/** * Gets the partial specified for this result. */ public function getInternalPartial($module = 'sfLucene') { $model = $this->retrieveModel(); if ($model->get('partial')) { return $model->get('partial'); } return parent::getInternalPartial($module); }
/** * Gets a result instance for the result. */ protected function getInstance($result) { return sfLuceneResult::getInstance($result, $this->search); }
$mockresult->score = 0.425; $mockresult->id = 1; $t->diag('testing constructor'); try { $ex = $t->no_exception('__construct() accepts a valid result and valid sfLucene instance'); new sfLuceneResult($mockresult, $lucene); $ex->no(); } catch (Exception $e) { $ex->caught($e); } $mockresult->sfl_type = 'action'; $t->isa_ok(sfLuceneResult::getInstance($mockresult, $lucene), 'sfLuceneActionResult', '::getInstance() returns an instance of sfLuceneActionResult for "type" = action'); $mockresult->sfl_type = 'model'; $t->isa_ok(sfLuceneResult::getInstance($mockresult, $lucene), 'sfLuceneDoctrineResult', '::getInstance() returns an instance of sfLuceneModelResult for "type" = model'); $mockresult->sfl_type = 'regular'; $result = sfLuceneResult::getInstance($mockresult, $lucene); $t->isa_ok($result, 'sfLuceneResult', '::getInstance() returns an instance of sfLuceneResult for "type" = regular'); $t->diag('testing ->getSearch(), ->getResult()'); $t->is($result->getSearch(), $lucene, '->getSearch() returns the same instance of sfLucene as initialized with'); $t->is($result->getResult(), $mockresult, '->getResult() returns the same instace of the result as initialized with'); $t->diag('testing simple ->get*()'); $t->is($result->getScore(), 43, '->getScore() gets the percentage from decimal and rounds'); $t->is($result->getInternalPartial(), 'sfLucene/regularResult', '->getInternalPartial() returns the correct partial name'); $t->diag('testing dynamic ->getXXX()'); $mockresult->sequence = '123'; $t->is($result->getSequence(), '123', '->getXXX() returns property XXX on document'); $t->ok($result->hasSequence(), '->hasXXX() returns true if document has property XXX'); $mockresult->super_duper_man = 'Fabien Potencier'; $t->is($result->getSuperDuperMan(), 'Fabien Potencier', '->getXXX() returns property XXX for camel case'); $t->ok($result->hasSuperDuperMan(), '->hasXXX() returns if document has property XXX for camel case'); try {