public static function Template() { if (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('server_ip'))) { return ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('server_ip'); } else { return sys_monitoring::ServerIPAddress(); } }
function GetPortStatus() { $request_data = $this->RawXMWSToArray($this->wsdata); $contenttags = $this->XMLDataToArray($this->wsdata); if (sys_monitoring::LocalPortStatus($contenttags['xmws']['content']['port'])) { $port_response = 1; } else { $port_response = 0; } $response_xml = ws_xmws::NewXMLContentSection('portstatus', array('port' => $contenttags['xmws']['content']['port'], 'status' => $port_response)); $dataobject = new runtime_dataobject(); $dataobject->addItemValue('response', ''); $dataobject->addItemValue('content', $response_xml); return $dataobject->getDataObject(); }
static function DisplayDNSConfig() { global $zdbh; global $controller; $line = "<style>.active {color: #333;}</style>"; $line .= "<h2>" . ui_language::translate("Configure your DNS Settings") . "</h2>"; $line .= "<div style=\"display: block; margin-right:20px;\">"; $line .= "<div class=\"ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all\" id=\"dnsTabs\">"; $line .= "<ul class=\"domains nav nav-tabs\">"; $line .= "<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#general\" data-toggle=\"tab\">" . ui_language::translate("General") . "</a></li>"; $line .= "<li><a href=\"#tools\" data-toggle=\"tab\">" . ui_language::translate("Tools") . "</a></li>"; $line .= "<li><a href=\"#services\" data-toggle=\"tab\">" . ui_language::translate("Services") . "</a></li>"; $line .= "<li><a href=\"#logs\" data-toggle=\"tab\">" . ui_language::translate("Logs") . "</a></li>"; $line .= "</ul>"; //Tabs Panel Wrap $line .= '<div class="tab-content">'; //general $line .= "<div class=\"tab-pane active\" id=\"general\">"; $line .= "<form action=\"./?module=dns_admin&action=UpdateDNSConfig\" method=\"post\">"; $line .= "<table class=\"table table-striped\">"; $count = 0; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM x_settings WHERE so_module_vc=:moduleName AND so_usereditable_en = 'true'"; $numrows = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $GetModuleName = ui_module::GetModuleName(); $numrows->bindParam(':moduleName', $GetModuleName); if ($numrows->execute()) { if ($numrows->fetchColumn() != 0) { $sql = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM x_settings WHERE so_module_vc=:moduleName AND so_usereditable_en = 'true' ORDER BY so_cleanname_vc"); $GetModuleName = ui_module::GetModuleName(); $sql->bindParam(':moduleName', $GetModuleName); $sql->execute(); while ($row = $sql->fetch()) { $count++; if (ctrl_options::CheckForPredefinedOptions($row['so_defvalues_tx'])) { $fieldhtml = ctrl_options::OuputSettingMenuField($row['so_name_vc'], $row['so_defvalues_tx'], $row['so_value_tx']); } else { $fieldhtml = ctrl_options::OutputSettingTextArea($row['so_name_vc'], $row['so_value_tx']); } $line .= "<tr valign=\"top\"><th nowrap=\"nowrap\">" . ui_language::translate($row['so_cleanname_vc']) . "</th><td>" . $fieldhtml . "</td><td>" . ui_language::translate($row['so_desc_tx']) . "</td></tr>"; } $line .= "<tr><th colspan=\"3\"><button class=\"button-loader btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inSaveSystem\">" . ui_language::translate("Save Changes") . "</button> <button class=\"button-loader btn btn-default\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.location.href='./?module=moduleadmin';return false;\">" . ui_language::translate("Cancel") . "</button></tr>"; } } $line .= "</table>"; $line .= "</form>"; $line .= "</div>"; //tools $line .= "<div class=\"tab-pane\" id=\"tools\">"; $line .= "<form action=\"./?module=dns_admin&action=UpdateTools\" method=\"post\">"; $line .= "<table class=\"table table-striped\">"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Reset all Records to Default") . "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"button-loader btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inResetAll\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("GO") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Reset Records to Default on Single Domain") . " "; $line .= "<select name=\"inResetDomainID\">"; $line .= "<option value=\"\">--- " . ui_language::translate("Select Domain") . " ---</option>"; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM x_vhosts WHERE vh_deleted_ts IS NULL"; if ($numrows = $zdbh->query($sql)) { if ($numrows->fetchColumn() != 0) { $sql = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM x_vhosts WHERE vh_deleted_ts IS NULL"); $sql->execute(); while ($row = $sql->fetch()) { $line .= " <option value=\"" . $row['vh_id_pk'] . "\">" . $row['vh_name_vc'] . "</option>"; } } } $line .= "</select>"; $line .= "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"button-loader btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inResetDomain\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("GO") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Add Default Records to Missing Domains") . ""; $line .= "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"button-loader btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inAddMissing\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("GO") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Delete Record Type from ALL Records") . " "; $line .= "<select name=\"inType\" id=\"inType\">"; $line .= "<option value=\"A\">A</option>"; $line .= "<option value=\"AAAA\">AAAA</option>"; $line .= "<option value=\"CNAME\">CNAME</option>"; $line .= "<option value=\"MX\">MX</option>"; $line .= "<option value=\"TXT\">TXT</option>"; $line .= "<option value=\"SRV\">SRV</option>"; $line .= "<option value=\"SPF\">SPF</option>"; $line .= "<option value=\"NS\">NS</option>"; $line .= "</select>"; $line .= "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"button-loader btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inDeleteType\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("GO") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Purge Deleted Zone Records From Database") . "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"button-loader btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inPurge\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("GO") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Delete ALL Zone Records") . "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"button-loader btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inDeleteAll\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("GO") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Force Records Update on Next Daemon Run") . "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"button-loader btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inForceUpdate\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("GO") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "</table>"; $line .= "</form>"; $line .= "</div>"; //Services $line .= "<div class=\"tab-pane\" id=\"services\">"; $line .= "<form action=\"./?module=dns_admin&action=UpdateService\" method=\"post\">"; $line .= "<table class=\"none\" border=\"0\" cellpading=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"85%\"><tr valign=\"top\"><td width=\"100%\">"; $line .= "<table class=\"table table-striped\">"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Start Service") . "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"button-loader btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inStartService\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("GO") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Stop Service") . "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"button-loader btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inStopService\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("GO") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Reload BIND") . "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"button-loader btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inReloadService\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("GO") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Service Port Status") . "</th>"; if (fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue(sys_monitoring::PortStatus(53))) { $line .= "<td><font color=\"red\">" . ui_language::translate("STOPPED") . "</font></td>"; } else { $line .= "<td><font color=\"green\">" . ui_language::translate("RUNNING") . "</font></td>"; } $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "</table>"; $line .= "</td><td>"; if (fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue(sys_monitoring::PortStatus(53))) { $line .= "<img src=\"/modules/" . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . "/assets/down.png\" border=\"0\"/>"; } else { $line .= "<img src=\"/modules/" . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . "/assets/up.png\" border=\"0\"/>"; } $line .= "</td></tr></table>"; $line .= "</form>"; $line .= "</div>"; //logs self::ViewErrors(); $line .= "<div class=\"tab-pane\" id=\"logs\">"; $line .= "<form action=\"./?module=dns_admin&action=Updatelogs\" method=\"post\">"; $line .= "<table class=\"table table-striped\">"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<th style=\"width:350px;\">" . self::CheckLogReadable(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('bind_log')) . " " . self::CheckLogWritable(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('bind_log')) . "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"button-loader btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inSetPerms\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("Set Permissions") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Clear errors") . "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"delete btn btn-danger\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inClearErrors\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("Clear") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Clear warnings") . ""; $line .= "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"delete btn btn-danger\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inClearWarnings\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("Clear") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("Clear logs") . ""; $line .= "</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"delete btn btn-danger\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inClearLogs\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("Clear") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "</table>"; $line .= "</form>"; $line .= "<form name=\"launchbindlog\" action=\"modules/dns_admin/code/getbindlog.php\" target=\"bindlogwindow\" method=\"post\" onsubmit=\"'', 'bindlogwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,height=525,width=825,resizable=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no')\">"; $line .= "<table class=\"table table-striped\">"; $line .= "<tr>"; if (count(self::$logerror) > 0) { $logerrorcolor = "red"; } else { $logerrorcolor = NULL; } $line .= "<th style=\"width:350px;\">" . ui_language::translate("View Errors") . " (<font color=\"" . $logerrorcolor . "\">" . count(self::$logerror) . "</font>)</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"logerror_a\" name=\"inViewErrors\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("View") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "<tr>"; if (count(self::$logwarning) > 0) { $logwarningcolor = "red"; } else { $logwarningcolor = NULL; } $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("View warnings") . " (<font color=\"" . $logwarningcolor . "\">" . count(self::$logwarning) . "</font>)</th>"; $line .= "<td><button class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"logwarning_a\" name=\"inViewWarnings\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("View") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "<tr>"; $line .= "<th>" . ui_language::translate("View logs") . " (" . count(self::$getlog) . ")</th>"; $line .= "<td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"inBindLog\" value=\"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('bind_log') . "\" /><button class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button\" name=\"inViewLogs\" value=\"1\">" . ui_language::translate("View") . "</button></td>"; $line .= "</tr>"; $line .= "</table>"; $line .= "</form>"; $line .= "</div>"; $line .= "</div>"; $line .= "</div>"; $line .= "</div>"; //CHARTS $line .= "<table class=\"none\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><td>"; $line .= self::DisplayDNSUsagepChart(); $line .= "</td><td>"; $line .= self::DisplayRecordsUsagepChart(); $line .= "</td></tr></table>"; return $line; }
public static function Template() { return sys_monitoring::ServerUptime(); }
static function getUptime() { return sys_monitoring::ServerUptime(); }
static function CheckCreateForErrors($username, $database, $access) { global $zdbh; // Check to make sure the user name is not blank before we go any further... if ($username == '') { self::$blank = true; return false; } // Check to make sure the user name is not blank before we go any further... if ($username == 'root') { self::$rootabuse = true; return false; } // Check to make sure the user name is not blank before we go any further... if ($database == '') { self::$blank = true; return false; } // Check to make sure the user name is not a duplicate... $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM x_mysql_users WHERE mu_name_vc=:username AND mu_deleted_ts IS NULL"; $numrows = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $numrows->bindParam(':username', $username); if ($numrows->execute()) { if ($numrows->fetchColumn() != 0) { self::$alreadyexists = true; return false; } } // Check to make sure the user name is not a duplicate (checks actual mysql table)... $sql = "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM mysql.user WHERE user = :username)"; $numrows = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $numrows->bindParam(':username', $username); if ($numrows->execute()) { if ($numrows->fetchColumn() != 0) { self::$alreadyexists = true; return false; } } // Check for invalid username if (!self::IsValidUserName($username)) { self::$badname = true; return false; } // Check for invalid IP address if ($access != "%" && strtolower($access) != "localhost") { if (!sys_monitoring::IsAnyValidIP($access)) { self::$badIP = true; return false; } } return true; }
public static function Template() { return sys_monitoring::ClientIPAddress(); }