public function authenticateUserRequest() { $authResult = $this->authenticateKey($this->request->getParameter('_key')); switch ($authResult) { case self::AUTH_FAIL_KEY: $this->response->setStatusCode(401); sfLoader::loadHelpers('Partial'); $partial = get_partial('global/401'); $this->response->setContent($partial); $this->response->setHttpHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Your request must include a query parameter named "_key" with a valid API key value. To obtain an API key, visit'); $this->response->sendHttpHeaders(); $this->response->sendContent(); throw new sfStopException(); break; case self::AUTH_FAIL_LIMIT: $this->response = sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse(); $this->response->setStatusCode(403); $user = Doctrine::getTable('ApiUser')->findOneByApiKey($this->request->getParameter('_key')); sfLoader::loadHelpers('Partial'); $partial = get_partial('global/403', array('request_limit' => $user->request_limit)); $this->response->setContent($partial); $this->response->sendHttpHeaders(); $this->response->sendContent(); throw new sfStopException(); break; case self::AUTH_SUCCESS: break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid return value from LsApi::autheticate()"); } }
function run_propel_init_admin($task, $args) { if (count($args) < 2) { throw new Exception('You must provide your module name.'); } if (count($args) < 3) { throw new Exception('You must provide your model class name.'); } $app = $args[0]; $module = $args[1]; $model_class = $args[2]; $theme = isset($args[3]) ? $args[3] : 'default'; try { $author_name = $task->get_property('author', 'symfony'); } catch (pakeException $e) { $author_name = 'Your name here'; } $constants = array('PROJECT_NAME' => $task->get_property('name', 'symfony'), 'APP_NAME' => $app, 'MODULE_NAME' => $module, 'MODEL_CLASS' => $model_class, 'AUTHOR_NAME' => $author_name, 'THEME' => $theme); $moduleDir = sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . '/' . sfConfig::get('sf_apps_dir_name') . '/' . $app . '/' . sfConfig::get('sf_app_module_dir_name') . '/' . $module; // create module structure $finder = pakeFinder::type('any')->ignore_version_control()->discard('.sf'); $dirs = sfLoader::getGeneratorSkeletonDirs('sfPropelAdmin', $theme); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { pake_mirror($finder, $dir, $moduleDir); break; } } // customize php and yml files $finder = pakeFinder::type('file')->ignore_version_control()->name('*.php', '*.yml'); pake_replace_tokens($finder, $moduleDir, '##', '##', $constants); }
protected function getCacheManifestFilesForConfig($config, $callback, $files = array()) { $context = $this->getContext(); // compatibility with symfony 1.0: if (method_exists($context, 'getConfiguration') && method_exists($context->getConfiguration(), 'loadHelpers')) { $context->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers('Asset'); } else { if (method_exists('sfLoader', 'loadHelpers')) { sfLoader::loadHelpers('Asset'); //maintain compatibility to symfony versions prior to 1.3 } } foreach ($config as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { $files[] = $callback($value); } else { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $filename => $options) { $files[] = $callback($filename); } } } } return $files; }
/** * Loads map builder classes. * * This method is ORM dependant. * * @throws sfException */ protected function loadMapBuilderClasses() { // we must load all map builder classes to be able to deal with foreign keys (cf. editSuccess.php template) $classes = sfFinder::type('file')->ignore_version_control()->name('*MapBuilder.php')->in(sfLoader::getModelDirs()); foreach ($classes as $class) { $class_map_builder = basename($class, '.php'); $maps[$class_map_builder] = new $class_map_builder(); if (!$maps[$class_map_builder]->isBuilt()) { $maps[$class_map_builder]->doBuild(); } if ($this->className == str_replace('MapBuilder', '', $class_map_builder)) { $this->map = $maps[$class_map_builder]; } } if (!$this->map) { throw new sfException('The model class "'.$this->className.'" does not exist.'); } $this->tableMap = $this->map->getDatabaseMap()->getTable(constant($this->className.'Peer::TABLE_NAME')); }
public function getDecorator() { sfLoader::loadHelpers('Url'); sfLoader::loadHelpers('Tag'); $decorator = link_to('%s', '@hyperword_processor?word=%s', array('class' => 'hyperword')); return str_replace('%25s', '%s', $decorator); }
public static function extractSummaryArray($body, $min, $total) { //replace whitespaces with space $body = preg_replace("/(\\r?\\n[ \\t]*)+/", " ", $body); //find paragraphs $matches = array(); preg_match_all("/<p>(.+)<\\/p>/isU", $body, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); //put paragraphs to a fresh array and calculate total length $total_length = 0; $paragraphs = array(); foreach ($matches as $match) { $len = 0; if (($len = strlen($match[1])) > $min) { $paragraphs[] = $match[1]; $total_length += strlen($match[1]); } } //chop paragraphs sfLoader::loadHelpers('Text'); $final = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($paragraphs); $i++) { $share = (int) ($total * strlen($paragraphs[$i]) / $total_length); if ($share < $min) { $total_length -= strlen($paragraphs[$i]); continue; } $final[] = truncate_text($paragraphs[$i], $share, "", true); } return $final; }
public function loadHelper() { sfLoader::loadHelpers('Date'); sfLoader::loadHelpers('Url'); sfLoader::loadHelpers('CalculateDate'); sfLoader::loadHelpers('ColorBuilder'); sfLoader::loadHelpers('I18N'); sfLoader::loadHelpers('Icon'); }
public function __construct(array $workflowtemplate, $workflowversionid) { sfLoader::loadHelpers('Partial'); $this->workflowtemplate = $workflowtemplate; $this->version = $workflowversionid; $this->setUserSettings($workflowtemplate['sender_id']); $this->sendWorkflowCompletedEmail(); }
function get_config_dirs($configPath) { $dirs = array(); foreach (sfLoader::getConfigPaths($configPath) as $dir) { $dirs[] = $dir; } return array_map('strip_paths', $dirs); }
public function __construct(sfContext $context_in, myUser $user) { sfLoader::loadHelpers('I18N'); sfLoader::loadHelpers('Date'); sfLoader::loadHelpers('Url'); sfLoader::loadHelpers('CalculateDate'); sfLoader::loadHelpers('ColorBuilder'); $this->context = $context_in; $this->user = $user; }
public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(), $errors = array()) { sfLoader::loadHelpers('Javascript'); if ($this->getOption("plain")) { return $value . input_hidden_tag($name, $value); } else { return input_auto_complete_tag($name, $value, 'tag/searchTag?src=' . $this->getOption('src'), array('autocomplete' => 'off', 'size' => '15'), array('use_style' => 'true')); } }
public static function prepareRelData($rel) { sfLoader::loadHelpers(array("Asset", "Url")); try { $url = url_for(RelationshipTable::generateRoute($rel)); } catch (Exception $e) { $url = "" . $rel['id']; } return array("id" => self::integerize($rel["id"]), "entity1_id" => self::integerize($rel["entity1_id"]), "entity2_id" => self::integerize($rel["entity2_id"]), "category_id" => self::integerize($rel["category_id"]), "category_ids" => (array) self::integerize($rel["category_ids"]), "is_current" => self::integerize($rel["is_current"]), "end_date" => @$rel["end_date"], "value" => 1, "label" => $rel["label"], "url" => $url, "x1" => @$rel["x1"], "y1" => @$rel["y1"], "fixed" => true); }
/** * Configures template for this view. */ public function configure() { $this->setDecorator(false); $this->setTemplate($this->actionName . $this->getExtension()); if ('global' == $this->moduleName) { $this->setDirectory(sfConfig::get('sf_app_template_dir')); } else { $this->setDirectory(sfLoader::getTemplateDir($this->moduleName, $this->getTemplate())); } }
/** * Action loads an IFrame for the email, when settings are set IFRAME and HTML * the template getIframeSuccess.php adds the needed fields to the iframe * @param sfWebRequest $request * @return <type> */ public function executeGetIFrame(sfWebRequest $request) { sfLoader::loadHelpers('Url', 'I18N'); $serverUrl = str_replace('/layout', '', url_for('layout/index', true)); $versionId = $request->getParameter('versionid'); $templateId = $request->getParameter('workflowid'); $userId = $request->getParameter('userid'); $userSettings = new UserMailSettings($userId); $context = sfContext::getInstance(); $sf_i18n = $context->getI18N(); $sf_i18n->setCulture($userSettings->userSettings['language']); $this->linkto = $context->getI18N()->__('Direct link to workflow' ,null,'sendstationmail'); $wfSettings = WorkflowVersionTable::instance()->getWorkflowVersionById($versionId); $workflow = $wfSettings[0]->getWorkflowTemplate()->toArray(); $detailObj = new WorkflowDetail(false); $detailObj->setServerUrl($serverUrl); $detailObj->setCulture($userSettings->userSettings['language']); $detailObj->setContext($context); $editObj = new WorkflowEdit(false); $editObj->setServerUrl($serverUrl); $editObj->setContext($context); $editObj->setCulture($userSettings->userSettings['language']); $editObj->setUserId($userId); $this->slots = $editObj->buildSlots($wfSettings , $versionId); $content['workflow'][0] = $context->getI18N()->__('You have to fill out the fields in the workflow' ,null,'sendstationmail'); $content['workflow'][1] = $workflow[0]['name']; $content['workflow'][2] = $context->getI18N()->__('Slot' ,null,'sendstationmail'); $content['workflow'][3] = $context->getI18N()->__('Yes' ,null,'sendstationmail'); $content['workflow'][4] = $context->getI18N()->__('No' ,null,'sendstationmail'); $content['workflow'][5] = $context->getI18N()->__('Field' ,null,'sendstationmail'); $content['workflow'][6] = $context->getI18N()->__('Value' ,null,'sendstationmail'); $content['workflow'][7] = $context->getI18N()->__('File' ,null,'sendstationmail'); $content['workflow'][8] = $context->getI18N()->__('Accept Workflow' ,null,'sendstationmail'); $content['workflow'][9] = $context->getI18N()->__('Deny Workflow' ,null,'sendstationmail'); $content['workflow'][10] = $context->getI18N()->__('Save' ,null,'sendstationmail'); $this->error = $request->getParameter('error',0); $this->serverPath = $serverUrl; $this->workflowverion = $versionId; $this->userid = $userId; $this->workflow = $templateId; $this->text = $content; $this->setLayout(false); $this->setTemplate('getIFrame'); return sfView::SUCCESS; }
function display_page_header($module, $document, $id, $metadata, $current_version, $options = array()) { $is_archive = $document->isArchive(); $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); $content_class = $module . '_content'; $lang = $document->getCulture(); $version = $is_archive ? $document->getVersion() : NULL; $slug = ''; $prepend = _option($options, 'prepend', ''); $separator = _option($options, 'separator', ''); $nav_options = _option($options, 'nav_options'); $item_type = _option($options, 'item_type', ''); $nb_comments = _option($options, 'nb_comments'); $creator_id = _option($options, 'creator_id'); if (!$is_archive) { if ($module != 'users') { $slug = get_slug($document); $url = "@document_by_id_lang_slug?module={$module}&id={$id}&lang={$lang}&slug={$slug}"; } else { $url = "@document_by_id_lang?module={$module}&id={$id}&lang={$lang}"; } } else { $url = "@document_by_id_lang_version?module={$module}&id={$id}&lang={$lang}&version={$version}"; } if (!empty($prepend)) { $prepend .= $separator; } echo display_title($prepend . $document->get('name'), $module, true, 'default_nav', $url); if (!$mobile_version) { echo '<div id="nav_space"> </div>'; sfLoader::loadHelpers('WikiTabs'); $tabs = tabs_list_tag($id, $lang, $document->isAvailable(), 'view', $version, $slug, $nb_comments); echo $tabs; // liens internes vers les sections repliables du document if ($nav_options == null) { include_partial("{$module}/nav_anchor"); } else { include_partial("{$module}/nav_anchor", array('section_list' => $nav_options)); } // boutons vers des fonctions annexes et de gestion du document include_partial("{$module}/nav", isset($creator_id) ? array('id' => $id, 'document' => $document, 'creator_id' => $creator_id) : array('id' => $id, 'document' => $document)); if ($module != 'users') { sfLoader::loadHelpers('Button'); echo '<div id="nav_share" class="nav_box">' . button_share() . '</div>'; } } echo display_content_top('doc_content', $item_type); echo start_content_tag($content_class); if ($merged_into = $document->get('redirects_to')) { include_partial('documents/merged_warning', array('merged_into' => $merged_into)); } if ($is_archive) { include_partial('documents/versions_browser', array('id' => $id, 'document' => $document, 'metadata' => $metadata, 'current_version' => $current_version)); } }
public function configure() { $response = $this->getContext()->getResponse(); $response->setParameter($this->moduleName . '_' . $this->actionName . '_layout', false, 'symfony/action/view'); $response->setContentType('application/x-javascript'); $this->setTemplate($this->actionName . $this->viewName . $this->getExtension()); // Set template directory if (!$this->directory) { $this->setDirectory(sfLoader::getTemplateDir($this->moduleName, $this->getTemplate())); } }
public function getSlotEditor($slot) { $options = array('size' => '80x10', 'id' => 'edit_textarea' . $slot->getName(), 'tinymce_options' => sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleCMS_tinymce_options', 'width: "100%"')); $script = ''; if (sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleCMS_rich_editing', false)) { sfLoader::loadHelpers(array('Javascript')); sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse()->addJavascript('/sfSimpleCMSPlugin/js/tiny_mce_AJAX.js', 'last'); $script = javascript_tag('setTextareaToTinyMCE("edit_textarea' . $slot->getName() . '");'); $options['rich'] = 'TinyMCE'; } return $script . textarea_tag('slot_content', $slot->getValue(), $options); }
/** * * @param int $currentWorklfowSlotId, workflowslotid of the current slot * @param int $nextSlotId , SlotId of the next slot */ public function __construct($currentWorklfowSlotId, $nextWorkflowSlotId, $workflowtemplateId, $workflowversionId) { sfLoader::loadHelpers('EndAction'); $this->setWorkflowTemplateSettings($workflowtemplateId); if($this->checkState() == 1) { sfLoader::loadHelpers('Partial'); $this->workflowVersionId = $workflowversionId; $this->setCurrentSlot($currentWorklfowSlotId); $this->setNextSlot($nextWorkflowSlotId); $this->setUserSettings(); $this->sendSlotReachedMail(); } }
static function convertValueForDisplay($value, $field, $excerpt = 40) { if (is_null($value)) { return 'NULL'; } if (!($mod = self::loadModification($field))) { return $value; } $table = Doctrine::getTable($mod['object_model']); $columns = $table->getColumns(); if ($mod['object_model'] == 'Entity') { if (!array_key_exists($field['field_name'], $columns)) { if ($extensionName = EntityTable::getExtensionNameByFieldName($field['field_name'])) { $table = Doctrine::getTable($extensionName); } } } elseif ($mod['object_model'] == 'Relationship') { if (!array_key_exists($field['field_name'], $columns)) { $table = Doctrine::getTable(RelationshipTable::getCategoryNameByFieldName($field['field_name'])); } } if ($alias = self::getFieldNameAlias($field)) { $class = $table->getRelation($alias)->getClass(); if ($record = Doctrine::getTable($class)->find($value, Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY)) { if ($class == 'Entity') { sfLoader::loadHelpers('Ls'); return entity_link($record, null); } elseif ($class == 'sfGuardUser') { sfLoader::loadHelpers('Ls'); return user_link($record); } return $record; } } if (in_array($field['field_name'], array('start_date', 'end_date'))) { return Dateable::convertForDisplay($value); } $def = $table->getColumnDefinition($field['field_name']); switch ($def['type']) { case 'integer': return (double) $value; break; case 'boolean': return $value ? 'yes' : 'no'; break; } if ($excerpt) { $short = LsString::excerpt($value, $excerpt); return $short == $value ? $value : '<span title="' . strip_tags($value) . '">' . $short . '</span>'; } return $value; }
/** * Evaluates a template file. * * @param string The template file path * * @return string The evaluated template */ protected function evalTemplate($templateFile) { $templateFile = sfLoader::getGeneratorTemplate($this->getGeneratorClass(), $this->getTheme(), $templateFile); // eval template file ob_start(); require $templateFile; $content = ob_get_clean(); // replace [?php and ?] $content = $this->replacePhpMarks($content); $retval = "<?php\n" . "// auto-generated by " . $this->getGeneratorClass() . "\n" . "// date: %s\n?>\n%s"; $retval = sprintf($retval, date('Y/m/d H:i:s'), $content); return $retval; }
public function executeCategories() { $installed = array_keys($this->getLuceneInstance()->getCategories()->getAllCategories()); sfLoader::loadHelpers('I18N'); $categories = array(null => __('All')); if (count($installed)) { sort($installed); $categories += array_combine($installed, $installed); } $this->categories = $categories; $this->show = count($categories) > 1 ? true : false; $this->selected = $this->getRequestParameter('category', 0); }
public static function getNamesForAutocomplete($q) { sfLoader::loadHelpers("Url"); $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(TagPeer::NAME, $q . "%", Criteria::LIKE); $c->setLimit(10); $names = array(); $tags = TagPeer::doSelect($c); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $names[] = array("id" => $tag->getId(), "name" => $tag->getName(), "searchUrl" => url_for("job_listby_tag", $tag)); } return $names; }
public function configure() { $choices = LsListTable::getNetworksForSelect(); $this->setWidgets(array('home_network_id' => new sfWidgetFormSelect(array('choices' => $choices)), 'name_first' => new sfWidgetFormInput(array(), array('size' => 30)), 'name_last' => new sfWidgetFormInput(array(), array('size' => 30)), 'public_name' => new sfWidgetFormInput(array(), array('size' => 30)), 'email' => new sfWidgetFormInput(array(), array('size' => 30)), 'reason' => new sfWidgetFormTextarea(array(), array('cols' => 50, 'rows' => 3)), 'password1' => new sfWidgetFormInputPassword(array(), array('size' => 30)), 'password2' => new sfWidgetFormInputPassword(array(), array('size' => 30)), 'user_agrees' => new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox(), 'captcha' => new sfWidgetFormReCaptcha(array('public_key' => sfConfig::get('app_recaptcha_public_key'))))); $this->setValidators(array('home_network_id' => new sfValidatorChoice(array('choices' => array_keys($choices), 'required' => true)), 'name_last' => new sfValidatorString(array('max_length' => 50)), 'name_first' => new sfValidatorString(array('max_length' => 50)), 'public_name' => new sfValidatorRegex(array('pattern' => '/^[a-z0-9\\.]{4,30}$/i')), 'email' => new sfValidatorEmail(array('required' => true), array('invalid' => 'You must enter a valid email address')), 'reason' => new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true), array('required' => 'Who are you and why are you signing up?')), 'password1' => new sfValidatorRegex(array('pattern' => '/^[a-z0-9]{6,20}$/i')), 'password2' => new sfValidatorString(array(), array('required' => 'You must enter the password twice')), 'user_agrees' => new sfValidatorBoolean(array('required' => true), array('required' => 'You must accept the user agreement')), 'captcha' => new sfValidatorReCaptcha(array('private_key' => sfConfig::get('app_recaptcha_private_key')), array('invalid' => 'You didn\'t pass the spam test!')))); $this->validatorSchema['captcha']->addMessage('captcha', 'You didn\'t pass the spam test!'); $this->validatorSchema->setPostValidator(new sfValidatorSchemaCompare('password1', sfValidatorSchemaCompare::EQUAL, 'password2'), array(), array('invalid' => 'You must enter the same password twice')); sfLoader::loadHelpers(array('Helper', 'Tag', 'Url')); $this->widgetSchema->setLabels(array('home_network_id' => 'Local network', 'name_first' => 'First name', 'name_last' => 'Last name', 'reason' => 'A little about you and why you\'re signing up', 'analyst_reason' => 'Why you want to be an ' . link_to('analyst', '@howto'), 'public_name' => 'Public username', 'password1' => 'Password', 'password2' => 'Password (again)', 'user_agrees' => 'Terms of use', 'captcha' => 'Spam test')); $this->widgetSchema->setNameFormat('user[%s]'); $this->validatorSchema->setOption('allow_extra_fields', true); $this->validatorSchema->setOption('filter_extra_fields', false); }
/** * * @param int $versionId, id of the current workflow * @param String $text, the text to replace * @param String $culture, the language * @param sfContext $context , context object */ public function __construct($versionId, $text, $culture, $context = false) { if($context == false) { sfLoader::loadHelpers('Date'); } else { $context->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers('Date'); } $this->setWorkflow($versionId); $this->setWorkflowVersion($versionId); $this->culture = $culture; $this->theSender = new UserMailSettings($this->workflow['sender_id']); $this->newText = $this->replacePlaceholder($text); }
public static function getRelatedClass($class, $middleClass) { $column = self::getRelatedColumn($class, $middleClass); // we must load all map builder classes $classes = sfFinder::type('file')->ignore_version_control()->name('*MapBuilder.php')->in(sfLoader::getModelDirs()); foreach ($classes as $class) { $class_map_builder = basename($class, '.php'); $map = new $class_map_builder(); $map->doBuild(); } $tableMap = call_user_func(array($middleClass . 'Peer', 'getTableMap')); return $tableMap->getDatabaseMap()->getTable($column->getRelatedTableName())->getPhpName(); }
/** * Loads core and standard helpers to be use in the template. */ protected function loadCoreAndStandardHelpers() { static $coreHelpersLoaded = 0; if ($coreHelpersLoaded) { return; } $coreHelpersLoaded = 1; $helpers = array_unique(array_merge(array('Helper', 'Url', 'Asset', 'Tag', 'Escaping'), sfConfig::get('sf_standard_helpers'))); // remove default Form helper if compat_10 is false if (!sfConfig::get('sf_compat_10') && false !== ($i = array_search('Form', $helpers))) { unset($helpers[$i]); } sfLoader::loadHelpers($helpers); }
public function convertValueForDisplay($value) { if (is_null($value)) { return '<span class="text_small">NULL</span>'; } if (!($record = $this->Modification->getObject(true))) { return $value; } $table = $record->getTable(); if ($record instanceof Entity) { $data = $record->getData(); if (!array_key_exists($this->field_name, $data)) { if ($extensionName = EntityTable::getExtensionNameByFieldName($this->field_name)) { $table = Doctrine::getTable($extensionName); } } } elseif ($record instanceof Relationship) { $data = $record->getData(); if (!array_key_exists($this->field_name, $data)) { $table = Doctrine::getTable(RelationshipTable::getCategoryNameByFieldName($this->field_name)); } } if ($alias = $this->getFieldNameAlias()) { $class = $table->getRelation($alias)->getClass(); if ($record = Doctrine::getTable($class)->find($value)) { if ($record instanceof Entity) { sfLoader::loadHelpers('Ls'); return entity_link($record, null); } return $record; } } if (in_array($this->field_name, array('start_date', 'end_date'))) { return Dateable::convertForDisplay($value); } $def = $table->getColumnDefinition($this->field_name); switch ($def['type']) { case 'integer': return (string) $value; break; case 'boolean': return $value ? 'yes' : 'no'; break; } return LsString::excerpt($value); }
/** * Show the login page * * @param sfRequest $request A request object */ public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request) { $this->getUser()->setAuthenticated(false); sfLoader::loadHelpers('Url'); $this->getUser()->setCulture(Language::loadDefaultLanguage()); $tm = new ThemeManagement(); $systemTheme = UserConfigurationTable::instance()->getUserConfiguration()->toArray(); $this->theTheme = $systemTheme[0]['theme']; /* * -1 is set when user uses login form to login * int is set, when user logges in from en email link, then a workflow needs to opened */ $this->version_id = $request->getParameter('versionid',-1); $this->workflow_id = $request->getParameter('workflow',-1); $this->window = $request->getParameter('window',-1); return sfView::SUCCESS; }
public function executeCreate(sfWebRequest $request) { $this->setLayout(FALSE); sfConfig::set('sf_web_debug', false); sfLoader::loadHelpers('I18N'); $this->getResponse()->setTitle(__('Image Upload')); $this->getResponse()->addStyleSheet('/sfTinyMceImageBrowser/css/sfTinyMceImageBrowser.css', 'last'); $this->getResponse()->addJavascript('/lib/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_popup.js'); $this->getResponse()->addJavaScript('/sfTinyMceImageBrowser/js/sfTinyMceImageBrowser.js'); $this->form = new sfTinyMceImageForm(new sfTinyMceImage()); if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $this->form->bind($request->getParameter($this->form->getName()), $request->getFiles($this->form->getName())); if ($this->form->isValid()) { if ($this->form->save()) { $this->redirect('sfTinyMceImageBrowser/create'); } } } }
public static function getRegions($area_type, $user_prefered_langs, $ids = array()) { sfLoader::loadHelpers(array('General')); $filter_type = !empty($area_type); $filter_ids = !empty($ids); $select = ','; if (!$filter_type) { $select .= ', a.area_type'; } $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->select($select)->from('Area a')->leftJoin('a.AreaI18n i'); if ($filter_type) { $q->where('a.area_type = ?', array($area_type)); } if ($filter_ids) { $condition_array = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { $condition_array[] = '?'; } $q->where(' IN ( ' . implode(', ', $condition_array) . ' )', array($ids)); } if ($filter_type || $filter_ids) { $q->orderBy('i.search_name'); } else { $q->orderBy('a.area_type'); } $results = $q->execute(array(), Doctrine::FETCH_ARRAY); // build the actual results based on the user's prefered language $out = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $ref_culture_rank = 10; // fake high value foreach ($result['AreaI18n'] as $translation) { $tmparray = array_keys($user_prefered_langs, $translation['culture']); $rank = array_shift($tmparray); if ($rank < $ref_culture_rank) { $best_name = $translation['name']; $ref_culture_rank = $rank; } } $out[$result['id']] = ucfirst($best_name); } return $out; }