예제 #1
					<td align="right" valign="top">PAYEE : </td>
					<td> <input type="text" name="payee" id="payee"> </td>
					<td align="right" valign="top">CHECK # : </td>
					<td> <input type="text" name="checknum" id="checknum">  </td>
					<td align="right" valign="top">ACCOUNT  </td>
					<td align="left" valign="top">AMOUNT</td>
				<tr id="account_amount" >
					<td align="right" valign="top"> 
						' . set::accounTitle($pdo_sql, $default = '<option value="">Account title</option>', $inputName = "account[]", $id = "debitAccount") . ' : 
					<td align="left" valign="top"> 
						<input type="text" name="amount[]" id="amount" value="0.00">
					<td align="right"> </td>
					<td align="center">
						<span id="add_acc_amo" style="cursor: pointer;"> add </span>
					<td align="right" valign="top">TOTAL : </td>
					<td align="left" valign="top"><input type="text" name="totalAmount" id="totalAmount"></td>
예제 #2
 $branch = $listVal['branch'];
 $cvNum = $listVal['cvNum'];
 $isDate = $listVal['isDate'];
 $isMonth = $listVal['isMonth'];
 $isDay = $listVal['isDay'];
 $isYear = $listVal['isYear'];
 $payee = $listVal['payee'];
 $checknum = $listVal['checknum'];
 $account = $listVal['account'];
 $dAcount = explode("_", $account);
 $account = '';
 // disbursement account and amount item is concatinated by "_" unconcatinate them
 // get the and unconcatinate the accont title per disbursement item
 foreach ($dAcount as $accKey => $accountVal) {
     if (!empty($accountVal) && $accountVal != "") {
         $account[$accKey] = '<td align="right" valign="top">' . set::accounTitle($pdo_sql, $default = '<option value="">Account title</option>', $inputName = "account[]", $id = "debitAccount") . ' : </td>';
 // get the and unconcatinate the account of each disbursement item
 $amount = $listVal['amount'];
 $dAmont = explode("_", $amount);
 $amount = '';
 foreach ($dAmont as $amKey => $amountVal) {
     if (!empty($amountVal) && $amountVal != "") {
         $amount[$amKey] = '<td align="left" valign="top"><input type="textbox" name="amount[]" id="amount" value="' . $amountVal . '"></td>';
 // format the list of account and amount item of the disbursement in fomatted HTMl
 $acc_amo = count($dAcount) - 1;
 $acc_amoVal = '';
 for ($i = 0; $i < $acc_amo; $i++) {
예제 #3

 * file: root/05_disbusrement/JavaScripts/modRecord.php
 * purpose: js for validating data to be edited and for the on the spot data editing possible
 * last modified: November 17, 2012
// include the system configurations here
include '../../sysConfig.php';
// include the system interface module here
include '../../systemInt.php';
$acc_amo = '<tr id="account_amount"><td align="right" valign="top"> ' . set::accounTitle($pdo_sql, $default = '<option value="">Account title</option>', $inputName = "account[]", $id = "debitAccount") . ' : </td><td align="left" valign="top"><input type="text" name="amount[]" id="amount" value="0.00"></td></tr>';
echo '

var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); 

			$j("#account_amount").before(\'' . $acc_amo . '\').removeAttr("id");
			$j("#account_amount input#lessName").focus();
					$j("form#disburtment input, select").live("focusout", function(){
					   /* reg exp variable for floating point data typed input tags */
					   var intRegex  = /^\\d+(?:\\.\\d{0,5})?$/;
						var inputVals = $j(this).val();
						var inputIDs = $j(this).attr("id");