예제 #1
$t->is(sfConfig::get('app_rt_shop_tax_mode'), 'inclusive', 'sfConfig::app_rt_shop_tax_mode was set correctly to ' . sfConfig::get('app_rt_shop_tax_mode'));
// Clean order and reset cart manager
// Add promotion price to stock 2
$cm = new rtShopCartManager();
$t->is($cm->getTaxMode(), sfConfig::get('app_rt_shop_tax_mode'), '::getTaxMode() returns the same tax mode as sfConfig::app_rt_shop_tax_mode');
$t->is($cm->getTaxRate(), sfConfig::get('app_rt_shop_tax_rate'), '::getTaxRate() returns the same tax rate as sfConfig::app_rt_shop_tax_rate');
// Add stocks to cart manager
$cm->addToCart($stock1, 1);
$cm->addToCart($stock2, 1);
// Check
$t->is($cm->getItemsInCart(), 2, '::getItemsInCart() returns the correct number of items in cart');
$t->is($cm->getItemsQuantityInCart(), 2, '::getItemsQuantityInCart() returns the correct items quantity in cart');
$t->isa_ok($cm->getOrder(), 'rtShopOrder', '->class() rtShopOrder was created successfully');
//In inclusive mode, exclusive mode should return 0
$t->is($cm->getTaxCharge(), 0, '::getTaxCharge() returns the correct value');
// Taxes
$tax_component = $cm->getTotalCharge() * 10 / ($cm->getTaxRate() + 100);
$t->is($cm->getTaxComponent(), $tax_component, '::getTaxComponent() returns the correct value');
// Totals
$t->is($cm->getItemsCharge(), 300, '::getItemsCharge() returns the correct value');
$t->is($cm->getSubTotal(), 300, '::getSubTotal() returns the correct value');
$t->is($cm->getPreTotalCharge(), 300, '::getPreTotalCharge() returns the correct value');
$t->is($cm->getTotalCharge(), 300, '::getTotalCharge() returns the correct value');
$t->diag('4.4 Two products + taxes + domestic/international shipping');
$t->diag('4.4.1 Tax mode: Exclusive (international shipping) **************************');