예제 #1
 public static function &connection()
     if (!static::$_connection) {
         static::$_connection = new MockDocumentSource();
     return static::$_connection;
예제 #2
 public static function _init()
     \Config::load('debtsolv', 'debtsolv');
     static::$_debtsolv_database = \Config::get('debtsolv.debtsolv_database', static::$_debtsolv_database);
     static::$_leadpool_database = \Config::get('debtsolv.leadpool_database', static::$_leadpool_database);
     static::$_connection = \Database_Connection::instance('Debtsolv', \Config::get('debtsolv.connection', static::$_connection));
예제 #3
파일: Entity.php 프로젝트: vlucas/spot
  * Named connection getter/setter
 public static function connection($connection = null)
     if (null !== $connection) {
         static::$_connection = $connection;
         return $this;
     return static::$_connection;
예제 #4
  * init the class
 public static function _init()
     // auth config
     \Config::load('ormauth', true);
     // set the connection this model should use
     static::$_connection = \Config::get('ormauth.db_connection');
     // set the models table name
     static::$_table_name = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users') . '_user_permissions';
예제 #5
  * init the class
 public static function _init()
     // auth config
     \Config::load('ormauth', true);
     // set the connection this model should use
     static::$_connection = \Config::get('ormauth.db_connection');
     // set the write connection this model should use
     static::$_write_connection = \Config::get('ormauth.db_write_connection') ?: static::$_connection;
     // set the models table name
     static::$_table_name = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users') . '_providers';
예제 #6
 public static function forge($companyID = 0, $clientID = 0)
     // -- Set the database name
     // ------------------------
     $Database = Database::connect((int) $companyID);
     static::$databaseName = $Database->debtsolvDBName();
     static::$_connection = $Database->connection();
     // -- Set the Client ID
     // --------------------
     static::$clientID = (int) $clientID;
     static::$_companyID = (int) $companyID;
예제 #7
  * init the class
 public static function _init()
     // auth config
     \Config::load('ormauth', true);
     // set the connection this model should use
     static::$_connection = \Config::get('ormauth.db_connection');
     // set the models table name
     static::$_table_name = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users') . '_groups';
     // set the relations through table names
     static::$_many_many['roles']['table_through'] = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users') . '_group_roles';
     static::$_many_many['permissions']['table_through'] = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users') . '_group_permissions';
     // model language file
     \Lang::load('auth_model_group', true);
예제 #8
 public function connect()
     try {
         static::$_oauth = new OAuth(static::$_defaults['consumer_key'], static::$_defaults['consumer_secret'], OAUTH_SIG_METHOD_HMACSHA1, OAUTH_AUTH_TYPE_URI);
         static::$_oauth->setToken(static::$_defaults['token'], static::$_defaults['token_secret']);
         //make a simple request to trythe connection
         static::$_connection = true;
     } catch (OAuthException $E) {
         static::setErrot($E->lastResponse, $E->getCode());
         static::$_connection = false;
     return static::$_connection;
예제 #9
파일: model.php 프로젝트: uzura8/flockbird
  * Fetch the database connection name to use
  * @param	bool	if true return the writeable connection (if set)
  * @return  null|string
 public static function connection($writeable = false)
     // if in tracsaction, conection force to be writable.
     if (\DB::in_transaction()) {
         $writeable = true;
     if ($writeable) {
         if (empty(static::$_write_connection)) {
             static::$_write_connection = static::get_write_connection_default();
         return static::$_write_connection;
     if (empty(static::$_connection)) {
         static::$_connection = static::get_read_connection_default();
     return static::$_connection;
예제 #10
  * Static constructor called by autoloader
 public static function _init()
     $config = \Config::load('tinychimp');
     if (empty($config['api_key'])) {
         throw new \FuelException('API key not specified.');
     static::$api_key = $config['api_key'];
     static::$secure_connection = is_bool($config['secure']) ? $config['secure'] : false;
     static::$timeout = is_integer($config['timeout']) ? $config['timeout'] : 300;
     static::$api_url = empty($config['api_url']) ? static::get_api_url() : $config['api_url'];
     $connection = curl_init();
     curl_setopt_array($connection, array(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => static::$timeout, CURLOPT_POST => true));
     if (static::$secure_connection) {
         curl_setopt_array($connection, array(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => true, CURLOPT_PORT => 443));
     static::$_connection = $connection;
예제 #11
  * init the class
 public static function _init()
     // auth config
     \Config::load('ormauth', true);
     // set the connection this model should use
     static::$_connection = \Config::get('ormauth.db_connection');
     // set the write connection this model should use
     static::$_connection = \Config::get('ormauth.db_write_connection');
     // set the models table name
     static::$_table_name = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users') . '_roles';
     // set the relations through table names
     static::$_many_many['users']['table_through'] = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users') . '_user_roles';
     static::$_many_many['groups']['table_through'] = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users') . '_group_roles';
     static::$_many_many['permissions']['table_through'] = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users') . '_role_permissions';
     // model language file
     \Lang::load('auth_model_role', true);
     // set the filter options from the language file
     static::$_properties['filter']['form']['options'] = \Lang::get('auth_model_role.permissions');
예제 #12
  * Get the database name
  * @author David stansfield
 public static function setDatabaseConnection()
     $Database = Database::connect(static::$_userCentreID);
     static::$_connection = $Database->connection();
     static::$_debtsolvDatabase = $Database->debtsolvDBName();
예제 #13
  * @param string $connectionString
  * @param string $userName
  * @param string $password
  * @param array  $pdoOptions
  * @return void|\PDO
 public static function setConnectionString($connectionString, $userName = null, $password = null, array $pdoOptions = [])
     //	If you set a connection string a new connection one is created for you
     if (!empty($connectionString)) {
         static::$_connectionString = $connectionString;
         static::$_connection = new \PDO(static::$_connectionString, $userName, $password, array_merge([\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION], $pdoOptions));
     return static::$_connection;
예제 #14
  * Sets the write connection to use for this model.
  * @param string $connection
 public static function set_connection($connection)
     static::$_connection = $connection;
예제 #15
파일: Model.php 프로젝트: crysalead/chaos
  * Gets/sets the connection object to which this model is bound.
  * @param  object $connection The connection instance to set or `null` to get the current one.
  * @return mixed              Returns a connection instance on get.
 public static function connection($connection = null)
     if (func_num_args()) {
         static::$_connection = $connection;
     return static::$_connection;
예제 #16
  * init the class
 public static function _init()
     // auth config
     \Config::load('auth', true);
     // get the auth driver in use
     $drivers = normalize_driver_types();
     // modify the model definition based on the driver used
     if (in_array('Simpleauth', $drivers)) {
         // remove properties not in use
         // remove relations
         static::$_eav = array();
         static::$_belongs_to = array();
         static::$_has_many = array();
         static::$_many_many = array();
         // remove observers
         // simpleauth config
         \Config::load('simpleauth', true);
         // set the connection this model should use
         static::$_connection = \Config::get('simpleauth.db_connection');
         // set the write connection this model should use
         static::$_write_connection = \Config::get('simpleauth.db_write_connection') ?: static::$_connection;
         // set the models table name
         static::$_table_name = \Config::get('simpleauth.table_name', 'users');
     } elseif (in_array('Ormauth', $drivers)) {
         // remove properties not in use
         // ormauth config
         \Config::load('ormauth', true);
         // set the connection this model should use
         static::$_connection = \Config::get('ormauth.db_connection');
         // set the write connection this model should use
         static::$_write_connection = \Config::get('ormauth.db_write_connection') ?: static::$_connection;
         // set the models table name
         static::$_table_name = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users');
         // set the relations through table names
         static::$_many_many['roles']['table_through'] = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users') . '_user_roles';
         static::$_many_many['permissions']['table_through'] = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users') . '_user_permissions';
     // model language file
     \Lang::load('auth_model_user', true);
 public static function use_master_and_slave()
     static::$_write_connection = 'master';
     static::$_connection = 'slave';