixquote($result); return $result; }
public function import($s) { require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'domrss.class.php'; $a = xml2array($s); $urlmap = turlmap::i(); $urlmap->lock(); $cats = tcategories::i(); $cats->lock(); $tags = ttags::i(); $tags->lock(); $posts = tposts::i(); $posts->lock(); foreach ($a['rss']['channel'][0]['item'] as $item) { $post = $this->add($item); $posts->add($post); if (!tfilestorage::$disabled) { $post->free(); } } $posts->unlock(); $tags->unlock(); $cats->unlock(); $urlmap->unlock(); }
function tcategoriesmenuUninstall($self) { tadminviews::replacemenu(get_class($self), 'tmenus'); $categories = tcategories::i(); $categories->unbind($self); }
public function getcategories() { return tcategories::i(); }
public function CreateFirstPost() { $html = tadminhtml::i(); $html->section = 'installation'; $lang = tlocal::i(); $theme = ttheme::i(); $post = tpost::i(0); $post->title = $lang->posttitle; $post->catnames = $lang->postcategories; $post->tagnames = $lang->posttags; $post->content = $theme->parse($lang->postcontent); $posts = tposts::i(); $posts->add($post); $icons = ticons::i(); $cats = tcategories::i(); $cats->setvalue($post->categories[0], 'icon', $icons->getid('news')); $cm = tcommentmanager::i(); $users = tusers::i(); $cm->idguest = $users->add(array('email' => '', 'name' => tlocal::get('default', 'guest'), 'status' => 'hold', 'idgroups' => 'commentator')); $cm->save(); $users->setvalue($cm->idguest, 'status', 'approved'); tcomments::i()->add($post->id, $cm->idguest, $lang->postcomment, 'approved', ''); $plugins = tplugins::i(); $plugins->lock(); $plugins->add('oldestposts'); //$plugins->add('adminlinks'); //$plugins->add('nicedit'); $plugins->unlock(); }
function clearall() { clearposts(); cleartags(tcategories::i()); cleartags(ttags::i()); clearmenu(); if (dbversion) { $do = tdboptimizer::i(); $do->optimize(); } }
protected function getpostcategories(tpost $post) { $postitems = $post->categories; $categories = tcategories::i(); if (count($postitems) == 0) { $postitems = array($categories->defaultid); } return self::getcategories($postitems); }
public function CreateFirstPost() { $html = THtmlResource::instance(); $html->section = 'installation'; $lang = tlocal::instance(); $theme = ttheme::instance(); $post = tpost::instance(0); $post->title = $lang->posttitle; $post->catnames = $lang->postcategories; $post->tagnames = $lang->posttags; $post->content = $theme->parse($lang->postcontent); $posts = tposts::instance(); $posts->add($post); $icons = ticons::instance(); $cats = tcategories::instance(); $cats->setvalue($post->categories[0], 'icon', $icons->getid('news')); $comusers = tcomusers::instance($post->id); $userid = $comusers->add($lang->author, $lang->email, $lang->homeurl); echo "new comuser id = "; var_dump($userid); echo "<br>"; litepublisher::$classes->commentmanager->addcomment($post->id, $userid, $lang->postcomment); $plugins = tplugins::instance(); $plugins->lock(); //$plugins->add('oldestposts'); //$plugins->add('adminlinks'); //$plugins->add('nicedit'); $plugins->unlock(); }
private function getcategories($values, $type) { $result = array(); $tags = $type == 'tag' ? ttags::i() : tcategories::i(); if (!is_array($values)) { if ($type == 'tag') { return $result; } $result[] = $tags->add(0, $values); return $result; } foreach ($values as $item) { if (is_array($item)) { if (!isset($item['attributes']['domain']) || $item['attributes']['domain'] != $type) { continue; } $id = $tags->add(0, $item[0]); } else { if ($type == 'tag') { continue; } $id = $tags->add(0, $item); } if (!in_array($id, $result)) { $result[] = $id; } } return $result; }
private function getsubtree($parent) { $result = array(); $categories = tcategories::i(); // first step is a find all childs and sort them $sort = array(); foreach ($categories->items as $id => $item) { if ($item['parent'] == $parent) { $sort[$id] = (int) $item['customorder']; } } arsort($sort, SORT_NUMERIC); $sort = array_reverse($sort, true); foreach ($sort as $id => $order) { $result[$id] = $this->getsubtree($id); } return $result; }
<?php define('litepublisher_mode', 'xmlrpc'); include 'index.php'; $db = litepublisher::$db; $db->table = 'posts'; $items = $db->res2assoc($db->query("select id, categories, tags from {$db->posts}")); $tags = ttags::instance(); $tags->lock(); $tags->itemsposts->lock(); $cats = tcategories::instance(); $cats->lock(); $cats->itemsposts->lock(); foreach ($items as $item) { $cats->itemsposts->setitems($item['id'], explode(',', $item['categories'])); $tags->itemsposts->setitems($item['id'], explode(',', $item['tags'])); } $tags->itemsposts->unlock(); $tags->unlock(); $cats->itemsposts->unlock(); $cats->unlock(); litepublisher::$urlmap->clearcache(); echo "updated<br>\n";
public function addpost(tpost $post) { $item = $this->domrss->AddItem(); tnode::addvalue($item, 'title', $post->title); tnode::addvalue($item, 'link', $post->link); tnode::addvalue($item, 'comments', $post->link . '#comments'); tnode::addvalue($item, 'pubDate', $post->pubdate); $guid = tnode::addvalue($item, 'guid', $post->link); tnode::attr($guid, 'isPermaLink', 'true'); if (class_exists('tprofile')) { $profile = tprofile::i(); tnode::addvalue($item, 'dc:creator', $profile->nick); } else { tnode::addvalue($item, 'dc:creator', 'admin'); } $categories = tcategories::i(); $names = $categories->getnames($post->categories); foreach ($names as $name) { if (empty($name)) { continue; } tnode::addcdata($item, 'category', $name); } $tags = ttags::i(); $names = $tags->getnames($post->tags); foreach ($names as $name) { if (empty($name)) { continue; } tnode::addcdata($item, 'category', $name); } $content = ''; $this->callevent('beforepost', array($post->id, &$content)); if ($this->template == '') { $content .= $post->replacemore($post->rss, true); } else { $content .= ttheme::parsevar('post', $post, $this->template); } $this->callevent('afterpost', array($post->id, &$content)); tnode::addcdata($item, 'content:encoded', $content); tnode::addcdata($item, 'description', strip_tags($content)); tnode::addvalue($item, 'wfw:commentRss', $post->rsscomments); if (count($post->files) > 0) { $files = tfiles::i(); $files->loaditems($post->files); foreach ($post->files as $idfile) { $file = $files->getitem($idfile); $enclosure = tnode::add($item, 'enclosure'); tnode::attr($enclosure, 'url', litepublisher::$site->files . '/files/' . $file['filename']); tnode::attr($enclosure, 'length', $file['size']); tnode::attr($enclosure, 'type', $file['mime']); } } $post->onrssitem($item); $this->onpostitem($item, $post); return $item; }
function tpostcatwidgetUninstall($self) { tcategories::i()->unbind($self); $widgets = twidgets::i(); $widgets->unbind($self); }