public function getApproval(BaseObject $object)
     if ($object->isNew() === true || $object->isModified() === true || $object->isDeleted() === true) {
         throw new Exception('You can only approve an object which has already been saved');
     $columnName = sfConfig::get('propel_behavior_sfPropelApprovableBehavior_' . get_class($object) . '_column', 'is_approved');
     $approvedValue = sfConfig::get('propel_behavior_sfPropelApprovableBehavior_' . get_class($object) . '_approved_value', true);
     $disabledApplications = sfConfig::get('propel_behavior_sfPropelApprovableBehavior_' . get_class($object) . '_disabled_applications');
     // Test if we should crated an approval - is the column value different to out required value?
     // If our object is already approved then we can delete other
     $columnGetter = 'get' . sfInflector::camelize($columnName);
     if ($approvedValue != $object->{$columnGetter}()) {
         return sfApprovalPeer::retrieveOrCreateByObject($object);
     } else {
         return null;
} catch (Exception $err) {
    $t->pass('getApprovalUrl() on an unsaved class throws an exception');
try {
    $t->fail('no code should be executed after throwing exception');
} catch (Exception $err) {
    $t->pass('getApproval() on an unsaved class throws an exception');
try {
    $t->fail('no code should be executed after throwing exception');
} catch (Exception $err) {
    $t->pass('sfApprovalPeer::retrieveOrCreateByObject() on an unsaved class throws an exception');
$t->is($item1->getApproval(), null, 'getApproval() returns null for approved objects');
$t->is($item1->getApprovalUrl(), false, 'getApprovalUrl() returns false for approved objects');
$t->isa_ok($approval = $item1->getApproval(), 'sfApproval', 'Unapproved getApproval() returns and sfApproval object');
$t->isa_ok($item1->getApprovalUrl(), 'string', 'Unapproved getApprovalUrl() returns a string');
$t->isa_ok(sfApprovalPeer::retrieveOrCreateByObject($item1), 'sfApproval', 'retrieveOrCreateByObject() returns an sfApproval object');
$t->isa_ok(sfApprovalPeer::retrieveByUuid($approval->getUuid()), 'sfApproval', 'sfApprovalPeer::retrieveByUuid() returns an instance of sfApproval');
try {
    $t->fail('no code should be executed after throwing exception');
} catch (Exception $err) {
    $t->pass('getApprovalUrl() on an deleted class throws an exception');