} print " {$object->sob_lookup_javascript};\n"; print "}\n"; print setFormatArray(); print "/* ]]> */ \n"; print "</script>\n<!-- End Of Form Functions -->\n\n"; $old_sql_string = $form->sfo_sql; $new_sql_string = replaceHashVariablesWithValues($arrayOfHashVariables, $old_sql_string); $SQL = new sqlString($new_sql_string); if ($SQL->where == '') { $SQL->setWhere("WHERE {$lookIn} = '{$newID}'"); } else { $SQL->setWhere("{$SQL->where} AND ({$lookIn} = '{$newID}')"); } $SQL->removeAllFields(); $SQL->addField($object->sob_lookup_id_field); $fieldNames[] = $prefix . $object->sob_all_name; $SQL->addField($object->sob_lookup_code_field); $fieldNames[] = 'code' . $prefix . $object->sob_all_name; if ($object->sob_lookup_no_description != '1' and $object->sob_lookup_description_field != '') { $fieldNames[] = 'description' . $prefix . $object->sob_all_name; $SQL->addField($object->sob_lookup_description_field); } $t = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM zzsys_lookup WHERE slo_zzsys_object_id = '{$object->zzsys_object_id}'"); while ($r = db_fetch_object($t)) { $SQL->addField($r->zzsys_slo_table_field_name); $fieldNames[] = $prefix . $r->zzsys_slo_page_field_name; } $sql1 = 'old : ' . $old_sql_string; $sql2 = 'new : ' . $new_sql_string; $sql3 = 'newest : ' . $SQL->SQL;
public function setValue($pRecordID, $pClone, $pValue) { $type = $this->objectProperty['sob_all_type']; $this->objectType = $this->objectProperty['sob_all_type']; if ($type == 'display') { //---replace any hashes with variables $sql = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT, $this->objectProperty['sob_display_sql'], $this->recordID); //---run sql and use the first row and colomn as the value for this field if (trim($sql) == '') { return ''; } $t = nuRunQuery($sql); $r = db_fetch_row($t); return formatTextValue($r[0], $this->objectProperty['sob_display_format']); } if ($type == 'dropdown') { if ($this->activity or $pRecordID == '-1' or $pClone and $this->objectProperty['sob_all_clone'] != '1') { //---get default value from sob_text_default_value_sql if ($this->objectProperty['sob_dropdown_default_value_sql'] == '') { return ''; } //---replace any hashes with variables $sql = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT, $this->objectProperty['sob_dropdown_default_value_sql'], $this->recordID); //---run sql and use the first row and colomn as the default value for this field $t = nuRunQuery($sql); $r = db_fetch_row($t); return $r[0]; } return $pValue; //---return value already in record } if ($type == 'lookup') { if ($pValue == '' or $this->activity or $pRecordID == '-1' or $pClone and $this->objectProperty['sob_all_clone'] != '1') { //---get default value from sob_text_default_value_sql if ($this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_default_value_sql'] == '') { $this->lookupArray['id'] = ''; $this->lookupArray['code'] = ''; $this->lookupArray['description'] = ''; return ''; } $defaultValueSQL = replaceVariablesInString('', $this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_default_value_sql'], ''); $T = nuRunQuery($defaultValueSQL); $R = db_fetch_row($T); $pValue = $R[0]; } //--get sql from lookup form if ($this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_load_zzsysform_id'] == '') { $lookupFormID = $this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_zzsysform_id']; } else { $lookupFormID = $this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_load_zzsysform_id']; } $t = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM zzsys_form WHERE zzsys_form_id = '{$lookupFormID}'"); $r = db_fetch_object($t); $browseTable = $this->TT; $TT = $this->TT; $this->parentForm->arrayOfHashVariables['#formSessionID#'] = $this->parentForm->formsessionID; $this->parentForm->arrayOfHashVariables['#browseTable#'] = $this->TT; $this->parentForm->arrayOfHashVariables['#TT#'] = $this->TT; eval(replaceHashVariablesWithValues($this->parentForm->arrayOfHashVariables, $r->sfo_custom_code_run_before_browse)); //--replace hash variables then run code $r->sfo_sql = replaceHashVariablesWithValues($this->parentForm->arrayOfHashVariables, $r->sfo_sql); //--replace hash variables $SQL = new sqlString($r->sfo_sql); if ($SQL->getWhere() == '') { $SQL->setWhere("WHERE " . $this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_id_field'] . " = '{$pValue}'"); } else { $SQL->setWhere($SQL->getWhere() . " AND (" . $this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_id_field'] . " = '{$pValue}')"); } $SQL->removeAllFields(); $SQL->addField($this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_id_field']); $SQL->addField($this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_code_field']); if ($this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_description_field'] == '') { $SQL->addField("''"); } else { $SQL->addField($this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_description_field']); } if ($_GET['debug'] != '') { tofile('SQL lookup hash variables : debug value:' . $_GET['debug']); tofile(print_r($this->parentForm->arrayOfHashVariables, true)); tofile($SQL->SQL); } $T = nuRunQuery($SQL->SQL); /* $lookupform = formFields($this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_zzsysform_id']); $fld1 = $this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_id_field']; $fld2 = $this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_code_field']; if($this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_description_field']==''){ $fld3 = '"" AS desc '; }else{ $fld3 = $this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_description_field']; } $T = nuRunQuery("SELECT $fld1, $fld2, $fld3 FROM $lookupform->sfo_table WHERE $lookupform->sfo_primary_key = '$pValue'"); */ $R = db_fetch_row($T); $this->lookupArray['id'] = $R[0]; $this->lookupArray['code'] = $R[1]; $this->lookupArray['description'] = $R[2]; // if($browseTable!=''){nuRunQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$this->TT`");} return $pValue; //---return value already in record } if ($type == 'inarray') { if ($this->activity or $pRecordID == '-1' or $pClone and $this->objectProperty['sob_all_clone'] != '1') { //---get default value from sob_text_default_value_sql if ($this->objectProperty['sob_inarray_default_value_sql'] == '') { return ''; } //---replace any hashes with variables $sql = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT, $this->objectProperty['sob_inarray_default_value_sql'], $this->recordID); //---run sql and use the first row and column as the default value for this field $t = nuRunQuery($sql); $r = db_fetch_row($t); return $r[0]; } return $pValue; //---return value already in record } if ($type == 'password') { return $pValue; } if ($type == 'text') { if ($this->activity or $pRecordID == '-1' or $pClone and $this->objectProperty['sob_all_clone'] != '1') { //---get default value from sob_text_default_value_sql if ($this->objectProperty['sob_text_default_value_sql'] == '') { return formatTextValue('', $this->objectProperty['sob_text_format']); } //---replace any hashes with variables $sql = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT, $this->objectProperty['sob_text_default_value_sql'], $this->recordID); //---run sql and use the first row and colomn as the default value for this field $t = nuRunQuery($sql); $r = db_fetch_row($t); return formatTextValue($r[0], $this->objectProperty['sob_text_format']); } return formatTextValue($pValue, $this->objectProperty['sob_text_format']); //---return value already in record } if ($type == 'textarea') { if ($this->activity or $pRecordID == '-1' or $pClone and $this->objectProperty['sob_all_clone'] != '1') { //---get default value from sob_text_default_value_sql if ($this->objectProperty['sob_textarea_default_value_sql'] == '') { return ''; } //---replace any hashes with variables $sql = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT, $this->objectProperty['sob_textarea_default_value_sql'], $this->recordID); //---run sql and use the first row and colomn as the default value for this field $t = nuRunQuery($sql); $r = db_fetch_row($t); return $r[0]; } return $pValue; //---return value already in record } }
public function setValue($pRecordID, $pClone, $pValue) { $type = $this->objectProperty['sob_all_type']; if ($type == 'display') { //---replace any hashes with variables $sql = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT, $this->objectProperty['sob_display_sql'], $this->recordID); //---run sql and use the first row and colomn as the value for this field $t = nuRunQuery($sql); $r = db_fetch_row($t); return formatTextValue($r[0], $this->objectProperty['sob_display_format']); } if ($type == 'dropdown') { if ($pRecordID == '-1' or $pClone and $this->objectProperty['sob_all_clone'] != '1') { //---get default value from sob_text_default_value_sql if ($this->objectProperty['sob_dropdown_default_value_sql'] == '') { return ''; } //---replace any hashes with variables $sql = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT, $this->objectProperty['sob_dropdown_default_value_sql'], $this->recordID); //---run sql and use the first row and colomn as the default value for this field $t = nuRunQuery($sql); $r = db_fetch_row($t); return $r[0]; } return $pValue; //---return value already in record } if ($type == 'lookup') { if ($pRecordID == '-1' or $pClone and $this->objectProperty['sob_all_clone'] != '1') { //---get default value from sob_text_default_value_sql if ($this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_default_value_sql'] == '') { $this->lookupArray['id'] = ''; $this->lookupArray['code'] = ''; $this->lookupArray['description'] = ''; return ''; } $defaultValueSQL = replaceVariablesInString('', $this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_default_value_sql'], ''); $T = nuRunQuery($defaultValueSQL); $R = db_fetch_row($T); $pValue = $R[0]; } //------- //--get sql from lookup form $lookupFormID = $this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_zzsysform_id']; $t = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM zzsys_form WHERE zzsys_form_id = '{$lookupFormID}'"); $r = db_fetch_object($t); $TT = $this->TT; $browseTable = $TT; eval($r->sfo_custom_code_run_before_browse); $SQLwithGlobalValues = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT, $r->sfo_sql, ''); $SQLwithRecordValues = getSqlRecordValues($SQLwithGlobalValues, $this->parentForm->recordAndFieldValues); $SQL = new sqlString($SQLwithRecordValues); //------- // $SQL = new sqlString(replaceVariablesInString($this->TT,$this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_sql'], '')); tofile('sql step 1==' . $this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_sql']); $SQL->setWhere("WHERE " . $this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_id_field'] . " = '{$pValue}'"); $SQL->removeAllFields(); $SQL->addField($this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_id_field']); $SQL->addField($this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_code_field']); $SQL->addField($this->objectProperty['sob_lookup_description_field']); $T = nuRunQuery($SQL->SQL); tofile('step 111'); $R = db_fetch_row($T); $this->lookupArray['id'] = $R[0]; $this->lookupArray['code'] = $R[1]; $this->lookupArray['description'] = $R[2]; return $pValue; //---return value already in record } if ($type == 'inarray') { if ($pRecordID == '-1' or $pClone and $this->objectProperty['sob_all_clone'] != '1') { //---get default value from sob_text_default_value_sql if ($this->objectProperty['sob_inarray_default_value_sql'] == '') { return ''; } //---replace any hashes with variables $sql = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT, $this->objectProperty['sob_inarray_default_value_sql'], $this->recordID); //---run sql and use the first row and column as the default value for this field $t = nuRunQuery($sql); $r = db_fetch_row($t); return $r[0]; } return $pValue; //---return value already in record } if ($type == 'password') { return $pValue; } if ($type == 'text') { if ($pRecordID == '-1' or $pClone and $this->objectProperty['sob_all_clone'] != '1') { //---get default value from sob_text_default_value_sql if ($this->objectProperty['sob_text_default_value_sql'] == '') { return formatTextValue('', $this->objectProperty['sob_text_format']); } //---replace any hashes with variables $sql = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT, $this->objectProperty['sob_text_default_value_sql'], $this->recordID); //---run sql and use the first row and colomn as the default value for this field $t = nuRunQuery($sql); $r = db_fetch_row($t); return formatTextValue($r[0], $this->objectProperty['sob_text_format']); } return formatTextValue($pValue, $this->objectProperty['sob_text_format']); //---return value already in record } if ($type == 'textarea') { if ($pRecordID == '-1' or $pClone and $this->objectProperty['sob_all_clone'] != '1') { //---get default value from sob_text_default_value_sql if ($this->objectProperty['sob_textarea_default_value_sql'] == '') { return ''; } //---replace any hashes with variables $sql = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT, $this->objectProperty['sob_textarea_default_value_sql'], $this->recordID); //---run sql and use the first row and colomn as the default value for this field $t = nuRunQuery($sql); $r = db_fetch_row($t); return $r[0]; } return $pValue; //---return value already in record } }