function output_plugin_UI()
     echo "<dl>";
     // call default constructor
     if (!function_exists("curl_init") && !ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
         echo "<dt><strong><p style=\"color:red;\">" . __("Both <code>allow_url_fopen</code> and <code>CURL</code> are disabled on this PHP install: TB Referrer Check plugin cannot run. You should disable it.", 'sk2') . "</p></strong></dt>";
     echo "</dl>";
예제 #2
 function output_plugin_UI()
     echo "<dl>";
     // call default constructor
     if (!function_exists("imagecreate") || !function_exists('imagepng')) {
         echo "<dt><strong><p style=\"color:red;\">" . __("Your install of PHP seems to be missing the GD library (or a more recent version is needed). You should ask your host to update the GD module for PHP and disable the Captcha module until then.", 'sk2') . "</p></strong></dt>";
     echo "</dl>";
 function output_plugin_UI()
     echo "<dl>";
     echo "<dd>";
     echo sprintf(__("Last run was %s ago", 'sk2'), sk2_time_since($this->get_option_value('last_run')));
     echo "</dd>";
     echo "</dl>";