server_parse() 공개 메소드

We use the line to give the support people an indication at which command the error occurred
public server_parse ( $response, $line )
예제 #1
* Replacement or substitute for PHP's mail command
function smtpmail($addresses, $subject, $message, &$err_msg, $headers = '')
    global $config, $user;
    // Fix any bare linefeeds in the message to make it RFC821 Compliant.
    $message = preg_replace("#(?<!\r)\n#si", "\r\n", $message);
    if ($headers != '') {
        if (is_array($headers)) {
            $headers = sizeof($headers) > 1 ? join("\n", $headers) : $headers[0];
        $headers = chop($headers);
        // Make sure there are no bare linefeeds in the headers
        $headers = preg_replace('#(?<!\\r)\\n#si', "\r\n", $headers);
        // Ok this is rather confusing all things considered,
        // but we have to grab bcc and cc headers and treat them differently
        // Something we really didn't take into consideration originally
        $header_array = explode("\r\n", $headers);
        $headers = '';
        foreach ($header_array as $header) {
            if (strpos(strtolower($header), 'cc:') === 0 || strpos(strtolower($header), 'bcc:') === 0) {
                $header = '';
            $headers .= $header != '' ? $header . "\r\n" : '';
        $headers = chop($headers);
    if (trim($subject) == '') {
        $err_msg = isset($user->lang['NO_EMAIL_SUBJECT']) ? $user->lang['NO_EMAIL_SUBJECT'] : 'No email subject specified';
        return false;
    if (trim($message) == '') {
        $err_msg = isset($user->lang['NO_EMAIL_MESSAGE']) ? $user->lang['NO_EMAIL_MESSAGE'] : 'Email message was blank';
        return false;
    $mail_rcpt = $mail_to = $mail_cc = array();
    // Build correct addresses for RCPT TO command and the client side display (TO, CC)
    if (isset($addresses['to']) && sizeof($addresses['to'])) {
        foreach ($addresses['to'] as $which_ary) {
            $mail_to[] = $which_ary['name'] != '' ? mail_encode(trim($which_ary['name'])) . ' <' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>' : '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';
            $mail_rcpt['to'][] = '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';
    if (isset($addresses['bcc']) && sizeof($addresses['bcc'])) {
        foreach ($addresses['bcc'] as $which_ary) {
            $mail_rcpt['bcc'][] = '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';
    if (isset($addresses['cc']) && sizeof($addresses['cc'])) {
        foreach ($addresses['cc'] as $which_ary) {
            $mail_cc[] = $which_ary['name'] != '' ? mail_encode(trim($which_ary['name'])) . ' <' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>' : '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';
            $mail_rcpt['cc'][] = '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';
    $smtp = new smtp_class();
    $errno = 0;
    $errstr = '';
    $smtp->add_backtrace('Connecting to ' . $config['smtp_host'] . ':' . $config['smtp_port']);
    // Ok we have error checked as much as we can to this point let's get on it already.
    $smtp->socket = fsockopen($config['smtp_host'], $config['smtp_port'], $errno, $errstr, 20);
    $error_contents = ob_get_clean();
    if (!$smtp->socket) {
        if ($errstr) {
            $errstr = utf8_convert_message($errstr);
        $err_msg = isset($user->lang['NO_CONNECT_TO_SMTP_HOST']) ? sprintf($user->lang['NO_CONNECT_TO_SMTP_HOST'], $errno, $errstr) : "Could not connect to smtp host : {$errno} : {$errstr}";
        $err_msg .= $error_contents ? '<br /><br />' . htmlspecialchars($error_contents) : '';
        return false;
    // Wait for reply
    if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('220', __LINE__)) {
        return false;
    // Let me in. This function handles the complete authentication process
    if ($err_msg = $smtp->log_into_server($config['smtp_host'], $config['smtp_username'], $config['smtp_password'], $config['smtp_auth_method'])) {
        return false;
    // From this point onward most server response codes should be 250
    // Specify who the mail is from....
    $smtp->server_send('MAIL FROM:<' . $config['board_email'] . '>');
    if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('250', __LINE__)) {
        return false;
    // Specify each user to send to and build to header.
    $to_header = implode(', ', $mail_to);
    $cc_header = implode(', ', $mail_cc);
    // Now tell the MTA to send the Message to the following people... [TO, BCC, CC]
    $rcpt = false;
    foreach ($mail_rcpt as $type => $mail_to_addresses) {
        foreach ($mail_to_addresses as $mail_to_address) {
            // Add an additional bit of error checking to the To field.
            if (preg_match('#[^ ]+\\@[^ ]+#', $mail_to_address)) {
                $smtp->server_send("RCPT TO:{$mail_to_address}");
                if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('250', __LINE__)) {
                    // We continue... if users are not resolved we do not care
                    if ($smtp->numeric_response_code != 550) {
                        return false;
                } else {
                    $rcpt = true;
    // We try to send messages even if a few people do not seem to have valid email addresses, but if no one has, we have to exit here.
    if (!$rcpt) {
        $err_msg .= '<br /><br />';
        $err_msg .= isset($user->lang['INVALID_EMAIL_LOG']) ? sprintf($user->lang['INVALID_EMAIL_LOG'], htmlspecialchars($mail_to_address)) : '<strong>' . htmlspecialchars($mail_to_address) . '</strong> possibly an invalid email address?';
        return false;
    // Ok now we tell the server we are ready to start sending data
    // This is the last response code we look for until the end of the message.
    if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('354', __LINE__)) {
        return false;
    // Send the Subject Line...
    $smtp->server_send("Subject: {$subject}");
    // Now the To Header.
    $to_header = $to_header == '' ? 'undisclosed-recipients:;' : $to_header;
    $smtp->server_send("To: {$to_header}");
    // Now the CC Header.
    if ($cc_header != '') {
        $smtp->server_send("CC: {$cc_header}");
    // Now any custom headers....
    // Ok now we are ready for the message...
    // Ok the all the ingredients are mixed in let's cook this puppy...
    if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('250', __LINE__)) {
        return false;
    // Now tell the server we are done and close the socket...
    return true;