$blogentry_id = $_POST['blogentry_id']; } elseif (isset($_GET['blogentry_id'])) { $blogentry_id = $_GET['blogentry_id']; } else { $blogentry_id = 0; } if (isset($_POST['delete_blogentries'])) { $delete_blogentries = $_POST['delete_blogentries']; } elseif (isset($_GET['delete_blogentries'])) { $delete_blogentries = $_GET['delete_blogentries']; } else { $delete_blogentries = NULL; } // CREATE BLOG OBJECT $entries_per_page = 100; $blog = new se_blog(); // DELETE ENTRIES if ($task == "deleteentries" && !empty($delete_blogentries)) { $blog->blog_entry_delete($delete_blogentries); header('Location: admin_viewblogs.php'); exit; } // SET BLOG ENTRY SORT-BY VARIABLES FOR HEADING LINKS $i = "id"; // BLOGENTRY_ID $t = "t"; // BLOGENTRY_TITLE $o = "o"; // OWNER OF ENTRY $v = "v"; // VIEWS OF ENTRY
<?php $page = "user_blog_entry"; include "header.php"; $task = !empty($_POST['task']) ? $_POST['task'] : (!empty($_GET['task']) ? $_GET['task'] : NULL); $blogentry_id = !empty($_POST['blogentry_id']) ? $_POST['blogentry_id'] : (!empty($_GET['blogentry_id']) ? $_GET['blogentry_id'] : NULL); // ENSURE BLOGS ARE ENABLED FOR THIS USER if (!$user->level_info['level_blog_create']) { header("Location: user_home.php"); exit; } // START BLOG METHOD $blog = new se_blog($user->user_info['user_id']); // MAKE SURE THIS BLOG ENTRY BELONGS TO THIS USER AND IS NUMERIC if ($blogentry_id) { $blogentry_info = $blog->blog_entry_info($blogentry_id); if (!$blogentry_info) { header("Location: user_blog.php"); exit; } // GET TOTAL COMMENTS POSTED ON THIS ENTRY $comments_total = $database->database_num_rows($database->database_query("SELECT blogcomment_id FROM se_blogcomments WHERE blogcomment_blogentry_id='{$blogentry_info[blogentry_id]}'")); } // DO SAVE if ($task == "dosave") { $blogentry_title = $_POST['blogentry_title']; $blogentry_body = $_POST['blogentry_body']; $blogentry_blogentrycat_id = $_POST['blogentry_blogentrycat_id']; $blogentry_search = $_POST['blogentry_search']; $blogentry_privacy = $_POST['blogentry_privacy']; $blogentry_comments = $_POST['blogentry_comments'];
<?php $page = "user_blog"; include "header.php"; $task = !empty($_POST['task']) ? $_POST['task'] : (!empty($_GET['task']) ? $_GET['task'] : NULL); $search = !empty($_POST['search']) ? $_POST['search'] : (!empty($_GET['search']) ? $_GET['search'] : NULL); $p = !empty($_POST['p']) ? $_POST['p'] : (!empty($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : 1); $s = !empty($_POST['s']) ? $_POST['s'] : (!empty($_GET['s']) ? $_GET['s'] : NULL); // CREATE BLOG OBJECT $entries_per_page = 10; $blog = new se_blog($user->user_info['user_id']); // DELETE NECESSARY ENTRIES if ($task == "delete" && !empty($_POST['delete_blogentries']) && is_array($_POST['delete_blogentries'])) { $blog->blog_entry_delete($_POST['delete_blogentries']); } // SET ENTRY SORT-BY VARIABLES FOR HEADING LINKS $s = "blogentry_date DESC"; $where = NULL; if (trim($search)) { $where = "(blogentry_title LIKE '%{$search}%' OR blogentry_body LIKE '%{$search}%')"; } // GET ENTRIES $total_blogentries = $blog->blog_entries_total($where); $page_vars = make_page($total_blogentries, $entries_per_page, $p); $blogentries = $blog->blog_entries_list($page_vars[0], $entries_per_page, $s, $where); // ASSIGN VARIABLES AND SHOW VIEW ENTRIES PAGE $smarty->assign('total_blogentries', $total_blogentries); $smarty->assign_by_ref('blogentries', $blogentries); $smarty->assign('s', $s); $smarty->assign('search', $search); $smarty->assign('p', $page_vars[1]);
$resource = $database->database_query($sql) or die($database->database_error() . " <b>SQL was: </b>{$sql}"); if (!$database->database_num_rows($resource)) { echo '{"result" : "failure"}'; exit; } $result = $database->database_fetch_assoc($resource); $lvar_id = $result['blogentrycat_languagevar_id']; SE_Language::edit($lvar_id, $blogentrycat_title); $sql = "UPDATE se_blogentrycats SET blogentrycat_title='{$blogentrycat_title}' WHERE blogentrycat_id='{$blogentrycat_id}' LIMIT 1"; $resource = $database->database_query($sql) or die($database->database_error() . " <b>SQL was: </b>{$sql}"); if ($database->database_affected_rows($resource) || $resource) { echo '{"result" : "success"}'; } else { echo '{"result" : "failure"}'; } exit; } elseif ($task == "dosave") { $setting_permission_blog = $_POST['setting_permission_blog']; $sql = "UPDATE se_settings SET setting_permission_blog='{$setting_permission_blog}'"; $database->database_query($sql) or die($database->database_error() . " <b>SQL was: </b>{$sql}"); $setting = $database->database_fetch_assoc($database->database_query("SELECT * FROM se_settings LIMIT 1")); $result = 1; } } } // GET BLOG ENTRY CATEGORIES $categories_array = se_blog::blog_category_list($blogentrycat_showusercreated); // ASSIGN VARIABLES AND SHOW GENERAL SETTINGS PAGE $smarty->assign('result', $result); $smarty->assign('blogentrycats', $categories_array); include "admin_footer.php";
// SET WHERE CLAUSE $where .= " AND (SELECT TRUE FROM se_friends WHERE friend_user_id1='{$user->user_info['user_id']}' AND friend_user_id2=se_blogentries.blogentry_user_id AND friend_status=1)"; } // CATEGORIES if (isset($c) && $c != -1) { if ($c == 0 || !is_numeric($c)) { $c = '0'; } $where .= " AND blogentry_blogentrycat_id='{$c}'"; } // SEARCH if (!empty($blog_search)) { $where .= " && MATCH (`blogentry_title`, `blogentry_body`) AGAINST ('{$blog_search}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; } // CREATE blog OBJECT $blog = new se_blog(); // GET TOTAL blogs $total_blogentries = $blog->blog_entries_total($where); // MAKE ENTRY PAGES $blogentries_per_page = 10; $page_vars = make_page($total_blogentries, $blogentries_per_page, $p); // GET blog ARRAY $blogentry_array = $blog->blog_entries_list($page_vars[0], $blogentries_per_page, $s, $where); // GET BLOG ENTRY CATEGORIES $blogentrycats_query = $database->database_query("SELECT * FROM se_blogentrycats WHERE blogentrycat_user_id=0 ORDER BY blogentrycat_id ASC"); $blogentrycats_array = array(); while ($blogentrycat = $database->database_fetch_assoc($blogentrycats_query)) { $blogentrycats_array[] = array('blogentrycat_id' => $blogentrycat['blogentrycat_id'], 'blogentrycat_title' => $blogentrycat['blogentrycat_title']); } // ASSIGN SMARTY VARIABLES AND DISPLAY blogs PAGE $smarty->assign('total_blogentries', $total_blogentries);
include "./include/class_blog.php"; include "./include/class_blog_trackback.php"; include "./include/functions_blog.php"; // PRELOAD LANGUAGE SE_Language::_preload(1500007); // SET MENU VARS if (!$user->user_exists && $setting['setting_permission_blog'] || $user->user_exists && $user->level_info['level_blog_view']) { $plugin_vars['menu_main'] = array('file' => 'browse_blogs.php', 'title' => 1500007); } if ($user->user_exists && $user->level_info['level_blog_view']) { $plugin_vars['menu_user'] = array('file' => 'user_blog.php', 'icon' => 'blog_blog16.gif', 'title' => 1500007); } // SET PROFILE MENU VARS if ($owner->level_info['level_blog_create'] && $page == "profile") { // START BLOG $blog = new se_blog($owner->user_info['user_id']); $entries_per_page = 5; $sort = "blogentry_date DESC"; // GET PRIVACY LEVEL AND SET WHERE $blog_privacy_max = $owner->user_privacy_max($user); $where = "(blogentry_privacy & {$blog_privacy_max})"; // GET TOTAL ENTRIES $total_blogentries = $blog->blog_entries_total($where); // GET ENTRY ARRAY $blogentries = $blog->blog_entries_list(0, $entries_per_page, $sort, $where); // ASSIGN ENTRIES SMARY VARIABLE $smarty->assign_by_ref('blogentries', $blogentries); $smarty->assign('total_blogentries', $total_blogentries); // SET PROFILE MENU VARS if ($total_blogentries) { $plugin_vars['menu_profile_tab'] = array('file' => 'profile_blog.tpl', 'title' => 1500007, 'name' => 'blog');
} elseif (isset($_GET['s'])) { $s = $_GET['s']; } else { $s = "dd"; } $sort = NULL; //"se_blogentries.blogentry_date DESC"; $where = NULL; // ENSURE BLOGS ARE ENABLED FOR THIS USER if (!$user->level_info['level_blog_view']) { header("Location: user_home.php"); exit; } // CREATE BLOG OBJECT $subscriptions_per_page = 10; $blog_object = new se_blog($user->user_info['user_id']); // GET TOTAL ENTRIES $blog_subscriptions_total = $blog_object->blog_subscription_total($where); // MAKE ENTRY PAGES $page_vars = make_page($blog_subscriptions_total, $subscriptions_per_page, $p); // GET ENTRY ARRAY $blog_subscriptions_list = $blog_object->blog_subscription_list($page_vars[0], $subscriptions_per_page, $sort, $where, TRUE); //echo mysql_get_server_info(); //print_r($blog_subscriptions_list); // ASSIGN VARIABLES AND SHOW PAGE $smarty->assign('blog_subscriptions_total', $blog_subscriptions_total); $smarty->assign_by_ref('blog_subscriptions_list', $blog_subscriptions_list); $smarty->assign('s', $s); $smarty->assign('p', $page_vars[1]); $smarty->assign('maxpage', $page_vars[2]); $smarty->assign('p_start', $page_vars[0] + 1);
<?php $page = "blog_ajax"; include "header.php"; // PROCESS INPUT $task = !empty($_POST['task']) ? $_POST['task'] : (!empty($_GET['task']) ? $_GET['task'] : NULL); $blogentry_id = !empty($_POST['blogentry_id']) ? $_POST['blogentry_id'] : (!empty($_GET['blogentry_id']) ? $_GET['blogentry_id'] : NULL); // TRACKBACK COMPATIBILITY if (empty($_POST['e_id']) && !empty($blogentry_id)) { $_POST['e_id'] = $blogentry_id; } // CREATE BLOG OBJECT $blog = new se_blog($user->user_exists ? $user->user_info['user_id'] : NULL); // TRACKBACKS if ($task == "trackback") { // Redirect if no data if (!empty($blogentry_id) && empty($_POST['url']) && empty($_GET['url'])) { $blogentry_info = $blog->blog_entry_info($blogentry_id); header('Location: ' . $url->url_create('blog_entry', $blogentry_info['user_username'], $blogentry_id)); exit; } echo $blog->blog_trackback_receive(); exit; } /* ***** ACTIONS BELOW THIS LINE REQUIRE THE USER TO BE LOGGED IN ***** */ if (!$user->user_exists) { echo json_encode(array('result' => FALSE)); exit; } // DELETE if ($task == "deleteblog") {
include "footer.php"; } // ENSURE BLOGS ARE ENABLED FOR THIS USER if (!$owner->level_info['level_blog_create']) { header("Location: " . $url->url_create('profile', $owner->user_info['user_username'])); exit; } // PROCESS INPUT $p = !empty($_POST['p']) ? $_POST['p'] : (!empty($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : NULL); $blogentry_id = !empty($_POST['blogentry_id']) ? $_POST['blogentry_id'] : (!empty($_GET['blogentry_id']) ? $_GET['blogentry_id'] : NULL); $category_id = !empty($_POST['category_id']) ? $_POST['category_id'] : (!empty($_GET['category_id']) ? $_GET['category_id'] : NULL); $date_start = !empty($_POST['date_start']) ? $_POST['date_start'] : (!empty($_GET['date_start']) ? $_GET['date_start'] : NULL); $date_end = !empty($_POST['date_end']) ? $_POST['date_end'] : (!empty($_GET['date_end']) ? $_GET['date_end'] : NULL); $blog_search = !empty($_POST['blog_search']) ? $_POST['blog_search'] : (!empty($_GET['blog_search']) ? $_GET['blog_search'] : NULL); // CREATE BLOG OBJECT $blog = new se_blog($owner->user_info['user_id']); // GENERATE WHERE CLAUSE $privacy_max = $owner->user_privacy_max($user); $where = "(blogentry_privacy & '{$privacy_max}')"; if (!empty($blogentry_id) && is_numeric($blogentry_id)) { // SPECIFIC ENTRY SPECIFIED $where .= " && blogentry_id='{$blogentry_id}'"; } else { // SEARCH PARAMETERS if (!empty($date_start) && !empty($date_end) && is_numeric($date_start) && is_numeric($date_end)) { $where .= " && blogentry_date>'{$date_start}' && blogentry_date<'{$date_end}'"; } if (!empty($category_id) && is_numeric($category_id)) { $where .= " && blogentry_blogentrycat_id='{$category_id}'"; } if (!empty($blog_search)) {