예제 #1
  * Short description of method write
  * @access public
  * @author firstname and lastname of author, <*****@*****.**>
  * @return mixed
 public function write()
     $buffer = '';
     $file = $this->getTranslationFile();
     // Add PO Headers.
     $buffer .= 'msgid ""' . "\n";
     $buffer .= 'msgstr ""' . "\n";
     // If the TranslationFile is a specific POFile instance, we add PO Headers
     // to the output.
     if (get_class($this->getTranslationFile()) == 'tao_helpers_translation_POFile') {
         foreach ($file->getHeaders() as $name => $value) {
             $buffer .= '"' . $name . ': ' . $value . '\\n"' . "\n";
     // Write all Translation Units.
     $buffer .= "\n";
     foreach ($this->getTranslationFile()->getTranslationUnits() as $tu) {
         $c = tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::sanitize($tu->getContext(), true);
         $s = tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::sanitize($tu->getSource(), true);
         $t = tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::sanitize($tu->getTarget(), true);
         $a = tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::serializeAnnotations($tu->getAnnotations());
         if (!empty($a)) {
             $buffer .= "{$a}\n";
         if ($c) {
             $buffer .= "msgctxt \"{$c}\"\n";
         $buffer .= "msgid \"{$s}\"\n";
         $buffer .= "msgstr \"{$t}\"\n";
         $buffer .= "\n";
     return file_put_contents($this->getFilePath(), $buffer);
예제 #2
  * Short description of method read
  * @access public
  * @author firstname and lastname of author, <*****@*****.**>
  * @throws tao_helpers_translation_TranslationException
  * @return mixed
 public function read()
     $file = $this->getFilePath();
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         throw new tao_helpers_translation_TranslationException("The translation file '{$file}' does not exist.");
     // Create the translation file.
     $tf = new tao_helpers_translation_POFile();
     $fc = implode('', file($file));
     $matched = preg_match_all('/((?:#[\\.:,\\|]{0,1}\\s+(?:.*?)\\n)*)' . '(msgctxt\\s+(?:"(?:[^"]|\\\\")*?"\\s*)+)?' . '(msgid\\s+(?:"(?:[^"]|\\\\")*?"\\s*)+)\\s+' . '(msgstr\\s+(?:"(?:[^"]|\\\\")*?(?<!\\\\)"\\s*)+)/', $fc, $matches);
     preg_match('/sourceLanguage: (.*?)\\n/s', $fc, $sourceLanguage);
     preg_match('/targetLanguage: (.*?)\\n/s', $fc, $targetLanguage);
     if (count($sourceLanguage)) {
         $tf->setSourceLanguage(substr($sourceLanguage[1], 0, 5));
     if (count($targetLanguage)) {
         $tf->setTargetLanguage(substr($targetLanguage[1], 0, 5));
     if ($matched) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $matched; $i++) {
             $annotations = $matches[1][$i];
             $msgctxt = preg_replace('/\\s*msgctxt\\s*"(.*)"\\s*/s', '\\1', $matches[2][$i]);
             $msgid = preg_replace('/\\s*msgid\\s*"(.*)"\\s*/s', '\\1', $matches[3][$i]);
             $msgstr = preg_replace('/\\s*msgstr\\s*"(.*)"\\s*/s', '\\1', $matches[4][$i]);
             // Do not include meta data as a translation unit..
             if ($msgid !== '') {
                 // Sanitze the strings.
                 $msgid = tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::sanitize($msgid);
                 $msgstr = tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::sanitize($msgstr);
                 $msgctxt = tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::sanitize($msgctxt);
                 $tu = new tao_helpers_translation_POTranslationUnit();
                 // Set up source & target.
                 if ($msgstr !== '') {
                 if ($msgctxt) {
                 // Deal with annotations
                 $annotations = tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::unserializeAnnotations($annotations);
                 foreach ($annotations as $name => $value) {
                     $tu->addAnnotation($name, $value);
 public function testPOAnnotationsWriting()
     // Test flag utilities.
     $comment = '';
     $this->assertEquals(tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::addFlag($comment, 'tao-public'), 'tao-public');
     $comment = 'no-error test-flag';
     $this->assertEquals(tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::addFlag($comment, 'tao-public'), 'no-error test-flag tao-public');
     $comment = 'foo bar code';
     $this->assertEquals(tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::addFlag($comment, 'bar '), 'foo bar code');
     // Test PO comments serialization.
     $annotations = array(tao_helpers_translation_POTranslationUnit::TRANSLATOR_COMMENTS => 'A single line translator comment.');
     $comment = '# A single line translator comment.';
     $this->assertEquals(tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::serializeAnnotations($annotations), $comment);
     $annotations = array(tao_helpers_translation_POTranslationUnit::TRANSLATOR_COMMENTS => "A multi line translator comment...\nWith a second line.", tao_helpers_translation_POTranslationUnit::EXTRACTED_COMMENTS => "An extracted comment.", tao_helpers_translation_POTranslationUnit::FLAGS => "tao-public foo-bar-code php-format");
     $comment = "# A multi line translator comment...\n# With a second line.\n#. An extracted comment.\n#, tao-public foo-bar-code php-format";
     $this->assertEquals(tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::serializeAnnotations($annotations), $comment);
     $annotations = array(tao_helpers_translation_POTranslationUnit::FLAGS => "tao-public");
     $comment = "#, tao-public";
     $this->assertEquals(tao_helpers_translation_POUtils::serializeAnnotations($annotations), $comment);
  * Short description of method getTranslationsInFile
  * @access private
  * @author firstname and lastname of author, <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  string filePath
  * @return mixed
 private function getTranslationsInFile($filePath)
     // File extension ?
     $extOk = false;
     foreach ($this->getFileTypes() as $exp) {
         if (@preg_match("/\\.{$exp}\$/", $filePath)) {
             $extOk = true;
     if ($extOk) {
         // We read the file.
         $lines = file($filePath);
         foreach ($lines as $line) {
             $strings = array();
             $patternMatch1 = array();
             $patternMatch2 = array();
             preg_match_all("/__\\(['\"](.*?)['\"]\\)/u", $line, $patternMatch1);
             preg_match_all("/\\{\\{__ ['\"](.*?)['\"]\\}\\}/u", $line, $patternMatch2);
             if (!empty($patternMatch1[1])) {
                 $strings = $patternMatch1[1];
             if (!empty($patternMatch2[1])) {
                 $strings = array_merge($strings, $patternMatch2[1]);
             //preg_match_all("/__(\(| )+['\"](.*?)['\"](\))?/u", $line, $string);
             //lookup for __('to translate') or __ 'to translate'
             //    preg_match_all("/__(\(| )+(('(.*?)')|(\"(.*?)\"))(\))?/u", $line, $string);
             foreach ($strings as $s) {
                 $tu = new tao_helpers_translation_TranslationUnit();
                 $tus = $this->getTranslationUnits();
                 $found = false;
                 // We must add the string as a new TranslationUnit only
                 // if a similiar source does not exist.
                 foreach ($tus as $t) {
                     if ($tu->getSource() == $t->getSource()) {
                         $found = true;
                 if (!$found) {
                     array_push($tus, $tu);
  * Short description of method getTranslationsInFile
  * @access private
  * @author firstname and lastname of author, <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  string $filePath
 private function getTranslationsInFile($filePath)
     // File extension ?
     $extOk = in_array(\Jig\Utils\FsUtils::getFileExtension($filePath), $this->getFileTypes());
     if ($extOk) {
         foreach ($this->getBannedFileType() as $bannedExt) {
             $extOk &= substr_compare($filePath, $bannedExt, strlen($filePath) - strlen($bannedExt), strlen($bannedExt)) !== 0;
     if ($extOk) {
         // We read the file.
         $lines = file($filePath);
         foreach ($lines as $line) {
             $strings = $this->getTranslationPhrases($line);
             //preg_match_all("/__(\(| )+['\"](.*?)['\"](\))?/u", $line, $string);
             //lookup for __('to translate') or __ 'to translate'
             //    preg_match_all("/__(\(| )+(('(.*?)')|(\"(.*?)\"))(\))?/u", $line, $string);
             foreach ($strings as $s) {
                 $tu = new tao_helpers_translation_TranslationUnit();
                 $tus = $this->getTranslationUnits();
                 $found = false;
                 // We must add the string as a new TranslationUnit only
                 // if a similiar source does not exist.
                 foreach ($tus as $t) {
                     if ($tu->getSource() == $t->getSource()) {
                         $found = true;
                 if (!$found) {
                     $tus[] = $tu;