function logout() { $sql = new sql(); $table = "session"; $campos = "date_logout=now()"; $where = "session='" . $_SESSION['session'] . "'"; $sql->update($table, $campos, $where, 'N'); $_SESSION['cod_usuario'] = ""; $_SESSION['user'] = ""; $_SESSION['loged'] = false; $_SESSION['session'] = ""; $_SESSION['cod_empresa'] = ""; $_SESSION['razao_social'] = ""; $_SESSION['endereco'] = ""; $_SESSION['numero'] = ""; $_SESSION['complemento'] = ""; $_SESSION['cep'] = ""; $_SESSION['cidade'] = ""; $_SESSION['uf'] = ""; $_SESSION['cnpj'] = ""; $_SESSION['logo'] = ""; $_SESSION['email'] = ""; $_SESSION['telefone'] = ""; //header("Location: index.php"); }
public static function sortTable($table, $sort, $where = '', $select = ['id', 'sort']) { if ($where) { $where = ' WHERE ' . $where; } $update = new sql(); $update->setTable($table); $i = 1; $sql = new sql(); $sql->query('SELECT `' . $select[0] . '`, `' . $select[1] . '` FROM ' . self::table($table) . $where . ' ORDER BY `' . $select[1] . '` ASC')->result(); while ($sql->isNext()) { if ($sort == $i) { $i++; } $update->addPost($select[1], $i); $update->setWhere($select[0] . '=' . $sql->get($select[0])); $update->update(); $sql->next(); $i++; } }
/** * Kopiert die Metadaten eines Artikels in einen anderen Artikel * * @param $from_id ArtikelId des Artikels, aus dem kopiert werden (Quell ArtikelId) * @param $to_id ArtikelId des Artikel, in den kopiert werden sollen (Ziel ArtikelId) * @param [$from_clang] ClangId des Artikels, aus dem kopiert werden soll (Quell ClangId) * @param [$to_clang] ClangId des Artikels, in den kopiert werden soll (Ziel ClangId) * @param [$params] Array von Spaltennamen, welche kopiert werden sollen */ function rex_copyMeta($from_id, $to_id, $from_clang = 0, $to_clang = 0, $params = array()) { global $REX, $REX_USER; $from_clang = (int) $from_clang; $to_clang = (int) $to_clang; $from_id = (int) $from_id; $to_id = (int) $to_id; if (!is_array($params)) { $params = array(); } if ($from_id == $to_id && $from_clang == $to_clang) { return false; } $gc = new sql(); $gc->setQuery("select * from " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article where clang='{$from_clang}' and id='{$from_id}'"); if ($gc->getRows() == 1) { $uc = new sql(); // $uc->debugsql = 1; $uc->setTable($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article"); $uc->where("clang='{$to_clang}' and id='{$to_id}'"); $uc->setValue("updatedate", time()); $uc->setValue("updateuser", addslashes($REX_USER->getValue("login"))); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $var = $gc->getValue("{$value}"); $uc->setValue("{$value}", $var); } $uc->update(); rex_generateArticle($to_id, false); return true; } return false; }
/** * The select method, call sql::update(). * * @param string $table * @access public * @return object the dao object self. */ public function update($table) { $this->setMode('raw'); $this->setMethod('update'); $this->sqlobj = sql::update($table); $this->setTable($table); return $this; }
$meta_sql->setValue("online_from", mktime(0, 0, 0, $monat_von, $tag_von, $jahr_von)); $meta_sql->setValue("online_to", mktime(0, 0, 0, $monat_bis, $tag_bis, $jahr_bis)); $meta_sql->setValue("keywords", $meta_keywords); $meta_sql->setValue("description", $meta_description); $meta_sql->setValue("name", $meta_article_name); $meta_sql->setValue("type_id", $type_id); if (!isset($meta_teaser)) { $meta_teaser = 0; } $meta_sql->setValue("teaser", $meta_teaser); $meta_sql->setValue("updatedate", time()); $meta_sql->setValue("updateuser", $REX_USER->getValue("login")); // -------------------------- FILE UPLOAD META BILD/FILE $meta_sql->setValue("file", $REX_MEDIA_1); // ----------------------------- / FILE UPLOAD $meta_sql->update(); $article->setQuery("select * from " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article where id='{$article_id}' and clang='{$clang}'"); if (!isset($message)) { $message = ''; } $err_msg = $I18N->msg("metadata_updated") . $message; rex_generateArticle($article_id); } $typesel = new select(); $typesel->set_name("type_id"); $typesel->set_style("width:100%;"); $typesel->set_size(1); $typesql = new sql(); $typesql->setQuery("select * from " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_type order by name"); for ($i = 0; $i < $typesql->getRows(); $i++) { $typesel->add_option($typesql->getValue("name"), $typesql->getValue("type_id"));
function deleteMessage($message_id) { // reply $r_sql = new sql(); $r_sql->setQuery("select * from rex_5_board where message_id='{$message_id}' and board_id='" . $this->boardname . "'"); if ($r_sql->getRows() == 1) { if ($r_sql->getValue("re_message_id") != 0) { // reply $ur_sql = new sql(); $ur_sql->setTable("rex_5_board"); $ur_sql->where("message_id='{$message_id}'"); $ur_sql->setValue("status", 0); $ur_sql->update(); $message_id = $r_sql->getValue("re_message_id"); // update topic $u_sql = new sql(); $u_sql->setQuery("select * from rex_5_board where re_message_id='{$message_id}' and status='1'"); $u_sql->setTable("rex_5_board"); $u_sql->where("message_id='{$message_id}'"); $u_sql->setValue("replies", $u_sql->getRows()); $u_sql->update(); $this->msg["bb_msg_id"] = $r_sql->getValue("re_message_id"); $return = $this->showMessage(); } else { // topic $u_sql = new sql(); $u_sql->setTable("rex_5_board"); $u_sql->where("message_id='{$message_id}' or re_message_id='{$message_id}'"); $u_sql->setValue("status", 0); $u_sql->update(); $this->errmsg = $this->text[250]; $return = $this->showMessages(); } } else { $this->errmsg = $this->text[260]; $return = $this->showMessages(); } return $return; }
// --------------------- ARTIKEL EDIT $Position_Article = (int) $Position_Article; if ($Position_Article == 0) { $Position_Article = 1; } $amessage = $I18N->msg("article_updated"); $EA = new sql(); $EA->setTable($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article"); $EA->where("id='{$article_id}' and clang={$clang}"); $EA->setValue("name", $article_name); $EA->setValue("template_id", $template_id); // $EA->setValue("path",$KATPATH); $EA->setValue("updatedate", time()); $EA->setValue("updateuser", $REX_USER->getValue("login")); $EA->setValue("prior", $Position_Article); $EA->update(); // ----- PRIOR rex_newArtPrio($category_id, $clang, $Position_Article, $thisArt->getValue("prior")); rex_generateArticle($article_id); // ----- EXTENSION POINT $message = rex_register_extension_point('ART_UPDATED', $message, array("id" => $article_id, "status" => $thisArt->getValue("status"), "name" => $article_name, "clang" => $clang, "re_id" => $category_id, "prior" => $Position_Article, "path" => $KATPATH, "template_id" => $template_id)); } elseif (isset($function) and $function == "delete_article" && $article_id != "" && $KATPERM && !$REX_USER->isValueOf("rights", "editContentOnly[]")) { // --------------------- ARTIKEL DELETE $message = rex_deleteArticle($article_id); $re_id = $thisArt->getValue("re_id"); // ----- PRIO $CL = $REX['CLANG']; reset($CL); for ($j = 0; $j < count($CL); $j++) { $mlang = key($CL); rex_newArtPrio($thisArt->getValue("re_id"), $mlang, 0, 1);
<?php session_start(); include "../../../php/login.php"; include "php.php"; include "config.php"; $sql = new sql(); function data_($data) { if ($data != null) { $data = str_replace('/', '-', $data); return date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data)); } } $login = new login(); $login->checklogin(); if (isset($_SESSION['loged']) and $_SESSION['loged'] == true) { if (isset($_POST['act']) and $_POST['act'] == "conciliar" and isset($_POST['itens']) and $_POST['itens'] != "") { $key = md5(mt_rand(1, 10000) . strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $itens = explode(',', $_POST['itens']); $tabela = "cad_documento_item"; $campos = "data_ultima_alteracao=DATE_FORMAT(now(),'%Y-%m-%d'), cod_documento_compensacao='" . $key . "' "; for ($n = 1; $n < count($itens); $n++) { $where = "cod_documento_item='" . $itens[$n] . "'"; $sql->update($tabela, $campos, $where, 'S'); } } }
$size = getimagesize($REX[INCLUDE_PATH] . "/../../files/{$filename}"); $fwidth = $size[0]; $fheight = $size[1]; $width = $width + 0; $height = $height + 0; if ($width > 0 and $height > 0 and $fwidth != $width and $fheight != $height) { media_resize($REX[MEDIAFOLDER] . "/{$filename}", $width, $height); $msg .= "<br>" . $I18N->msg('pool_file_is_resized'); } elseif ($width > 0 and $fwidth != $width) { media_resize($REX[MEDIAFOLDER] . "/{$filename}", $width, $height); $msg .= "<br>" . $I18N->msg('pool_file_is_resized'); } elseif ($height > 0 and $fheight != $height) { media_resize($REX[MEDIAFOLDER] . "/{$filename}", $width, $height); $msg .= "<br>" . $I18N->msg('pool_file_is_resized'); } $FILESQL->update(); } else { $msg = $I18N->msg('pool_file_not_found'); $mode = ""; } } if ($mode == "detail") { $gf = new sql(); if ($file_name != "") { $gf->setQuery("select * from rex_file where filename='{$file_name}'"); } if ($gf->getRows() == 1) { $file_id = $gf->getValue("file_id"); } $gf->setQuery("select * from rex_file where file_id='{$file_id}'"); if ($gf->getRows() == 1) {
$body = str_replace("###LOGIN###", $gu->getValue("user_login"), $body); $body = str_replace("###PSW###", $gu->getValue("user_password"), $body); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->AltBody = $body; $mail->Send(); echo "Mail wurde versendet<br /><br />"; $aktionen = $mails[$mail_id]["action"]; if (is_array($aktionen)) { $uu = new sql(); $uu->debugsql = 0; $uu->setTable("rex_5_user"); $uu->where("id='" . $oid . "'"); foreach ($aktionen as $key => $value) { $uu->setValue($key, $value); } $uu->update(); echo "Aktion/en wurden ausgeführt!<br /><br />"; } } else { foreach ($mails as $key => $value) { echo "<br /><br /><a href=index.php?page=community&subpage=user&oid={$oid}&func=sendmail&subfunc=send&mail_id={$key}>» " . $value["name"] . "</a>"; } echo "<br /><br />"; } echo "</td></tr></table>"; echo "<br /><table cellpadding=5 class=rex><tr><td><a href=index.php?page=" . $mypage . "&subpage=" . $subpage . "&func=edit&oid={$oid}><b>« Zurück zum User</b></a></td></tr></table>"; $func = "nothing"; } else { // kein exit -> fehler -> zurueck zur übersicht unset($oid); }
$updateuser->setValue("newsletter", $unewsletter); if ($ushowinfo != "") { $ushowinfo = 1; } else { $ushowinfo = 0; } $updateuser->setValue("showinfo", $ushowinfo); if ($usendmail != "") { $usendmail = 1; } else { $usendmail = 0; } // Markus => $updateuser->setValue("sendmail", $usendmail); echo $usendmail; $updateuser->update(); $user_id = 0; $function = ""; $message = "Benutzerdaten wurden aktualisiert !"; } elseif ($FDEL != "") { $deleteuser = new sql(); $deleteuser->query("delete from rex__user where id='{$user_id}'"); $deleteuser->query("delete from rex__article_comment where user_id='{$user_id}'"); $deleteuser->query("delete from rex__board where user_id='{$user_id}'"); $deleteuser->query("delete from rex__user_comment where user_id='{$user_id}' or from_user_id='{$user_id}'"); $deleteuser->query("delete from rex__user_mail where user_id='{$user_id}' or from_user_id='{$user_id}'"); $message = "Benutzer gelöscht !"; $user_id = ""; } elseif ($FADD != "" && $save == 1) { $adduser = new sql(); $adduser->setQuery("select * from rex__user where login='******'");
$SETTINGSQL->setValue("color2",$EDITcolor2); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color3",$EDITcolor3); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color4",$EDITcolor4); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color5",$EDITcolor5); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color6",$EDITcolor6); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color7",$EDITcolor7); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color8",$EDITcolor8); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color9",$EDITcolor9); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color10",$EDITcolor10); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color11",$EDITcolor11); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color12",$EDITcolor12); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color13",$EDITcolor13); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color14",$EDITcolor14); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color15",$EDITcolor15); $SETTINGSQL->setValue("color16",$EDITcolor16);*/ $SETTINGSQL->update(); } else { $errorMsg .= '<p class="warning">Einstellungen wurden nicht gespeichert.</p>'; } } if (!isset($aid)) { $aid = ''; } if (!isset($subpage)) { $subpage = ''; } if (!isset($EDITeditorWindow)) { $EDITeditorWindow = ''; } if (!isset($errorMsg)) { $errorMsg = '';
if (isset($_POST) and isset($_POST['act']) and $_POST['act'] == 'salvar_resposta') { //se 'cod_formulario_resposta' == 'nova_resposta' if ($_POST['cod_formulario_resposta'] == 'nova_resposta') { $table = "`cad_formulario_resposta`"; $campos = "`cod_formulario`, `descricao`"; $values = "'" . $_POST['cod_formulario'] . "','" . $_POST['descricao'] . "'"; $msg = "N"; $sql->insert($table, $campos, $values, $msg); } //se 'cod_formulario_resposta' != 'nova_resposta' if ($_POST['cod_formulario_resposta'] != 'nova_resposta') { $table = "cad_formulario_resposta"; $campos = "`cod_formulario`='" . $_POST['cod_formulario'] . "', `descricao`='" . $_POST['descricao'] . "' "; $where = "cod_formulario_resposta='" . $_POST['cod_formulario_resposta'] . "'"; $msg = "N"; $sql->update($table, $campos, $where, $msg); } //pesquisar os atuais echo $formulario->itens_formulario($_POST['cod_formulario']); } if (isset($_POST) and isset($_POST['act']) and $_POST['act'] == 'excluir_resposta') { $table = "cad_formulario_resposta"; $where = "cod_formulario_resposta='" . $_POST['cod_formulario_resposta'] . "'"; $msg = "N"; $sql->delete($table, $where, $msg); echo $formulario->itens_formulario($_POST['cod_formulario']); } if (isset($_POST) and isset($_POST['act']) and $_POST['act'] == 'editar_formulario') { //var_dump($_POST); $formulario = new formulario(); $formulario->editar_formulario($_POST['cod_formulario']);
<?php //print_r($_GET); session_start(); include "php.php"; if (isset($_GET['baixa']) and isset($_GET['cod_captacao']) and $_GET['baixa'] != '' and $_GET['cod_captacao'] != '') { // $select= "DELETE FROM `".$schema."`.`captacao_cartas_baixas` WHERE `captacao_cartas_baixas`.`cod_captacao_cartas_baixas` = ".$cod_captacao_cartas_baixas.";"; $sql = new sql(); $sql->delete('captacao_cartas_baixas', " cod_captacao_cartas_baixas= " . $_GET['baixa'] . " and cod_captacao_cartas=" . $_GET['cod_captacao']); $sql->update('captacao_cartas', " status='-02' ", " cod_captacao_cartas=" . $_GET['cod_captacao']); // $sql->baixar_captacao('00',$_GET['data_baixa'],$_GET['valor_baixa'],$_GET['cod_captacao_cartas'],$_GET['cod_carteira'],"","","BAIXA MANUAL"); } header("Location:../cadastro_captacoes.php?id=" . $_GET['cod_captacao'] . "");
function upload_logo() { $sql = new sql(); //move arquivo $arquivo = $_FILES['upload_logo']; //Salvando o Arquivo $nome_arquivo = md5(mt_rand(1, 10000) . $arquivo['name']) . '.jpg'; $caminho_arquivo = "imagens/"; $caminho = $caminho_arquivo . $nome_arquivo; move_uploaded_file($arquivo['tmp_name'], "../" . $caminho); $table = "cad_empresa"; $campos = "`logo`='" . $caminho . "'"; $where = "cod_empresa='" . $_POST['cod_empresa'] . "'"; $msg = "N"; $sql->update($table, $campos, $where, $msg); echo "<img src='" . $caminho . "' class='uk-cover-background' alt='' height='100' width='200'>"; }
public function estorno_documento($cod_documento) { include "config.php"; $pesquisa = new pesquisa(); $documento = $pesquisa->documento($_GET['id']); //estornar $sql = new sql(); $key = md5(mt_rand(1, 10000) . strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $select_cad_documento = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`" . $schema . "`.`cad_documento`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cod_empresa`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cod_tipo_documento`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`referencia`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`texto_cabecalho_documento`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`data_lancamento`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`data_base`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`data_estorno`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`data_alteracao`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`exercicio`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`periodo`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`historico`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`data_inclusao`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`data_ultima_alteracao`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`usuario_inclusao`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`usuario_ultima_alteracao`)\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tselect \n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cod_empresa`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'2',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $key . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconcat('ESTORNO - ',`texto_cabecalho_documento`),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`data_lancamento`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`data_base`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDATE_FORMAT(now(),'%Y-%m-%d'),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDATE_FORMAT(now(),'%Y-%m-%d'),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`exercicio`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`periodo`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`historico`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnow(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDATE_FORMAT(now(),'%Y-%m-%d'),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`usuario_inclusao`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`usuario_ultima_alteracao`\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t from \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $schema . ".cad_documento \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcod_empresa='" . $_SESSION['cod_empresa'] . "' and \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcod_documento='" . $cod_documento . "'\t"; $resultado = mysql_query($select_cad_documento, $conexao) or die(mysql_error()); //2//pesquisar cod_documento $select = "SELECT cod_documento FROM " . $schema . ".cad_documento WHERE referencia='" . $key . "' and cod_empresa=" . $_SESSION['cod_empresa'] . "; "; $resultado = mysql_query($select, $conexao) or die(mysql_error()); $cod_documento_ = mysql_fetch_array($resultado); $cod_documento_ = $cod_documento_[0]; //3//update referencia $tabela = "cad_documento"; $campos = "referencia='ESTORNO - " . $documento['referencia'] . "'"; $where = "referencia='" . $key . "'"; $sql->update($tabela, $campos, $where, 'N'); $tabela = "cad_documento"; $campos = "data_estorno=DATE_FORMAT(now(),'%Y-%m-%d')"; $where = "cod_documento='" . $cod_documento . "'"; $sql->update($tabela, $campos, $where, 'N'); $tabela = "cad_documento_item"; $campos = "cod_documento_compensacao='" . $key . "'"; $where = "cod_documento='" . $cod_documento . "'"; $sql->update($tabela, $campos, $where, 'N'); $select_cad_documento_item = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t INSERT INTO \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`" . $schema . "`.`cad_documento_item`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cod_empresa`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cod_documento`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`numero_item`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`codigo_lancamento`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cod_conta`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cod_ctr_custo`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`montante`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`historico`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`data_vencimento_liquidacao`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cod_documento_compensacao`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`data_inclusao`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`data_ultima_alteracao`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`usuario_inclusao`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`usuario_ultima_alteracao`)\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cad_documento_item`.`cod_empresa`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $cod_documento_ . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cad_documento_item`.`numero_item`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(`cad_documento_item`.`codigo_lancamento`='D','C','D'),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cad_documento_item`.`cod_conta`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cad_documento_item`.`cod_ctr_custo`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cad_documento_item`.`montante`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cad_documento_item`.`historico`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cad_documento_item`.`data_vencimento_liquidacao`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $key . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnow(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnow(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $_SESSION['cod_usuario'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $_SESSION['cod_usuario'] . "'\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`" . $schema . "`.`cad_documento_item`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcod_empresa='" . $_SESSION['cod_empresa'] . "' and \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcod_documento='" . $cod_documento . "'"; $resultado = mysql_query($select_cad_documento_item, $conexao) or die(mysql_error()); }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Alex Sandiyarov * Date: 13.12.15 * Time: 12:17 */ $news = new News(); $a = $news->getAll(); var_dump($a); //$news->add($data); //$news->update($title2, $id); $a = new sql(); $a->get('*', 'news', 'ORDER BY date DESC'); print_r($a->packToArray()); print_r($a->get('*', 'news', 'WHERE id = 4')); $a->insert('news', 'id, title', '"34543435434534353453455", "sadsadas"'); $a->update('news', 'title = "KUKU"', '4');
function inserir_arquivo_ofx_lancamentos($tb, $data_inicio, $data_fim, $carteira) { include "config.php"; $sql = new sql(); $table = "arquivo_ofx_lancamentos"; $where = "cod_carteira='" . $carteira . "' and (DTPOSTED between '" . $data_inicio . "' and '" . $data_fim . "')"; $sql->delete($table, $where); $table = "captacao_cartas_baixas"; $campos = "cod_conciliacao=0"; $where = "cod_carteira='" . $carteira . "' and (data_baixa between '" . $data_inicio . "' and '" . $data_fim . "')"; $sql->update($table, $campos, $where); $table = "arquivo_ofx_lancamentos"; $campos = "`cod_carteira`,`TRNTYPE`,`DTPOSTED`,`TRNAMT`,`FITID`,`CHECKNUM`,`MEMO`"; $values = $tb; $sql->insert($table, $campos, $values); }
$s = new sql(); $s->setQuery("select * from rex_opf_lang where id='" . $oid . "'"); if ($s->getRows() == 0) { $msg = ""; } else { $SF = true; $msg = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST["opfname"])) { $msg = "Value saved."; $SF = false; $sv = new sql(); // $sv->debugsql = 1; $sv->setTable("rex_opf_lang"); $sv->where("id='" . $oid . "'"); $sv->setValue("name", trim($_REQUEST["opfname"])); $sv->update(); } if ($msg != "") { echo rex_opf_msg($msg); } if ($SF) { echo "<table style='width: 770px' cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 border=0 class=rextbl>"; echo "<form action=index.php method=post><input type=hidden name=oid value={$oid}><input type=hidden name=clang value=" . $clang . "><input type=hidden name=page value=" . $mypage . "><input type=hidden name=func value=" . $func . " />"; // echo "<tr><th colspan=2 align=left class=dgrey>Schnipsel hinzufuegen</th></tr>"; echo "<tr><td class=grey width=150>New value</td><td class=grey><textarea cols=30 rows=2 name=opfname class=inp100>" . htmlspecialchars($s->getValue("name")) . "</textarea></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td class=grey>Replace value</td><td class=grey>" . htmlspecialchars($s->getValue("replacename")) . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td class=dgrey> </td><td class=dgrey><input type=submit value=add></td></tr>"; echo "</table><br />"; } } }
echo "</form></tr>"; } else { echo "<tr>" . "<td></td>" . "<td align=center>" . key($REX[CLANG]) . "</td>" . "<td><a href=index.php?page=specials&spage=lang&func=editclang&clang_id=" . key($REX[CLANG]) . "#clang>" . htmlentities(current($REX[CLANG])) . "</a></td>" . "<td></td></tr>"; } next($REX[CLANG]); } echo "</table>"; } else { // ----- eigene typen definieren if ($function == "Update" or $function == "Ändern") { $update = new sql(); $update->setTable("rex_article_type"); $update->where("type_id='{$type_id}'"); $update->setValue("name", $typname); $update->setValue("description", $description); $update->update(); $type_id = 0; $function = ""; $message = $I18N->msg("article_type_updated"); } elseif ($function == "Delete" or $function == "Löschen") { if ($type_id != 1) { $delete = new sql(); $result = $delete->get_array("SELECT name,id FROM rex_article WHERE type_id = {$type_id}"); if (is_array($result)) { $message = $I18N->msg("article_type_still_used") . "<br>"; foreach ($result as $var) { $message .= "<br><a href=index.php?page=content&article_id=" . $var[id] . "&mode=meta target=_blank>" . $var[name] . "</a>"; } $message .= "<br><br>"; } else { $delete->query("delete from rex_article_type where type_id='{$type_id}'");
$thumbnail = $REX_MEDIA_1; } $sql->setValue("thumbnail", $thumbnail); if ($REX_MEDIA_2 == "delete file") { $picture = ""; } else { $picture = $REX_MEDIA_2; } $sql->setValue("picture", $picture); $sql->setValue("relation_1", $article[relation_1]); $sql->setValue("relation_2", $article[relation_2]); $sql->setValue("relation_3", $article[relation_3]); if ($aid != "") { // ----> update eines Artikels $sql->where("id='" . $aid . "' AND clang='{$clang}'"); $sql->update(); if (strlen($sql->error) > 3) { echo preg_replace("!##msg##!", $I18N_SIMPLE_SHOP->msg("error"), $message_corpus); } else { echo preg_replace("!##msg##!", $I18N_SIMPLE_SHOP->msg("product_saved"), $message_corpus); if ($uebernehmen) { $send = 0; $function = "edit_article"; } else { $send = 1; $function = ""; } } $sql->flush(); $sql->setTable("rex_4_article"); $sql->setValue("category", $diecats);
public function salvar($tabela, $key_id) { function formatar_data($data) { if ($data != null) { $date = str_replace('/', '-', $data); return date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data)); } } $keys = array_keys($_POST); for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { if (strpos($keys[$i], 'data') === false) { } else { $_POST[$keys[$i]] = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $_POST[$keys[$i]])->format('Y-m-d'); } } //update $json = "{"; $keys = array_keys($_POST); for ($c = 0; $c < count($keys); $c++) { $json .= '"' . $keys[$c] . '":"' . $_POST[$keys[$c]] . '",'; } $json .= "}"; $json = str_replace(',}', "}", $json); $json = str_replace('{"', "`", $json); $json = str_replace('":"', "`='", $json); $json = str_replace('","', "',`", $json); $json = str_replace('"}', "'", $json); $sql = new sql(); $campos = $json; $where = "`" . $key_id . "`='" . $_POST[$key_id] . "'"; //insert $campos_insert = ""; $values = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { if ($_POST[$keys[$i]] != "") { $campos_insert .= "`" . $keys[$i] . "`"; $values .= "'" . $_POST[$keys[$i]] . "',"; } } $values = "(" . $values . ")"; $campos_insert = str_replace('``', "`,`", $campos_insert); $values = str_replace(",)", ")", $values); $values = str_replace(")", "", $values); $values = str_replace("(", "", $values); if ($_POST[$key_id] != "" and $_POST[$key_id] != null) { $sql->update($tabela, $campos, $where, 'S'); } else { $sql->insert($tabela, $campos_insert, $values, 'S'); if ($tabela == "cad_itens") { $tabela = "cad_movimento"; $campos_insert = "cod_item, data, valor, cod_tipo_movimento"; $values = "(SELECT max(cod_item) from imobilizado.cad_itens), '" . $_POST['data_aquisicao'] . "','" . $_POST['valor_aquisicao'] . "','1'"; $sql->insert($tabela, $campos_insert, $values, 'N'); } } }
protected function control($type) { $id = $this->id; $SSH = rp::get('SSH'); $host = $SSH['ip']; $user = $SSH['user']; $pass = $SSH['password']; unset($SSH); $ssh = new ssh($host, $user, $pass); $sql = new sql(); $sql->setTable('server'); $sql->setWhere('id=' . $id); #$ssh->read('[prompt]'); switch ($type) { case 'install': $ssh->exec("cd {$id}; ./ auto-install > /dev/null &"); $sql->addPost('status', 0); break; case 'start': $ssh->exec("cd {$id}; ./ start >> /dev/null 2>&1 & /n"); $sql->addPost('status', 1); break; case 'stop': $ssh->exec("cd {$id}; ./ stop >> /dev/null 2>&1 & /n"); $sql->addPost('status', 0); break; case 'restart': $ssh->exec("cd {$id}; ./ restart >> /dev/null 2>&1 & /n"); $sql->addPost('status', 1); break; } $sql->update(); }
public function update($set, $id) { $sql = new sql(); $sql->update('news', $set, $id); }
function showForm() { global $FORM, $REX; // --------------------------------- EDIT: 1. WERTE AUS DB HOLEN for ($i = 0; $i < $this->counter; $i++) { if ($this->value_type[$i] != "multipleselectsql") { if ($FORM[$this->rfid][submit] != 1 && $this->form_type == "edit") { $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i] = htmlentities($this->sql->getValue($this->value_tbl[$i])); } else { $FORMVAL[$this->rfid][values][$i] = htmlentities($this->sql->getValue($this->value_tbl[$i])); } } else { $selsql = new sql(); $selsql->setQuery("select * from " . $this->type_value5[$i] . " where " . $this->type_value6[$i]); for ($j = 0; $j < $selsql->getRows(); $j++) { if ($FORM[$this->rfid][submit] != 1 && $this->form_type == "edit") { $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i][] = $selsql->getValue($this->type_value7[$i]); } else { $FORMVAL[$this->rfid][values][$i][] = $selsql->getValue($this->type_value7[$i]); } $selsql->next(); } } } // --------------------------------- ABGESCHICKTE EINGABEN CHECKEN if ($FORM[$this->rfid][submit] == 1) { // ----------------------------- eingaben überprüfen $this->form_show = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->counter; $i++) { if ($this->value_check[$i] != "") { if ($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i] == "") { $errmsg .= "Bitte tragen Sie '" . $this->value_form[$i] . "' ein! <br>"; $this->form_show = true; } } } } // --------------------------------- EDIT: SPEICHERN FALLS MÖGLICH if ($FORM[$this->rfid][submit] == 1 && $this->form_type == "edit") { if ($errmsg == "") { $aa = new sql(); $aa->debugsql = 0; $aa->setTable($this->tbl_name); $aa->where($this->form_where); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->counter; $i++) { if ($this->value_type[$i] == "picjpg") { $folder = $this->type_value1[$i]; $foldertmp = $REX[INCLUDE_PATH] . "/../../ss_pics/"; $fname = $_FILES[FORM][name][$this->rfid][values][$i]; if ($fname != "") { // neues file $nfname = $this->checkFilename($fname, $folder); if ($nfname[ext] == ".jpg") { $ftmpname = $_FILES[FORM][tmp_name][$this->rfid][values][$i]; move_uploaded_file($ftmpname, $foldertmp . $nfname[nname]); $this->resizeJPGImage($foldertmp . $nfname[nname], $folder . $nfname[nname], $this->type_value3[$i], $this->type_value4[$i]); $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i] = $nfname[nname]; $aa->setValue($this->value_tbl[$i], $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); } } elseif ($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i][delete] != "") { $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i] = ""; $aa->setValue($this->value_tbl[$i], $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); } else { $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i] = $FORMVAL[$this->rfid][values][$i]; } } elseif ($this->value_type[$i] == "file") { $folder = $REX[INCLUDE_PATH] . "/../../ss_pics/"; $fname = $_FILES[FORM][name][$this->rfid][values][$i]; if ($fname != "") { $nfname = $this->checkFilename($fname, $folder); $ftmpname = $_FILES[FORM][tmp_name][$this->rfid][values][$i]; move_uploaded_file($ftmpname, $folder . $nfname[nname]); $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i] = $nfname[nname]; $aa->setValue($this->value_tbl[$i], $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); } elseif ($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i][delete] != "") { $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i] = ""; $aa->setValue($this->value_tbl[$i], $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); } else { $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i] = $FORMVAL[$this->rfid][values][$i]; } } elseif ($this->value_type[$i] == "multipleselectsql") { // multipleselect $ms = new sql(); $ms->query("delete from " . $this->type_value5[$i] . " where " . $this->type_value6[$i]); if (is_Array($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i])) { reset($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); for ($j = 0; $j < count($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); $j++) { $val = current($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); $sql = "insert into " . $this->type_value5[$i] . " set " . $this->type_value6[$i] . ", " . $this->type_value7[$i] . "={$val}"; $ms->query($sql); next($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); } } } elseif ($this->value_type[$i] == "subline" || $this->value_type[$i] == "empty") { } elseif ($this->value_type[$i] == "datum") { $tag = substr($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i], 0, 2); $monat = substr($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i], 3, 2); $jahr = substr($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i], 6, 4); $aa->setValue($this->value_tbl[$i], mktime(0, 0, 0, $monat, $tag, $jahr)); } else { $aa->setValue($this->value_tbl[$i], $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); } } $aa->update(); $msg = "Daten wurden gespeichert"; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->counter; $i++) { if ($this->value_type[$i] != "multipleselectsql") { $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i] = htmlentities(stripslashes($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i])); } } } for ($i = 0; $i < $this->counter; $i++) { if ($this->value_type[$i] != "multipleselectsql") { $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i] = htmlentities(stripslashes($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i])); } else { // multipleselect if (is_Array($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i])) { reset($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); for ($j = 0; $j < count($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); $j++) { $val = $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i][j]; } } } } } // --------------------------------- ADD: SPEICHERN FALLS MÖGLICH if ($FORM[$this->rfid][submit] == 1 && $this->form_type == "add") { if ($errmsg == "") { $aa = new sql(); $aa->debugsql = 0; $aa->setTable($this->tbl_name); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->counter; $i++) { if ($this->value_type[$i] == "datum") { $tag = substr($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i], 0, 2); $monat = substr($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i], 3, 2); $jahr = substr($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i], 6, 4); $aa->setValue($this->value_tbl[$i], mktime(0, 0, 0, $monat, $tag, $jahr)); } elseif ($this->value_type[$i] != "multipleselectsql" && $this->value_type[$i] != "subline" && $this->value_type[$i] != "empty") { $aa->setValue($this->value_tbl[$i], $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); } } $aa->insert(); $msg = "Daten wurden gespeichert"; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->counter; $i++) { $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i] = htmlentities(stripslashes($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i])); } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->counter; $i++) { $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i] = htmlentities(stripslashes($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i])); } } } // --------------------------------- FORMULAR if ($this->form_show || $this->ShowFormAlways) { $ausgabe = "<table width=" . $this->width . " cellpadding=6 cellspacing=1 border=0 >"; $ausgabe .= "<form ENCTYPE='multipart/form-data' action='" . $this->url . "' method='" . $this->method . "' name='" . $this->formname . "'>" . $this->form_header; $ausgabe .= "<input type=hidden name=FORM[{$this->rfid}][submit] value=1>"; // ---------------------- FORM REIHEN $colcounter = $this->cols[0]; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->counter; $i++) { if ($this->cols[$i] != "") { $colcounter = $this->cols[$i]; } else { $this->cols[$i] = $colcounter; } if ($maxcount < $this->cols[$i]) { $maxcount = $this->cols[$i]; } } $colcounter = 0; if ($errmsg != "") { $ausgabe .= "<tr><td colspan=" . ($maxcount + 2) . " class=warning>{$errmsg}<br>Daten wurden noch nicht gespeichert</td></tr>"; } if ($msg != "") { $ausgabe .= "<tr><td colspan=" . ($maxcount + 2) . " class=warning>{$msg}</td></tr>"; } for ($i = 0; $i < $this->counter; $i++) { $name = "FORM[{$this->rfid}][values][{$i}]"; $value = $FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]; // echo "<br>$i $maxcounter ".$this->cols[$i]." ".$this->cols[$i-1]." ".$this->value_form[$i]; $colcounter++; if ($this->cols[$i - 1] != $this->cols[$i]) { if ($i != 0) { $ausgabe .= "</tr>\n\n"; } $ausgabe .= "\n\n<tr>"; $colcounter = 0; } else { // anfang // ende if ($colcounter == $this->cols[$i]) { $ausgabe .= "</tr>\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "\n\n<tr>"; $colcounter = 0; } } $addcolspawn = 0; if ($this->cols[$i] < $maxcount) { $addcolspawn = 2; } switch ($this->value_type[$i]) { // ---------------------- MULTIPLE SQL SELECT AUSGABE case "multipleselectsql": if ($this->form_type == "add") { $ausgabe .= "<td colspan=2>Multiple Felder nur bei edit möglich\t</td>"; } else { $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td valign=middle class=grey width=" . $this->labelwidth . " >" . $this->value_form[$i] . "</td>"; $ssql = new sql(); $ssql->setQuery($this->type_value1[$i]); $ssel = new rexselect(); $ssel->setName($name . "[]"); $ssel->setMultiple(1); $ssel->setSize($this->type_value4[$i]); $ssel->setStyle("width:100%;"); for ($j = 0; $j < $ssql->getRows(); $j++) { $ssel->addOption($ssql->getValue($this->type_value3[$i]), $ssql->getValue($this->type_value2[$i])); $ssql->next(); } // $selsql = new sql; // $selsql->setQuery("select * from ".$this->type_value5[$i]." where ".$this->type_value6[$i]); if (is_Array($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i])) { reset($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); for ($j = 0; $j < count($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); $j++) { $ssel->setSelected(current($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i])); next($FORM[$this->rfid][values][$i]); } } $ausgabe .= "<td class=grey colspan=" . (1 + $addcolspawn) . ">" . $ssel->out() . "</td>"; $ausgabe .= ""; } break; // ---------------------- SINGLE SQL SELECT AUSGABE // ---------------------- SINGLE SQL SELECT AUSGABE case "singleselectsql": $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td valign=middle class=grey width=" . $this->labelwidth . " >" . $this->value_form[$i] . "</td>"; $ssql = new sql(); $ssql->setQuery($this->type_value1[$i]); $ssel = new rexselect(); $ssel->setName($name); $ssel->setStyle("width:100%;"); if ($this->value_check[$i] != 1) { $ssel->addOption("----------------- keine Angabe -----------------", "0"); } for ($j = 0; $j < $ssql->getRows(); $j++) { $ssel->addOption($ssql->getValue($this->type_value3[$i]), $ssql->getValue($this->type_value2[$i])); $ssql->next(); } $ssel->setSelected($value); $ausgabe .= "<td class=grey colspan=" . (1 + $addcolspawn) . ">" . $ssel->out() . "</td>"; $ausgabe .= ""; break; // ---------------------- SINGLE SELECT AUSGABE // ---------------------- SINGLE SELECT AUSGABE case "singleselect": $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td valign=middle class=grey width=" . $this->labelwidth . " >" . $this->value_form[$i] . "</td>"; $stype = explode("|", $this->type_value1[$i]); $ssel = new rexselect(); $ssel->setName($name); $ssel->setStyle("width:100%;"); for ($j = 0; $j < count($stype); $j++) { $svalue = $stype[$j]; $j++; $sname = $stype[$j]; $ssel->addOption($sname, $svalue); } $ssel->setSelected($value); $ausgabe .= "<td class=grey colspan=" . (1 + $addcolspawn) . ">" . $ssel->out() . "</td>"; $ausgabe .= ""; break; // ---------------------- Checkbox // ---------------------- Checkbox case "checkbox": $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td valign=middle class=grey width=" . $this->labelwidth . " >" . $this->value_form[$i] . "</td>"; $ausgabe .= "<td class=grey colspan=" . (1 + $addcolspawn) . "><input type=checkbox name={$name} value=1 "; if ($value == 1 || $value == "on") { $ausgabe .= "checked"; } $ausgabe .= "></td>"; $ausgabe .= ""; break; // ---------------------- PIC/JPG // ---------------------- PIC/JPG case "picjpg": if ($value != "") { $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td valign=middle class=grey width=" . $this->labelwidth . " >" . $this->value_form[$i] . "</td>"; $ausgabe .= "<td class=grey colspan=" . (1 + $addcolspawn) . "><table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0><tr><td><input name={$name} type=file size=10></td><td rowspan=2> </td><td rowspan=2><img src=" . $this->type_value2[$i] . "{$value} width=" . $this->type_value3[$i] . " height=" . $this->type_value4[$i] . "></td></tr>"; $ausgabe .= "<tr><td valign=middle align=left class=grey><input type=checkbox name=FORM[{$this->rfid}][values][{$i}][delete]> Datei löschen </td></tr></table>"; $ausgabe .= "</td>"; } else { $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td valign=middle class=grey width=" . $this->labelwidth . " >" . $this->value_form[$i] . "</td>"; $ausgabe .= "<td class=grey colspan=" . (1 + $addcolspawn) . "><input name={$name} type=file size=10></td>"; $ausgabe .= ""; } break; // ---------------------- FILE // ---------------------- FILE case "file": $myout = ""; if ($value != "") { $myout = "\n\n<table><tr>"; $myout .= "<td valign=middle align=right class=grey><input type=checkbox name=FORM[{$this->rfid}][values][{$i}][delete]></td>"; $myout .= "<td class=grey>Datei löschen <a href=" . $this->type_value2[$i] . "{$value} target=_blank>{$value}</a></td>"; $myout .= "</tr></table>"; } $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td valign=middle class=grey width=" . $this->labelwidth . " >" . $this->value_form[$i] . "<br>{$myout}</td>"; $ausgabe .= "<td class=grey><input name={$name} type=file size=10></td>"; $ausgabe .= ""; break; // ---------------------- HTMLAREA // ---------------------- HTMLAREA case "htmlarea": if ($this->type_value1[$i] == "") { $this->type_value1[$i] = "width:100%; height:100px;"; } $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td valign=top class=grey width=" . $this->labelwidth . " >" . $this->value_form[$i] . "</td>"; $ausgabe .= "<td class=grey colspan=" . (1 + $addcolspawn) . ">" . REXHTMLAREA($name, $value) . "</td>"; $ausgabe .= ""; break; // ---------------------- TEXTAREA // ---------------------- TEXTAREA case "textarea": if ($this->type_value1[$i] == "") { $this->type_value1[$i] = "width:100%; height:100px;"; } $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td valign=top class=grey width=" . $this->labelwidth . " >" . $this->value_form[$i] . "</td>"; $ausgabe .= "<td class=grey colspan=" . (1 + $addcolspawn) . "><textarea name={$name} cols=30 rows=5 style='" . $this->type_value1[$i] . "'>{$value}</textarea></td>"; $ausgabe .= ""; break; // ---------------------- HIDDEN // ---------------------- HIDDEN case "hidden": $ausgabe .= "<input type=hidden name={$name} value=\"" . $this->type_value1[$i] . "\">"; break; // ---------------------- TEXT // ---------------------- TEXT case "text": if ($this->type_value1[$i] == "") { $this->type_value1[$i] = "width:100%;"; } if ($this->type_value2[$i] != "") { $this->type_value2[$i] = "maxlength=" . $this->type_value2[$i]; } $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td valign=middle class=grey width=" . $this->labelwidth . " >" . $this->value_form[$i] . "</td>"; $ausgabe .= "<td class=grey colspan=" . (1 + $addcolspawn) . "><input type=text name={$name} value=\"{$value}\" " . $this->type_value2[$i] . " size=20 style='" . $this->type_value1[$i] . "'></td>"; $ausgabe .= ""; break; // ---------------------- DATUM // ---------------------- DATUM case "datum": if ($this->type_value1[$i] == "") { $this->type_value1[$i] = "width:100%;"; } if ($this->type_value2[$i] != "") { $this->type_value2[$i] = "maxlength=" . $this->type_value2[$i]; } if (!preg_match("![0-9]{2}\\.[0-9]{2}\\.[0-9]{4}!", $value)) { $value = date("d.m.Y", $value); } $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td valign=middle class=grey width=" . $this->labelwidth . " >" . $this->value_form[$i] . "</td>"; $ausgabe .= "<td class=grey colspan=" . (1 + $addcolspawn) . "><input type=text name={$name} value=\"{$value}\" " . $this->type_value2[$i] . " size=20 style='" . $this->type_value1[$i] . "'></td>"; $ausgabe .= ""; break; // ---------------------- Überschrift // ---------------------- Überschrift case "subline": $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<th valign=middle align=" . $this->value_tbl[$i] . " colspan=" . (2 + $addcolspawn) . ">" . $this->value_form[$i] . "</th>\n"; $ausgabe .= "\n"; break; // ---------------------- Überschrift // ---------------------- Überschrift case "empty": $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td valign=middle class=grey colspan=" . (2 + $addcolspawn) . "> </td>\n"; $ausgabe .= "\n"; break; // ---------------------- STANDARD AUSGABE - TEXT // ---------------------- STANDARD AUSGABE - TEXT default: $ausgabe .= "\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td valign=middle class=grey width=" . $this->labelwidth . " >" . $this->value_form[$i] . "</td>"; $ausgabe .= "<td class=grey colspan=" . (1 + $addcolspawn) . "><input type=text name={$name} value=\"{$value}\" size=20 style='width:100%'></td>"; $ausgabe .= ""; } } $ausgabe .= "</tr>"; // ---------------------- SUBMIT $ausgabe .= "<tr>\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td class=dgrey width=" . $this->labelwidth . " > </td>\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "<td align=left class=dgrey colspan=" . ($maxcount + 1) . "><input type=submit value='" . $this->submit_value . "'></td>\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "</tr>\n\n"; $ausgabe .= "</form></table>\n\n"; return $ausgabe; } else { if ($msg != "") { $ausgabe = "<table width=" . $this->width . " cellpadding=6 cellspacing=1 border=0 bgcolor=#ffffff>"; $ausgabe .= "<tr><td class=warning>{$msg}</td></tr>"; $ausgabe .= "</table>"; return $ausgabe; } } }
$ITPL->setValue("active", $active); $ITPL->setValue("content", $content); $ITPL->insert(); $template_id = $ITPL->last_insert_id; $message = $I18N->msg("template_added"); } else { if (!isset($active)) { $active = 0; } $TMPL = new sql(); $TMPL->setTable("rex_template"); $TMPL->where("id='{$template_id}'"); $TMPL->setValue("name", $templatename); $TMPL->setValue("content", $content); $TMPL->setValue("active", $active); $TMPL->update(); $message = $I18N->msg("template_added"); } $gt = new sql(); $gt->setQuery("SELECT * FROM rex_template WHERE id = '{$template_id}'"); $fp = fopen($REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . "/generated/templates/" . $template_id . ".template", "w"); fputs($fp, $gt->getValue("content")); fclose($fp); if (isset($goon) and $goon != "") { $function = "edit"; $save = "nein"; } else { $function = ""; } } if ($save != "ja") {
print "</td></tr>"; print "</table>"; print "</form>"; } // *************************************** EXTRA FUNCTIONS if ($PERMALL && isset($media_method) and $media_method == 'updatecat_selectedmedia') { if (is_array($_POST["selectedmedia"])) { foreach ($_POST["selectedmedia"] as $file_id) { $db = new sql(); // $db->debugsql = true; $db->setTable($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'file'); $db->where("file_id='{$file_id}'"); $db->setValue('category_id', $rex_file_category); $db->setValue("updatedate", time()); $db->setValue("updateuser", $REX_USER->getValue("login")); $db->update(); $msg = $I18N->msg('pool_selectedmedia_moved'); } } else { $msg = $I18N->msg('pool_selectedmedia_error'); } } if ($PERMALL && isset($media_method) and $media_method == 'delete_selectedmedia') { if (is_array($_POST["selectedmedia"])) { $msg = ""; foreach ($_POST["selectedmedia"] as $file_id) { //kopiet von Dateidetails delete_file $gf = new sql(); $gf->setQuery("select * from " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "file where file_id='{$file_id}'"); if ($gf->getRows() == 1) { $file_name = $gf->getValue("filename");
function write() { global $REX, $REX_USER; $sql = new sql(); $sql->setTable($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . '51_cache_article'); foreach ($this->vars as $key => $value) { $sql->setValue($key, $value); } $user = $REX['REDAXO'] ? $REX_USER->getValue('login') : ''; if ($this->exists()) { $sql->where('article_id=' . $this->article_id . ' AND clang=' . $this->clang); $sql->setValue('updatedate', time()); $sql->setValue('updateuser', $user); $sql->update(); } else { $sql->setValue('article_id', $this->article_id); $sql->setValue('clang', $this->clang); $sql->setValue('createdate', time()); $sql->setValue('createuser', $user); $sql->insert(); } }
$sql->insert($table, $campos, $values, $msg); } else { $campos = "`email`='" . $_POST['email'] . "',`nome`='" . $_POST['nome'] . "', `status`='" . $_POST['status'] . "', `usuario`='" . $_POST['usuario'] . "' "; $where = "cod_usuario='" . $_POST['cod_usuario'] . "'"; $msg = "S"; $sql->update($table, $campos, $where, $msg); } } if ($_POST['act'] == "enviar_senha") { include "config.php"; $senha = substr(md5(mt_rand(1, 10000) . date("Y-m-d H:i:s")), 0, 6); $sql = new sql(); $table = "cad_usuario"; $campos = "senha='" . $senha . "'"; $where = "cod_usuario='" . $_POST['cod_usuario'] . "'"; $sql->update($table, $campos, $where, 'N'); $select = "\n\t\t\t\t\tselect \n\t\t\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom \n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $schema . ".cad_usuario \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\twhere \n\t\t\t\t\t\t`cad_usuario`.`cod_usuario` = " . $_POST['cod_usuario'] . ";"; $resultado = mysql_query($select, $conexao) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultado)) { $username = $row['usuario']; $_email = $row['email']; } $email = new email(); $email->enviar_senha($_email, $username, $senha); echo "Uma nova senha foi encaminhada para o seu email."; } if (isset($_POST) and $_POST['cod_usuario'] != "") { if ($_POST['act'] == "acesso_modulos") { include "config.php"; if ($_POST['checked'] == 'true') { $cheked = '1';
function save_css($cssFile = false, $cssDir, $styles) { $style_arr = $this->parse_css($styles); global $REX_USER; $FILESQL = new sql(); $FILESQL->setQuery("select * from rex_file where filename='{$cssFile}'"); if ($FILESQL->getRows() == 1) { $openFile = fopen($cssDir . $cssFile, "w"); fputs($openFile, $styles); fclose($openFile); $FILESIZE = filesize($cssDir . $cssFile); //if($upload) { @chmod($cssDir . "/{$NFILENAME}", 0777); //$FILESQL->debugsql=1; $FILESQL->setTable("rex_file"); $FILESQL->where("filename='{$cssFile}'"); //$FILESQL->setValue("filetype",$FILETYPE); $FILESQL->setValue("filesize", $FILESIZE); $FILESQL->setValue("updatedate", time()); $FILESQL->setValue("updateuser", $REX_USER->getValue("login")); $FILESQL->update(); $ok = 1; //} } elseif ($FILESQL->getRows() > 1) { $this->errorMsg .= 'Es gibt mehere Dateinamen mit ' . $cssFile . ' in der Datenbank'; } else { $this->errorMsg .= 'Dateinamen ' . $cssFile . ' im Medienpool nicht gefunden'; } }