/** * Switch for the main page, when not handled by rsgOption */ function mainPage() { global $rsgConfig; $page = rsgInstance::getWord('page', ''); switch ($page) { case 'slideshow': $gallery = rsgGalleryManager::get(); rsgInstance::instance(array('rsgTemplate' => $rsgConfig->get('current_slideshow'), 'gid' => $gallery->id)); break; case 'inline': $this->inline(); break; case 'viewChangelog': $this->viewChangelog(); break; case 'test': $this->test(); break; default: $this->showMainGalleries(); $this->showThumbs(); } }
/** * returns an array of item db rows * @todo image listing should be based on what the current visitor can see (owner, administrator, un/published, etc.) */ function itemRows() { if ($this->_itemRows === null) { global $rsgConfig; $my =& JFactory::getUser(); $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $filter_order = rsgInstance::getWord('filter_order', $rsgConfig->get("filter_order")); $filter_order_Dir = rsgInstance::getWord('filter_order_Dir', $rsgConfig->get("filter_order_Dir")); $where = ' WHERE gallery_id = ' . $this->get('id'); if ($my->get('gid') != 25) { $where .= ' AND published = 1 '; } $orderby = ' ORDER BY ' . $filter_order . ' ' . $filter_order_Dir; $query = ' SELECT * FROM #__rsgallery2_files ' . $where . $orderby; // limit handling was borked but I had this fixed. we can use it again.... $database->setQuery($query); //, $limitstart, $limit ); $this->_itemRows = $database->loadAssocList('id'); } return $this->_itemRows; }