public function execute() { // filter by stock_id $stock_id = waRequest::get('stock_id', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT); // order $order = waRequest::get('order', null, waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM); if ($order != 'asc' && $order != 'desc') { $order = 'desc'; } // build where filter $where = array(); if ($this->product_id) { $where['product_id'] = $this->product_id; } if ($stock_id) { $where['stock_id'] = $stock_id; } // offset $offset = waRequest::get('offset', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT); // limit $total_count = $this->getTotalCount($where); // chunk size $count = $this->getConfig()->getOption('stocks_log_items_per_page'); // get list of log items $log = $this->getList(array('offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $count, 'where' => $where, 'order' => 'datetime ' . $order . ',id ' . $order)); // get all stocks $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $stocks = $stock_model->getAll('id'); $this->view->assign(array('log' => $log, 'stocks' => $stocks, 'product_id' => $this->product_id, 'stock_id' => $stock_id, 'order' => $order, 'offset' => $offset, 'total_count' => $total_count, 'count' => count($log), 'lazy' => waRequest::get('lazy', false))); }
public function execute() { $model = new shopStockModel(); foreach ($this->getEditData() as $id => $item) { $model->updateById($id, $item); } $inventory_stock_id = null; foreach ($this->getAddData() as $before_id => $data) { foreach ($data as $item) { $id = $model->add($item, $before_id); if (!empty($item['inventory'])) { $inventory_stock_id = $id; } } } if ($inventory_stock_id) { // Assign all inventory to this stock $product_stocks_model = new shopProductStocksModel(); $product_stocks_model->insertFromSkus($inventory_stock_id); } $app_id = $this->getAppId(); $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel(); if (waRequest::post('ignore_stock_count')) { $app_settings_model->set($app_id, 'ignore_stock_count', 1); } else { $app_settings_model->set($app_id, 'ignore_stock_count', 0); } if (waRequest::post('update_stock_count_on_create_order')) { $app_settings_model->set($app_id, 'update_stock_count_on_create_order', 1); } else { $app_settings_model->set($app_id, 'update_stock_count_on_create_order', 0); } }
public function execute() { $model = new shopStockModel(); if (waRequest::post()) { $this->save(); } $this->view->assign('stocks', $model->getAll('id')); }
public function execute() { $id = $this->get('id', true); $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $stock = $stock_model->getById($id); if (!$stock) { throw new waAPIException('invalid_param', 'Stock not found', 404); } $this->response = $stock; }
public function execute() { $id = waRequest::post('id', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT); $before_id = waRequest::post('before_id', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT); if (!$id) { $this->errors[] = "Unknown stock"; return; } $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); if (!$stock_model->move($id, $before_id)) { $this->errors[] = "Error when move"; } }
public function backendOrder($param) { if ($this->getSettings('status')) { $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $stocks = $stock_model->getAll(); if ($stocks) { return array('action_button' => '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . wa()->getAppStaticUrl('shop') . 'plugins/orderstock/js/editOrder.js?' . date('His') . '"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { new editOrder(' . $param['id'] . ',' . json_encode($stocks) . ');}); </script>'); } } return false; }
public function execute() { $id = (int) waRequest::get('id'); $html = ''; $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel(); $settings = $app_settings_model->get(array('shop', 'fprview')); $product = new shopProduct($id); $route_params = array('product_url' => $product['url']); if (isset($product['category_url'])) { $route_params['category_url'] = $product['category_url']; } $product['frontend_url'] = wa()->getRouteUrl('shop/frontend/product', $route_params); $feature_codes = array_keys($product->features); $feature_model = new shopFeatureModel(); $features = $feature_model->getByCode($feature_codes); $theme = waRequest::param('theme', 'default'); $theme_path = wa()->getDataPath('themes', true) . '/' . $theme; if (!file_exists($theme_path) || !file_exists($theme_path . '/theme.xml')) { $theme_path = wa()->getAppPath() . '/themes/' . $theme; } switch ($settings['template_type']) { case 'plugin': $view = wa()->getView(); $view->assign('features', $features); $view->assign('product', $product); $view->assign('fprview_settings', $settings); $html = $view->fetch(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../") . '/templates/Frontend.html'); break; case 'theme': if ($settings['template_theme_file'] && file_exists($theme_path . '/' . $settings['template_theme_file'])) { $view = wa()->getView(array('template_dir' => $theme_path)); list($services, $skus_services) = $this->getServiceVars($product); $compare = waRequest::cookie('shop_compare', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT); $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $view->assign(array('sku_services' => $skus_services, 'services' => $services, 'compare' => in_array($product['id'], $compare) ? $compare : array(), 'currency_info' => $this->getCurrencyInfo(), 'stocks' => $stock_model->getAll('id'), 'reviews' => $this->getTopReviews($product['id']), 'rates' => $this->reviews_model->getProductRates($product['id']), 'reviews_total_count' => $this->getReviewsTotalCount($product['id']), 'features' => $features, 'product' => $product)); $view->assign('frontend_product', wa()->event('frontend_product', $product, array('menu', 'cart', 'block_aux', 'block'))); $template = $this->setThemeTemplate($settings['template_theme_file']); $html = $view->fetch($this->getTemplate()); } break; default: $html = ''; break; } echo $html; exit; }
public function execute() { $order_id = waRequest::get('id', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT); $form = null; $order = array(); $shipping_address = array(); // Existing order? if ($order_id) { $order = $this->getOrder($order_id); $currency = $order['currency']; if ($order['contact_id']) { $has_contacts_rights = shopHelper::getContactRights($order['contact_id']); $shipping_address = shopHelper::getOrderAddress($order['params'], 'shipping'); if (!empty($order['contact_id'])) { try { $c = new waContact($order['contact_id']); if ($shipping_address) { $c['address.shipping'] = $shipping_address; } $form = shopHelper::getCustomerForm($c); } catch (waException $e) { // Contact does not exist; ignore. When $form is null, customer data saved in order is shown. } } } else { $has_contacts_rights = shopHelper::getContactRights(); } } else { $currency = $this->getConfig()->getCurrency(); $has_contacts_rights = shopHelper::getContactRights(); $form = shopHelper::getCustomerForm(); } $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $stocks = $stock_model->getAll('id'); $tax_model = new shopTaxModel(); $taxes_count = $tax_model->countAll(); $count_new = $this->order_model->getStateCounters('new'); /** * Backend order edit page * @event backend_order_edit * @param array $order * @return array[string][string] $return[%plugin_id%] html output */ $this->view->assign('backend_order_edit', wa()->event('backend_order_edit', $order)); $this->view->assign(array('form' => $form, 'order' => $order, 'stocks' => $stocks, 'currency' => $currency, 'count_new' => $count_new, 'taxes_count' => $taxes_count, 'shipping_address' => $shipping_address, 'has_contacts_rights' => $has_contacts_rights, 'customer_validation_disabled' => wa()->getSetting('disable_backend_customer_form_validation'), 'ignore_stock_count' => wa()->getSetting('ignore_stock_count'))); }
public function execute() { $offset = waRequest::get('offset', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT); $total_count = waRequest::get('total_count', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT); $order = waRequest::get('order', 'desc') == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; if (!$total_count) { $total_count = $this->product_model->countProductStocks(); } $data = $this->getProductStocks($offset, $this->getConfig()->getOption('products_per_page'), $order); $count = count($data); if ($offset === 0) { $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $this->response(array('product_stocks' => $data, 'total_count' => $total_count, 'count' => $count, 'stocks' => $stock_model->getAll(), 'order' => $order)); } else { $this->product_model = new shopProductModel(); $this->response(array('product_stocks' => $data, 'total_count' => $total_count, 'count' => $count, 'order' => $order, 'progress' => array('loaded' => _w('%d product', '%d products', $offset + $count), 'of' => sprintf(_w('of %d'), $total_count), 'chunk' => _w('%d product', '%d products', max(0, min($total_count - ($offset + $count), $count))))), true); } }
public static function getMapFields($flat = false, $extra_fields = false) { $fields = array('product' => array('name' => _w('Product name'), 'currency' => _w('Currency'), 'summary' => _w('Summary'), 'description' => _w('Description'), 'badge' => _w('Badge'), 'status' => _w('Status'), 'type_name' => _w('Product type'), 'tags' => _w('Tags'), 'tax_name' => _w('Taxable'), 'meta_title' => _w('Title'), 'meta_keywords' => _w('META Keyword'), 'meta_description' => _w('META Description'), 'url' => _w('Storefront link'), 'images' => _w('Product images')), 'sku' => array('skus:-1:name' => _w('SKU name'), 'skus:-1:sku' => _w('SKU code'), 'skus:-1:price' => _w('Price'), 'skus:-1:available' => _w('Available for purchase'), 'skus:-1:compare_price' => _w('Compare at price'), 'skus:-1:purchase_price' => _w('Purchase price'), 'skus:-1:stock:0' => _w('In stock'))); if ($extra_fields) { $product_model = new shopProductModel(); $sku_model = new shopProductSkusModel(); $meta_fields = array('product' => $product_model->getMetadata(), 'sku' => $sku_model->getMetadata()); $black_list = array('id', "contact_id", "create_datetime", "edit_datetime", "type_id", "image_id", "tax_id", "cross_selling", "upselling", "total_sales", "sku_type", "sku_count", 'sku_id', 'ext', 'price', 'compare_price', 'min_price', 'max_price', 'count', 'rating_count', 'category_id', 'base_price_selectable', 'rating'); $white_list = array('id_1c' => '1C'); foreach ($meta_fields['product'] as $field => $info) { if (!in_array($field, $black_list)) { $name = ifset($white_list[$field], $field); if (!empty($meta_fields['sku'][$field])) { if (!isset($fields['sku']['skus:-1:' . $field])) { $fields['sku']['skus:-1:' . $field] = $name; } } else { if (!isset($fields['product'][$field])) { $fields['product'][$field] = $name; } } } } } $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); if ($stocks = $stock_model->getAll('id')) { foreach ($stocks as $stock_id => $stock) { $fields['sku']['skus:-1:stock:' . $stock_id] = _w('In stock') . ' @' . $stock['name']; } } if ($flat) { $fields_ = $fields; $fields = array(); $flat_order = array('product:name', 'sku:skus:-1:name', 'sku:skus:-1:sku', 'product:currency'); foreach ($flat_order as $field) { list($type, $field) = explode(':', $field, 2); $fields[$field] = $fields_[$type][$field]; unset($fields_[$type][$field]); } $fields += $fields_['sku']; $fields += $fields_['product']; } return $fields; }
public function execute() { $id = waRequest::get('id', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT); if (!$id) { $this->errors[] = _w("Unknown stock"); return; } $model = new shopStockModel(); $dst_stock = null; if (waRequest::post('delete_stock') == '1') { $dst_stock = waRequest::post('dst_stock', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT); if (!$dst_stock) { $this->errors[] = _w("Unknow destination stock"); return; } } if (!$model->delete($id, $dst_stock)) { $this->errors[] = _w("Error when deleting"); } }
/** * @param int $id * @param array $data * @param bool $correct * @param shopProduct $product * @return array */ protected function updateSku($id = 0, $data, $correct = true, shopProduct $product = null) { /** * @var shopProductStocksModel $stocks_model */ static $stocks_model; /** * @var bool $multi_stock */ static $multi_stock = null; /** * @var shopFeatureModel $feature_model */ static $feature_model; /** * @var shopProductFeaturesModel $product_features_model */ static $product_features_model; if (isset($data['price'])) { $data['price'] = $this->castValue('double', $data['price']); } if (isset($data['purchase_price'])) { $data['purchase_price'] = $this->castValue('double', $data['purchase_price']); } if (isset($data['compare_price'])) { $data['compare_price'] = $this->castValue('double', $data['compare_price']); } if ($id > 0) { if ($product && (!isset($data['virtual']) || !empty($data['virtual']))) { #check changes for virtual SKU $virtual_sku_defaults = array('price' => $product->base_price_selectable, 'purchase_price' => $product->purchase_price_selectable, 'compare_price' => $product->compare_price_selectable, 'count' => 0); $virtual = null; foreach ($virtual_sku_defaults as $field => $default) { if (isset($data[$field])) { $value = $data[$field]; if (is_array($value)) { $value = max($value); } if ($value != $default) { if ($virtual === null) { $virtual = isset($product->skus[$id]) && !empty($product->skus[$id]['virtual']); } if ($virtual) { $data['virtual'] = 0; $virtual = false; } if (!$virtual) { break; } } } } } if (empty($data['eproduct']) && !empty($data['file_name'])) { $file_path = shopProduct::getPath($data['product_id'], "sku_file/{$id}." . pathinfo($data['file_name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); waFiles::delete($file_path); $data['file_name'] = ''; $data['file_description'] = ''; } elseif (isset($data['file_name'])) { unset($data['file_name']); } $this->updateById($id, $data); } else { if (!isset($data['sku'])) { $data['sku'] = ''; } $id = $this->insert($data); } $data['id'] = $id; $sku_count = false; // if stocking for this sku if (isset($data['stock']) && count($data['stock'])) { if ($multi_stock === null) { $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $stocks = $stock_model->getAll($stock_model->getTableId()); $multi_stock = $stocks ? array_keys($stocks) : false; } // not multistocking if (!$multi_stock || isset($data['stock'][0])) { $sku_count = self::castStock($data['stock'][0]); unset($data['stock']); $this->logCount($data['product_id'], $id, $sku_count); // multistocking } else { $sku_count = 0; $missed = array_combine($multi_stock, $multi_stock); if (!$stocks_model) { $stocks_model = new shopProductStocksModel(); } // need for track transition from aggregating mode to multistocking mode $has_any_stocks = $stocks_model->hasAnyStocks($id); if (!$has_any_stocks) { $this->writeOffCount($data['product_id'], $id); } foreach ($data['stock'] as $stock_id => $count) { if ($stock_id > 0 && isset($missed[$stock_id])) { unset($missed[$stock_id]); $field = array('sku_id' => $id, 'stock_id' => $stock_id, 'product_id' => $data['product_id']); $count = self::castStock($count); $stock = array('count' => $count); if ($count === null) { $sku_count = null; } else { // Once turned into NULL value is not changed if ($sku_count !== null) { $sku_count += $count; } } // there is taking into account stocks log inside this method $stocks_model->set(array_merge($field, $stock)); $data['stock'][$stock_id] = $count; } } //get stock_count for missed stocks if ($sku_count !== null && !empty($missed)) { $search = array('stock_id' => $missed, 'sku_id' => $id, 'product_id' => $data['product_id']); foreach ($stocks_model->getByField($search, 'stock_id') as $stock_id => $row) { $count = $row['count']; $data['stock'][$stock_id] = $count; if ($count === null) { $sku_count = null; } else { // Once turned into NULL value is not changed if ($sku_count !== null) { $sku_count += $count; } } } } } } if ($sku_count !== false) { $data['count'] = $sku_count; $this->updateById($id, array('count' => $sku_count)); } if (isset($data['features'])) { if (!$feature_model) { $feature_model = new shopFeatureModel(); } if (!$product_features_model) { $product_features_model = new shopProductFeaturesModel(); } $features = $data['features']; $data['features'] = array(); $skip_values = array('', false, null); foreach ($features as $code => $value) { if ($feature = $feature_model->getByField('code', $code)) { $model = shopFeatureModel::getValuesModel($feature['type']); $field = array('product_id' => $data['product_id'], 'sku_id' => $id, 'feature_id' => $feature['id']); $product_features_model->deleteByField($field); if (is_array($value)) { if (!empty($value['id'])) { $field['feature_value_id'] = $value['id']; } elseif (isset($value['value']) && !in_array($value['value'], $skip_values, true)) { $field['feature_value_id'] = $model->getId($feature['id'], $code == 'weight' ? $value : $value['value'], $feature['type']); } } elseif (!in_array($value, $skip_values, true)) { $field['feature_value_id'] = $model->getId($feature['id'], $value, $feature['type']); $value = array('value' => $value, 'id' => $field['feature_value_id']); } if (!empty($field['feature_value_id'])) { $product_features_model->insert($field); $data['features'][$code] = $value; } } elseif (is_numeric($code) && is_numeric($value)) { if ($feature = $feature_model->getById($code)) { $field = array('product_id' => $data['product_id'], 'sku_id' => $id, 'feature_id' => $code); $product_features_model->deleteByField($field); if (empty($value)) { continue; } $field['feature_value_id'] = $value; $product_features_model->insert($field); $data['features'][$feature['code']] = $feature_model->getValuesModel($feature['type'])->getFeatureValue($value); } } } } if ($correct) { $product_model = new shopProductModel(); $product_model->correct($data['product_id']); } return $data; }
/** * Get stocks info for every sku passed through first argument * * @param array $sku_ids ID of skus * @return array * * Example array( * '<sku_id>' => array( * '<stock_id>' => array( * 'name' => '<Name of stock>', * 'count' => null|int * ) * ... * ) * ... * ) * */ public function getBySkuId($sku_ids) { if (!$sku_ids) { return array(); } $sku_ids = (array) $sku_ids; $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $stocks = $stock_model->select('id, name, NULL as count')->order('sort')->fetchAll('id', true); $data = array(); $sku_id = null; foreach ($this->select('*')->where("sku_id IN (" . implode(',', $sku_ids) . ")")->order("sku_id")->fetchAll() as $item) { if ($sku_id != $item['sku_id']) { $sku_id = $item['sku_id']; } $data[$sku_id][$item['stock_id']] = $item['count']; } foreach ($data as $sku_id => $sku_stocks) { $data[$sku_id] = $stocks; foreach ($sku_stocks as $stock_id => $count) { $data[$sku_id][$stock_id]['count'] = $count; } } return $data; }
public function execute() { $product = new shopProduct(waRequest::get('id', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT)); if (!$product->id) { if (waRequest::get('id') == 'new') { $product->name = ''; $product->id = 'new'; $product->status = 1; } else { throw new waException("Product not found", 404); } } $counters = array('reviews' => 0, 'images' => 0, 'pages' => 0, 'services' => 0); $sidebar_counters = array(); $config = $this->getConfig(); /** * @var shopConfig $config */ #load product types $type_model = new shopTypeModel(); $product_types = $type_model->getTypes(true); $product_types_count = count($product_types); if (intval($product->id)) { # 1 fill extra product data # 1.1 fill product reviews $product_reviews_model = new shopProductReviewsModel(); $product['reviews'] = $product_reviews_model->getReviews($product->id, 0, $config->getOption('reviews_per_page_product'), 'datetime DESC', array('is_new' => true)); $counters['reviews'] = $product_reviews_model->count($product->id); $sidebar_counters['reviews'] = array('new' => $product_reviews_model->countNew()); $counters['images'] = count($product['images']); $product_pages_model = new shopProductPagesModel(); $counters['pages'] = $product_pages_model->count($product->id); $product_services_model = new shopProductServicesModel(); $counters['services'] = $product_services_model->countServices($product->id); $product_stocks_log_model = new shopProductStocksLogModel(); $counters['stocks_log'] = $product_stocks_log_model->countByField('product_id', $product->id); $this->view->assign('edit_rights', $product->checkRights()); } else { $counters += array_fill_keys(array('images', 'services', 'pages', 'reviews'), 0); $product['images'] = array(); reset($product_types); $product->type_id = 0; if ($product_types_count) { if (!$product_types) { throw new waRightsException(_w("Access denied")); } else { reset($product_types); $product->type_id = key($product_types); } } elseif (!$product->checkRights()) { throw new waRightsException(_w("Access denied")); } $this->view->assign('edit_rights', true); $product['skus'] = array('-1' => array('id' => -1, 'sku' => '', 'available' => 1, 'name' => '', 'price' => 0.0, 'purchase_price' => 0.0, 'count' => null, 'stock' => array(), 'virtual' => 0)); $product->currency = $config->getCurrency(); } $this->assignReportsData($product); $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $taxes_mode = new shopTaxModel(); $this->view->assign('stocks', $stock_model->getAll('id')); $this->view->assign(array('use_product_currency' => wa()->getSetting('use_product_currency'), 'currencies' => $this->getCurrencies(), 'primary_currency' => $config->getCurrency(), 'taxes' => $taxes_mode->getAll())); $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $categories = $category_model->getFullTree('id, name, depth, url, full_url, parent_id', true); $frontend_urls = array(); if (intval($product->id)) { $routing = wa()->getRouting(); $domain_routes = $routing->getByApp($this->getAppId()); foreach ($domain_routes as $domain => $routes) { foreach ($routes as $r) { if (!empty($r['private'])) { continue; } if (empty($r['type_id']) || in_array($product->type_id, (array) $r['type_id'])) { $routing->setRoute($r, $domain); $params = array('product_url' => $product->url); if ($product->category_id && isset($categories[$product->category_id])) { if (!empty($r['url_type']) && $r['url_type'] == 1) { $params['category_url'] = $categories[$product->category_id]['url']; } else { $params['category_url'] = $categories[$product->category_id]['full_url']; } } $frontend_url = $routing->getUrl('/frontend/product', $params, true); $frontend_urls[] = array('url' => $frontend_url); } } } } else { $frontend_urls[] = array('url' => wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/product', array('product_url' => '%product_url%'), true)); } $stuff = intval($product->id) ? $product->url : '%product_url%'; foreach ($frontend_urls as &$frontend_url) { $pos = strrpos($frontend_url['url'], $stuff); $frontend_url['base'] = $pos !== false ? rtrim(substr($frontend_url['url'], 0, $pos), '/') . '/' : $frontend_url['url']; } unset($frontend_url); $product_model = new shopProductModel(); $this->view->assign('storefront_map', $product_model->getStorefrontMap($product->id)); /** * Backend product profile page * UI hook allow extends product profile page * @event backend_product * @param shopProduct $entry * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['title_suffix'] html output * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['action_button'] html output * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['toolbar_section'] html output * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['image_li'] html output */ $this->view->assign('backend_product', wa()->event('backend_product', $product)); /** * @event backend_product_edit */ $this->view->assign('backend_product_edit', wa()->event('backend_product_edit', $product)); $this->view->assign('categories', $categories); $this->view->assign('counters', $counters); $this->view->assign('product', $product); $this->view->assign('current_author', shopProductReviewsModel::getAuthorInfo(wa()->getUser()->getId())); $this->view->assign('reply_allowed', true); $this->view->assign('review_allowed', true); $this->view->assign('sidebar_counters', $sidebar_counters); $this->view->assign('lang', substr(wa()->getLocale(), 0, 2)); $this->view->assign('frontend_urls', $frontend_urls); $tag_model = new shopTagModel(); $this->view->assign('popular_tags', $tag_model->popularTags()); $counts = array(); // Selectable features $features_selectable = $product->features_selectable; if (is_array($features_selectable)) { foreach ($features_selectable as $f) { if ($f['selected']) { $counts[] = $f['selected']; } } } $feature_model = new shopTypeFeaturesModel(); $features_selectable_types = $feature_model->getSkuTypeSelectableTypes(); foreach ($product_types as $type_id => &$type) { $type['sku_type'] = empty($features_selectable_types[$type_id]) ? shopProductModel::SKU_TYPE_FLAT : shopProductModel::SKU_TYPE_SELECTABLE; } $this->view->assign('features', $features_selectable); $this->view->assign('duble', '???'); $this->view->assign('features_counts', $counts); #load product types $this->view->assign('product_types', $product_types); $this->view->assign('sidebar_width', $config->getSidebarWidth()); }
<?php $model = new waModel(); $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $n = $stock_model->countAll(); $sql = "\n UPDATE shop_product_skus s JOIN (\n SELECT\n FROM shop_product_skus sk\n JOIN shop_product_stocks st ON = st.sku_id\n GROUP BY\n HAVING COUNT( * ) < {$n}) AS t ON =\n SET s.count = NULL\n"; $model->exec($sql); $sql = "\n UPDATE shop_product p\n JOIN shop_product_skus s ON s.product_id =\n SET p.count = NULL\n WHERE s.count IS NULL\n"; $model->exec($sql);
public function getStocks($stock_ids) { if (!$stock_ids) { return array(); } $model = new shopStockModel(); return $model->getById($stock_ids); }
<?php wa('shop'); $type_model = new shopTypeModel(); $types = $type_model->select('id,name')->fetchAll('id', true); $currencies = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getCurrencies(); foreach ($currencies as &$c) { $c = $c['title']; } $payment_items = $shipping_items = array(); foreach (shopHelper::getPaymentMethods() as $p) { $payment_items[$p['id']] = $p['name']; } foreach (shopHelper::getShippingMethods() as $s) { $shipping_items[$s['id']] = $s['name']; } $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $stocks = $stock_model->select('id,name')->order('sort')->fetchAll('id', true); return array('params' => array('title' => array('name' => _w('Homepage title <title>'), 'type' => 'input'), 'meta_keywords' => array('name' => _w('Homepage META Keywords'), 'type' => 'input'), 'meta_description' => array('name' => _w('Homepage META Description'), 'type' => 'textarea'), 'url_type' => array('name' => _w('URLs'), 'type' => 'radio_select', 'items' => array(2 => array('name' => _w('Natural'), 'description' => _w('<br>Product URLs: /<strong>category-name/subcategory-name/product-name/</strong><br>Category URLs: /<strong>category-name/subcategory-name/</strong>')), 0 => array('name' => _w('Mixed'), 'description' => _w('<br>Product URLs: /<strong>product-name/</strong><br>Category URLs: /category/<strong>category-name/subcategory-name/subcategory-name/...</strong>')), 1 => array('name' => _w('Plain') . ' (WebAsyst Shop-Script)', 'description' => _w('<br>Product URLs: /product/<strong>product-name/</strong><br>Category URLs: /category/<strong>category-name/</strong>')))), 'type_id' => array('name' => _w('Published products'), 'type' => 'radio_checkbox', 'items' => array(0 => array('name' => _w('All product types'), 'description' => ''), array('name' => _w('Selected only'), 'description' => '', 'items' => $types))), 'payment_id' => array('name' => _w('Payment options'), 'type' => 'radio_checkbox', 'items' => array(0 => array('name' => _w('All available payment options'), 'description' => ''), array('name' => _w('Selected only'), 'description' => '', 'items' => $payment_items))), 'shipping_id' => array('name' => _w('Shipping options'), 'type' => 'radio_checkbox', 'items' => array(0 => array('name' => _w('All available shipping options'), 'description' => ''), array('name' => _w('Selected only'), 'description' => '', 'items' => $shipping_items))), 'currency' => array('name' => _w('Default currency'), 'type' => 'select', 'items' => $currencies), 'stock_id' => array('name' => _w('Default stock'), 'description' => _w('Select primary stock to which this storefront is associated with. When you process orders from placed via this storefront, selected stock will be automatically offered for product stock update.'), 'type' => 'select', 'items' => $stocks), 'drop_out_of_stock' => array('name' => _w('Force drop out-of-stock products to the bottom of all lists'), 'description' => _w('When enabled, out-of-stock products will be automatically dropped to the bottom of every product list on this storefront, e.g. in product search results, category product filtering, and more.'), 'type' => 'checkbox'), 'ssl' => array('name' => _w('Use HTTPS for checkout and personal accounts'), 'description' => _w('Automatically redirect to secure https:// mode for checkout (/checkout/) and personal account (/my/) pages of your online storefront. Make sure you have valid SSL certificate installed for this domain name before enabling this option.'), 'type' => 'checkbox')), 'vars' => array('category.html' => array('$' => '', '$' => '', '$category.parent_id' => '', '$category.description' => ''), 'index.html' => array('$content' => _w('Core content loaded according to the requested resource: product, category, search results, static page, etc.')), 'product.html' => array('$' => _w('Product id. Other elements of <em>$product</em> available in this template are listed below'), '$' => _w('Product name'), '$product.summary' => _w('Product summary (brief description)'), '$product.description' => _w('Product description'), '$product.rating' => _w('Product average rating (float, 0 to 5)'), '$product.skus' => _w('Array of product SKUs'), '$product.images' => _w('Array of product images'), '$product.categories' => _w('Array of product categories'), '$product.tags' => _w('Array of product tags'), '$product.pages' => _w('Array of product static info pages'), '$product.features' => _w('Array of product features and values'), '$reviews' => _w('Array of product reviews'), '$services' => _w('Array of services available for this product')), 'search.html' => array('$title' => ''), 'list-table.html' => array('$products' => array('$id' => '', '...' => _w('Available vars are listed in the cheat sheet for product.html template'))), 'list-thumbs.html' => array('$products' => array('$id' => '', '...' => _w('Available vars are listed in the cheat sheet for product.html template'))), '$wa' => array('$wa->shop->badgeHtml(<em>$product.code</em>)' => _w('Displays badge of the specified product (<em>$product</em> object)'), '$wa->shop->cart()' => _w('Returns current cart object'), '$wa->shop->categories(<em>$id = 0, $depth = null, $tree = false, $params = false, $route = null</em>)' => _w('Returns array of subcategories of the specified category. Omit parent category for the entire array of categories'), '$wa->shop->category(<em>$category_id</em>)' => _w('Returns category object by <em>$category_id</em>'), '<em>$category</em>.params()' => _w('Array of custom category parameters'), '$wa->shop->compare()' => _w('Returns array of products currently added into a comparison list'), '$wa->shop->crossSelling(<em>$product_id</em>, <em>$limit = 5</em>, <em>$available_only = false</em>)' => _w('Returns array of cross-sell products.<em>$product_id</em> can be either a number (ID of the specified base product) or an array of products IDs') . '. ' . _w('Setting <em>$available_only = true</em> will automatically exclude all out-of-stock products from the return'), '$wa->shop->currency()' => _w('Returns current currency object'), '$wa->shop->product(<em>$product_id</em>)' => _w('Returns product object by <em>$product_id</em>') . '<br><br> ' . '$product-><strong>productUrl()</strong>: ' . _w('Returns valid product page URL') . '<br>' . '$product-><strong>upSelling</strong>(<em>$limit = 5</em>, <em>$available_only = false</em>):' . _w('Returns array of upsell products for the specified product') . '. ' . _w('Setting <em>$available_only = true</em> will automatically exclude all out-of-stock products from the return') . '<br>' . '$product-><strong>crossSelling</strong>(<em>$limit = 5</em>, <em>$available_only = false</em>):' . _w('Returns array of upsell products for the specified product') . '. ' . _w('Setting <em>$available_only = true</em> will automatically exclude all out-of-stock products from the return') . '<br><br>' . '$product.<strong>id</strong>: ' . _w('Product id. Other elements of <em>$product</em> available in this template are listed below') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>name</strong>: ' . _w('Product name') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>description</strong>: ' . _w('Product summary (brief description)') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>rating</strong>: ' . _w('Product average rating (float, 0 to 5)') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>skus</strong>: ' . _w('Array of product SKUs') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>images</strong>: ' . _w('Array of product images') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>categories</strong>: ' . _w('Array of product categories') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>tags</strong>: ' . _w('Array of product tags') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>pages</strong>: ' . _w('Array of product static info pages') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>features</strong>: ' . _w('Array of product features and values') . '<br>', '$wa->shop->productImgHtml($product, $size, $attributes = array())' => _w('Displays specified $product object’s default image'), '$wa->shop->productImgUrl($product, $size)' => _w('Returns specified $product default image URL'), '$wa->shop->products(<em>search_conditions</em>[,<em>offset</em>[, <em>limit</em>[, <em>options</em>]]])' => _w('Returns array of products by search criteria, e.g. <em>"tag/new"</em>, <em>"category/12"</em>, <em>"id/1,5,7"</em>, <em>"set/1"</em>, or <em>"*"</em> for all products list.') . ' ' . _w('Optional <em>options</em> parameter indicates additional product options, e.g. <em>["params" => 1]</em> to include product custom parameter values into the output.'), '$wa->shop->productsCount(<em>search_conditions</em>)' => _w('Returns number of products matching specified search conditions, e.g. <em>"tag/new"</em>, <em>"category/12"</em>, <em>"id/1,5,7"</em>, <em>"set/1"</em>, or <em>"*"</em> for all products list.'), '$wa->shop->productSet(<em>set_id</em>)' => _w('Returns array of products from the specified set.') . ' ' . _w('Optional <em>options</em> parameter indicates additional product options, e.g. <em>["params" => 1]</em> to include product custom parameter values into the output.'), '$wa->shop->ratingHtml(<em>$rating, $size = 10, $show_when_zero = false</em>)' => _w('Displays 1—5 stars rating. $size indicates icon size and can be either 10 or 16'), '$wa->shop->settings("<em>option_id</em>")' => _w('Returns store’s general setting option by <em>option_id</em>, e.g. "name", "email", "country"'), '$wa->shop->themePath("<em>theme_id</em>")' => _ws('Returns path to theme folder by <em>theme_id</em>'))), 'blocks' => array());
public function execute() { $this->setLayout(new shopFrontendLayout()); if ($this->params) { $product = $this->params; } else { $product_model = new shopProductModel(); $product = $product_model->getByField('url', waRequest::param('product_url')); } if (!$product) { throw new waException(_w('Product not found'), 404); } if ($types = waRequest::param('type_id')) { if (!in_array($product['type_id'], (array) $types)) { throw new waException(_w('Product not found'), 404); } } $is_cart = waRequest::get('cart'); if ($is_cart) { $this->setLayout(null); } $product = new shopProduct($product); if (!$is_cart) { $this->getBreadcrumbs($product); } // check url $product['num'] = 141; if ($product['url'] !== urldecode(waRequest::param('product_url'))) { $url_params = array('product_url' => $product['url']); if ($product['category_id']) { $url_params['category_url'] = $product['category_url']; } $q = waRequest::server('QUERY_STRING'); $this->redirect(wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/product', $url_params) . ($q ? '?' . $q : ''), 301); } $this->prepareProduct($product); $this->addCanonical(); // get services $type_services_model = new shopTypeServicesModel(); $services = $type_services_model->getServiceIds($product['type_id']); $service_model = new shopServiceModel(); $product_services_model = new shopProductServicesModel(); $services = array_merge($services, $product_services_model->getServiceIds($product['id'])); $services = array_unique($services); $services = $service_model->getById($services); $variants_model = new shopServiceVariantsModel(); $rows = $variants_model->getByField('service_id', array_keys($services), true); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!$row['price']) { $row['price'] = $services[$row['service_id']]['price']; } $services[$row['service_id']]['variants'][$row['id']] = $row; } $rows = $product_services_model->getByField('product_id', $product['id'], true); $skus_services = array(); foreach ($product['skus'] as $sku) { $skus_services[$sku['id']] = array(); } foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!$row['sku_id']) { // remove disabled services and variantsimg if (!$row['status']) { unset($services[$row['service_id']]['variants'][$row['service_variant_id']]); } elseif ($row['price'] !== null) { // update price $services[$row['service_id']]['variants'][$row['service_variant_id']]['price'] = $row['price']; } if ($row['status'] == shopProductServicesModel::STATUS_DEFAULT) { // update default $services[$row['service_id']]['variant_id'] = $row['service_variant_id']; } } else { if (!$row['status']) { $skus_services[$row['sku_id']][$row['service_id']][$row['service_variant_id']] = false; } else { $skus_services[$row['sku_id']][$row['service_id']][$row['service_variant_id']] = $row['price']; } } } foreach ($skus_services as $sku_id => &$sku_services) { $sku_price = $product['skus'][$sku_id]['price']; foreach ($services as $service_id => $service) { if (isset($sku_services[$service_id])) { if ($sku_services[$service_id]) { foreach ($service['variants'] as $v) { if (!isset($sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']]) || $sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']] === null) { $sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']] = array($v['name'], $this->getPrice($v['price'], $service['currency'], $sku_price, $product['currency'])); } elseif ($sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']]) { $sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']] = array($v['name'], $this->getPrice($sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']], $service['currency'], $sku_price, $product['currency'])); } } } } else { foreach ($service['variants'] as $v) { $sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']] = array($v['name'], $this->getPrice($v['price'], $service['currency'], $sku_price, $product['currency'])); } } } } unset($sku_services); // disable service if all variants disabled foreach ($skus_services as $sku_id => $sku_services) { foreach ($sku_services as $service_id => $service) { if (is_array($service)) { $disabled = true; foreach ($service as $v) { if ($v !== false) { $disabled = false; break; } } if ($disabled) { $skus_services[$sku_id][$service_id] = false; } } } } foreach ($services as $s_id => &$s) { if (!$s['variants']) { unset($services[$s_id]); continue; } if ($s['currency'] == '%') { foreach ($s['variants'] as $v_id => $v) { $s['variants'][$v_id]['price'] = $v['price'] * $product['skus'][$product['sku_id']]['price'] / 100; } $s['currency'] = $product['currency']; } if (count($s['variants']) == 1) { $v = reset($s['variants']); if ($v['name']) { $s['name'] .= ' ' . $v['name']; } $s['variant_id'] = $v['id']; $s['price'] = $v['price']; unset($s['variants']); foreach ($skus_services as $sku_id => $sku_services) { if (isset($sku_services[$s_id]) && isset($sku_services[$s_id][$v['id']])) { $skus_services[$sku_id][$s_id] = $sku_services[$s_id][$v['id']][1]; } } } } unset($s); uasort($services, array('shopServiceModel', 'sortServices')); $this->view->assign('sku_services', $skus_services); $this->view->assign('services', $services); $compare = waRequest::cookie('shop_compare', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT); $this->view->assign('compare', in_array($product['id'], $compare) ? $compare : array()); if (!$is_cart) { $this->view->assign('reviews', $this->getTopReviews($product['id'])); $this->view->assign('rates', $this->reviews_model->getProductRates($product['id'])); $this->view->assign('reviews_total_count', $this->getReviewsTotalCount($product['id'])); $meta_fields = $this->getMetafields($product); $title = $meta_fields['meta_title'] ? $meta_fields['meta_title'] : $product['name']; wa()->getResponse()->setTitle($title); wa()->getResponse()->setMeta('keywords', $meta_fields['meta_keywords']); wa()->getResponse()->setMeta('description', $meta_fields['meta_description']); $feature_codes = array_keys($product->features); $feature_model = new shopFeatureModel(); $features = $feature_model->getByCode($feature_codes); $this->view->assign('features', $features); } $this->view->assign('currency_info', $this->getCurrencyInfo()); /** * @event frontend_product * @param shopProduct $product * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['menu'] html output * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['cart'] html output * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['block_aux'] html output * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['block'] html output */ $this->view->assign('frontend_product', wa()->event('frontend_product', $product, array('menu', 'cart', 'block_aux', 'block'))); $sku_stocks = array(); foreach ($product->skus as $sku) { $sku_stocks[$sku_id] = array($sku['count'], $sku['stock']); } $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $this->view->assign('stocks', $stock_model->getAll('id')); $duble = db_query("SELECT * FROM shop_product where id=" . $product['id']); $dubles = mysql_fetch_assoc($duble); $dubles_sku = db_query("SELECT * FROM shop_product_skus where product_id=" . $product['id'] . " and id=" . $dubles['sku_id']); $dubl_sku = mysql_fetch_assoc($dubles_sku); $dubles_prod = db_query("SELECT * FROM shop_product_skus where product_id!=" . $product['id'] . " and sku='" . $dubl_sku['sku'] . "' Group by product_id"); while ($dubl_product = mysql_fetch_array($dubles_prod)) { $dubles_img_pr = db_query("SELECT * FROM shop_product p, shop_product_images img where" . $dubl_product['product_id'] . " and img.product_id=" . $dubl_product['product_id'] . ""); $dubles_img = mysql_fetch_assoc($dubles_img_pr); if ($dubles_img['status'] != 0) { $koldz = substr($dubles_img['product_id'], -2, 2); $kolds = str_replace($koldz, '', $dubles_img['product_id']); if (preg_match_all("#\\d#", $kolds) < 2) { $kolds = '0' . $kolds; } if ($kolds == 0) { $kolds = '00'; } $alt_test = db_query("SELECT * FROM shop_product_features_selectable where feature_id=12 and product_id=" . $dubles_img['product_id'] . ""); $alt_t = mysql_fetch_assoc($alt_test); $alt_value = db_query("SELECT * FROM shop_feature_values_color where id=" . $alt_t['value_id'] . ""); $alt = mysql_fetch_assoc($alt_value); $dubl_p = $dubl_p . ' <a class="duble_prod" href="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/index.php/' . $dubles_img['url'] . '" > <img alt="' . $alt['value'] . '" title="' . $alt['value'] . '" style="width:50px" src="/wa-data/public/shop/products/' . $koldz . '/' . $kolds . '/' . $dubles_img['product_id'] . '/images/' . $dubles_img['id'] . '/' . $dubles_img['id'] . '.96x96.jpg"/></a>'; $dubl_p2 = $dubl_p2 . '<a onclick="doubl(' . $dubles_img['product_id'] . ')" class="duble_prod" > <img alt="' . $alt['value'] . '" title="' . $alt['value'] . '" style="width:50px" src="/wa-data/public/shop/products/' . $koldz . '/' . $kolds . '/' . $dubles_img['product_id'] . '/images/' . $dubles_img['id'] . '/' . $dubles_img['id'] . '.96x96.jpg"/></a>'; } $dubl_p = $dubl_p; $dubl_p2 = $dubl_p2; } $this->view->assign('duble', $dubl_p); $this->view->assign('duble2', $dubl_p2); $this->view->assign('duble_list', $dubl_p); $product['num'] = $_GET['num']; $this->view->assign('numis', $_GET['num']); $this->setThemeTemplate($is_cart ? 'product.cart.html' : 'product.html'); }
public function execute($data = null) { if (wa()->getEnv() == 'frontend') { // Now we are in frontend, so fill stock_id for items. Stock_id get from storefront-settings // But: // - some skus may have not any stock // - stock_id from storefront isn't setted (empty) $sku_ids = array(); foreach ($data['items'] as $item) { if ($item['type'] == 'product') { $sku_ids[] = (int) $item['sku_id']; } } $product_stocks_model = new shopProductStocksModel(); $sku_ids = $product_stocks_model->filterSkusByNoStocks($sku_ids); $sku_ids_map = array_fill_keys($sku_ids, true); // storefront stock-id $stock_id = waRequest::param('stock_id'); $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); if (!$stock_id || !$stock_model->stockExists($stock_id)) { $stock_id = $stock_model->select('id')->order('sort')->limit(1)->fetchField(); } foreach ($data['items'] as &$item) { if ($item['type'] == 'product') { if (!isset($sku_ids_map[$item['sku_id']])) { // have stocks $item['stock_id'] = $stock_id; } } } } $currency = wa()->getConfig()->getCurrency(false); $rate_model = new shopCurrencyModel(); $row = $rate_model->getById($currency); $rate = $row['rate']; // Save contact if (isset($data['contact'])) { if (is_numeric($data['contact'])) { $contact = new waContact($data['contact']); } else { /** * @var waContact $contact */ $contact = $data['contact']; if (!$contact->getId()) { $contact->save(); // if user has been created if ($contact['password']) { $signup_action = new shopSignupAction(); $signup_action->send($contact); } } } } else { $data['contact'] = $contact = wa()->getUser(); } $subtotal = 0; foreach ($data['items'] as &$item) { if ($currency != $item['currency']) { $item['price'] = shop_currency($item['price'], $item['currency'], null, false); if (!empty($item['purchase_price'])) { $item['purchase_price'] = shop_currency($item['purchase_price'], $item['currency'], null, false); } $item['currency'] = $currency; } $subtotal += $item['price'] * $item['quantity']; } unset($item); if ($data['discount'] === '') { $data['total'] = $subtotal; $data['discount'] = shopDiscounts::apply($data); } $shipping_address = $contact->getFirst('address.shipping'); if (!$shipping_address) { $shipping_address = $contact->getFirst('address'); } $billing_address = $contact->getFirst('address.billing'); if (!$billing_address) { $billing_address = $contact->getFirst('address'); } $discount_rate = $subtotal ? $data['discount'] / $subtotal : 0; $taxes = shopTaxes::apply($data['items'], array('shipping' => isset($shipping_address['data']) ? $shipping_address['data'] : array(), 'billing' => isset($billing_address['data']) ? $billing_address['data'] : array(), 'discount_rate' => $discount_rate)); $tax = $tax_included = 0; foreach ($taxes as $t) { if (isset($t['sum'])) { $tax += $t['sum']; } if (isset($t['sum_included'])) { $tax_included += $t['sum_included']; } } $order = array('state_id' => 'new', 'total' => $subtotal - $data['discount'] + $data['shipping'] + $tax, 'currency' => $currency, 'rate' => $rate, 'tax' => $tax_included + $tax, 'discount' => $data['discount'], 'shipping' => $data['shipping'], 'comment' => isset($data['comment']) ? $data['comment'] : ''); $order['contact_id'] = $contact->getId(); // Add contact to 'shop' category $contact->addToCategory('shop'); // Save order $order_model = new shopOrderModel(); $order_id = $order_model->insert($order); // Create record in shop_customer, or update existing record $scm = new shopCustomerModel(); $scm->updateFromNewOrder($order['contact_id'], $order_id); // save items $items_model = new shopOrderItemsModel(); $parent_id = null; foreach ($data['items'] as $item) { $item['order_id'] = $order_id; if ($item['type'] == 'product') { $parent_id = $items_model->insert($item); } elseif ($item['type'] == 'service') { $item['parent_id'] = $parent_id; $items_model->insert($item); } } // Order params if (empty($data['params'])) { $data['params'] = array(); } $data['params']['auth_code'] = self::generateAuthCode($order_id); $data['params']['auth_pin'] = self::generateAuthPin(); // Save params $params_model = new shopOrderParamsModel(); $params_model->set($order_id, $data['params']); $log_model = new waLogModel(); $log_model->add('order_create', $order_id, null, $order['contact_id']); return array('order_id' => $order_id, 'contact_id' => wa()->getEnv() == 'frontend' ? $contact->getId() : wa()->getUser()->getId()); }
/** * Returns HTML code of stock icon (normal, low, critical). * * @param int|null $count SKU stock count; if not specified, normal icon is returned * @param int|null $stock_id Id of stock whose limit settings must be taken into account; if not specified, default values 5 and 2 are used * @param bool $include_text Whether text '*** items left' must be added to icon * @return string */ public static function getStockCountIcon($count, $stock_id = null, $include_text = false) { static $stocks = array(); if (!$stocks) { $model = new shopStockModel(); $stocks = $model->getAll('id'); } if ($count === null) { $icon = "<i class='icon10 status-green' title='" . _w("In stock") . "'></i>"; } else { if (!$stock_id || empty($stocks[$stock_id])) { $bounds = array('critical_count' => shopStockModel::CRITICAL_DEFAULT, 'low_count' => shopStockModel::LOW_DEFAULT); } else { $bounds = $stocks[$stock_id]; } if ($count <= $bounds['critical_count']) { $icon = "<i class='icon10 status-red' title='" . _w("Out of stock") . "'></i>"; $warn = 's-stock-warning-none'; } elseif ($count > $bounds['critical_count'] && $count <= $bounds['low_count']) { $icon = "<i class='icon10 status-yellow' title='" . _w("Low stock") . "'></i>"; $warn = 's-stock-warning-low'; } else { $icon = "<i class='icon10 status-green' title='" . _w("In stock") . "'></i>"; $warn = ''; } if ($count !== null && $include_text) { $icon .= "<span class='small {$warn}'>{$count} left</span>"; } } return $icon; }
private function workupList(&$list, $fields) { if (!$list) { return; } foreach ($list as &$v) { $v['icon'] = shopProductStocksLogModel::getIcon($v['type']); if (!$v['description']) { if ($v['after_count'] === null) { $v['description'] = _w('In stock value updated to ∞'); } else { $v['description'] = sprintf(_w('In stock value updated to %d'), $v['after_count']); } } else { if ($v['type'] == self::TYPE_ORDER) { $v['description'] = sprintf(_w($v['description']), '<a href="?action=orders#/order/' . $v['order_id'] . '/">' . shopHelper::encodeOrderId($v['order_id']) . '</a>'); } } } unset($v); $stock_ids = array(); foreach ($list as $v) { $stock_ids[] = $v['stock_id']; } $model = new shopStockModel(); $stocks = $model->getByField('id', array_unique($stock_ids), 'id'); foreach ($list as &$v) { if (isset($stocks[$v['stock_id']])) { $v['stock_name'] = $stocks[$v['stock_id']]['name']; } } unset($v); foreach ($fields as $f) { if ($f == 'sku_name') { $sku_ids = array(); foreach ($list as $v) { $sku_ids[] = $v['sku_id']; } $model = new shopProductSkusModel(); $skus = $model->select('id,sku,name')->where("id IN(" . implode(',', array_unique($sku_ids)) . ")")->fetchAll('id'); foreach ($list as &$v) { if (isset($skus[$v['sku_id']])) { $v['sku_name'] = $skus[$v['sku_id']]['name']; if ($v['sku_name']) { if ($skus[$v['sku_id']]['sku']) { $v['sku_name'] .= ' (' . $skus[$v['sku_id']]['sku'] . ')'; } } else { if ($skus[$v['sku_id']]['sku']) { $v['sku_name'] = $skus[$v['sku_id']]['sku']; } } } } unset($v); } if ($f == 'product_name') { $product_ids = array(); foreach ($list as $v) { $product_ids[] = $v['product_id']; } $model = new shopProductModel(); $products = $model->select('id,name')->where("id IN (" . implode(',', array_unique($product_ids)) . ")")->fetchAll('id'); foreach ($list as &$v) { if (isset($products[$v['product_id']])) { $v['product_name'] = $products[$v['product_id']]['name']; } } unset($v); } } }
<?php $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $n = $stock_model->countAll(); if ($n > 0) { // repair invariant: all N stocks exists, but sku_cout IS NULL $sql = "\n UPDATE shop_product_skus s JOIN ( \n SELECT, SUM(st.count) cnt\n FROM shop_product_skus sk\n JOIN shop_product_stocks st ON = st.sku_id\n WHERE sk.count IS NULL\n GROUP BY\n HAVING COUNT( * ) = {$n}\n ) AS t ON =\n SET s.count = t.cnt"; $stock_model->exec($sql); $product_model = new shopProductModel(); $product_model->correctCount(); }
public function execute() { $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $this->response = $stock_model->getAll(); $this->response['_element'] = 'stock'; }
/** * Get aggregated data about placing products(skus) in stocks * * @see getProductStocks * * @param int|array $product_id * @param string $order * @return array */ public function getProductStocksByProductId($product_id, $order = 'desc') { if (!$product_id) { return array(); } $product_ids = (array) $product_id; $product_ids_str = implode(',', $product_ids); $order = $order == 'desc' || $order == 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; // necessary models $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $product_images_model = new shopProductImagesModel(); // stock ids of items ordered by sort $stock_ids = array_keys($stock_model->getAll('id')); // get products $sql = "\n SELECT id, name, count, image_id\n FROM {$this->table}\n WHERE id IN ( {$product_ids_str} )\n ORDER BY count {$order}\n "; $data = array(); $image_ids = array(); foreach ($this->query($sql) as $item) { $data[$item['id']] = array('id' => $item['id'], 'name' => $item['name'], 'url_crop_small' => null, 'count' => $item['count'], 'skus' => array(), 'stocks' => array()); if ($item['image_id'] != null) { $image_ids[] = $item['image_id']; } } if (!$data) { return array(); } $product_ids = array_keys($data); $product_ids_str = implode(',', $product_ids); $images = $product_images_model->getByField('id', $image_ids, 'product_id'); $size = wa()->getConfig()->getImageSize('crop_small'); // get for skus number of stocks in which it presents $sql = "\n SELECT, COUNT( num_of_stocks\n FROM shop_product_skus sk\n JOIN shop_product_stocks st ON = st.sku_id\n WHERE sk.product_id IN ( {$product_ids_str} )\n GROUP BY\n "; $num_of_stocks = $this->query($sql)->fetchAll('id', true); // get info about skus and stocks $sql = "SELECT\n sk.product_id,\n AS sku_id,\n AS sku_name,\n sk.count,\n\n pst.stock_id,\n pst.count AS stock_count\n FROM shop_product_skus sk\n LEFT JOIN shop_product_stocks pst ON pst.sku_id =\n WHERE sk.product_id IN ( {$product_ids_str} )\n ORDER BY sk.product_id, sk.count {$order},"; $stocks_count = count($stock_ids); // temporary aggragating info about stocks $sku_stocks = array(); if ($stocks_count) { $sku_stocks = array_fill(0, $stocks_count, array()); } $sku_id = 0; $product_id = 0; $p_product = null; foreach ($this->query($sql) as $item) { // another product if ($product_id != $item['product_id']) { $product_id = $item['product_id']; $p_product =& $data[$product_id]; if (isset($images[$product_id])) { $p_product['url_crop_small'] = shopImage::getUrl($images[$product_id], $size); } } // another sku if ($sku_id != $item['sku_id']) { $sku_id = $item['sku_id']; $p_product['skus'][$sku_id] = array('id' => $sku_id, 'name' => $item['sku_name'], 'count' => $item['count'], 'num_of_stocks' => isset($num_of_stocks[$sku_id]) ? $num_of_stocks[$sku_id] : 0); } // aggregate info about stocks if ($item['stock_id'] !== null) { $sku_stocks[$item['stock_id']][$sku_id] = $item['stock_count']; } } // lay out stocks info if (!empty($sku_stocks)) { foreach ($data as &$product) { foreach ($stock_ids as $stock_id) { foreach ($product['skus'] as $sku_id => $sku) { $product['stocks'][$stock_id][$sku_id] = array('id' => $sku_id, 'name' => $sku['name'], 'count' => isset($sku_stocks[$stock_id][$sku_id]) ? $sku_stocks[$stock_id][$sku_id] : null, 'num_of_stocks' => $sku['num_of_stocks']); } } } unset($product); } return $data; }