예제 #1
 public function executeDisown(sfWebRequest $request)
     $this->forward404Unless($ei_device = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiDeviceUser')->find(array($request->getUrlParameter('device_id'))), sprintf('Object device does not exist (%s).', $request->getUrlParameter('device_id')));
     $this->getUser()->setFlash('alert_form', array('title' => 'Success', 'class' => 'alert-success', 'text' => 'Well done ...'));
예제 #2
 public function executeNewWithAsso(sfWebRequest $request)
     $table = AssoTable::getInstance();
     $this->redirectUnless($this->asso = $table->retrieveAsso($table->getOneByLogin($request->getUrlParameter('login1', ''))), 'avances');
     $this->redirectUnless($this->asso1 = $table->retrieveAsso($table->getOneByLogin($request->getUrlParameter('login2', ''))), 'avances_new', $this->asso);
     $avance = new AvanceTreso();
     $avance->Emetteur = $this->asso;
     $avance->Asso = $this->asso1;
     $this->form = new AvanceTresoForm($avance);
     $this->getResponse()->setSlot('current_asso', $this->asso);
예제 #3
  public function executeDuplicate(sfWebRequest $request)

    // get class
      $this->class_id = $request->getUrlParameter('class_id'));
      $this->class = Doctrine::getTable('dsClass')->findOneById($this->class_id));

    // $this->checkParameters($request);

    // $this->save = null;

    // $this->class = new dsClass();

    // Deal with the request
    if ($request->isMethod('post'))
    // GET REQUEST - 1 start process

    // NEW FORM

    // new person obj.

    $class = new dsClass();

    - name
    - dance
    - descri
    - teacher lead - follow
    - level from - to
    - studio
    - weekday
    - LEER: date from - to 
    - zeit
    - kursbeitrag

    $person->firstname  = $this->row['firstname'];
    $person->lastname   = $this->row['lastname'];
    $person->email      = $this->row['email'];
    $person->gender     = ($this->role == 'leader') ? 'male' : 'female';
    $person->is_student  = $this->row['student'];

    // create form

    $this->form = new classForm($person);

    $this->classid =  $this->class_id;

예제 #4
 public function executeFormNew(sfWebRequest $request)
     $this->idSalle = $request->getUrlParameter("id", -1);
     $this->userIdentified = false;
     if ($this->getUser()->isAuthenticated()) {
         $this->userIdentified = true;
         $this->UserID = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getId();
         // création du tableua à passer au constructeur du formulaire de réservation
         $values = array('UserID' => $this->UserID, 'idSalle' => $this->idSalle);
         $this->form = new ReservationForm(array(), $values);
         // TO DO : Voir si la salle appartient au BDE ou non et en fonction donner possiblité de rentrer une asso ou non.
         $PoleId = SalleTable::getInstance()->getSalleById($this->idSalle)->fetchOne()->getIdPole();
         if ($PoleId == 1) {
             $this->form->getWidget('id_asso')->setOption('add_empty', true);
         // valeur par défaut pour les champs cachés.
         $this->form->setDefault('id_salle', $this->idSalle);
         $this->form->setDefault('id_user_reserve', $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getId());
         $this->form->setDefault('estvalide', 0);
         // A VOIR si 2 semaines avant ou pas
         $this->ok = false;
         $this->afficherErreur = false;
예제 #5
 public function getUrlParameter($name, $default = null, $isStripNullbyte = true)
     if ($isStripNullbyte) {
         return opToolkit::stripNullByteDeep(parent::getUrlParameter($name, $default));
     } else {
         return parent::getUrlParameter($name, $default);
예제 #6
  * Demande de reseed
 public function executeReseed(sfWebRequest $r)
     // On récupère le titre et les complétés du torrent
     $t = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('t.titre, c.mid, c.reste')->from('Torrent t')->leftJoin('t.TorrentsConnectes c')->where('t.hash = ?', $r->getUrlParameter("hash"))->useQueryCache(true)->setQueryCacheLifeSpan(3600 * 24)->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     if (count($t) === 0) {
     // On crée le MP
     $s = new MpSujet();
     $s->setMpSujet($this->getContext()->getI18N()->__("Reseed.") . " : " . $t[0]['titre']);
     // On crée le contenu du message
     $c = new MpMsg();
     $c->setMpDate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     $c->setMpTxt("Bonjour. Je demande le reseed d'un torrent que vous posséder : " . $t[0]['titre'] . ". Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît reprendre le partage ? Merci d'avance. " . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('username'));
     // On ajoute les participants ('d'abord, soi-même')
     $p = new MpParticipants();
     // Puis chaque connecté
     foreach ($t[0]['TorrentsConnectes'] as $pp) {
         // ... qui a fini le fichier
         if ($pp['reste'] == 0) {
             $p = new MpParticipants();
     // On redirige et basta
     $this->getUser()->setFlash("notice", $this->getContext()->getI18N()->__("Your reseed request has been sent. Keep an eye on your private messages."));
예제 #7
  * Editer une news
 public function executeEdit(sfWebRequest $r)
     // On récupère la news
     $n = Doctrine::getTable("News")->find($r->getUrlParameter("id"));
     // On charge le formulaire
     $this->form = $form = new NewsForm($n);
     $this->id = $r->getUrlParameter("id");
     // Si on a posté
     if ($r->isMethod('post')) {
         // Si le formulaire est valide
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             // On sauvegarde
             // Reset cache
             if ($cache = $this->getContext()->getViewCacheManager()) {
             // On confirme
             $this->getUser()->setFlash("notice", $this->getContext()->getI18N()->__("Changes are saved successfully."));
             // On redirige
예제 #8
  public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)

    $dto = new DateTime();

    if ($this->year = $request->getUrlParameter('year'))
          $this->getContext()->getRouting()->setDefaultParameter('year', $this->year);

        if ($this->week = $request->getUrlParameter('week'))
          $this->getContext()->getRouting()->setDefaultParameter('week', $this->week);
        } else {
          $this->week = 1;

      } else {
        $this->year = date("Y");
        $this->week = date("W");

    $dto->setISODate($this->year, $this->week, 1);

    $this->date_start = $dto;
    $this->classTable = Doctrine_Core::getTable('dsClass');

    $this->dances = Doctrine_Core::getTable('dsDance')->findAll();

예제 #9
 public function executeEdit(sfWebRequest $r)
     $q = Doctrine::getTable("MsgMessages")->find($r->getUrlParameter("mid"));
     if ($this->getUser()->hasCredential("adm") || $this->getUser()->hasCredential("mod") || $this->getUser()->getAttribute("id") == $q->getAuthor()) {
         return $this->renderText("ok");
     } else {
         return $this->renderText("Can't edit");
예제 #10
 public function executeShow(sfWebRequest $request)
     $id = $request->getUrlParameter("id", -1);
     if ($id == -1) {
     $this->reservation = ReservationTable::getInstance()->getReservationById($id)->fetchOne();
예제 #11
  * Supprimer un sondage
 public function executeSupprimer(sfWebRequest $r)
     $s = Doctrine::getTable("SdgQuestions")->find($r->getUrlParameter("id"))->delete();
     $this->getUser()->setFlash("notice", $this->getContext()->getI18N()->__("The poll has been deleted."));
예제 #12
 public function executeStats(sfWebRequest $request)
     $petition = PetitionTable::getInstance()->findById($request->getParameter('id'), $this->userIsAdmin());
     /* @var $petition Petition */
     if (!$petition) {
         return $this->notFound();
     if (!$petition->isEditableBy($this->getGuardUser())) {
         return $this->noAccess();
     if ($petition->getKind() != Petition::KIND_PLEDGE) {
         return $this->noAccess();
     if ($petition->getMailingListId()) {
         $mailing_list = $petition->getMailingList();
         $filter_form = new FilterContactForm();
         $filter_form->bindSelf('p' . $petition->getId());
         $page = $request->getUrlParameter('page');
         if ($page < 1) {
             $page = 1;
         $contact_table = ContactTable::getInstance();
         $contacts = new policatPager($filter_form->filter($contact_table->queryByTargetList($mailing_list, $petition)), $page, 'pledge_stats_pager', array('id' => $petition->getId()), true, 20);
         $active_pledge_item_ids = $petition->getActivePledgeItemIds();
         $pledges = PledgeTable::getInstance()->getPledgesForContacts($contacts->getResults(), $active_pledge_item_ids);
         $pledge_items = PledgeItemTable::getInstance()->fetchByIds($active_pledge_item_ids);
         if ($request->getUrlParameter('page')) {
             return $this->ajax()->replaceWithPartial('#contacts', 'contacts', array('contacts' => $contacts, 'petition_id' => $petition->getId(), 'active_pledge_item_ids' => $active_pledge_item_ids, 'pledges' => $pledges, 'pledge_items' => $pledge_items))->tooltip('#contacts .add_tooltip')->render();
         $this->form = $filter_form;
         $this->petition = $petition;
         $this->contacts = $contacts;
         $this->no_target_list = false;
         $this->active_pledge_item_ids = $active_pledge_item_ids;
         $this->pledges = $pledges;
         $this->pledge_items = $pledge_items;
     } else {
         $this->no_target_list = true;
예제 #13
  public function executeAttendanceToggle(sfWebRequest $request)

    // get lesson
      $this->lesson_id = $request->getUrlParameter('lesson_id'));
      $this->lesson = Doctrine::getTable('dsLesson')->findOneById($this->lesson_id));

    // find attendance record
    $this->attendance = Doctrine::getTable('dsLessonStudent')
        ->findByEnrolmentAndLesson($this->enrolment->id, $this->lesson->id);

    // change


    // redirect to list
      sprintf('Die Anwesenheits-Änderung von %s für die Lektion vom %s wurde gespeichert.',

      'danceTrack_attendance', array(
        'id' => $this->enrolment->getClass()->id,
        'dance_slug' => $this->enrolment->getClass()->getDance()->slug

    #$this->class = $this->enrolment->getClass();
    #$this->lessons = $this->class->getLessons();

예제 #14
  * Showing a shout (eg comments...)
 public function executeShow(sfWebRequest $r)
     $a = array();
     // Getting selected shout
     $s = Doctrine::getTable("Shoutbox")->find($r->getUrlParameter("id"));
     // If not found, 404
     // Loading form
     $f = new ShoutboxComsForm();
     $f->setDefault('shtid', $s->getId());
     // If comment is posted
     if ($r->isMethod('post')) {
         if ($f->isValid()) {
             $c = $f->save();
     // If there is a link in the text (user specified, not system)
     if (preg_match("#((http|https|ftp)://(\\S*?\\.\\S*?))(\\s|\\;|\\)|\\]|\\[|\\{|\\}|,|\"|'|:|\\<|\$|\\.\\s)#ie", $s->getDescription(), $match)) {
         $a['frame'] = $this->getTab("Link", "world.png", '<div style="text-align: center;margin-bottom: 5px">
         <a href="' . $match[0] . '" class="btn btn-primary" target="_blank">
           <i class="icon-white icon-share"></i>
           ' . sfContext::getInstance()->getI18n()->__('Open in a new tab') . '
       <iframe style="width: 100%;height: 700px;border: none" src="' . $match[0] . '"></iframe>');
     // Comments
     $this->coms = Doctrine::getTable("MsgMessages")->getComments("sht", $s->getId());
     $a['coms'] = $this->getTab("Comments", "comments.png", $this->coms->toArray());
     $a["new"] = $this->getTab("Add comment", "comment_add.png", $this->getComponent('messages', 'new', array("form" => $f, "submitUrl" => "#")));
     if ($s->getAuthor() == $this->getUser()->getAttribute("id") || $this->getUser()->hasCredential("adm") || $this->getUser()->hasCredential("mod")) {
         $a['delete'] = $this->getTab('Delete shout', 'delete.png', $this->getPartial($this->getModuleName() . '/delete', array("shtid" => $s->getId())));
     return $this->renderText(json_encode(array("right" => $a)));
예제 #15
  * Validation process
 public function executeValidation(sfWebRequest $r)
     // If key is sha1
     if (preg_match('#([0-9a-f]{40})#', $r->getUrlParameter("key"))) {
         // Fetching data from user account
         $k = Doctrine::getTable("Users")->find($r->getUrlParameter("id"));
         // If user doesn't exists
         // Already activated
         if ($k->getRole() != "val") {
             $this->getUser()->setFlash("error", $this->getContext()->getI18N()->__("Hey ! Your account is already activated, you don't remember ?"));
         } elseif ($k->getPid() != $r->getUrlParameter("key")) {
             $this->getUser()->setFlash("error", $this->getContext()->getI18N()->__("I'm sorry, but your validation key is not correct."));
         } else {
             // Setting user to member
             $u = Doctrine_Query::create()->update("Users")->set("role", '"mbr"')->where("id = ?", $r->getUrlParameter("id"))->execute();
             $this->getUser()->setFlash("notice", $this->getContext()->getI18N()->__("Account validated ! Log you in and let the show begin !"));
     } else {
     // Redirect to homepage
예제 #16
public function executePaymentToggle(sfWebRequest $request)

    # GET
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    // get enrolment
      $this->enrolment_id = $request->getUrlParameter('enrolment_id'));
      $this->enrolment = Doctrine::getTable('dsClassStudent')->findOneById($this->enrolment_id));

    // get status
    $this->status = $request->getUrlParameter('status');

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    // change

    if ($this->status == 0)
      $this->enrolment->setDatePaid( null );
    } else {
      $this->enrolment->setDatePaid( date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) );

    // redirect to list
      sprintf('Die Bezahlung von %s wurde gespeichert (%s).',
        ($this->status == 0) ? false : true

    $this->redirect = ($this->getUser()->getFlash('redirect')) ? 
      $this->getUser()->getFlash('redirect') : 

    $this->redirect( $this->redirect );

      'ds_class_students_account', array(
        'id' => $this->enrolment->getClass()->id
