예제 #1
  * Initializes this sfWebResponse.
  * @param sfContext A sfContext instance
  * @return boolean true, if initialization completes successfully, otherwise false
  * @throws <b>sfInitializationException</b> If an error occurs while initializing this Response
 public function initialize($context, $parameters = array())
     parent::initialize($context, $parameters);
     if ('HEAD' == $context->getRequest()->getMethodName()) {
     $this->statusTexts = array('100' => 'Continue', '101' => 'Switching Protocols', '200' => 'OK', '201' => 'Created', '202' => 'Accepted', '203' => 'Non-Authoritative Information', '204' => 'No Content', '205' => 'Reset Content', '206' => 'Partial Content', '300' => 'Multiple Choices', '301' => 'Moved Permanently', '302' => 'Found', '303' => 'See Other', '304' => 'Not Modified', '305' => 'Use Proxy', '306' => '(Unused)', '307' => 'Temporary Redirect', '400' => 'Bad Request', '401' => 'Unauthorized', '402' => 'Payment Required', '403' => 'Forbidden', '404' => 'Not Found', '405' => 'Method Not Allowed', '406' => 'Not Acceptable', '407' => 'Proxy Authentication Required', '408' => 'Request Timeout', '409' => 'Conflict', '410' => 'Gone', '411' => 'Length Required', '412' => 'Precondition Failed', '413' => 'Request Entity Too Large', '414' => 'Request-URI Too Long', '415' => 'Unsupported Media Type', '416' => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', '417' => 'Expectation Failed', '500' => 'Internal Server Error', '501' => 'Not Implemented', '502' => 'Bad Gateway', '503' => 'Service Unavailable', '504' => 'Gateway Timeout', '505' => 'HTTP Version Not Supported');
예제 #2
  * Initializes this sfWebResponse.
  * Available options:
  *  * charset:      The charset to use (utf-8 by default)
  *  * content_type: The content type (text/html by default)
  * @param  sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher  An sfEventDispatcher instance
  * @param  array             $options     An array of options
  * @return bool true, if initialization completes successfully, otherwise false
  * @throws <b>sfInitializationException</b> If an error occurs while initializing this sfResponse
  * @see sfResponse
 public function initialize(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $options = array())
     parent::initialize($dispatcher, $options);
     $this->javascripts = array_combine($this->positions, array_fill(0, count($this->positions), array()));
     $this->stylesheets = array_combine($this->positions, array_fill(0, count($this->positions), array()));
     if (!isset($this->options['charset'])) {
         $this->options['charset'] = 'utf-8';
     $this->options['content_type'] = $this->fixContentType(isset($this->options['content_type']) ? $this->options['content_type'] : 'text/html');