예제 #1
$course25 = new course('/4', 'SOEN 385', 'CONTROL SYSTEMS+APPLICATIONS', 3, 'S', "");
$course26 = new course('/4', 'SOEN 390', 'SOFTWARE ENGR. TEAM PROJECT', 3.5, 'S', "");
$course27 = new course('/2', 'SOEN 422', 'EMBEDDED SYSTEMS/SOFTWARE', 4, 'MM', "");
$course28 = new course('/3', 'SOEN 490', 'CAPSTONE SW ENGR DESIGN PROJ', 4, 'SS', "");
//Creating an array of courses that are taken already
$done = array($course1, $course2, $course3, $course4, $course5, $course6, $course7, $course8, $course9, $course10, $course11, $course12);
//creating an array of courses that needs to be taken
$todo = array($course13, $course14, $course15, $course16, $course17, $course18, $course19, $course20, $course21, $course22, $course23, $course24, $course25, $course26, $course27, $course28);
$labs = array();
$tutorials = array();
// emtpy arrays for constructor
//Creating a new student with aforementioned courses
$lordGaben = new student(2546011, $done, $todo, $labs, $tutorials);
//printing out the course of LordGaben
echo nl2br("printing out the courses taken by LordGaben\n");
foreach ($lordGaben->getCoursesTaken() as $course) {
    echo nl2br($course->getCode() . ' ' . $course->getName() . ' ' . $course->getDescription() . ' ' . $course->getSemester() . ' ' . $course->getSection() . ' ' . $course->getCredits() . "\n");
//printing out the course to be taken by LordGaben
echo nl2br("printing out the courses to be taken by LordGaben  \n");
foreach ($lordGaben->getRemCourses() as $course) {
    echo nl2br($course->getCode() . ' ' . $course->getName() . ' ' . $course->getDescription() . ' ' . $course->getSemester() . ' ' . $course->getSection() . ' ' . $course->getCredits() . "\n");
// echo serialize($done);
// echo unserialize(serialize($done));
//testing seriazable arrays
// foreach (unserialize(serialize($done)) as $course) {
//    	echo nl2br( $course->getCode() . ' ' . $course->getName() . ' ' . $course->getDescription() . ' ' . $course->getSemester() . ' ' .  $course->getSection() . ' ' . $course->getCredits() . "\n" ) ;
//    }