예제 #1
  * Execute an sqlQuery.
  * Execute a query the query string and database connexion object need
  * to be passe has parameters or be previously define.
  * @param string $sql   String with the SQL Query.
  * @param object sqlConnect $dbCon   Connexion object if not previously define in the contructor.
  * @return ResultSet $rquery
  * @access public
 function query($sql = "", $dbCon = 0)
     if ($dbCon != 0) {
         $this->dbCon = $dbCon;
     if (strlen($sql) > 0) {
         $this->sql_query = trim($sql);
     if (!is_resource($this->dbCon->id)) {
         $this->setError("Query Error: No open or valid connexion has been provide to execute the query: " . $this->sql_query);
     if ($this->sql_query == "") {
         if (is_array($this->table)) {
             $this->sql_query = "select * from ";
             while (list($key, $table) = each($this->table)) {
                 $this->sql_query .= $table . ",";
             $this->sql_query = ereg_replace(",\$", "", $this->sql_query);
         } else {
             $this->sql_query = "select * from {$this->table}";
     if ($this->max_rows) {
         if (!$this->pos) {
             $this->pos = 0;
         $qpos = " limit " . $this->pos . ", " . $this->max_rows;
     } else {
         if (!$this->pos) {
             $this->pos = "";
         $qpos = $this->pos;
     if ($this->dbCon->getAllwaysSelectDb()) {
     $rquery = odbc_exec($this->dbCon->id, "{$this->sql_query} {$this->sql_order} {$qpos}");
     if (!is_resource($rquery)) {
         $sqlerror = odbc_errormsg();
         if ($sqlerror) {
             $this->setError("<b>SQL Query Error :</b>" . $sqlerror . " ({$this->sql_query} {$this->sql_order} {$qpos})");
     if (!$this->max_rows) {
         $this->num_rows = @odbc_num_rows($rquery);
     $this->insert_id = 0;
     $this->result = $rquery;
     $this->cursor = 0;
     if ($this->dbCon->getBackupSync()) {
         if (eregi("^alter", $this->sql_query) || eregi("^create", $this->sql_query) || eregi("^drop", $this->sql_query)) {
             if ($this->dbCon->getUseDatabase()) {
                 $qInsSync = "insert into " . $this->dbCon->getTableBackupSync() . " ( actiontime, sqlstatement, dbname) values ( '" . time() . "', '" . addslashes($this->sql_query) . "', '" . $this->dbCon->db . "') ";
                 $rquery = odbc_exec($this->dbCon->id, $qInsSync);
             } else {
                 $file = $this->dbCon->getProjectDirectory() . "/" . $this->dbCon->getTableBackupSync() . ".struct.sql";
                 $fp = fopen($file, "a");
                 $syncquery = $this->sql_query . ";\n";
                 fwrite($fp, $syncquery, strlen($syncquery));
         if (eregi("^insert", $this->sql_query) || eregi("^update", $this->sql_query) || eregi("^delete", $this->sql_query)) {
             if ($this->dbCon->getUseDatabase()) {
                 $qInsSync = "insert into " . $this->dbCon->getTableBackupSync() . " ( actiontime, sqlstatement, dbname) values ( '" . time() . "', '" . addslashes($this->sql_query) . "', '" . $this->dbCon->db . "') ";
                 $rquery = odbc_exec($this->dbCon->id, $qInsSync);
             } else {
                 $file = $this->dbCon->getProjectDirectory() . "/" . $this->dbCon->getTableBackupSync() . ".data.sql";
                 $fp = fopen($file, "a");
                 $syncquery = $this->sql_query . ";\n";
                 fwrite($fp, $syncquery, strlen($syncquery));
     return $rquery;
예제 #2
  * Execute an sqlQuery.
  * Execute a query the query string and database connexion object need
  * to be passe has parameters or be previously define.
  * @param string $sql   String with the SQL Query.
  * @param object sqlConnect $dbCon   Connexion object if not previously define in the contructor.
  * @return ResultSet $rquery
  * @access public
 function query($sql = "", $dbCon = 0)
     if ($dbCon != 0) {
         $this->dbCon = $dbCon;
     if (strlen($sql) > 0) {
         $this->sql_query = trim($sql);
     if (!is_resource($this->dbCon->id)) {
         $this->setError("Query Error: No open or valid connexion has been provide to execute the query: " . $this->sql_query);
         return false;
     if (empty($this->sql_query)) {
         //    $this->setError("No query to execute.:".var_export(get_object_vars($this), true));
         $this->setLog(" query(): No query to execute.");
         return false;
     if ($this->max_rows) {
         if (!$this->pos) {
             $this->pos = 0;
         $qpos = " limit " . $this->pos . ", " . $this->max_rows;
     } else {
         if (!$this->pos) {
             $this->pos = "";
         $qpos = $this->pos;
     /** Temporary for ";" compatibility with postgresql **/
     //  if (substr($this->sql_query, -1,1) == ";") {
     //      $this->sql_query = substr($this->sql_query, 0, strlen($this->sql_query)-1) ;
     //  }
     // This is to fix the mysql_select_db problem when connexion have same username.
     if ($this->dbCon->getAllwaysSelectDb()) {
         //echo $this->dbCon->getDatabase();
     // convert quote from postgresql queries
     // this was a bad idea, break wordpress install for example!!!
     //$this->sql_query=str_replace('"', '`',$this->sql_query);
     if ($this->dbCon->getUseCluster()) {
         if (preg_match("/^select/i", $this->sql_query)) {
             $this->query_connexion = $this->dbCon->id;
         } else {
             $this->query_connexion = $this->dbCon->wid;
     } else {
         $this->query_connexion = $this->dbCon->id;
     if (preg_match("/^select/i", $this->sql_query)) {
         $rquery = mysql_query($this->sql_query . " " . $this->sql_order . " " . $qpos, $this->query_connexion);
         $this->setLog($this->sql_query . " " . $this->sql_order . " " . $qpos);
     } else {
         $rquery = mysql_query($this->sql_query, $this->query_connexion);
     $sqlerror = "";
     if (!is_resource($rquery)) {
         $sqlerror = mysql_error($this->query_connexion);
         if (!empty($sqlerror)) {
             $this->setError("<b>SQL Query Error :</b>" . mysql_errno($this->query_connexion) . " - " . $sqlerror . " (" . $this->sql_query . ")");
     if (!$this->max_rows) {
         $this->num_rows = @mysql_num_rows($rquery);
     //$this->insert_id = mysql_insert_id() ;
     $this->insert_id = 0;
     $this->result = $rquery;
     $this->cursor = 0;
     if ($this->dbCon->getBackupSync()) {
         if (preg_match("/^alter/i", $this->sql_query) || preg_match("/^create/i", $this->sql_query) || preg_match("/^drop/i", $this->sql_query)) {
             if ($this->dbCon->getUseDatabase()) {
                 $qInsSync = "insert into " . $this->dbCon->getTableBackupSync() . " ( actiontime, sqlstatement, dbname) values ( '" . time() . "', '" . addslashes($this->sql_query) . "', '" . $this->dbCon->db . "') ";
                 $rquery = mysql_query($qInsSync, $this->dbCon->id);
             } else {
                 $file = $this->dbCon->getProjectDirectory() . "/" . $this->dbCon->getTableBackupSync() . ".struct.sql";
                 $fp = fopen($file, "a");
                 $syncquery = $this->sql_query . ";\n";
                 fwrite($fp, $syncquery, strlen($syncquery));
         if (preg_match("/^insert/i", $this->sql_query) || preg_match("/^update/i", $this->sql_query) || preg_match("/^delete/i", $this->sql_query)) {
             if ($this->dbCon->getUseDatabase()) {
                 $qInsSync = "insert into " . $this->dbCon->getTableBackupSync() . " ( actiontime, sqlstatement, dbname) values ( '" . time() . "', '" . addslashes($this->sql_query) . "', '" . $this->dbCon->db . "') ";
                 $rquery = mysql_query($qInsSync, $this->dbCon->id);
             } else {
                 $file = $this->dbCon->getProjectDirectory() . "/" . $this->dbCon->getTableBackupSync() . ".data.sql";
                 $fp = fopen($file, "a");
                 $syncquery = $this->sql_query . ";\n";
                 fwrite($fp, $syncquery, strlen($syncquery));
     return $rquery;
예제 #3
  * Execute an sqlQuery
  * Execute a query the query string and database connexion object need
  * to be passe has parameters or be previously define
  * @param sting $sql   String with the SQL Query
  * @param object sqlConnect $dbCon   Connexion object if not previously define in the contructor
  * @return ResultSet $rquery
  * @access public
 function query($sql = "", $dbCon = 0)
     if ($dbCon != 0) {
         $this->dbCon = $dbCon;
     if (strlen($sql) > 0) {
         $this->sql_query = trim($sql);
     if (!is_resource($this->dbCon->id)) {
         $this->setError("Query Error: No open or valid connexion has been provide to execute the query: " . $this->sql_query);
     //    if ($this->sql_query == "") {
     //      if (is_array($this->table)) {
     //        reset($this->table) ;
     //        $this->sql_query = "select * from " ;
     //        while (list($key, $table) = each($this->table)) {
     //          $this->sql_query .= $table."," ;
     //        }
     //        $this->sql_query = ereg_replace(",$", "", $this->sql_query) ;
     //      } else {
     //        $this->sql_query= "select * from $this->table" ;
     //      }
     //    }
     if (empty($this->sql_query)) {
         $this->setError("No query to execute");
         return false;
     if ($this->max_rows) {
         if (!$this->pos) {
             $this->pos = 0;
         // $qpos = " limit ".$this->pos.", ".$this->max_rows ; PL oposite of MySQL
         $qpos = " limit " . $this->max_rows . " offset " . $this->pos;
     } else {
         if (!$this->pos) {
             $this->pos = "";
         $qpos = $this->pos;
     // convert quote from mysql queries
     // This will need to be removed as it may generate significant problem is queries uses backquotes
     // in their content
     $this->sql_query = str_replace('`', '"', $this->sql_query);
     $rquery = pg_query($this->dbCon->id, "{$this->sql_query} {$this->sql_order} {$qpos}");
     if (!is_resource($rquery)) {
         $sqlerror = pg_last_error();
         if ($sqlerror) {
             $this->setError("<b>SQL Query Error :</b>" . $sqlerror . " ({$this->sql_query} {$this->sql_order} {$qpos})");
     } else {
         //    if (!$this->max_rows) {  PL 20020920 commented out to make it work on the fetch()
         $this->num_rows = @pg_numrows($rquery);
         //   }
     //$this->insert_id =  pg_getlastoid($rquery) ;
     $this->result = $rquery;
     $this->cursor = 0;
     if ($this->dbCon->getBackupSync()) {
         if (eregi("^alter", $this->sql_query) || eregi("^create", $this->sql_query) || eregi("^drop", $this->sql_query)) {
             if ($this->dbCon->getUseDatabase()) {
                 $qInsSync = "insert into " . $this->dbCon->getTableBackupSync() . " ( actiontime, sqlstatement, dbname) values ( '" . time() . "', '" . addslashes($this->sql_query) . "', '" . $this->dbCon->db . "') ";
                 $rquery = pg_query($this->dbCon->db, $qInsSync, $this->dbCon->id);
             } else {
                 $file = $this->dbCon->getProjectDirectory() . "/" . $this->dbCon->getTableBackupSync() . ".struct.sql";
                 $fp = fopen($file, "a");
                 $syncquery = $this->sql_query . ";\n";
                 fwrite($fp, $syncquery, strlen($syncquery));
         if (eregi("^insert", $this->sql_query) || eregi("^update", $this->sql_query) || eregi("^delete", $this->sql_query)) {
             if ($this->dbCon->getUseDatabase()) {
                 $qInsSync = "insert into " . $this->dbCon->getTableBackupSync() . " ( actiontime, sqlstatement, dbname) values ( '" . time() . "', '" . addslashes("{$this->sql_query} {$this->sql_order} {$qpos}") . "', '" . $this->dbCon->db . "') ";
                 $rquery = pg_query($this->dbCon->db, $qInsSync, $this->dbCon->id);
             } else {
                 $file = $this->dbCon->getProjectDirectory() . "/" . $this->dbCon->getTableBackupSync() . ".data.sql";
                 $fp = fopen($file, "a");
                 $syncquery = $this->sql_query . ";\n";
                 fwrite($fp, $syncquery, strlen($syncquery));
     return $rquery;