public function configure()
     // We're editing the user who is logged in. It is not appropriate
     // for the user to get tsfApplySettingsForm.classo pick somebody else's userid, or change
     // the validate field which is part of how their account is
     // verified by email. Also, users cannot change their email
     // addresses as they are our only verified connection to the user.
예제 #2
 public function configure()
     // We're editing the user who is logged in. It is not appropriate
     // for the user to get to pick somebody else's userid, or change
     // the validate field which is part of how their account is
     // verified by email. Also, users cannot change their email
     // addresses as they are our only verified connection to the user.
     unset($this['user_id'], $this['validate'], $this['email']);
     $this->widgetSchema->setLabels(array('fullname' => 'Full Name'));
 public function configure()
     // We're editing the user who is logged in. It is not appropriate
     // for the user to get to pick somebody else's userid, or change
     // the validate field which is part of how their account is
     // verified by email. Also, users cannot change their email
     // addresses as they are our only verified connection to the user.
     $this->widgetSchema->setLabels(array('firstname' => 'First Name', 'lastname' => 'Last name'));
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('firstname', sfWidgetFormSchema::FIRST);
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('lastname', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'firstname');
     $this->setValidator('firstname', new sfValidatorApplyFirstname());
     $this->setValidator('lastname', new sfValidatorApplyLastname());
예제 #4
 public function configure()
     // Add username and password fields which we'll manage
     // on our own. Before you ask, I experimented with separately
     // emitting, merging or embedding a form subclassed from
     // sfGuardUser. It was vastly more work in every instance.
     // You have to clobber all of the other fields (you can
     // automate that, but still). If you use embedForm you realize
     // you've got a nested form that looks like a
     // nested form and an end user looking at that and
     // saying "why?" If you use mergeForm you can't save(). And if
     // you output the forms consecutively you have to manage your
     // own transactions. Adding two fields to the profile form
     // is definitely simpler.
     //Setting username widget
     $this->setWidget('username', new sfWidgetFormInput(array(), array('maxlength' => 16)));
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('username', sfWidgetFormSchema::FIRST);
     //Firstname and lastname
     $this->setWidget('firstname', new sfWidgetFormInputText(array(), array('maxlength' => 30)));
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('firstname', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'username');
     $this->setWidget('lastname', new sfWidgetFormInputText(array(), array('maxlength' => 70)));
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('lastname', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'firstname');
     //Setting password widgets
     $this->setWidget('password', new sfWidgetFormInputPassword(array(), array('maxlength' => 128)));
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('password', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'lastname');
     $this->setWidget('password2', new sfWidgetFormInputPassword(array(), array('maxlength' => 128)));
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('password2', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'password');
     //Settings for email fields
     $email = $this->getWidget('email');
     $class = get_class($email);
               new $class( array(), array('maxlength' => $email->getAttribute('maxlength') )
       ) );*/
     //$this->widgetSchema->moveField( 'email2', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'email' );
     $this->widgetSchema->setLabels(array('username' => 'Username', 'password' => 'Password', 'password2' => 'Confirm password', 'email' => 'Email address', 'firstname' => 'First Name', 'lastname' => 'Last name'));
     // We have the right to an opinion on these fields because we
     // implement at least part of their behavior. Validators for the
     // rest of the user profile come from the schema and from the
     // developer's form subclass
     $this->setValidator('username', new sfValidatorApplyUsername());
     $this->setValidator('password', new sfValidatorApplyPassword());
     $this->setValidator('password2', new sfValidatorApplyPassword());
     // Be aware that sfValidatorEmail doesn't guarantee a string that is preescaped for HTML purposes.
     // If you choose to echo the user's email address somewhere, make sure you escape entities.
     // <, > and & are rare but not forbidden due to the "quoted string in the local part" form of email address
     // (read the RFC if you don't believe me...).
     $this->setValidator('email', new sfValidatorAnd(array(new sfValidatorEmail(array('required' => true, 'trim' => true)), new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true, 'max_length' => 80)), new sfValidatorDoctrineUnique(array('model' => 'sfGuardUserProfile', 'column' => 'email'), array('invalid' => 'An account with that email address already exists. If you have forgotten your password, click "cancel", then "Reset My Password."')))));
     /*$this->setValidator('email2', new sfValidatorEmail(
       array( 'required' => true, 'trim' => true )));*/
     $this->setValidator('firstname', new sfValidatorApplyFirstname());
     $this->setValidator('lastname', new sfValidatorApplyLastname());
     $schema = $this->validatorSchema;
     // Hey Fabien, adding more postvalidators is kinda verbose!
     $postValidator = $schema->getPostValidator();
     $postValidators = array(new sfValidatorSchemaCompare('password', sfValidatorSchemaCompare::EQUAL, 'password2', array(), array('invalid' => 'The passwords did not match.')));
     if ($postValidator) {
         $postValidators[] = $postValidator;
     //Include captcha if enabled
     if ($this->isCaptchaEnabled()) {
     $this->validatorSchema->setPostValidator(new sfValidatorAnd($postValidators));
예제 #5
 public function configure()
     // We're making a new user or editing the user who is
     // logged in. In neither case is it appropriate for
     // the user to get to pick an existing userid. The user
     // also doesn't get to modify the validate field which
     // is part of how their account is verified by email.
     unset($this['user_id'], $this['validate']);
     // Add username and password fields which we'll manage
     // on our own. Before you ask, I experimented with separately
     // emitting, merging or embedding a form subclassed from
     // sfGuardUser. It was vastly more work in every instance.
     // You have to clobber all of the other fields (you can
     // automate that, but still). If you use embedForm you realize
     // you've got a nested form that looks like a
     // nested form and an end user looking at that and
     // saying "why?" If you use mergeForm you can't save(). And if
     // you output the forms consecutively you have to manage your
     // own transactions. Adding two fields to the profile form
     // is definitely simpler.
     $this->setWidget('username', new sfWidgetFormInput(array(), array('maxlength' => 16)));
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('username', sfWidgetFormSchema::FIRST);
     $this->setWidget('password', new sfWidgetFormInputPassword(array(), array('maxlength' => 128)));
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('password', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'username');
     $this->setWidget('password2', new sfWidgetFormInputPassword(array(), array('maxlength' => 128)));
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('password2', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'password');
     $this->widgetSchema->setLabels(array('password2' => 'Confirm Password'));
     $email = $this->getWidget('email');
     $this->setWidget('email2', new sfWidgetFormInput(array(), array('maxlength' => $email->getAttribute('maxlength'))));
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('email2', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'email');
     $this->widgetSchema->setLabels(array('fullname' => 'Full Name', 'email2' => 'Confirm Email'));
     // We have the right to an opinion on these fields because we
     // implement at least part of their behavior. Validators for the
     // rest of the user profile come from the schema and from the
     // developer's form subclass
     $this->setValidator('username', new sfValidatorAnd(array(new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true, 'trim' => true, 'min_length' => 4, 'max_length' => 16)), new sfValidatorRegex(array('pattern' => '/^\\w+$/'), array('invalid' => 'Usernames must contain only letters, numbers and underscores.')), new sfValidatorDoctrineUnique(array('model' => 'sfGuardUser', 'column' => 'username'), array('invalid' => 'There is already a user by that name. Choose another.')))));
     // Passwords are never printed - ever - except in the context of Symfony form validation which has built-in escaping.
     // So we don't need a regex here to limit what is allowed
     $this->setValidator('password', new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true, 'trim' => true, 'min_length' => 6, 'max_length' => 128)));
     $this->setValidator('password2', new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true, 'trim' => true, 'min_length' => 6, 'max_length' => 128)));
     // Be aware that sfValidatorEmail doesn't guarantee a string that is preescaped for HTML purposes.
     // If you choose to echo the user's email address somewhere, make sure you escape entities.
     // <, > and & are rare but not forbidden due to the "quoted string in the local part" form of email address
     // (read the RFC if you don't believe me...).
     $this->setValidator('email', new sfValidatorAnd(array(new sfValidatorEmail(array('required' => true, 'trim' => true)), new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true, 'max_length' => 80)), new sfValidatorDoctrineUnique(array('model' => 'sfGuardUserProfile', 'column' => 'email'), array('invalid' => 'An account with that email address already exists. If you have forgotten your password, click "cancel", then "Reset My Password."')))));
     $this->setValidator('email2', new sfValidatorEmail(array('required' => true, 'trim' => true)));
     // Disallow <, >, & and | in full names. We forbid | because
     // it is part of our preferred microformat for lists of disambiguated
     // full names in sfGuard apps: Full Name (username) | Full Name (username) | Full Name (username)
     $this->setValidator('fullname', new sfValidatorAnd(array(new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true, 'trim' => true, 'min_length' => 6, 'max_length' => 128)), new sfValidatorRegex(array('pattern' => '/^[^<>&\\|]+$/'), array('invalid' => 'Full names may not contain &lt;, &gt;, | or &amp;.')))));
     $schema = $this->validatorSchema;
     // Hey Fabien, adding more postvalidators is kinda verbose!
     $postValidator = $schema->getPostValidator();
     $postValidators = array(new sfValidatorSchemaCompare('password', sfValidatorSchemaCompare::EQUAL, 'password2', array(), array('invalid' => 'The passwords did not match.')), new sfValidatorSchemaCompare('email', sfValidatorSchemaCompare::EQUAL, 'email2', array(), array('invalid' => 'The email addresses did not match.')));
     if ($postValidator) {
         $postValidators[] = $postValidator;
     $this->validatorSchema->setPostValidator(new sfValidatorAnd($postValidators));
예제 #6
 public function configure()
     // We're making a new user or editing the user who is
     // logged in. In neither case is it appropriate for
     // the user to get to pick an existing userid. The user
     // also doesn't get to modify the validate field which
     // is part of how their account is verified by email.
     unset($this['user_id'], $this['validate'], $this['icq'], $this['jabber'], $this['commentsToJabber'], $this['commentsToIcq'], $this['commentsToMail'], $this['collectJabberStatus'], $this['collectIcqStatus'], $this['useCrossposting'], $this['ljlogin'], $this['ljpassword'], $this['fullname'], $this['avatar'], $this['about'], $this['notifyFriendline']);
     // Add username and password fields which we'll manage
     // on our own. Before you ask, I experimented with separately
     // emitting, merging or embedding a form subclassed from
     // sfGuardUser. It was vastly more work in every instance.
     // You have to clobber all of the other fields (you can
     // automate that, but still). If you use embedForm you realize
     // you've got a nested form that looks like a
     // nested form and an end user looking at that and
     // saying "why?" If you use mergeForm you can't save(). And if
     // you output the forms consecutively you have to manage your
     // own transactions. Adding two fields to the profile form
     // is definitely simpler.
     $this->setWidget('username', new sfWidgetFormInput(array(), array('maxlength' => 16)));
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('username', sfWidgetFormSchema::FIRST);
     $this->setWidget('password', new sfWidgetFormInputPassword(array(), array('maxlength' => 128)));
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('password', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'username');
     $this->setWidget('password2', new sfWidgetFormInputPassword(array(), array('maxlength' => 128)));
     $this->widgetSchema->moveField('password2', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'password');
     $this->widgetSchema->setLabels(array('password' => 'Пароль:', 'username' => 'Логин:', 'password2' => 'Пароль еще раз:'));
     $email = $this->getWidget('email');
     //    $this->setWidget('email2',
     //       new sfWidgetFormInput(
     //        array(), array('maxlength' => $email->getAttribute('maxlength'))));
     //    $this->widgetSchema->moveField(
     //      'email2', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'email');
     //    $this->widgetSchema->setLabels(array(
     //      'fullname' => 'Имя и фамилия',
     //      'email2' => 'Подтверждение E-Mail'
     //	));
     // We have the right to an opinion on these fields because we
     // implement at least part of their behavior. Validators for the
     // rest of the user profile come from the schema and from the
     // developer's form subclass
     $this->setValidator('username', new sfValidatorAnd(array(new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true, 'trim' => true, 'min_length' => 4, 'max_length' => 16)), new sfValidatorDoctrineUnique(array('model' => 'sfGuardUser', 'column' => 'username'), array("invalid" => "Пользователь с таким логином уже существует. Выберите другой."))), array(), array('required' => 'Необходимо ввести логин!')));
     $this->setValidator('password', new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true, 'trim' => true, 'min_length' => 6, 'max_length' => 128), array('required' => 'Необходимо ввести пароль!')));
     $this->setValidator('password2', new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true, 'trim' => true, 'min_length' => 6, 'max_length' => 128), array('required' => 'Необходимо подтвердить пароль!')));
     $this->setValidator('email', new sfValidatorAnd(array(new sfValidatorEmail(array('required' => true, 'trim' => true)), new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true, 'max_length' => 80)), new sfValidatorDoctrineUnique(array('model' => 'sfGuardUserProfile', 'column' => 'email'), array("invalid" => "Пользователь с таким адресом e-mail уже существует. Если Вы забыли пароль, нажмите \"Отмена\", затем \"Восстановить пароль.\""))), array(), array('required' => 'Необходимо ввести e-mail!')));
     //    $this->setValidator('email2',
     //      new sfValidatorEmail(array('required' => true,
     //        'trim' => true)));
     //    $this->setValidator('fullname',
     //      new sfValidatorString(array('required' => false,
     //        'trim' => true,
     //        'min_length' => 6,
     //        'max_length' => 128)));
     $schema = $this->validatorSchema;
     // Hey Fabien, adding more postvalidators is kinda verbose!
     $postValidator = $schema->getPostValidator();
     $postValidators = array(new sfValidatorSchemaCompare('password', sfValidatorSchemaCompare::EQUAL, 'password2', array(), array('invalid' => 'Пароли не совпадают.')));
     if ($postValidator) {
         $postValidators[] = $postValidator;
     $this->validatorSchema->setPostValidator(new sfValidatorAnd($postValidators));