예제 #1
function getWorkspacesAvailable()
    $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
    $dir = PATH_DB;
    $filesArray = array();
    if (file_exists($dir)) {
        if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
            while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
                    if (file_exists(PATH_DB . $file . '/db.php')) {
                        if (!$oServerConf->isWSDisabled($file)) {
                            $filesArray[] = $file;
    sort($filesArray, SORT_STRING);
    return $filesArray;
예제 #2
 public static function auditLog($actionToLog, $valueToLog = "")
     $workspace = defined('SYS_SYS') ? SYS_SYS : 'Wokspace Undefined';
     $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
     $sflagAudit = $oServerConf->getAuditLogProperty('AL_OPTION', $workspace);
     $ipClient = G::getIpAddress();
     $licensedFeatures = PMLicensedFeatures::getSingleton();
     if ($sflagAudit && $licensedFeatures->verifyfeature('vtSeHNhT0JnSmo1bTluUVlTYUxUbUFSVStEeXVqc1pEUG5EeXc0MGd2Q3ErYz0=')) {
         $username = isset($_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']) && $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'] != '' ? $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'] : 'Unknow User';
         $fullname = isset($_SESSION['USR_FULLNAME']) && $_SESSION['USR_FULLNAME'] != '' ? $_SESSION['USR_FULLNAME'] : '-';
         G::log("|" . $workspace . "|" . $ipClient . "|" . $username . "|" . $fullname . "|" . $actionToLog . "|" . $valueToLog, PATH_DATA, "audit.log");
예제 #3
파일: login.php 프로젝트: rrsc/processmaker

    $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'login/login', '', $aFields, SYS_URI . 'login/authentication.php');




//get the serverconf singleton, and check if we can send the heartbeat

$oServerConf = & serverConf::getSingleton();

$partnerFlag = (defined('PARTNER_FLAG')) ? PARTNER_FLAG : false;

if (!$partnerFlag) {

    $sflag = $oServerConf->getHeartbeatProperty('HB_OPTION', 'HEART_BEAT_CONF');

    $sflag = (trim($sflag) != '') ? $sflag : '1';

    //get date of next beat

    $nextBeatDate = $oServerConf->getHeartbeatProperty('HB_NEXT_BEAT_DATE', 'HEART_BEAT_CONF');
예제 #4
 public function generateTcpdf($sUID, $aFields, $sPath, $sFilename, $sContent, $sLandscape = false, $aProperties = array())
     require_once PATH_THIRDPARTY . "tcpdf" . PATH_SEP . "config" . PATH_SEP . "lang" . PATH_SEP . "eng.php";
     require_once PATH_THIRDPARTY . "tcpdf" . PATH_SEP . "tcpdf.php";
     $nrt = array("\n", "\r", "\t");
     $nrthtml = array("(n /)", "(r /)", "(t /)");
     $strContentAux = str_replace($nrt, $nrthtml, $sContent);
     $sContent = null;
     while (preg_match("/^(.*)<font([^>]*)>(.*)\$/i", $strContentAux, $arrayMatch)) {
         $str = trim($arrayMatch[2]);
         $strAttribute = null;
         if (!empty($str)) {
             $strAux = $str;
             $str = null;
             while (preg_match("/^(.*)([\"'].*[\"'])(.*)\$/", $strAux, $arrayMatch2)) {
                 $strAux = $arrayMatch2[1];
                 $str = str_replace(" ", "__SPACE__", $arrayMatch2[2]) . $arrayMatch2[3] . $str;
             $str = $strAux . $str;
             //Get attributes
             $strStyle = null;
             $array = explode(" ", $str);
             foreach ($array as $value) {
                 $arrayAux = explode("=", $value);
                 if (isset($arrayAux[1])) {
                     $a = trim($arrayAux[0]);
                     $v = trim(str_replace(array("__SPACE__", "\"", "'"), array(" ", null, null), $arrayAux[1]));
                     switch (strtolower($a)) {
                         case "color":
                             $strStyle = $strStyle . "color: {$v};";
                         case "face":
                             $strStyle = $strStyle . "font-family: {$v};";
                         case "size":
                             $arrayPt = array(0, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36);
                             $strStyle = $strStyle . "font-size: " . $arrayPt[intval($v)] . "pt;";
                         case "style":
                             $strStyle = $strStyle . "{$v};";
                             $strAttribute = $strAttribute . " {$a}=\"{$v}\"";
             if ($strStyle != null) {
                 $strAttribute = $strAttribute . " style=\"{$strStyle}\"";
         $strContentAux = $arrayMatch[1];
         $sContent = "<span" . $strAttribute . ">" . $arrayMatch[3] . $sContent;
     $sContent = $strContentAux . $sContent;
     $sContent = str_ireplace("</font>", "</span>", $sContent);
     $sContent = str_replace($nrthtml, $nrt, $sContent);
     // define Save file
     $sOutput = 2;
     $sOrientation = $sLandscape == false ? PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION : 'L';
     $sMedia = isset($aProperties['media']) ? $aProperties['media'] : PDF_PAGE_FORMAT;
     $sLang = defined('SYS_LANG') ? SYS_LANG : 'en';
     // create new PDF document
     $pdf = new TCPDF($sOrientation, PDF_UNIT, $sMedia, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // set document information
     $margins = $aProperties['margins'];
     $margins["left"] = $margins["left"] >= 0 ? $margins["left"] : PDF_MARGIN_LEFT;
     $margins["top"] = $margins["top"] >= 0 ? $margins["top"] : PDF_MARGIN_TOP;
     $margins["right"] = $margins["right"] >= 0 ? $margins["right"] : PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT;
     $margins["bottom"] = $margins["bottom"] >= 0 ? $margins["bottom"] : PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM;
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, $margins['bottom']);
     $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
     // set some language dependent data:
     $lg = array();
     $lg['a_meta_charset'] = 'UTF-8';
     $lg['a_meta_dir'] = $oServerConf->isRtl($sLang) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
     $lg['a_meta_language'] = $sLang;
     $lg['w_page'] = 'page';
     //set some language-dependent strings
     if (isset($aProperties['pdfSecurity'])) {
         $pdfSecurity = $aProperties['pdfSecurity'];
         $userPass = G::decrypt($pdfSecurity['openPassword'], $sUID);
         $ownerPass = $pdfSecurity['ownerPassword'] != '' ? G::decrypt($pdfSecurity['ownerPassword'], $sUID) : null;
         $permissions = explode("|", $pdfSecurity['permissions']);
         $pdf->SetProtection($permissions, $userPass, $ownerPass);
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     // set default font subsetting mode
     // Set font
     // dejavusans is a UTF-8 Unicode font, if you only need to
     // print standard ASCII chars, you can use core fonts like
     // helvetica or times to reduce file size.
     //$pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 14, '', true);
     // Detect chinese, japanese, thai
     if (preg_match('/[\\x{30FF}\\x{3040}-\\x{309F}\\x{4E00}-\\x{9FFF}\\x{0E00}-\\x{0E7F}]/u', $sContent, $matches)) {
     // Add a page
     // This method has several options, check the source code documentation for more information.
     // set text shadow effect
     //$pdf->setTextShadow(array('enabled'=>true, 'depth_w'=>0.2, 'depth_h'=>0.2, 'color'=>array(196,196,196), 'opacity'=>1, 'blend_mode'=>'Normal'));
     // Print text using writeHTMLCell()
     // $pdf->writeHTMLCell($w=0, $h=0, $x='', $y='', $html, $border=0, $ln=1, $fill=0, $reseth=true, $align='', $autopadding=true);
     if (mb_detect_encoding($sContent) == 'UTF-8') {
         $sContent = mb_convert_encoding($sContent, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');
     $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $pdf->writeHTML($doc->saveXML(), false, false, false, false, '');
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     // Close and output PDF document
     // This method has several options, check the source code documentation for more information.
     //$pdf->Output('example_00.pdf', 'I');
     //$pdf->Output('/home/hector/processmaker/example_00.pdf', 'D');
     switch ($sOutput) {
         case 0:
             // Vrew browser
             $pdf->Output($sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf', 'I');
         case 1:
             // Donwnload
             $pdf->Output($sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf', 'D');
         case 2:
             // Save file
             $pdf->Output($sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf', 'F');
     * get setup Plugins
     * @param unknown_type $default
     * @return void
    public function setupPlugins ()
        try {
            require_once(PATH_CORE . "methods" . PATH_SEP . "enterprise" . PATH_SEP . "enterprise.php");

            $iPlugins = 0;
            $oServerConf = & serverConf::getSingleton();
            $oServerConf->addPlugin( SYS_SYS, $this->_aPluginDetails );
            foreach ($this->_aPluginDetails as $namespace => $detail) {
                if (isset( $detail->enabled ) && $detail->enabled) {
                    if (! empty( $detail->sFilename ) && file_exists( $detail->sFilename )) {
                        $arrayFileInfo = pathinfo($detail->sFilename);
                        $sFilename = (($detail->sNamespace == "enterprise")? PATH_CORE. "methods" . PATH_SEP . "enterprise" . PATH_SEP : PATH_PLUGINS) . $arrayFileInfo["basename"];
                        if (! file_exists( $sFilename )) {
                        require_once $sFilename;
                        if (class_exists( $detail->sClassName )) {
                            $oPlugin = new $detail->sClassName( $detail->sNamespace, $detail->sFilename );
                            $this->_aPlugins[$detail->sNamespace] = $oPlugin;
                            $iPlugins ++;
            return $iPlugins;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            global $G_PUBLISH;
            $aMessage['MESSAGE'] = $e->getMessage();
            $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher();
            $G_PUBLISH->AddContent( 'xmlform', 'xmlform', 'login/showMessage', '', $aMessage );
            G::RenderPage( 'publish' );
예제 #6
  * streaming a big JS file with small js files
  * @author Fernando Ontiveros Lira <*****@*****.**>
  * @access public
  * @param string $file
  * @return string
 public function streamCSSBigFile($filename)
     header('Content-Type: text/css');
     //First get Skin info
     $filenameParts = explode("-", $filename);
     $skinName = $filenameParts[0];
     $skinVariant = "skin";
     if (isset($filenameParts[1])) {
         $skinVariant = strtolower($filenameParts[1]);
     $configurationFile = '';
     if ($skinName == "jscolors") {
         $skinName = "classic";
     if ($skinName == "xmlcolors") {
         $skinName = "classic";
     if ($skinName == "classic") {
         $configurationFile = G::ExpandPath("skinEngine") . 'base' . PATH_SEP . 'config.xml';
     } else {
         $configurationFile = PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . $skinName . PATH_SEP . 'config.xml';
         if (!is_file($configurationFile)) {
             $configurationFile = G::ExpandPath("skinEngine") . $skinName . PATH_SEP . 'config.xml';
     //Read Configuration File
     $xmlConfiguration = file_get_contents($configurationFile);
     $xmlConfigurationObj = G::xmlParser($xmlConfiguration);
     $baseSkinDirectory = dirname($configurationFile);
     $directorySize = G::getDirectorySize($baseSkinDirectory);
     $mtime = $directorySize['maxmtime'];
     $outputHeader = "/* Autogenerated CSS file by gulliver framework \n";
     $outputHeader .= "   Skin: {$filename}\n";
     $outputHeader .= "   Configuration: {$configurationFile}\n";
     $mtimeNow = date('U');
     $gmt_mtimeNow = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $mtimeNow) . " GMT";
     $outputHeader .= "   Date: {$gmt_mtimeNow}*/\n";
     $output = "";
     //Base files
     switch (strtolower($skinVariant)) {
         case "extjs":
             $baseCSSPath = PATH_SKIN_ENGINE . "base" . PATH_SEP . "baseCss" . PATH_SEP;
             $output .= file_get_contents($baseCSSPath . 'ext-all-notheme.css');
             //Classic Skin
             $extJsSkin = 'xtheme-gray';
     //Get Browser Info
     $infoBrowser = G::browser_detection('full_assoc');
     $browserName = $infoBrowser['browser_working'];
     if (isset($infoBrowser[$browserName . '_data'])) {
         if ($infoBrowser[$browserName . '_data'][0] != "") {
             $browserName = $infoBrowser[$browserName . '_data'][0];
     //Read Configuration File
     $xmlConfiguration = file_get_contents($configurationFile);
     $xmlConfigurationObj = G::xmlParser($xmlConfiguration);
     $skinFilesArray = $xmlConfigurationObj->result['skinConfiguration']['__CONTENT__']['cssFiles']['__CONTENT__'][$skinVariant]['__CONTENT__']['cssFile'];
     foreach ($skinFilesArray as $keyFile => $cssFileInfo) {
         $enabledBrowsers = explode(",", $cssFileInfo['__ATTRIBUTES__']['enabledBrowsers']);
         $disabledBrowsers = explode(",", $cssFileInfo['__ATTRIBUTES__']['disabledBrowsers']);
         if ((in_array($browserName, $enabledBrowsers) || in_array('ALL', $enabledBrowsers)) && !in_array($browserName, $disabledBrowsers)) {
             if ($cssFileInfo['__ATTRIBUTES__']['file'] == 'rtl.css') {
                 $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
                 if (!defined('SYS_LANG')) {
                     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
                         $syss = explode('://', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
                         $sysObjets = explode('/', $syss['1']);
                         $sysLang = $sysObjets['2'];
                     } else {
                         $sysLang = 'en';
                 } else {
                     $sysLang = SYS_LANG;
                 if ($oServerConf->isRtl($sysLang)) {
                     $output .= file_get_contents($baseSkinDirectory . PATH_SEP . 'css' . PATH_SEP . $cssFileInfo['__ATTRIBUTES__']['file']);
             } else {
                 $output .= file_get_contents($baseSkinDirectory . PATH_SEP . 'css' . PATH_SEP . $cssFileInfo['__ATTRIBUTES__']['file']);
     //Remove comments..
     $regex = array("`^([\t\\s]+)`ism" => '', "`^\\/\\*(.+?)\\*\\/`ism" => "", "`([\n\\A;]+)\\/\\*(.+?)\\*\\/`ism" => "\$1", "`([\n\\A;\\s]+)//(.+?)[\n\r]`ism" => "\$1\n", "`(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\\s\t]*[\r\n]+`ism" => "\n");
     $output = preg_replace(array_keys($regex), $regex, $output);
     $output = $outputHeader . $output;
     return $output;
예제 #7
  * streaming a big JS file with small js files
  * @author Fernando Ontiveros Lira <*****@*****.**>
  * @access public
  * @param string $file
  * @return string
 public function streamCSSBigFile($filename)
     header('Content-Type: text/css');
     //First get Skin info
     $filenameParts = explode("-", $filename);
     $skinName = $filenameParts[0];
     $skinVariant = "skin";
     if (isset($filenameParts[1])) {
         $skinVariant = strtolower($filenameParts[1]);
     $configurationFile = '';
     if ($skinName == "jscolors") {
         $skinName = "classic";
     if ($skinName == "xmlcolors") {
         $skinName = "classic";
     if ($skinName == "classic") {
         $configurationFile = Bootstrap::ExpandPath("skinEngine") . 'base' . PATH_SEP . 'config.xml';
     } else {
         $configurationFile = PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . $skinName . PATH_SEP . 'config.xml';
         if (!is_file($configurationFile)) {
             $configurationFile = Bootstrap::ExpandPath("skinEngine") . $skinName . PATH_SEP . 'config.xml';
     $mtime = date('U');
     $gmt_mtime = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $mtime) . " GMT";
     header('Pragma: cache');
     header('ETag: "' . md5($mtime . $filename) . '"');
     header("Last-Modified: " . $gmt_mtime);
     header('Cache-Control: public');
     header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 30 * 60 * 60 * 24) . " GMT");
     //1 month
     //header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time () + 60*60*24 ) . " GMT"); //1 day - tempor
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) {
         if ($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] == $gmt_mtime) {
             header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])) {
         if (str_replace('"', '', stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])) == md5($mtime . $filename)) {
             header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
     //Read Configuration File
     $xmlConfiguration = file_get_contents($configurationFile);
     $xmlConfigurationObj = Bootstrap::xmlParser($xmlConfiguration);
     $baseSkinDirectory = dirname($configurationFile);
     $directorySize = Bootstrap::getDirectorySize($baseSkinDirectory);
     $mtime = $directorySize['maxmtime'];
     //if userAgent (BROWSER) is MSIE we need special headers to avoid MSIE behaivor.
     //$userAgent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
     $outputHeader = "/* Autogenerated CSS file by gulliver framework \n";
     $outputHeader .= "   Skin: {$filename}\n";
     $outputHeader .= "   Configuration: {$configurationFile}\n";
     $mtimeNow = date('U');
     $gmt_mtimeNow = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $mtimeNow) . " GMT";
     $outputHeader .= "   Date: {$gmt_mtimeNow}*/\n";
     $output = "";
     //Base files
     switch (strtolower($skinVariant)) {
         case "extjs":
             $baseCSSPath = PATH_SKIN_ENGINE . "base" . PATH_SEP . "baseCss" . PATH_SEP;
             $output .= file_get_contents($baseCSSPath . 'ext-all-notheme.css');
             //$output .= file_get_contents ( $publicExtPath . 'ext-all.css' );
             //Classic Skin
             $extJsSkin = 'xtheme-gray';
     //Get Browser Info
     $infoBrowser = Bootstrap::get_current_browser();
     $browserName = $infoBrowser['browser_working'];
     if (isset($infoBrowser[$browserName . '_data'])) {
         if ($infoBrowser[$browserName . '_data'][0] != "") {
             $browserName = $infoBrowser[$browserName . '_data'][0];
     //Read Configuration File
     $xmlConfiguration = file_get_contents($configurationFile);
     $xmlConfigurationObj = Bootstrap::xmlParser($xmlConfiguration);
     $skinFilesArray = $xmlConfigurationObj->result['skinConfiguration']['__CONTENT__']['cssFiles']['__CONTENT__'][$skinVariant]['__CONTENT__']['cssFile'];
     foreach ($skinFilesArray as $keyFile => $cssFileInfo) {
         $enabledBrowsers = explode(",", $cssFileInfo['__ATTRIBUTES__']['enabledBrowsers']);
         $disabledBrowsers = explode(",", $cssFileInfo['__ATTRIBUTES__']['disabledBrowsers']);
         if ((in_array($browserName, $enabledBrowsers) || in_array('ALL', $enabledBrowsers)) && !in_array($browserName, $disabledBrowsers)) {
             if ($cssFileInfo['__ATTRIBUTES__']['file'] == 'rtl.css') {
                 $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
                 if (!defined('SYS_LANG')) {
                     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
                         $syss = explode('://', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
                         $sysObjets = explode('/', $syss['1']);
                         $sysLang = $sysObjets['2'];
                     } else {
                         $sysLang = 'en';
                 } else {
                     $sysLang = SYS_LANG;
                 if ($oServerConf->isRtl($sysLang)) {
                     $output .= file_get_contents($baseSkinDirectory . PATH_SEP . 'css' . PATH_SEP . $cssFileInfo['__ATTRIBUTES__']['file']);
             } else {
                 $output .= file_get_contents($baseSkinDirectory . PATH_SEP . 'css' . PATH_SEP . $cssFileInfo['__ATTRIBUTES__']['file']);
     //Remove comments..
     $regex = array("`^([\t\\s]+)`ism" => '', "`^\\/\\*(.+?)\\*\\/`ism" => "", "`([\n\\A;]+)\\/\\*(.+?)\\*\\/`ism" => "\$1", "`([\n\\A;\\s]+)//(.+?)[\n\r]`ism" => "\$1\n", "`(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\\s\t]*[\r\n]+`ism" => "\n");
     $output = preg_replace(array_keys($regex), $regex, $output);
     $output = $outputHeader . $output;
     return $output;
예제 #8
 public function generateTcpdf($sUID, $aFields, $sPath, $sFilename, $sContent, $sLandscape = false, $aProperties = array())
     require_once PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'tcpdf/config/lang/eng.php';
     require_once PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
     // define Save file
     $sOutput = 2;
     $sOrientation = $sLandscape == false ? PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION : 'L';
     $sMedia = isset($aProperties['media']) ? $aProperties['media'] : PDF_PAGE_FORMAT;
     $sLang = defined('SYS_LANG') ? SYS_LANG : 'en';
     // create new PDF document
     $pdf = new TCPDF($sOrientation, PDF_UNIT, $sMedia, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // set document information
     $margins = $aProperties['margins'];
     $margins['left'] = $margins['left'] > 0 ? $margins['left'] : PDF_MARGIN_LEFT;
     $margins['top'] = $margins['top'] > 0 ? $margins['top'] : PDF_MARGIN_TOP;
     $margins['right'] = $margins['right'] > 0 ? $margins['right'] : PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT;
     $margins['bottom'] = $margins['bottom'] > 0 ? $margins['bottom'] : PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM;
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, $margins['bottom']);
     $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
     // set some language dependent data:
     $lg = array();
     $lg['a_meta_charset'] = 'UTF-8';
     $lg['a_meta_dir'] = $oServerConf->isRtl($sLang) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
     $lg['a_meta_language'] = $sLang;
     $lg['w_page'] = 'page';
     //set some language-dependent strings
     if (isset($aProperties['pdfSecurity'])) {
         $pdfSecurity = $aProperties['pdfSecurity'];
         $userPass = G::decrypt($pdfSecurity['openPassword'], $sUID);
         $ownerPass = $pdfSecurity['ownerPassword'] != '' ? G::decrypt($pdfSecurity['ownerPassword'], $sUID) : null;
         $permissions = explode("|", $pdfSecurity['permissions']);
         $pdf->SetProtection($permissions, $userPass, $ownerPass);
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     // set default font subsetting mode
     // Set font
     // dejavusans is a UTF-8 Unicode font, if you only need to
     // print standard ASCII chars, you can use core fonts like
     // helvetica or times to reduce file size.
     $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 14, '', true);
     // Add a page
     // This method has several options, check the source code documentation for more information.
     // set text shadow effect
     //$pdf->setTextShadow(array('enabled'=>true, 'depth_w'=>0.2, 'depth_h'=>0.2, 'color'=>array(196,196,196), 'opacity'=>1, 'blend_mode'=>'Normal'));
     // Print text using writeHTMLCell()
     // $pdf->writeHTMLCell($w=0, $h=0, $x='', $y='', $html, $border=0, $ln=1, $fill=0, $reseth=true, $align='', $autopadding=true);
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     // Close and output PDF document
     // This method has several options, check the source code documentation for more information.
     //$pdf->Output('example_00.pdf', 'I');
     //$pdf->Output('/home/hector/processmaker/example_00.pdf', 'D');
     switch ($sOutput) {
         case 0:
             // Vrew browser
             $pdf->Output($sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf', 'I');
         case 1:
             // Donwnload
             $pdf->Output($sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf', 'D');
         case 2:
             // Save file
             $pdf->Output($sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf', 'F');
예제 #9
  * Function includeExtJs
  * with this function we are using the ExtJs library, this library is not compatible with
  * previous libraries, for that reason oHeadPublisher will clear previous libraries like maborak
  * we need to check if we need the language file
  * this function returns the header needed to render a page using ExtJs
  * @author Fernando Ontiveros <*****@*****.**>
  * @access public
  * @return string
 public function includeExtJs()
     $head = '';
     $head .= "  <script type='text/javascript' src='/js/ext/ext-base.js'></script>\n";
     $head .= "  <script type='text/javascript' src='/js/ext/ext-all.js'></script>\n";
     $aux = explode('-', strtolower(SYS_LANG));
     if ($aux[0] != 'en' && file_exists(PATH_GULLIVER_HOME . 'js' . PATH_SEP . 'ext' . PATH_SEP . 'locale' . PATH_SEP . 'ext-lang-' . $aux[0] . '.js')) {
         $head .= "  <script type='text/javascript' src='/js/ext/locale/ext-lang-" . $aux[0] . ".js'></script>\n";
     // enabled for particular use
     $head .= $this->getExtJsLibraries();
     // $head .= "  <script type='text/javascript' src='/js/ext/draw2d.js'></script>\n";
     // $head .= "  <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . G::browserCacheFilesUrl("/js/ext/translation." . SYS_LANG . ".js") . "\"></script>\n";
     if (!isset($this->extJsSkin) || $this->extJsSkin == '') {
         $this->extJsSkin = 'xtheme-gray';
         //$this->extJsSkin = 'gtheme';
     //$head .= $this->getExtJsStylesheets();
     $head .= $this->getExtJsScripts();
     $head .= $this->getExtJsVariablesScript();
     $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
     if ($oServerConf->isRtl(SYS_LANG)) {
         $head .= "  <script type='text/javascript' src='/js/ext/extjs_rtl.js'></script>\n";
     return $head;
예제 #10
     * attachEvents method returns some javascript code in order to initialize
     * the Dynaform Field configuration, attributes, and additional stuff.
     * @author
     * @access public
     * @param string $element
     * @return string
    public function attachEvents($element)
        $editorDefinition = 'tinyMCE.baseURL = "/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce"; ';
        $editorDefinition .= 'var domainURL   = "/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/"';
        $serverConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
        switch ($this->editorType) {
            case 'EMAIL_TEMPLATE':
                $editorDefinition .= '
                // is necessary the process uid variable in order to load the picker correctly
                var actualCaretPositionBookmark;
                var formProcessID = document.getElementById("form[pro_uid]").value;
                    theme: "advanced",
                    plugins: "advhr,advimage,advlink,advlist,autolink,autoresize,contextmenu,directionality,emotions,example,example_dependency,fullpage,fullscreen,iespell,inlinepopups,insertdatetime,layer,legacyoutput,lists,media,nonbreaking,noneditable,pagebreak,paste,preview,print,save,searchreplace,style,tabfocus,table,template,visualblocks,visualchars,wordcount,xhtmlxtras,pmSimpleUploader,pmVariablePicker,pmGrids,style",
                    mode: "specific_textareas",
                    editor_selector: "tmceEditor",
                    width:  "770",
                    height: "' . $this->height . '",
                    directionality: "' . ($serverConf->isRtl(SYS_LANG) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr') . '",
                    verify_html: false,
                    theme_advanced_buttons1: "pmSimpleUploader,|,pmVariablePicker,|,pmGrids,|,bold,italic,underline,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,fontselect,fontsizeselect,|,cut,copy,paste,|,bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,blockquote",
                    theme_advanced_buttons2: "tablecontrols,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,image,|,forecolor,backcolor,styleprops,|,hr,removeformat,visualaid,|,sub,sup,|,ltr,rtl,|,code",
                    popup_css : "/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/skins/default/dialog.css",
                    skin : "o2k7",
                    skin_variant : "silver",
                    oninit: function (){
                        tinyMCE.activeEditor.processID = formProcessID;
                        tinyMCE.activeEditor.domainURL = domainURL;
                    onchange_callback: function(inst) {
                        if(inst.isDirty()) {
                        return true;
                    handle_event_callback : function(e) {
                        if(this.isDirty()) {
                        return true;
            case 'OUTPUT_DOCUMENT':
                $editorDefinition .= '
                // is necessary the process uid variable in order to load the picker correctly
                var formProcessID = document.getElementById("form[PRO_UID]").value;
                    theme: "advanced",
                    plugins: "advhr,advimage,advlink,advlist,autolink,autoresize,contextmenu,directionality,emotions,example,example_dependency,fullpage,fullscreen,iespell,inlinepopups,insertdatetime,layer,legacyoutput,lists,media,nonbreaking,noneditable,pagebreak,paste,preview,print,save,searchreplace,style,tabfocus,table,template,visualblocks,visualchars,wordcount,xhtmlxtras,pmSimpleUploader,pmVariablePicker,pmGrids,style",
                    mode: "specific_textareas",
                    editor_selector: "tmceEditor",
                    width:  "770",
                    height: "305",
                    directionality: "' . ($serverConf->isRtl(SYS_LANG) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr') . '",
                    verify_html: false,
                    theme_advanced_buttons1: "pmSimpleUploader,|,pmVariablePicker,|,pmGrids,|,bold,italic,underline,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,fontselect,fontsizeselect,|,cut,copy,paste,|,bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,blockquote",
                    theme_advanced_buttons2: "tablecontrols,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,image,|,forecolor,backcolor,styleprops,|,hr,removeformat,visualaid,|,sub,sup,|,ltr,rtl,|,code",
                    popup_css : "/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/skins/default/dialog.css",
                    skin : "o2k7",
                    skin_variant : "silver",
                    oninit: function () {
                        tinyMCE.activeEditor.processID = formProcessID;
                        tinyMCE.activeEditor.domainURL = domainURL;
                    onchange_callback: function(inst) {
                        if(inst.isDirty()) {
                        return true;
                    handle_event_callback : function(e) {
                        if(this.isDirty()) {
                        return true;
            case 'DYNAFORM_TEMPLATE':
                $editorDefinition .= '
                var formProcessID = document.getElementById("form[PRO_UID]").value;
                var formDynaformID = document.getElementById("form[DYN_UID]").value;
                var actualCaretPositionBookmark;
                if (tinyMCE.activeEditor == null){
                    theme   : "advanced",
                    plugins : "advhr,advimage,advlink,advlist,autolink,autoresize,contextmenu,directionality,emotions,example,example_dependency,fullpage,fullscreen,iespell,inlinepopups,insertdatetime,layer,legacyoutput,lists,media,nonbreaking,noneditable,pagebreak,paste,preview,print,save,searchreplace,style,tabfocus,table,template,visualblocks,visualchars,wordcount,xhtmlxtras,style,table,noneditable,pmFieldPicker",
                    mode    : "specific_textareas",
                    //apply_source_formatting : true,
                    //remove_linebreaks: false,
                    editor_selector : "tmceEditor",
                    width   : \'100%\',
                    height  : \'300\',
                    directionality: "' . ($serverConf->isRtl(SYS_LANG) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr') . '",
                    theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,underline,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,fontselect,fontsizeselect,|,cut,copy,paste,|,bullist,numlist,|,pmFieldPicker",
                    theme_advanced_buttons2 : "tablecontrols,|outdent,indent,blockquote,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,image,|,forecolor,backcolor,styleprops,|,hr,removeformat,visualaid,|,sub,sup,|,ltr,rtl,|,code",
                    popup_css : "/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/skins/default/dialog.css",
                    skin : "o2k7",
                    skin_variant : "silver",
                    content_css : "/css/' . SYS_SKIN . '.css",
                    template_external_list_url : "js/template_list.js",
                    external_link_list_url : "js/link_list.js",
                    external_image_list_url : "js/image_list.js",
                    media_external_list_url : "js/media_list.js",
                    extended_valid_elements : "div[*],script[language|type|src]",
                    valid_children : "+body[style],+form[style],+div[style],+td[style],+table[style],+tbody[style],+tr[style],+span[style],+p[style]",
//                    noneditable_regexp: /[^"|^:|^\']{(.*?)}/g,
                    template_replace_values : {
                        username : "******",
                        staffid : "991234"
                    oninit: function () {
                        tinyMCE.activeEditor.domainURL = domainURL;
                        tinyMCE.activeEditor.dynUID    = formDynaformID;
                        tinyMCE.activeEditor.proUID    = formProcessID;
                    handle_event_callback : function(e) {
                        if(this.isDirty()) {
                        return true;
                $editorDefinition .= '
                        // General options
                        mode : "textareas",
                        theme : "advanced",
                        valid_children : "+body[style],+form[style],+div[style],+td[style],+table[style],+tbody[style],+tr[style],+span[style],+p[style]",
                        plugins : "autolink,lists,spellchecker,pagebreak,style,layer,table,save,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,iespell,inlinepopups,insertdatetime,preview,media,searchreplace,print,contextmenu,paste,directionality,fullscreen,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras,template,imagemanager,filemanager",

                        // Theme options
                        theme_advanced_buttons1 : "save,newdocument,|,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,styleselect,formatselect,fontselect,fontsizeselect",
                        theme_advanced_buttons2 : "cut,copy,paste,pastetext,pasteword,|,search,replace,|,bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,blockquote,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,anchor,image,cleanup,help,code,|,insertdate,inserttime,preview,|,forecolor,backcolor",
                        theme_advanced_buttons3 : "tablecontrols,|,hr,removeformat,visualaid,|,sub,sup,|,charmap,emotions,iespell,media,advhr,|,print,|,ltr,rtl,|,fullscreen",
                        theme_advanced_buttons4 : "insertlayer,moveforward,movebackward,absolute,|,styleprops,spellchecker,|,cite,abbr,acronym,del,ins,attribs,|,visualchars,nonbreaking,template,blockquote,pagebreak,|,insertfile,insertimage",
                        theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
                        theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left",
                        theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom",
                        theme_advanced_resizing : true,
                        width: "100%",
                        height: "400",
                        directionality: "' . ($serverConf->isRtl(SYS_LANG) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr') . '"
        return $editorDefinition;
 public function installLicense($path, $redirect = true, $includeExpired = true)
     $application = new license_application($path, false, true, false, true, true);
     $results = $application->validate(false, false, "", "", "80", true);
     //if the result is ok then it is saved into DB
     $res = $results['RESULT'];
     if ($res == 'EMPTY') {
         return false;
     if (!$includeExpired) {
         if ($res == 'EXPIRED') {
             return false;
     if ($res != 'OK' && $res != 'EXPIRED' && $res != 'TMINUS') {
         G::SendTemporalMessage('ID_ISNT_LICENSE', 'tmp-info', 'labels');
         return false;
     } else {
         $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
         $oServerConf->setProperty('ACTIVE_LICENSE', array(SYS_SYS => $path));
         $this->saveDataLicense($results, $path, $redirect);
         if ($redirect) {
             G::Header('location: ../enterprise/addonsStore');
         } else {
             return true;
예제 #12
파일: home.php 프로젝트: rrsc/processmaker
     * getting default list
     * @param string $httpData (opional)

    public function index ($httpData)
        if ($this->userUxType == 'SINGLE') {
            $this->indexSingle( $httpData );

        require_once 'classes/model/UsersProperties.php';
        G::LoadClass( 'process' );
        G::LoadClass( 'case' );

        $userProperty = new UsersProperties();
        $process = new Process();
        $case = new Cases();
        G::loadClass( 'system' );
        $sysConf = System::getSystemConfiguration( PATH_CONFIG . 'env.ini' );

        //Get ProcessStatistics Info
        $start = 0;
        $limit = '';

        $proData = $process->getAllProcesses( $start, $limit, null, null, false, true );
        $processList = $case->getStartCasesPerType( $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'], 'category' );

        unset( $processList[0] );
        $processesList = array ();

        foreach ($processList as $key => $valueProcess) {
            foreach ($proData as $keyPro => $valuePro) {
                if ($valueProcess['pro_uid'] == $valuePro['PRO_UID']) {
                    $processesList[] = $valueProcess;

        $switchLink = $userProperty->getUserLocation( $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'], SYS_LANG );

        if (!isset($_COOKIE['workspaceSkin'])) {
            if (substr( $sysConf['default_skin'], 0, 2 ) == 'ux') {
                $_SESSION['_defaultUserLocation'] = $switchLink;
                $switchLink = '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . $sysConf['default_skin'] . '/main';

        $oServerConf = & serverConf::getSingleton();

        if ($oServerConf->isRtl( SYS_LANG )) {
            $swRtl = 1;
        } else {
            $swRtl = 0;

        //Get simplified options
        global $G_TMP_MENU;

        $mnu = new Menu();
        $mnu->load( 'simplified' );
        $arrayMnuOption = array ();
        $mnuNewCase = array ();

        if (! empty( $mnu->Options )) {
            foreach ($mnu->Options as $index => $value) {
                $option = array ('id' => $mnu->Id[$index],'url' => $mnu->Options[$index],'label' => $mnu->Labels[$index],'icon' => $mnu->Icons[$index],'class' => $mnu->ElementClass[$index]

                if ($mnu->Id[$index] != 'S_NEW_CASE') {
                    $arrayMnuOption[] = $option;
                } else {
                    $mnuNewCase = $option;

        $this->setView( $this->userUxBaseTemplate . PATH_SEP . 'index' );

        $this->setVar( 'usrUid', $this->userID );
        $this->setVar( 'userName', $this->userName );
        $this->setVar( 'processList', $processesList );
        $this->setVar( 'canStartCase', $case->canStartCase( $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'] ) );
        $this->setVar( 'userUxType', $this->userUxType );
        $this->setVar( 'clientBrowser', $this->clientBrowser['name'] );
        $this->setVar( 'switchLink', $switchLink );
        $this->setVar( 'arrayMnuOption', $arrayMnuOption );
        $this->setVar( 'mnuNewCase', $mnuNewCase );
        $this->setVar( 'rtl', $swRtl );

function postHeartBeat($params)
    if (is_array($params)) {
        //No matter what happens with the result let's set the nextBeat to 2 hours from now
        $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
        $oServerConf->setHeartbeatProperty('HB_NEXT_BEAT_DATE', strtotime("+2 hour"), 'HEART_BEAT_CONF');
        $nextBeatDate = $oServerConf->getHeartbeatProperty('HB_NEXT_BEAT_DATE', 'HEART_BEAT_CONF');
        $heartBeatUrl = $oServerConf->getHeartbeatProperty('HB_BEAT_URL', 'HEART_BEAT_CONF');
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $heartBeatUrl);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
        //To avoid SSL error
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);
        //To avoid timeouts
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20);
        $response = curl_exec($ch);
        $curl_session = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
        $headers = curl_getinfo($ch);
        $header = substr($response, 0, $headers['header_size']);
        $content = substr($response, $headers['header_size']);
        if ($headers['http_code'] == 200) {
            $oServerConf->setHeartbeatProperty('HB_BEAT_TYPE', 'beat', 'HEART_BEAT_CONF');
            $oServerConf->setHeartbeatProperty('HB_NEXT_BEAT_DATE', strtotime("+7 day"), 'HEART_BEAT_CONF');
            //Reset Errors
        } else {
            //Catch the error
            $oServerConf->setHeartbeatProperty('HB_NEXT_BEAT_DATE', strtotime("+1 day"), 'HEART_BEAT_CONF');
    $ch = curl_init ();
    curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $heartBeatUrl );
    curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
    curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true );
    curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false );
    curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true );
    //To avoid SSL error
    curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0 );
    curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0 );
    curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );
    curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params );    
    //To avoid timeouts
    curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10 );
    curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20 );
    $response = curl_exec ( $ch );
    $curl_session = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
    $headers = curl_getinfo ( $ch );
    $header = substr ( $response, 0, $headers ['header_size'] );
    $content = substr ( $response, $headers ['header_size'] );
    curl_close ( $ch );
    if ($headers ['http_code'] == 200) {
      $this->beatType = 'beat';
      $this->resetLogins ();
      $this->nextBeatDate = strtotime ( "+7 day" ); //next beat in 7 days
      //Reset Errors
    } else {
        //Catch the error
      $this->nextBeatDate = strtotime ( "+1 day" ); //retry in 30 mins
    $this->saveSingleton ();
예제 #14
 public function enterpriseLimitCreateUser()
     $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
     $infoLicense = $oServerConf->getProperty('LICENSE_INFO');
     if (isset($infoLicense[SYS_SYS]['LIMIT_USERS'])) {
         $criteria = new Criteria('workflow');
         $criteria->add(UsersPeer::USR_STATUS, 'CLOSED', Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
         $count = UsersPeer::doCount($criteria);
         if ($count >= $infoLicense[SYS_SYS]['LIMIT_USERS']) {
             throw new Exception("You can\\'t add more users to the System, this reach the limit of allowed users by license that it has installed now");
예제 #15
  * get setup Plugins
  * @param unknown_type $default
  * @return void
 function setupPlugins()
     try {
         $iPlugins = 0;
         $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
         $oServerConf->addPlugin(SYS_SYS, $this->_aPluginDetails);
         foreach ($this->_aPluginDetails as $namespace => $detail) {
             if (isset($detail->enabled) && $detail->enabled) {
                 if (!empty($detail->sFilename) && file_exists($detail->sFilename)) {
                     if (strpos($detail->sFilename, PATH_SEP) !== false) {
                         $aux = explode(PATH_SEP, $detail->sFilename);
                     } else {
                         $aux = explode(chr(92), $detail->sFilename);
                     $sFilename = PATH_PLUGINS . $aux[count($aux) - 1];
                     if (!file_exists($sFilename)) {
                     require_once $sFilename;
                     if (class_exists($detail->sClassName)) {
                         $oPlugin = new $detail->sClassName($detail->sNamespace, $detail->sFilename);
                         $this->_aPlugins[$detail->sNamespace] = $oPlugin;
         return $iPlugins;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         global $G_PUBLISH;
         $aMessage['MESSAGE'] = $e->getMessage();
         $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher();
         $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'login/showMessage', '', $aMessage);
  * This function takes a single serialized object and converts it back a object
  * @param string $serialized
  * @return void
 function unSerializeInstance($serialized)
     if (self::$instance == NULL) {
         self::$instance = new serverConf();
     if ($instance = @unserialize($serialized)) {
         self::$instance = $instance;
예제 #17
 private function _default()
     require_once PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php';
     // put full path to Smarty.class.php
     global $G_ENABLE_BLANK_SKIN;
     global $G_PUBLISH;
     global $G_MAIN_MENU;
     global $G_SUB_MENU;
     global $G_MENU_SELECTED;
     global $G_SUB_MENU_SELECTED;
     global $G_ID_MENU_SELECTED;
     global $G_ID_SUB_MENU_SELECTED;
     G::verifyPath(PATH_SMARTY_C, true);
     G::verifyPath(PATH_SMARTY_CACHE, true);
     $smarty = new Smarty();
     $oHeadPublisher =& headPublisher::getSingleton();
     $smarty->compile_dir = PATH_SMARTY_C;
     $smarty->cache_dir = PATH_SMARTY_CACHE;
     $smarty->config_dir = PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'smarty/configs';
     //To setup en extJS Theme for this Skin
     $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
     $extSkin = $oServerConf->getProperty("extSkin");
     if (!$extSkin) {
         $extSkin = array();
     $extSkin[SYS_SKIN] = "xtheme-gray";
     $oServerConf->setProperty("extSkin", $extSkin);
     //End of extJS Theme setup
         $smarty->template_dir = $this->layoutFileBlank['dirname'];
         $smarty->force_compile = $this->forceTemplateCompile;
     } else {
         $smarty->template_dir = $this->layoutFile['dirname'];
         $meta = null;
         $header = null;
         if (preg_match("/^.*\\(.*MSIE (\\d+)\\..+\\).*\$/", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], $arrayMatch)) {
             $ie = intval($arrayMatch[1]);
             if ($ie == 10) {
                 $ie = 8;
                 $meta = "<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE={$ie}\" />";
         if (isset($oHeadPublisher)) {
             if (defined('SYS_SYS')) {
                 $oHeadPublisher->title = isset($_SESSION['USR_USERNAME']) ? '(' . $_SESSION['USR_USERNAME'] . ' ' . G::LoadTranslation('ID_IN') . ' ' . SYS_SYS . ')' : '';
             $header = $oHeadPublisher->printHeader();
             $header .= $oHeadPublisher->getExtJsStylesheets($this->cssFileName);
         $smarty->assign("meta", $meta);
         $smarty->assign("header", $header);
         $footer = '';
         if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/login/login') !== false) {
             $freeOfChargeText = "";
             if (!defined('SKIP_FREE_OF_CHARGE_TEXT')) {
                 $freeOfChargeText = "Supplied free of charge with no support, certification, warranty, <br>maintenance nor indemnity by Colosa and its Certified Partners.";
             if (class_exists('pmLicenseManager')) {
                 $freeOfChargeText = "";
             $fileFooter = PATH_SKINS . SYS_SKIN . PATH_SEP . 'footer.html';
             if (file_exists($fileFooter)) {
                 $footer .= file_get_contents($fileFooter);
             } else {
                 $fileFooter = PATH_SKIN_ENGINE . SYS_SKIN . PATH_SEP . 'footer.html';
                 if (file_exists($fileFooter)) {
                     $footer .= file_get_contents($fileFooter);
                 } else {
                     $fileFooter = PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . SYS_SKIN . PATH_SEP . 'footer.html';
                     if (file_exists($fileFooter)) {
                         $footer .= file_get_contents($fileFooter);
                     } else {
                         $footer .= "<br />Copyright &copy; 2003-" . date('Y') . " <a href=\"http://www.colosa.com\" alt=\"Colosa, Inc.\" target=\"_blank\">Colosa, Inc.</a> All rights reserved.<br /> {$freeOfChargeText} " . "<br><br/><a href=\"http://www.processmaker.com\" alt=\"Powered by ProcessMaker - Open Source Workflow & Business Process Management (BPM) Management Software\" title=\"Powered by ProcessMaker\" target=\"_blank\"></a>";
         $oMenu = new Menu();
         $menus = $oMenu->generateArrayForTemplate($G_MAIN_MENU, 'SelectedMenu', 'mainMenu', $G_MENU_SELECTED, $G_ID_MENU_SELECTED);
         $smarty->assign('menus', $menus);
         $oSubMenu = new Menu();
         $subMenus = $oSubMenu->generateArrayForTemplate($G_SUB_MENU, 'selectedSubMenu', 'subMenu', $G_SUB_MENU_SELECTED, $G_ID_SUB_MENU_SELECTED);
         $smarty->assign('subMenus', $subMenus);
         if (!defined('NO_DISPLAY_USERNAME')) {
             define('NO_DISPLAY_USERNAME', 0);
         if (NO_DISPLAY_USERNAME == 0) {
             $switch_interface = isset($_SESSION['user_experience']) && $_SESSION['user_experience'] == 'SWITCHABLE';
             $smarty->assign('user_logged', isset($_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']) ? $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'] : '');
             $smarty->assign('tracker', SYS_COLLECTION == 'tracker' ? $G_PUBLISH->Parts[0]['File'] != 'tracker/login' ? true : '' : '');
             $smarty->assign('switch_interface', $switch_interface);
             $smarty->assign('switch_interface_label', G::LoadTranslation('ID_SWITCH_INTERFACE'));
             $smarty->assign('rolename', isset($_SESSION['USR_ROLENAME']) ? $_SESSION['USR_ROLENAME'] . '' : '');
             $smarty->assign('pipe', isset($_SESSION['USR_USERNAME']) ? ' | ' : '');
             $smarty->assign('logout', G::LoadTranslation('ID_LOGOUT'));
             $smarty->assign('workspace', defined('SYS_SYS') ? SYS_SYS : '');
             $uws = isset($_SESSION['USR_ROLENAME']) && $_SESSION['USR_ROLENAME'] != '' ? strtolower(G::LoadTranslation('ID_WORKSPACE_USING')) : G::LoadTranslation('ID_WORKSPACE_USING');
             $smarty->assign('workspace_label', $uws);
             $conf = new Configurations();
             if (defined('SYS_SYS')) {
                 $smarty->assign('udate', $conf->getSystemDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             } else {
                 $smarty->assign('udate', G::getformatedDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'M d, yyyy', SYS_LANG));
             $name = $conf->userNameFormat(isset($_SESSION['USR_USERNAME']) ? $_SESSION['USR_USERNAME'] : '', isset($_SESSION['USR_FULLNAME']) ? htmlentities($_SESSION['USR_FULLNAME'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : '', isset($_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']) ? $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'] : '');
             $smarty->assign('user', $name);
         if (class_exists('pmLicenseManager')) {
             $pmLicenseManagerO =& pmLicenseManager::getSingleton();
             $expireIn = $pmLicenseManagerO->getExpireIn();
             $expireInLabel = $pmLicenseManagerO->getExpireInLabel();
             if ($expireInLabel != "") {
                 $smarty->assign('msgVer', '<label class="textBlack">' . $expireInLabel . '</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;');
         if (defined('SYS_SYS')) {
             $logout = '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/login/login';
         } else {
             $logout = '/sys/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/login/login';
         $smarty->assign('linklogout', $logout);
         $smarty->assign('footer', $footer);
         $smarty->assign('tpl_menu', PATH_TEMPLATE . 'menu.html');
         $smarty->assign('tpl_submenu', PATH_TEMPLATE . 'submenu.html');
         $oLogoR = new replacementLogo();
         if (defined("SYS_SYS")) {
             $aFotoSelect = $oLogoR->getNameLogo(isset($_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']) ? $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'] : '');
             if (is_array($aFotoSelect)) {
                 $sFotoSelect = trim($aFotoSelect['DEFAULT_LOGO_NAME']);
                 $sWspaceSelect = trim($aFotoSelect['WORKSPACE_LOGO_NAME']);
         if (class_exists('PMPluginRegistry')) {
             $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
             if (isset($sFotoSelect) && $sFotoSelect != '' && !strcmp($sWspaceSelect, SYS_SYS)) {
                 $sCompanyLogo = $oPluginRegistry->getCompanyLogo($sFotoSelect);
                 $sCompanyLogo = "/sys" . SYS_SYS . "/" . SYS_LANG . "/" . SYS_SKIN . "/setup/showLogoFile.php?id=" . base64_encode($sCompanyLogo);
             } else {
                 $sCompanyLogo = $oPluginRegistry->getCompanyLogo('/images/processmaker.logo.jpg');
         } else {
             $sCompanyLogo = '/images/processmaker.logo.jpg';
         $smarty->assign('logo_company', $sCompanyLogo);
         $smarty->force_compile = $this->forceTemplateCompile;
예제 #18
 public function generateInfoSupport()
     require_once PATH_CONTROLLERS . "installer.php";
     $params = array();
     $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
     $pluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
     $licenseManager =& pmLicenseManager::getSingleton();
     //License Information:
     $activeLicense = $licenseManager->getActiveLicense();
     $licenseInfo = array();
     $noInclude = array('licensedfeaturesList', 'result', 'serial');
     foreach ($licenseManager as $index => $value) {
         if (!in_array($index, $noInclude)) {
             $licenseInfo[$index] = G::sanitizeInput($value);
     $params['l'] = $licenseInfo;
     //Operative System version (Linux, Windows)
     try {
         $os = '';
         if (file_exists('/etc/redhat-release')) {
             $fnewsize = filesize('/etc/redhat-release');
             $fp = fopen('/etc/redhat-release', 'r');
             $os = trim(fread($fp, $fnewsize));
         $os .= " (" . PHP_OS . ")";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $params['s'] = $os;
     //On premise or cloud
     $licInfo = $oServerConf->getProperty('LICENSE_INFO');
     $params['lt'] = isset($licInfo[SYS_SYS]) ? isset($licInfo[SYS_SYS]['TYPE']) ? $licInfo[SYS_SYS]['TYPE'] : '' : '';
     //ProcessMaker Version
     $params['v'] = System::getVersion();
     if (file_exists(PATH_DATA . 'log/upgrades.log')) {
         $params['pmu'] = serialize(file_get_contents(PATH_DATA . 'log/upgrades.log', 'r'));
     } else {
         $params['pmu'] = serialize(G::LoadTranslation('ID_UPGRADE_NEVER_UPGRADE'));
     //Database server Version (MySQL version)
     $installer = new Installer();
     $systemInfo = $installer->getSystemInfo();
     try {
         $params['mysql'] = mysql_get_server_info();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $params['mysql'] = '';
     //PHP Version
     $params['php'] = $systemInfo->php->version;
     //Apache - IIS Version
     try {
         $params['apache'] = apache_get_version();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $params['apache'] = '';
     //Installed Plugins (license info?)
     $arrayAddon = array();
     if (file_exists(PATH_DATA_SITE . "ee")) {
         $arrayAddon = unserialize(trim(file_get_contents(PATH_DATA_SITE . "ee")));
     $plugins = array();
     foreach ($arrayAddon as $addon) {
         $sFileName = substr($addon["sFilename"], 0, strpos($addon["sFilename"], "-"));
         if (file_exists(PATH_PLUGINS . $sFileName . ".php")) {
             $plugin = array();
             $addonDetails = $pluginRegistry->getPluginDetails($sFileName . ".php");
             $plugin['name'] = $addonDetails->sNamespace;
             $plugin['description'] = $addonDetails->sDescription;
             $plugin['version'] = $addonDetails->iVersion;
             $plugin['enable'] = $addonDetails->enabled;
             $plugins[] = $plugin;
     $params['pl'] = $plugins;
     //Number of Users registered in PM. Including LDAP users and PM users.
     require_once "classes/model/RbacUsers.php";
     $criteria = new Criteria("rbac");
     $criteria->addSelectColumn("COUNT(" . RbacUsersPeer::USR_UID . ") AS USERS_NUMBER");
     $criteria->add(RbacUsersPeer::USR_UID, null, Criteria::ISNOTNULL);
     $rs = RbacUsersPeer::doSelectRS($criteria);
     $users = array('local' => 0);
     while ($rs->next()) {
         $row = $rs->getRow();
         if ($row['USR_AUTH_TYPE'] == '' || $row['USR_AUTH_TYPE'] == 'MYSQL') {
             $users['local'] = (int) $users['local'] + (int) $row['USERS_NUMBER'];
         } else {
             $users['USR_AUTH_TYPE'] = $row['USERS_NUMBER'];
     $params['u'] = $users;
     //Number of cases.
     $oSequences = new Sequences();
     $maxNumber = $oSequences->getSequeceNumber("APP_NUMBER");
     $params['c'] = $maxNumber - 1;
     //Number of active processes.
     $criteria = new Criteria("workflow");
     $criteria->addSelectColumn("COUNT(PROCESS.PRO_UID) AS NUMBER_PROCESS");
     $rs = UsersPeer::doSelectRS($criteria);
     $process = array();
     while ($rs->next()) {
         $row = $rs->getRow();
         $process[$row['PRO_STATUS']] = $row['NUMBER_PROCESS'];
     $params['p'] = $process;
     //Country/city (Timezone)
     $params['t'] = defined('TIME_ZONE') && TIME_ZONE != "Unknown" ? TIME_ZONE : date_default_timezone_get();
     $params['w'] = count(System::listWorkspaces());
     $support = PATH_DATA_SITE . G::sanitizeString($licenseManager->info['FIRST_NAME'] . '-' . $licenseManager->info['LAST_NAME'] . '-' . SYS_SYS . '-' . date('YmdHis'), false, false) . '.spm';
     file_put_contents($support, serialize($params));
     G::streamFile($support, true);