예제 #1
 public function __invoke($params)
     $parms = $params;
     if (count($parms) < 1) {
         echo 'Usage: ' . $script . ' IN_FILE [OUT_FILE]' . PHP_EOL;
     $package = array_shift($parms);
     if (!file_exists($package)) {
         echo 'Content package not found at "' . $package . '"' . PHP_EOL;
     if (!empty($parms)) {
         $destination = array_shift($parms);
         if (file_exists($destination)) {
             echo 'File "' . $destination . '" already exists' . PHP_EOL;
         $this->dryRun = false;
     } else {
         $destination = null;
     try {
         // load extension
         $directory = $this->extractPackage($package);
         while (!empty($this->todo)) {
             $current = array_shift($this->todo);
         if (!$this->dryRun) {
             $this->recreatePackage($directory, $destination);
         return new Report(Report::TYPE_SUCCESS);
     } catch (UndefinedStrategy $exception) {
         return new Report(Report::TYPE_ERROR, $exception->getMessage());
  * Import a QTI Test Package containing one or more QTI Test definitions.
  * @param core_kernel_classes_Class $targetClass The Target RDFS class where you want the Test Resources to be created.
  * @param string $file The path to the IMS archive you want to import tests from.
  * @return common_report_Report An import report.
 public function importMultipleTests(core_kernel_classes_Class $targetClass, $file)
     $testClass = $targetClass;
     $report = new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_INFO);
     $validPackage = false;
     $validManifest = false;
     $testsFound = false;
     // Validate the given IMS Package itself (ZIP integrity, presence of an 'imsmanifest.xml' file.
     $invalidArchiveMsg = __("The provided archive is invalid. Make sure it is not corrupted and that it contains an 'imsmanifest.xml' file.");
     try {
         $qtiPackageParser = new taoQtiTest_models_classes_PackageParser($file);
         $validPackage = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     // Validate the manifest (well formed XML, valid against the schema).
     if ($validPackage === true) {
         $folder = $qtiPackageParser->extract();
         if (is_dir($folder) === false) {
         } else {
             $qtiManifestParser = new taoQtiTest_models_classes_ManifestParser($folder . 'imsmanifest.xml');
             if ($qtiManifestParser->isValid() === true) {
                 $validManifest = true;
                 $tests = array();
                 foreach (Resource::getTestTypes() as $type) {
                     $tests = array_merge($tests, $qtiManifestParser->getResources($type));
                 $testsFound = count($tests) !== 0;
                 if ($testsFound !== true) {
                     $report->add(common_report_Report::createFailure(__("Package is valid but no tests were found. Make sure that it contains valid QTI tests.")));
                 } else {
                     foreach ($tests as $qtiTestResource) {
                         $report->add($this->importTest($testClass, $qtiTestResource, $qtiManifestParser, $folder));
             } else {
                 $msg = __("The 'imsmanifest.xml' file found in the archive is not valid.");
             // Cleanup the folder where the archive was extracted.
     if ($report->containsError() === true) {
         $report->setMessage(__('The IMS QTI Test Package could not be imported.'));
     } else {
         $report->setMessage(__('IMS QTI Test Package successfully imported.'));
     if ($report->containsError() === true && $validPackage === true && $validManifest === true && $testsFound === true) {
         // We consider a test package as an atomic component, we then rollback it.
         $itemService = taoItems_models_classes_ItemsService::singleton();
         foreach ($report as $r) {
             $data = $r->getData();
             // Delete all imported items.
             foreach ($data->items as $item) {
                 common_Logger::i("Rollbacking item '" . $item->getLabel() . "'...");
             // Delete the target Item RDFS class.
             common_Logger::i("Rollbacking Items target RDFS class '" . $data->itemClass->getLabel() . "'...");
             // Delete test definition.
             common_Logger::i("Rollbacking test '" . $data->rdfsResource->getLabel() . "...");
             if (count($data->items) > 0) {
                 $msg = __("The resources related to the IMS QTI Test referenced as \"%s\" in the IMS Manifest file were rolled back.", $data->manifestResource->getIdentifier());
                 $report->add(new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_WARNING, $msg));
     return $report;