  * This function sets it so that all groups have enabled the flag that lets
  * other students join their group.
 private function allow_group_join()
     for ($i = 0; $i < self::NUMBEROFGROUPS; $i++) {
         $sgroup = new skills_group($this->groupids[$i]);
  * Form definition with two possibilities:
  * 1) User part of group -> allow user to edit or drop group.
  * 2) User not part of group -> allow user to create new group.
 public function definition()
     global $DB, $USER;
     $mform =& $this->_form;
     $mform->addElement('header', 'header', get_string('lockchoiceheader', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE));
     $sgs = new skills_group_setting($this->courseid);
     if ($sgs->exists()) {
         $sgrouping = new skills_grouping($this->courseid);
         $groupid = $sgrouping->check_for_user_in_grouping($USER->id);
         if ($groupid !== false) {
             $sgroup = new skills_group($groupid);
             $mform->addElement('static', 'existinggroup', get_string('existinggroup', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), $sgroup->get_group_name());
             // Only display checkbox if student's choice isn't already locked.
             $student = new skills_group_student($this->courseid, $USER->id);
             if ($student->get_lock_choice() === true) {
                 $mform->addElement('static', 'lockchoicewarning', get_string('status', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), get_string('choicelocked', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE));
             } else {
                 $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'lockchoice', get_string('lockchoice', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), null, null, array(0, 1));
             $mform->addElement('static', 'lockchoicewarning', get_string('warning', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), get_string('lockchoicewarning', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE));
         } else {
             $mform->addElement('static', 'existinggroup', get_string('existinggroup', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), get_string('nogroup', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE));
     } else {
         $mform->addElement('static', 'notconfigured', get_string('notconfiguredleft', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), get_string('notconfiguredright', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE));
     // Hidden elements: courseid needed for posting.
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'courseid');
     $mform->setType('courseid', PARAM_INT);
  * This function loops through each group, calculates, and formats the scores.
  * @return array List of all scores for each of the valid groups a user could join.
 public function get_table_rows()
     global $DB;
     $sgs = new skills_group_setting($this->courseid);
     $tablerows = array();
     foreach ($this->records as $group) {
         $sgroup = new skills_group($group->groupid);
         if ($sgroup->count_members() < $sgs->get_group_size() && $sgroup->get_allow_others_to_join() === true) {
             $scores = $sgs->get_feedback_id() == 0 ? array() : $sgroup->get_join_form_score();
             $name = $sgroup->get_group_name();
             $temp = array_merge(array('id' => $group->groupid, 'name' => $name), $scores);
             $tablerows[] = $temp;
     return $tablerows;
 * Small helper function that parses the {0, 1} return from the advanced checkbox
 * and passes it to the skills_group class to be updated.
 * @param int $groupid The ID of the group to update
 * @param int $allowjoin {0, 1} indicating status of allowjoin flag
function update_allow_join($groupid, $allowjoin)
    $sgroup = new skills_group($groupid);
    if ($allowjoin == 1) {
    } else {
  * Form definition with two possibilities:
  * 1) User part of group -> allow user to edit or drop group.
  * 2) User not part of group -> allow user to create new group.
 public function definition()
     global $DB, $USER;
     $mform =& $this->_form;
     $mform->addElement('header', 'header', get_string('creategroupheader', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE));
     $sgs = new skills_group_setting($this->courseid);
     if ($sgs->exists()) {
         $sgrouping = new skills_grouping($this->courseid);
         $groupid = $sgrouping->check_for_user_in_grouping($USER->id);
         if ($groupid !== false) {
             $sgroup = new skills_group($groupid);
             $mform->addElement('static', 'existinggroup', get_string('existinggroup', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), $sgroup->get_group_name());
             $mform->addElement('hidden', 'groupid', $groupid);
             $mform->setType('groupid', PARAM_INT);
             if ($sgs->date_restriction() && time() > $sgs->get_date()) {
                 $mform->addElement('static', 'dateexpired', get_string('dateexpiredleft', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), get_string('dateexpiredright', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE));
                 $mform->addElement('hidden', 'type', 'expired');
                 $mform->setType('type', PARAM_TEXT);
             } else {
                 $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'editmembers', get_string('editmembers', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), null, null, array(0, 1));
                 // Student can only leave if not already locked.
                 $student = new skills_group_student($this->courseid, $USER->id);
                 if ($student->get_lock_choice() === false) {
                     $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'leavegroup', get_string('leavegroup', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), null, null, array(0, 1));
                     $mform->disabledIf('leavegroup', 'editmembers', 'checked');
                     $mform->disabledIf('editmembers', 'leavegroup', 'checked');
                 $mform->addElement('hidden', 'type', 'edit');
                 $mform->setType('type', PARAM_TEXT);
             $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'allowjoincheck', get_string('groupsearchable', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), null, null, array(0, 1));
             $mform->disabledIf('allowjoincheck', 'leavegroup', 'checked');
         } else {
             $mform->addElement('static', 'existinggroup', get_string('existinggroup', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), get_string('nogroup', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE));
             if ($sgs->date_restriction() && time() > $sgs->get_date()) {
                 $mform->addElement('static', 'dateexpired', get_string('dateexpiredleft', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), get_string('dateexpiredright', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE));
                 $mform->addElement('hidden', 'type', 'expired');
                 $mform->setType('type', PARAM_TEXT);
             } else {
                 if ($sgs->get_allownaming() == true) {
                     $pagegroup = array();
                     $pagegroup[] = $mform->createElement('advcheckbox', 'creategroupcheck', null, null, null, array(0, 1));
                     $pagegroup[] = $mform->createElement('text', 'creategroup', null, array());
                     $mform->setType('creategroup', PARAM_TEXT);
                     $mform->disabledIf('creategroup', 'creategroupcheck');
                     $mform->addGroup($pagegroup, 'create', get_string('creategroup', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), null, false);
                 } else {
                     // Create element outside of group so that form spacing is correct.
                     $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'creategroupcheck', get_string('creategroup', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), null, null, array(0, 1));
                 $mform->addElement('hidden', 'type', 'create');
                 $mform->setType('type', PARAM_TEXT);
                 $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'allowjoincheck', get_string('groupsearchable', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), null, null, array(0, 1));
     } else {
         $mform->addElement('static', 'notconfigured', get_string('notconfiguredleft', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE), get_string('notconfiguredright', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE));
     // Hidden elements: courseid needed for posting.
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'courseid');
     $mform->setType('courseid', PARAM_INT);
  * This function allows the user to join a group if they are not already part
  * of a group.
 private function join_group()
     global $USER;
     $groupid = required_param('groupid', PARAM_INT);
     $groupingid = required_param('groupingid', PARAM_INT);
     $this->courseid = required_param('courseid', PARAM_INT);
     $sgs = new skills_group_setting($this->courseid);
     $sgrouping = new skills_grouping($this->courseid);
     $sgroup = new skills_group($groupid);
     if ($sgroup->count_members() < $sgs->get_group_size() && $sgroup->get_allow_others_to_join() === true) {
         if ($sgrouping->check_for_user_in_grouping($USER->id) === false) {
             groups_add_member($groupid, $USER->id);
             // Logging join group action.
             $params = array('context' => context_course::instance($this->courseid), 'objectid' => $groupid, 'courseid' => $this->courseid, 'userid' => $USER->id);
             $event = \block_skills_group\event\skillsgroup_joined::create($params);
             echo json_encode(array('result' => 'true', 'text' => get_string('groupjoinsuccess', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE)));
         } else {
             echo json_encode(array('result' => 'false', 'text' => get_string('alreadyingroup', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE)));
     } else {
         echo json_encode(array('result' => 'false', 'text' => get_string('toomanymembers', BLOCK_SG_LANG_TABLE)));
  * This function runs through the scores (both all and individual items) and compares
  * them to the desired result stored in $expected.
  * @param      array  $expected  Desired outcome of score comparison.
 private function verify_join_form_scores($expected)
     for ($i = 0; $i < self::NUMBEROFGROUPS; $i++) {
         // Now test the group.
         $sgroup = new skills_group($this->groupids[$i]);
         $scores = $sgroup->get_join_form_score();
         foreach ($scores as $score) {
             $this->assertEquals($score, $expected[$i]);
     // Now test getting individual score.
     for ($i = 0; $i < self::NUMBEROFGROUPS; $i++) {
         $sgroup = new skills_group($this->groupids[$i]);
         for ($j = 1; $j <= self::FEEDBACKITEMS; $j++) {
             $this->assertEquals($sgroup->get_join_form_score($j), $expected[$i]);
 * This function loads the YUI modules that I have written.  I've elected to
 * load these last since that is generally safest.
 * @param int $courseid The ID of the course being used.
 * @param int $groupid The ID of the group that the user belongs to.
function load_yui_modules($courseid, $groupid, $error = null)
    global $PAGE;
    $params = array('courseid' => $courseid, 'groupid' => $groupid, 'errorstring' => $error);
    if ($error == null) {
        $sgsetting = new skills_group_setting($courseid);
        $sgrouping = new skills_grouping($courseid);
        $sgroup = new skills_group($groupid);
        // True max group size is: max group size - # of locked members.
        $params['maxgroupsize'] = $sgsetting->get_group_size() - count($sgroup->get_members_list(true));
        $potentialstudents = $sgrouping->get_potential_students();
        $params['availableids'] = array_keys($potentialstudents);
        $params['availablenames'] = array_values($potentialstudents);
        $unlockedstudents = $sgroup->get_members_list(false);
        $params['groupmemberids'] = array_keys($unlockedstudents);
        $params['groupmembernames'] = array_values($unlockedstudents);
    $PAGE->requires->yui_module('moodle-block_skills_group-edit', 'M.block_skills_group.init_edit', array($params));