예제 #1
<fieldset class="menuBox">
<div class="menuBoxInner importIcon">
echo strtoupper(lang_mod_membership_import_data) . '<hr />' . lang_mod_membership_import_data_description;
<div id="importInfo" class="infoBox" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</div><div id="importError" class="errorBox" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</div>
// create new instance
$form = new simbio_form_table_AJAX('mainForm', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '', 'post');
$form->submit_button_attr = 'name="doImport" value="' . lang_mod_member_import_button_start . '" class="button"';
// form table attributes
$form->table_attr = 'align="center" id="dataList" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"';
$form->table_header_attr = 'class="alterCell" style="font-weight: bold;"';
$form->table_content_attr = 'class="alterCell2"';
/* Form Element(s) */
// csv files
$str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('file', 'importFile');
$str_input .= ' Maximum ' . $sysconf['max_upload'] . ' KB';
$form->addAnything(lang_mod_member_import_field_file . '*', $str_input);
// field separator
$form->addTextField('text', 'fieldSep', lang_mod_member_import_field_field_separator . '*', '' . htmlentities(',') . '', 'style="width: 10%;"');
//  field enclosed
$form->addTextField('text', 'fieldEnc', lang_mod_member_import_field_field_enclosed . '*', '' . htmlentities('"') . '', 'style="width: 10%;"');
// number of records to import
$form->addTextField('text', 'recordNum', lang_mod_member_import_field_record_number, '0', 'style="width: 10%;"');
// records offset
$form->addTextField('text', 'recordOffset', lang_mod_member_import_field_record_offset, '1', 'style="width: 10%;"');
// output the form
echo $form->printOut();
예제 #2
     $form->edit_mode = true;
     // record ID for delete process
     $form->record_id = $itemID;
     // form record title
     $form->record_title = str_ireplace('label-', '', $rec_d['label_name']);
     // submit button attribute
     $form->submit_button_attr = 'name="saveData" value="' . __('Update') . '" class="button"';
 /* Form Element(s) */
 // label name
 $form->addTextField('text', 'labelName', __('Label Name') . '*', $rec_d['label_name'], 'style="width: 60%;" maxlength="20"');
 // label image
 if (empty($rec_d['label_image'])) {
     $str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('file', 'labelImage');
     $str_input .= ' Maximum ' . $sysconf['max_image_upload'] . ' KB. All image will be automatically resized.';
     $form->addAnything(__('File Attachment'), $str_input);
 } else {
     $str_input = '<div><img src="' . SWB . IMAGES_DIR . '/labels/' . $rec_d['label_image'] . '" align="middle" /> <strong>' . $rec_d['label_image'] . '</strong></div>';
     $str_input .= simbio_form_element::textField('file', 'labelImage');
     $str_input .= ' Maximum ' . $sysconf['max_image_upload'] . ' KB. All image will be automatically resized.';
     $form->addAnything(__('File Attachment'), $str_input);
 // label desc
 $form->addTextField('text', 'labelDesc', __('Label Description'), $rec_d['label_desc'], 'style="width: 100%;" maxlength="50"');
 // edit mode messagge
 if ($form->edit_mode) {
     echo '<div class="infoBox">' . __('You are going to edit Label data') . ' : <b>' . $rec_d['label_name'] . ' - ' . $rec_d['label_desc'] . '</b>  <br />' . __('Last Update') . $rec_d['last_update'] . '</div>';
 // print out the form object
 echo $form->printOut();
예제 #3
    utility::jsAlert(__('Settings saved. Refreshing page'));
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">top.location.href = \'' . AWB . 'index.php?mod=system\';</script>';
/* Config Vars update process end */
// create new instance
$form = new simbio_form_table_AJAX('mainForm', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'post');
$form->submit_button_attr = 'name="updateData" value="' . __('Save Settings') . '" class="btn btn-default"';
// form table attributes
$form->table_attr = 'align="center" id="dataList" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"';
$form->table_header_attr = 'class="alterCell" style="font-weight: bold;"';
$form->table_content_attr = 'class="alterCell2"';
// load settings from database
// version status
$form->addAnything('Senayan Version', '<strong>' . SENAYAN_VERSION . '</strong>');
// library name
$form->addTextField('text', 'library_name', __('Library Name'), $sysconf['library_name'], 'style="width: 100%;"');
// library subname
$form->addTextField('text', 'library_subname', __('Library Subname'), $sysconf['library_subname'], 'style="width: 100%;"');
/* Form Element(s) */
// public template
// scan template directory
$template_dir = SB . $sysconf['template']['dir'];
$dir = new simbio_directory($template_dir);
$dir_tree = $dir->getDirectoryTree(1);
// sort array by index
// loop array
foreach ($dir_tree as $dir) {
    $tpl_options[] = array($dir, $dir);
예제 #4
        $form->submit_button_attr = 'name="saveData" value="' . __('Update') . '" class="button"';
    /* Form Element(s) */
    // group
    $form->addTextField('text', 'groupName', __('Group Name') . '*', $rec_d['group_name'], 'style="width: 60%;"');
    // privileges
    // get group access data
    $priv_data = array();
    $rec_q = $dbs->query('SELECT * FROM group_access WHERE group_id=' . (!empty($rec_d['group_id']) ? $rec_d['group_id'] : 0));
    while ($access_data = $rec_q->fetch_assoc()) {
        $priv_data[$access_data['module_id']]['r'] = $access_data['r'];
        $priv_data[$access_data['module_id']]['w'] = $access_data['w'];
    $priv_table = '';
    include 'module_priv_form.inc.php';
    $form->addAnything(__('Privileges'), $priv_table);
    // edit mode messagge
    if ($form->edit_mode) {
        // print out the object
        echo '<div class="infoBox">' . __('You are going to edit Group data') . ' : <b>' . $rec_d['group_name'] . '</b>  <br />' . __('Last Update') . $rec_d['last_update'] . '</div>';
    echo $form->printOut();
} else {
    /* GROUP LIST */
    // table spec
    $table_spec = 'user_group AS ug';
    // create datagrid
    $datagrid = new simbio_datagrid();
    $datagrid->setSQLColumn('ug.group_id', 'ug.group_name AS \'' . __('Group Name') . '\'', 'ug.last_update AS \'' . __('Last Update') . '\'');
    $datagrid->setSQLorder('group_name ASC');
예제 #5
파일: index.php 프로젝트: slims/s3st14
    utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'system', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' change application global configuration');
    utility::jsAlert(__('Settings saved. Refreshing page'));
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.location.href = \'../../index.php?mod=system\';</script>';
/* Config Vars update process end */
// create new instance
$form = new simbio_form_table_AJAX('mainForm', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'post');
$form->submit_button_attr = 'name="updateData" value="' . __('Save Settings') . '" class="button"';
// form table attributes
$form->table_attr = 'align="center" id="dataList" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"';
$form->table_header_attr = 'class="alterCell" style="font-weight: bold;"';
$form->table_content_attr = 'class="alterCell2"';
// load settings from database
// version status
$form->addAnything('UCS Version', '<strong>' . UCS_VERSION . '</strong>');
// library name
$form->addTextField('text', 'library_name', __('Library Name'), $sysconf['server']['name'], 'style="width: 100%;"');
// library subname
$form->addTextField('text', 'library_subname', __('Library Subname'), $sysconf['server']['subname'], 'style="width: 100%;"');
/* Form Element(s) */
// public template
// scan template directory
$template_dir = UCS_BASE_DIR . 'themes';
$dir = new simbio_directory($template_dir);
$dir_tree = $dir->getDirectoryTree(1);
// sort array by index
// loop array
foreach ($dir_tree as $dir) {
    $tpl_options[] = array($dir, $dir);
예제 #6
 foreach ($sysconf['system_user_type'] as $id => $name) {
     $utype_options[] = array($id, $name);
 $form->addSelectList('userType', __('User Type') . '*', $utype_options, $rec_d['user_type']);
 // user e-mail
 $form->addTextField('text', 'eMail', __('E-Mail'), $rec_d['email'], 'style="width: 50%;"');
 // social media link
 $str_input = '';
 $social_media = array();
 if ($rec_d['social_media']) {
     $social_media = @unserialize($rec_d['social_media']);
 foreach ($sysconf['social'] as $id => $social) {
     $str_input .= '<div class="social-input"><span class="social-label">' . $social . '</span><span class="social-form"><input type="text" name="social[' . $id . ']" value="' . (isset($social_media[$id]) ? $social_media[$id] : '') . '" placeholder="' . $social . '" /></span></div>' . "\n";
 $form->addAnything(__('Social Media'), $str_input);
 // user photo
 $str_input = '';
 if ($rec_d['user_image']) {
     $str_input = '<div id="imageFilename"><a href="' . SWB . 'images/persons/' . $rec_d['user_image'] . '" class="openPopUp notAJAX"><strong>' . $rec_d['user_image'] . '</strong></a> <a href="' . MWB . 'system/app_user.php" postdata="removeImage=true&uimg=' . $itemID . '&img=' . $rec_d['user_image'] . '" loadcontainer="imageFilename" class="makeHidden removeImage">' . __('REMOVE IMAGE') . '</a></div>';
 $str_input .= simbio_form_element::textField('file', 'image');
 $str_input .= ' ' . __('Maximum') . ' ' . $sysconf['max_image_upload'] . ' KB';
 if ($sysconf['webcam'] !== false) {
     $str_input .= '<p>' . __('or take a photo') . '</p>';
     $str_input .= '<textarea id="base64picstring" name="base64picstring" style="display: none;"></textarea>';
     $str_input .= '<button id="btn_load" onclick="loadcam(this)">' . __('Load Camera') . '</button> | ';
     $str_input .= __('Ratio:') . ' <select onchange="aspect(this)"><option value="1">1x1</option><option value="2" selected>2x3</option><option value="3">3x4</option></select> | ';
     $str_input .= __('Format:') . ' <select id="cmb_format" onchange="if(pause){set();}"><option value="png">PNG</option><option value="jpg">JPEG</option></select> | ';
     $str_input .= '<button id="btn_pause" onclick="snapshot(this)" disabled>' . __('Capture') . '</button> | ';
     $str_input .= '<button id="btn_reset" onclick="$(\'textarea#base64picstring\').val(\'\');">' . __('Reset') . '</button>';
예제 #7
<fieldset class="menuBox">
<div class="menuBoxInner importIcon">
echo strtoupper(__('Import Data')) . '<hr />' . __('Import for members data from CSV file');
<div id="importInfo" class="infoBox" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</div><div id="importError" class="errorBox" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</div>
// create new instance
$form = new simbio_form_table_AJAX('mainForm', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '', 'post');
$form->submit_button_attr = 'name="doImport" value="' . __('Import Now') . '" class="button"';
// form table attributes
$form->table_attr = 'align="center" id="dataList" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"';
$form->table_header_attr = 'class="alterCell" style="font-weight: bold;"';
$form->table_content_attr = 'class="alterCell2"';
/* Form Element(s) */
// csv files
$str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('file', 'importFile');
$str_input .= ' Maximum ' . $sysconf['max_upload'] . ' KB';
$form->addAnything(__('File To Import') . '*', $str_input);
// field separator
$form->addTextField('text', 'fieldSep', __('Field Separator') . '*', '' . htmlentities(',') . '', 'style="width: 10%;"');
//  field enclosed
$form->addTextField('text', 'fieldEnc', __('Field Enclosed With') . '*', '' . htmlentities('"') . '', 'style="width: 10%;"');
// number of records to import
$form->addTextField('text', 'recordNum', __('Number of Records To Export (0 for all records)'), '0', 'style="width: 10%;"');
// records offset
$form->addTextField('text', 'recordOffset', __('Start From Record'), '1', 'style="width: 10%;"');
// output the form
echo $form->printOut();
예제 #8
     $biblio_q = $dbs->query('SELECT biblio_id, title, call_number FROM biblio WHERE biblio_id=' . $biblioID);
     $biblio_d = $biblio_q->fetch_assoc();
     $b_title = $biblio_d['title'];
     $b_id = $biblio_d['biblio_id'];
     $def_call_number = $biblio_d['call_number'];
 /* Form Element(s) */
 // title
 if (!$in_pop_up) {
     $str_input = $b_title;
     $str_input .= '<div class="makeHidden"><a title="Edit Bibliographic Data" style="font-weight: bold; color: #ff9900;" href="javascript: openWin(\'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/pop_biblio.php?inPopUp=true&action=detail&itemID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '&itemCollID=' . $rec_d['item_id'] . '\', \'popBiblio\', 600, 400, true)">Edit Biblographic data</a></div>';
 } else {
     $str_input = $b_title;
 $form->addAnything(lang_mod_biblio_item_field_title, $str_input);
 $form->addHidden('biblioTitle', $b_title);
 $form->addHidden('biblioID', $b_id);
 // item code
 $str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('text', 'itemCode', $rec_d['item_code'], 'onblur="ajaxCheckID(\'' . SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'admin/AJAX_check_id.php\', \'item\', \'item_code\', \'msgBox\', \'itemCode\')" style="width: 40%;"');
 $str_input .= ' &nbsp; <span id="msgBox">&nbsp;</span>';
 $form->addAnything(lang_mod_biblio_item_field_itemcode, $str_input);
 // call number
 $form->addTextField('text', 'callNumber', lang_mod_biblio_field_call_number, isset($rec_d['call_number']) ? $rec_d['call_number'] : $def_call_number, 'style="width: 40%;"');
 // inventory code
 $form->addTextField('text', 'inventoryCode', lang_mod_biblio_item_field_inventory, $rec_d['inventory_code'], 'style="width: 100%;"');
 // item location
 // get location data related to this record from database
 $location_q = $dbs->query("SELECT location_id, location_name FROM mst_location");
 $location_options = array();
 while ($location_d = $location_q->fetch_row()) {
예제 #9
     $form->submit_button_attr = 'name="saveData" value="' . lang_sys_common_form_update . '" class="button"';
     // element visibility class toogle
     $visibility = 'makeHidden';
 /* Form Element(s) */
 // biblio title
 $form->addTextField('textarea', 'title', lang_mod_biblio_field_title . '*', $rec_d['title'], 'rows="1" style="width: 100%; overflow: auto;"');
 // biblio edition
 $form->addTextField('text', 'edition', lang_mod_biblio_field_edition, $rec_d['edition'], 'style="width: 40%;"');
 // biblio specific detail info/area
 $form->addTextField('textarea', 'specDetailInfo', lang_mod_biblio_field_specific_detail, $rec_d['spec_detail_info'], 'rows="2" style="width: 100%"');
 // biblio item add
 if (!$in_pop_up and $form->edit_mode) {
     $str_input = '<div class="makeHidden"><a href="javascript: openWin(\'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/pop_item.php?inPopUp=true&action=detail&biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '\', \'popItem\', 600, 400, true)">' . lang_mod_biblio_link_item_add . '</a></div>';
     $str_input .= '<iframe name="itemIframe" id="itemIframe" class="borderAll" style="width: 100%; height: 70px;" src="' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/iframe_item_list.php?biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '"></iframe>' . "\n";
     $form->addAnything('Item(s) Data', $str_input);
 // biblio authors
 $str_input = '<div class="' . $visibility . '"><a href="javascript: openWin(\'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/pop_author.php?biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '\', \'popAuthor\', 500, 200, true)">' . lang_mod_biblio_link_author_add . '</a></div>';
 $str_input .= '<iframe name="authorIframe" id="authorIframe" class="borderAll" style="width: 100%; height: 70px;" src="' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/iframe_author.php?biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '"></iframe>';
 $form->addAnything(lang_mod_biblio_field_authors, $str_input);
 // biblio gmd
 // get gmd data related to this record from database
 $gmd_q = $dbs->query('SELECT gmd_id, gmd_name FROM mst_gmd');
 $gmd_options = array();
 while ($gmd_d = $gmd_q->fetch_row()) {
     $gmd_options[] = array($gmd_d[0], $gmd_d[1]);
 $form->addSelectList('gmdID', lang_mod_biblio_field_gmd, $gmd_options, $rec_d['gmd_id']);
 // biblio publish frequencies
 // get frequency data related to this record from database
예제 #10
    <hr />
echo lang_mod_biblio_import_header_text;
<div id="importInfo" class="infoBox" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</div><div id="importError" class="errorBox" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</div>
// create new instance
$form = new simbio_form_table_AJAX('mainForm', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'post');
$form->submit_button_attr = 'name="doImport" value="' . lang_mod_biblio_import_form_button_start . '" class="button"';
// form table attributes
$form->table_attr = 'align="center" id="dataList" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"';
$form->table_header_attr = 'class="alterCell" style="font-weight: bold;"';
$form->table_content_attr = 'class="alterCell2"';
/* Form Element(s) */
// csv files
$str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('file', 'importFile');
$str_input .= ' Maximum ' . $sysconf['max_upload'] . ' KB';
$form->addAnything(lang_mod_biblio_import_form_field_file_input, $str_input);
// field separator
$form->addTextField('text', 'fieldSep', lang_mod_biblio_import_form_field_separator, '' . htmlentities(',') . '', 'style="width: 10%;" maxlength="3"');
//  field enclosed
$form->addTextField('text', 'fieldEnc', lang_mod_biblio_import_form_field_enclosed, '' . htmlentities('"') . '', 'style="width: 10%;"');
// number of records to import
$form->addTextField('text', 'recordNum', lang_mod_biblio_import_form_field_rec_to_export, '0', 'style="width: 10%;"');
// records offset
$form->addTextField('text', 'recordOffset', lang_mod_biblio_import_form_field_rec_start, '1', 'style="width: 10%;"');
// output the form
echo $form->printOut();
예제 #11
    $gmd_q = $dbs->query('SELECT gmd_id, gmd_name FROM mst_gmd');
    $gmd_options[] = array('0', lang_mod_stocktake_init_field_option_all);
    while ($gmd_d = $gmd_q->fetch_row()) {
        $gmd_options[] = array($gmd_d[0], $gmd_d[1]);
    $form->addSelectList('gmdID', lang_mod_stocktake_init_field_GMD, $gmd_options);
    // collection type
    // get coll_type data related to this record from database
    $coll_type_q = $dbs->query('SELECT coll_type_id, coll_type_name FROM mst_coll_type');
    $coll_type_options[] = array('0', lang_mod_stocktake_init_field_option_all);
    while ($coll_type_d = $coll_type_q->fetch_row()) {
        $coll_type_options[] = array($coll_type_d[0], $coll_type_d[1]);
    $form->addSelectList('collTypeID', lang_mod_stocktake_init_field_colltype, $coll_type_options);
    // location
    // get language data related to this record from database
    $location_q = $dbs->query("SELECT location_id, location_name FROM mst_location");
    $location_options[] = array('0', lang_mod_stocktake_init_field_option_all);
    while ($location_d = $location_q->fetch_row()) {
        $location_options[] = array($location_d[0], $location_d[1]);
    $form->addSelectList('location', lang_mod_stocktake_init_field_location, $location_options);
    // item site
    $form->addTextField('text', 'itemSite', lang_mod_stocktake_init_field_site, '', 'style="width: 20%;"');
    // classification;
    $str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('text', 'classification', '', 'style="width: 60%;"');
    $str_input .= '<br />' . lang_mod_stocktake_init_field_class_text;
    $form->addAnything(lang_mod_stocktake_init_field_classification, $str_input);
    // print out the object
    echo $form->printOut();
예제 #12
        $form->edit_mode = true;
        // record ID for delete process
        $form->record_id = $itemID;
        // form record title
        $form->record_title = str_ireplace('label-', '', $rec_d['label_name']);
        // submit button attribute
        $form->submit_button_attr = 'name="saveData" value="' . lang_sys_common_form_update . '" class="button"';
    /* Form Element(s) */
    // label name
    $form->addTextField('text', 'labelName', lang_mod_masterfile_label_form_field_label_name . '*', $rec_d['label_name'], 'style="width: 60%;" maxlength="20"');
    // label image
    if (empty($rec_d['label_image'])) {
        $str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('file', 'labelImage');
        $str_input .= ' Maximum ' . $sysconf['max_image_upload'] . ' KB. All image will be automatically resized.';
        $form->addAnything(lang_mod_biblio_field_attachment, $str_input);
    } else {
        $str_input = '<div><img src="' . SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR . IMAGES_DIR . '/labels/' . $rec_d['label_image'] . '" align="middle" /> <strong>' . $rec_d['label_image'] . '</strong></div>';
        $str_input .= simbio_form_element::textField('file', 'labelImage');
        $str_input .= ' Maximum ' . $sysconf['max_image_upload'] . ' KB. All image will be automatically resized.';
        $form->addAnything(lang_mod_biblio_field_attachment, $str_input);
    // label desc
    $form->addTextField('text', 'labelDesc', lang_mod_masterfile_label_form_field_label_desc, $rec_d['label_desc'], 'style="width: 100%;" maxlength="50"');
    // edit mode messagge
    if ($form->edit_mode) {
        echo '<div class="infoBox">' . lang_mod_masterfile_label_common_edit_info . ' : <b>' . $rec_d['label_name'] . ' - ' . $rec_d['label_desc'] . '</b>  <br />' . lang_mod_masterfile_label_common_last_update . $rec_d['last_update'] . '</div>';
    // print out the form object
    echo $form->printOut();
} else {
예제 #13
 /* Form Element(s) */
 // biblio title
 $form->addTextField('textarea', 'title', __('Title') . '*', $rec_d['title'], 'rows="1" style="width: 100%; overflow: auto;"');
 // modified by hendro wicaksono
 // biblio sor statement of responsibility
 $form->addTextField('text', 'sor', __('Statement of Responsibility'), $rec_d['sor'], 'style="width: 40%;"');
 // end of modification
 // biblio edition
 $form->addTextField('text', 'edition', __('Edition'), $rec_d['edition'], 'style="width: 40%;"');
 // biblio specific detail info/area
 $form->addTextField('textarea', 'specDetailInfo', __('Specific Detail Info'), $rec_d['spec_detail_info'], 'rows="2" style="width: 100%"');
 // biblio item batch add
 $str_input = __('Pattern') . ': <input type="text" class="small_input" name="itemCodePattern" value="' . $sysconf['batch_item_code_pattern'] . '" /> &nbsp;&nbsp;';
 $str_input .= __('From') . ': <input type="text" class="small_input" name="itemCodeStart" value="0" /> ' . __('To') . ' <input type="text" class="small_input" name="itemCodeEnd" value="0" />';
 $form->addAnything(__('Item(s) code batch generator'), $str_input);
 // biblio item add
 if (!$in_pop_up and $form->edit_mode) {
     $str_input = '<div class="makeHidden"><a class="notAJAX button" href="javascript: openHTMLpop(\'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/pop_item.php?inPopUp=true&action=detail&biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '\', 650, 400, \'' . __('Items/Copies') . '\')">' . __('Add New Items') . '</a></div>';
     $str_input .= '<iframe name="itemIframe" id="itemIframe" class="borderAll" style="width: 100%; height: 70px;" src="' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/iframe_item_list.php?biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '&block=1"></iframe>' . "\n";
     $form->addAnything(__('Item(s) Data'), $str_input);
 // biblio authors
 $str_input = '<div class="' . $visibility . '"><a class="notAJAX button" href="javascript: openHTMLpop(\'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/pop_author.php?biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '\', 500, 200, \'' . __('Authors/Roles') . '\')">' . __('Add Author(s)') . '</a></div>';
 $str_input .= '<iframe name="authorIframe" id="authorIframe" class="borderAll" style="width: 100%; height: 70px;" src="' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/iframe_author.php?biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '&block=1"></iframe>';
 $form->addAnything(__('Author(s)'), $str_input);
 // biblio gmd
 // get gmd data related to this record from database
 $gmd_q = $dbs->query('SELECT gmd_id, gmd_name FROM mst_gmd');
 $gmd_options = array();
 while ($gmd_d = $gmd_q->fetch_row()) {
예제 #14
     // check if member expired
     $curr_date = date('Y-m-d');
     $compared_date = simbio_date::compareDates($rec_d['expire_date'], $curr_date);
     $is_expired = $compared_date == $curr_date;
     $expired_message = '';
     if ($is_expired) {
         // extend membership
         $chbox_array[] = array('1', lang_mod_membership_field_extend);
         $form->addCheckBox('extend', lang_mod_membership_field_extend_membership, $chbox_array);
         $expired_message = '<b style="color: #FF0000;">(' . lang_mod_membership_common_error_membership_expired . ')</b>';
 // member code
 $str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('text', 'memberID', $rec_d['member_id'], 'id="memberID" onblur="ajaxCheckID(\'' . SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'admin/AJAX_check_id.php\', \'member\', \'member_id\', \'msgBox\', \'memberID\')" style="width: 30%;"');
 $str_input .= ' &nbsp; <span id="msgBox">&nbsp;</span>';
 $form->addAnything(lang_mod_membership_field_member_id . '*', $str_input);
 // member name
 $form->addTextField('text', 'memberName', lang_mod_membership_field_name . '*', $rec_d['member_name'], 'style="width: 100%;"');
 // member birth date
 $form->addDateField('birthDate', lang_mod_membership_field_birth_date, $rec_d['birth_date']);
 if ($form->edit_mode) {
     // member since
     $form->addAnything(lang_mod_membership_field_member_since, $rec_d['member_since_date']);
 // member register date
 $form->addDateField('regDate', lang_mod_membership_field_register_date, $rec_d['register_date']);
 // member expire date
 if ($form->edit_mode) {
     $form->addDateField('expDate', lang_mod_membership_field_expiry_date, $rec_d['expire_date']);
 } else {
     $chbox_array[] = array('1', lang_mod_membership_field_opt_autoset);
예제 #15
     $_sql_rec_cust_q = sprintf('SELECT * FROM biblio_custom WHERE biblio_id=%d', $itemID);
     $rec_cust_q = $dbs->query($_sql_rec_cust_q);
     $rec_cust_d = $rec_cust_q->fetch_assoc();
 // include custom fields file
 if (file_exists(MDLBS . 'bibliography/custom_fields.inc.php')) {
     include MDLBS . 'bibliography/custom_fields.inc.php';
 /* Form Element(s) */
 // biblio title
 $form->addTextField('textarea', 'title', __('Title') . '*', $rec_d['title'], 'rows="1" style="width: 100%; overflow: auto;"', __('Main title of collection. Separate child title with colon and pararel title with equal (=) sign.'));
 // biblio authors
 // $str_input = '<div class="'.$visibility.'"><a class="notAJAX button" href="javascript: openHTMLpop(\''.MWB.'bibliography/pop_author.php?biblioID='.$rec_d['biblio_id'].'\', 500, 200, \''.__('Authors/Roles').'\')">'.__('Add Author(s)').'</a></div>';
 $str_input = '<div class="' . $visibility . '"><a class="notAJAX button btn btn-info openPopUp" href="' . MWB . 'bibliography/pop_author.php?biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '" title="' . __('Authors/Roles') . '">' . __('Add Author(s)') . '</a></div>';
 $str_input .= '<iframe name="authorIframe" id="authorIframe" class="borderAll" style="width: 100%; height: 70px;" src="' . MWB . 'bibliography/iframe_author.php?biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '&block=1"></iframe>';
 $form->addAnything(__('Author(s)'), $str_input);
 // modified by hendro wicaksono
 // biblio sor statement of responsibility
 $form->addTextField('text', 'sor', __('Statement of Responsibility'), $rec_d['sor'], 'style="width: 40%;"', __('Main source of information to show who has written, composed, illustrated, or in other ways contributed to the existence of the item.'));
 // end of modification
 // biblio edition
 $form->addTextField('text', 'edition', __('Edition'), $rec_d['edition'], 'style="width: 40%;"', __('A version of publication having substantial changes or additions.'));
 // biblio specific detail info/area
 $form->addTextField('textarea', 'specDetailInfo', __('Specific Detail Info'), $rec_d['spec_detail_info'], 'rows="2" style="width: 100%"', __('explain more details about an item e.g. scale within a map, running time in a movie dvd.'));
 // biblio item batch add
 $str_input = __('Pattern') . ': <input type="text" class="small_input" name="itemCodePattern" value="' . $sysconf['batch_item_code_pattern'] . '" /> &nbsp;';
 $str_input .= __('From') . ': <input type="text" class="small_input" name="itemCodeStart" value="0" /> ' . __('To') . ' <input type="text" class="small_input" name="itemCodeEnd" value="0" /> &nbsp;';
 // get collection type data related to this record from database
 $coll_type_q = $dbs->query("SELECT coll_type_id, coll_type_name FROM mst_coll_type");
 $coll_type_options = array();
 while ($coll_type_d = $coll_type_q->fetch_row()) {
예제 #16
    // subject
    $form->addTextField('text', 'topic', __('Subject') . '*', $rec_d['topic'], 'style="width: 60%;"');
    // classification
    $form->addTextField('text', 'class', __('Classification Code'), $rec_d['classification'], 'style="width: 30%;"');
    // subject type
    foreach ($sysconf['subject_type'] as $subj_type_id => $subj_type) {
        $subj_type_options[] = array($subj_type_id, $subj_type);
    $form->addSelectList('subjectType', __('Subject Type'), $subj_type_options, $rec_d['topic_type']);
    // authority list
    $form->addTextField('text', 'authList', __('Authority Files'), $rec_d['auth_list'], 'style="width: 30%;"');
    //  vocabolary control
    if (!$in_pop_up and $form->edit_mode) {
        $str_input = '<div class="makeHidden"><a class="notAJAX button btn btn-info openPopUp" href="' . MWB . 'master_file/pop_vocabolary_control.php?itemID=' . $itemID . '" title="' . __('Vocabulary Control') . '" height="400">' . __('Add New Vocabulary') . '</a></div>';
        $str_input .= '<iframe name="itemIframe" id="itemIframe" class="borderAll" style="width: 98%; height: 200px;" src="' . MWB . 'master_file/iframe_vocabolary_control.php?itemID=' . $itemID . '"></iframe>' . "\n";
        $form->addAnything(__('Vocabulary Control'), $str_input);
    // edit mode messagge
    if ($form->edit_mode) {
        echo '<div class="infoBox">' . __('You are going to edit Subject data') . ' : <b>' . $rec_d['topic'] . '</b>  <br />' . __('Last Update') . $rec_d['last_update'] . '</div>';
    // print out the form object
    echo $form->printOut();
} else {
    /* TOPIC LIST */
    // table spec
    $sql_criteria = 't.topic_id >= 1';
    if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] == 'orphaned') {
        $table_spec = 'mst_topic AS t LEFT JOIN biblio_topic AS bt ON t.topic_id=bt.topic_id';
        $sql_criteria = 'bt.biblio_id IS NULL OR bt.topic_id IS NULL';
예제 #17
파일: item.php 프로젝트: slims/s3st15_matoa
     $biblio_q = $dbs->query('SELECT biblio_id, title, call_number FROM biblio WHERE biblio_id=' . $biblioID);
     $biblio_d = $biblio_q->fetch_assoc();
     $b_title = $biblio_d['title'];
     $b_id = $biblio_d['biblio_id'];
     $def_call_number = $biblio_d['call_number'];
 /* Form Element(s) */
 // title
 if (!$in_pop_up) {
     $str_input = $b_title;
     $str_input .= '<div class="makeHidden"><a title="Edit Bibliographic Data" class="notAJAX" style="font-weight: bold; color: #f90;" href="javascript: openHTMLpop(\'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/pop_biblio.php?inPopUp=true&action=detail&itemID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '&itemCollID=' . $rec_d['item_id'] . '\', 650, 500, \'' . __('Edit Biblographic data') . '\')">' . __('Edit Biblographic data') . '</a></div>';
 } else {
     $str_input = $b_title;
 $form->addAnything(__('Title'), $str_input);
 $form->addHidden('biblioTitle', $b_title);
 $form->addHidden('biblioID', $b_id);
 // item code
 $str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('text', 'itemCode', $rec_d['item_code'], 'onblur="ajaxCheckID(\'' . SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'admin/AJAX_check_id.php\', \'item\', \'item_code\', \'msgBox\', \'itemCode\')" style="width: 40%;"');
 $str_input .= ' &nbsp; <span id="msgBox">&nbsp;</span>';
 $form->addAnything(__('Item Code'), $str_input);
 // call number
 $form->addTextField('text', 'callNumber', __('Call Number'), isset($rec_d['call_number']) ? $rec_d['call_number'] : $def_call_number, 'style="width: 40%;"');
 // inventory code
 $form->addTextField('text', 'inventoryCode', __('Inventory Code'), $rec_d['inventory_code'], 'style="width: 100%;"');
 // item location
 // get location data related to this record from database
 $location_q = $dbs->query("SELECT location_id, location_name FROM mst_location");
 $location_options = array();
 while ($location_d = $location_q->fetch_row()) {
예제 #18
if (isset($_GET['type'])) {
    $type = trim($_GET['type']);
if (!in_array($type, array('barcode', 'label', 'membercard'))) {
    $type = 'barcode';
// include printed settings configuration file
include SB . 'admin' . DS . 'admin_template' . DS . 'printed_settings.inc.php';
// check for custom template settings
$custom_settings = SB . 'admin' . DS . $sysconf['admin_template']['dir'] . DS . $sysconf['template']['theme'] . DS . 'printed_settings.inc.php';
if (file_exists($custom_settings)) {
    include $custom_settings;
// create form instance
$form = new simbio_form_table_AJAX('mainForm', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'post');
$form->submit_button_attr = 'name="updateSettings" value="' . __('Save Settings') . '" class="btn btn-primary"';
// form table attributes
$form->table_attr = 'align="center" id="dataList" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"';
$form->table_header_attr = 'class="alterCell" style="font-weight: bold;"';
$form->table_content_attr = 'class="alterCell2"';
// load print settings from database
loadPrintSettings($dbs, $type);
$form->addAnything(__('Print setting for'), ucwords($type));
foreach ($sysconf['print'][$type] as $setting_name => $val) {
    $setting_name_label = ucwords(str_ireplace('_', ' ', $setting_name));
    $form->addTextField('text', $type . '[' . $setting_name . ']', __($setting_name_label), $val, 'style="width: 90%;"');
$form->addHidden('settingType', $type);
// print out the object
echo $form->printOut();
/* main content end */
예제 #19
파일: index.php 프로젝트: slims/s3st14
     // submit button attribute
     $form->submit_button_attr = 'name="saveData" value="' . __('Update') . '" class="button"';
     // element visibility class toogle
     $visibility = 'makeHidden';
 /* Form Element(s) */
 // biblio title
 $form->addTextField('textarea', 'title', __('Title') . '*', $rec_d['title'], 'rows="1" style="width: 100%; overflow: auto;"');
 // biblio edition
 $form->addTextField('text', 'edition', __('Edition'), $rec_d['edition'], 'style="width: 40%;"');
 // biblio specific detail info/area
 $form->addTextField('textarea', 'specDetailInfo', __('Specific Detail Info'), $rec_d['spec_detail_info'], 'rows="2" style="width: 100%"');
 // biblio authors
 $str_input = '<div class="' . $visibility . '"><a class="notAJAX" href="javascript: openWin(\'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/pop_author.php?biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '\', \'popAuthor\', 500, 200, true)">' . __('Add Author(s)') . '</a></div>';
 $str_input .= '<iframe name="authorIframe" id="authorIframe" class="borderAll" style="width: 100%; height: 70px;" src="' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/iframe_author.php?biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '&block=1"></iframe>';
 $form->addAnything(__('Author(s)'), $str_input);
 // biblio gmd
 // get gmd data related to this record from database
 $gmd_q = $dbs->query('SELECT gmd_id, gmd_name FROM mst_gmd');
 $gmd_options = array();
 while ($gmd_d = $gmd_q->fetch_row()) {
     $gmd_options[] = array($gmd_d[0], $gmd_d[1]);
 $form->addSelectList('gmdID', __('GMD'), $gmd_options, $rec_d['gmd_id']);
 // biblio publish frequencies
 // get frequency data related to this record from database
 $freq_q = $dbs->query('SELECT frequency_id, frequency FROM mst_frequency');
 $freq_options[] = array('0', strtoupper(__('Not Applicable')));
 while ($freq_d = $freq_q->fetch_row()) {
     $freq_options[] = array($freq_d[0], $freq_d[1]);
예제 #20
    $gmd_q = $dbs->query('SELECT gmd_id, gmd_name FROM mst_gmd');
    $gmd_options[] = array('0', __('ALL'));
    while ($gmd_d = $gmd_q->fetch_row()) {
        $gmd_options[] = array($gmd_d[0], $gmd_d[1]);
    $form->addSelectList('gmdID', __('GMD'), $gmd_options);
    // collection type
    // get coll_type data related to this record from database
    $coll_type_q = $dbs->query('SELECT coll_type_id, coll_type_name FROM mst_coll_type');
    $coll_type_options[] = array('0', __('ALL'));
    while ($coll_type_d = $coll_type_q->fetch_row()) {
        $coll_type_options[] = array($coll_type_d[0], $coll_type_d[1]);
    $form->addSelectList('collTypeID', __('Collection Type'), $coll_type_options);
    // location
    // get language data related to this record from database
    $location_q = $dbs->query("SELECT location_id, location_name FROM mst_location");
    $location_options[] = array('0', __('ALL'));
    while ($location_d = $location_q->fetch_row()) {
        $location_options[] = array($location_d[0], $location_d[1]);
    $form->addSelectList('location', __('Location'), $location_options);
    // item site
    $form->addTextField('text', 'itemSite', __('Shelf Location'), '', 'style="width: 20%;"');
    // classification;
    $str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('text', 'classification', '', 'style="width: 60%;"');
    $str_input .= '<br />' . __('Separate each class comma sign. Use * for wildcard');
    $form->addAnything(__('Classification'), $str_input);
    // print out the object
    echo $form->printOut();
예제 #21
 // include custom fields file
 if (file_exists(MODULES_BASE_DIR . 'bibliography/custom_fields.inc.php')) {
     include MODULES_BASE_DIR . 'bibliography/custom_fields.inc.php';
 /* Form Element(s) */
 // biblio title
 $form->addTextField('textarea', 'title', __('Title') . '*', $rec_d['title'], 'rows="1" style="width: 100%; overflow: auto;"');
 // biblio edition
 $form->addTextField('text', 'edition', __('Edition'), $rec_d['edition'], 'style="width: 40%;"');
 // biblio specific detail info/area
 $form->addTextField('textarea', 'specDetailInfo', __('Specific Detail Info'), $rec_d['spec_detail_info'], 'rows="2" style="width: 100%"');
 // biblio item add
 if (!$in_pop_up and $form->edit_mode) {
     $str_input = '<div class="makeHidden"><a class="notAJAX" href="javascript: openHTMLpop(\'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/pop_item.php?inPopUp=true&action=detail&biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '\', 650, 400, \'' . __('Items/Copies') . '\')">' . __('Add New Items') . '</a></div>';
     $str_input .= '<iframe name="itemIframe" id="itemIframe" class="borderAll" style="width: 100%; height: 70px;" src="' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/iframe_item_list.php?biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '&block=1"></iframe>' . "\n";
     $form->addAnything('Item(s) Data', $str_input);
 // biblio authors
 $str_input = '<div class="' . $visibility . '"><a class="notAJAX" href="javascript: openHTMLpop(\'' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/pop_author.php?biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '\', 500, 200, \'' . __('Authors/Roles') . '\')">' . __('Add Author(s)') . '</a></div>';
 $str_input .= '<iframe name="authorIframe" id="authorIframe" class="borderAll" style="width: 100%; height: 70px;" src="' . MODULES_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'bibliography/iframe_author.php?biblioID=' . $rec_d['biblio_id'] . '&block=1"></iframe>';
 $form->addAnything(__('Author(s)'), $str_input);
 // biblio gmd
 // get gmd data related to this record from database
 $gmd_q = $dbs->query('SELECT gmd_id, gmd_name FROM mst_gmd');
 $gmd_options = array();
 while ($gmd_d = $gmd_q->fetch_row()) {
     $gmd_options[] = array($gmd_d[0], $gmd_d[1]);
 $form->addSelectList('gmdID', __('GMD'), $gmd_options, $rec_d['gmd_id']);
 // biblio publish frequencies
 // get frequency data related to this record from database
예제 #22
     // check if member expired
     $curr_date = date('Y-m-d');
     $compared_date = simbio_date::compareDates($rec_d['expire_date'], $curr_date);
     $is_expired = $compared_date == $curr_date;
     $expired_message = '';
     if ($is_expired) {
         // extend membership
         $chbox_array[] = array('1', __('Extend'));
         $form->addCheckBox('extend', __('Extend Membership'), $chbox_array);
         $expired_message = '<b style="color: #FF0000;">(' . __('Membership Already Expired') . ')</b>';
 // member code
 $str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('text', 'memberID', $rec_d['member_id'], 'id="memberID" onblur="ajaxCheckID(\'' . SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'admin/AJAX_check_id.php\', \'member\', \'member_id\', \'msgBox\', \'memberID\')" style="width: 30%;"');
 $str_input .= ' &nbsp; <span id="msgBox">&nbsp;</span>';
 $form->addAnything(__('Member ID') . '*', $str_input);
 // member name
 $form->addTextField('text', 'memberName', __('Member Name') . '*', $rec_d['member_name'], 'style="width: 100%;"');
 // member birth date
 $form->addDateField('birthDate', __('Birth Date'), $rec_d['birth_date']);
 if ($form->edit_mode) {
     // member since
     $form->addAnything(__('Member Since'), $rec_d['member_since_date']);
 // member register date
 $form->addDateField('regDate', __('Register Date'), $rec_d['register_date']);
 // member expire date
 if ($form->edit_mode) {
     $form->addDateField('expDate', __('Expiry Date'), $rec_d['expire_date']);
 } else {
     $chbox_array[] = array('1', __('Auto Set'));
예제 #23
파일: index.php 프로젝트: jgoegelein/s3st13
     // check if member expired
     $curr_date = date('Y-m-d');
     $compared_date = simbio_date::compareDates($rec_d['expire_date'], $curr_date);
     $is_expired = $compared_date == $curr_date;
     $expired_message = '';
     if ($is_expired) {
         // extend membership
         $chbox_array[] = array('1', __('Extend'));
         $form->addCheckBox('extend', __('Extend Membership'), $chbox_array);
         $expired_message = '<b style="color: #FF0000;">(' . __('Membership Already Expired') . ')</b>';
 // member code
 $str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('text', 'memberID', $rec_d['member_id'], 'id="memberID" onblur="ajaxCheckID(\'' . SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'admin/AJAX_check_id.php\', \'member\', \'member_id\', \'msgBox\', \'memberID\')" style="width: 30%;"');
 $str_input .= ' &nbsp; <span id="msgBox">&nbsp;</span>';
 $form->addAnything(__('Member ID') . '*', $str_input);
 // member name
 $form->addTextField('text', 'memberName', __('Member Name') . '*', $rec_d['member_name'], 'style="width: 100%;"');
 // member birth date
 $form->addDateField('birthDate', __('Birth Date'), $rec_d['birth_date']);
 // member since date
 $form->addDateField('sinceDate', __('Member Since') . '*', $form->edit_mode ? $rec_d['member_since_date'] : date('Y-m-d'));
 // member register date
 $form->addDateField('regDate', __('Register Date') . '*', $form->edit_mode ? $rec_d['register_date'] : date('Y-m-d'));
 // member expire date
 if ($form->edit_mode) {
     $form->addDateField('expDate', __('Expiry Date') . '*', $rec_d['expire_date']);
 } else {
     $chbox_array[] = array('1', __('Auto Set'));
     $str_input = '<div>' . simbio_form_element::checkBox('extend', $chbox_array, '1') . '</div>';
     $str_input .= '<div>' . simbio_form_element::dateField('expDate', $rec_d['expire_date']) . '</div>';
예제 #24
        $form->submit_button_attr = 'name="saveData" value="' . lang_sys_common_form_update . '" class="button"';
    /* Form Element(s) */
    // group
    $form->addTextField('text', 'groupName', lang_sys_conf_group_field_name . '*', $rec_d['group_name'], 'style="width: 60%;"');
    // privileges
    // get group access data
    $priv_data = array();
    $rec_q = $dbs->query('SELECT * FROM group_access WHERE group_id=' . (!empty($rec_d['group_id']) ? $rec_d['group_id'] : 0));
    while ($access_data = $rec_q->fetch_assoc()) {
        $priv_data[$access_data['module_id']]['r'] = $access_data['r'];
        $priv_data[$access_data['module_id']]['w'] = $access_data['w'];
    $priv_table = '';
    include 'module_priv_form.inc.php';
    $form->addAnything(lang_sys_conf_group_field_privileges, $priv_table);
    // edit mode messagge
    if ($form->edit_mode) {
        // print out the object
        echo '<div class="infoBox">' . lang_sys_conf_group_common_edit_info . ' : <b>' . $rec_d['group_name'] . '</b>  <br />' . lang_sys_conf_group_common_last_update . $rec_d['last_update'] . '</div>';
    echo $form->printOut();
} else {
    /* GROUP LIST */
    // table spec
    $table_spec = 'user_group AS ug';
    // create datagrid
    $datagrid = new simbio_datagrid();
    if ($can_read and $can_write) {
        $datagrid->setSQLColumn('ug.group_id', 'ug.group_name AS \'' . lang_sys_conf_group_field_name . '\'', 'ug.last_update AS \'' . lang_sys_conf_user_common_last_update . '\'');
    } else {