<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ob_implicit_flush(true); include_once "class.curl.php"; include_once "class.sms.php"; include_once "cprint.php"; $smsapp = new sms(); $smsapp->setGateway('way2sms'); $myno = $_POST['fromno']; $p = $_POST['pass']; $tonum = $_POST['tono']; $mess = $_POST['message']; cprint("Logging in ..\n"); $ret = $smsapp->login($myno, $p); if (!$ret) { cprint("Error Logging In"); exit(1); } print "Logged in Successfully\n"; print "Sending SMS ..\n"; $ret = $smsapp->send($tonum, $mess); if (!$ret) { print "Error in sending message"; exit(1); } print "Message sent";
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ob_implicit_flush(true); //If you get Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() , Then you need to enable the curl extension in php.ini include_once "class.curl.php"; include_once "class.sms.php"; $smsapp = new sms(); $smsapp->setGateway('way2sms'); // you can set gateway to be '160by2' to use your 160by2 account; echo "Logging in ... "; $smsapp->login('919891508595', '123456'); echo "Sending SMS ... "; $result = $smsapp->send('918287769888', 'my message'); if ($result == 'true') { echo "Message sent"; } else { echo "Error encountered : " . $smsapp->getLastError(); }