예제 #1
    // If Cossack has been unlocked but somehow Proto Man was not
    if (!rpg_game::robot_unlocked(false, 'proto-man')) {
        // Unlock Proto Man as a playable character
        $unlock_player_info = $mmrpg_index['players']['dr-cossack'];
        $unlock_robot_info = rpg_robot::get_index_info('proto-man');
        $unlock_robot_info['robot_level'] = 21;
        $unlock_robot_info['robot_experience'] = 999;
        rpg_game::unlock_robot($unlock_player_info, $unlock_robot_info, true, true);
// If the player has failed at least three battles, unlock Rhythm as a playable character
if ($battle_failure_counter_cossack >= 3 && !rpg_game::robot_unlocked(false, 'rhythm')) {
    // Unlock Rhythm as a playable character
    $unlock_player_info = $mmrpg_index['players']['dr-cossack'];
    $unlock_robot_info = rpg_robot::get_index_info('rhythm');
    $unlock_robot_info['robot_level'] = 21;
    $unlock_robot_info['robot_experience'] = 999;
    rpg_game::unlock_robot($unlock_player_info, $unlock_robot_info, true, true);
// If Dr. Cossack has completed all of his first phase, open Dr. Light's second
if ($battle_complete_counter_cossack >= 10) {
    // Create the event flag and unset the player select variable to force main menu
    $temp_event_flag = 'dr-cossack_event-97_phase-one-complete';
    if (empty($temp_game_flags['events'][$temp_event_flag])) {
        $temp_game_flags['events'][$temp_event_flag] = true;
        $_SESSION[$session_token]['battle_settings']['this_player_token'] = false;

// -- DR. WILY PASSWORDS -- //
// Collect the temp battle flags
$temp_flags = !empty($_SESSION['GAME']['flags']) ? $_SESSION['GAME']['flags'] : array();
// If the UNLOCK DISCO password was created
if (!empty($temp_flags['drwily_password_robotgetpanicatthedisco'])) {
    if (!rpg_game::robot_unlocked(false, 'disco')) {
        // Unlock Roll as a playable character
        $unlock_player_info = $mmrpg_index['players']['dr-wily'];
        $unlock_robot_info = rpg_robot::get_index_info('disco');
        $unlock_robot_info['robot_level'] = 1;
        $unlock_robot_info['robot_experience'] = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience(1) - 1;
        rpg_game::unlock_robot($unlock_player_info, $unlock_robot_info, true);
        header('Location: prototype.php');
// If the UNLOCK BUBBLE BOMB password was created
if (!empty($temp_flags['drwily_password_abilitygetbubblebombsaway'])) {
    if (!rpg_game::ability_unlocked('dr-wily', false, 'bubble-bomb')) {
        // Unlock Bubble Bomb as an equippable ability
        rpg_game::unlock_ability($mmrpg_index['players']['dr-wily'], false, array('ability_token' => 'bubble-bomb'), true);
        header('Location: prototype.php');
// If the UNLOCK SHADOW BLADE password was created
if (!empty($temp_flags['drwily_password_abilitygetcutterofdarkness'])) {
    if (!rpg_game::ability_unlocked('dr-wily', false, 'shadow-blade')) {
        // Unlock Shadow Blade as an equippable ability

// Collect the temp battle flags
$temp_flags = !empty($_SESSION['GAME']['flags']) ? $_SESSION['GAME']['flags'] : array();
// If the UNLOCK ROLL password was created
if (!empty($temp_flags['drlight_password_robotgetletsrocknroll'])) {
    if (!rpg_game::robot_unlocked(false, 'roll')) {
        // Unlock Roll as a playable character
        $unlock_player_info = $mmrpg_index['players']['dr-light'];
        $unlock_robot_info = rpg_robot::get_index_info('roll');
        $unlock_robot_info['robot_level'] = 1;
        $unlock_robot_info['robot_experience'] = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience(1) - 1;
        rpg_game::unlock_robot($unlock_player_info, $unlock_robot_info, true);
        header('Location: prototype.php');
// If the UNLOCK DEMO COMPLETE BONUS password was created
if (!empty($temp_flags['drlight_password_abilitygetdemocompletebonus'])) {
    // Only process if the Mega Buster has not yet been unlocked
    if ($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards']['dr-light']['player_points'] <= 0) {
        // Increase this player's score by 10,000 points
        $temp_bonus_points = 10000;
        $_SESSION['GAME']['counters']['battle_points'] += $temp_bonus_points;
        $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards']['dr-light']['player_points'] += $temp_bonus_points;
        // Unlock the Copy Shot for use in battle early
        rpg_game::unlock_ability($mmrpg_index['players']['dr-light'], false, array('ability_token' => 'copy-shot'), true);
        // Reset and return to the main menu
        header('Location: prototype.php');
echo '<a class="ability_name" style="" data-id="0" data-key="0" data-player="player" data-robot="robot" data-ability="" title="" data-tooltip=""><label>- Remove Ability -</label></a>';
// Loop through and print abilities
$key_counter = 1;
if (!empty($mmrpg_database_abilities)) {
    $row_count = 4;
    $column_count = ceil(count($mmrpg_database_abilities) / $row_count);
    // Collect this player's ability rewards and add them to the dropdown
    if (!empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_abilities'])) {
        $player_ability_rewards = $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_abilities'];
    } elseif (!empty($player_rewards['player_abilities'])) {
        $player_ability_rewards = array('buster-shot' => array('ability_token' => 'buster-shot'));
    // Create a fake player and robot to pass the info check
    $player_info = $mmrpg_index['players']['player'];
    //rpg_player::get_index_info('player'); //array('player_token' => 'player', 'player_name' => 'Player');
    $robot_info = rpg_robot::get_index_info('robot');
    //array('robot_token' => 'robot', 'robot_name' => 'Robot');
    // Sort the ability rewards based on ability number and such
    uasort($player_ability_rewards, array('rpg_functions', 'abilities_sort_for_editor'));
    $robot_ability_rewards = array();
    // Collect the ability reward options to be used on all selects
    $ability_rewards_options = $global_allow_editing ? rpg_ability::print_editor_options_list_markup($player_ability_rewards, $robot_ability_rewards, $player_info, $robot_info) : '';
    foreach ($mmrpg_database_abilities as $ability_token => $ability_info) {
        if (!rpg_game::ability_unlocked('', '', $ability_token)) {
        //if ($key_counter > 0 && $key_counter % 5 == 0){ echo '</tr><tr>'; }
        //echo '<td>';
        $temp_select_markup = rpg_ability::print_editor_select_markup($ability_rewards_options, $player_info, $robot_info, $ability_info, $key_counter);
        //echo $ability_token.'<br />';
        echo $temp_select_markup . ' ';
예제 #5
 public function trigger_disabled($target_robot, $this_ability, $trigger_options = array())
     // Pull in the global variable
     global $mmrpg_index;
     // Import global variables
     $db = cms_database::get_database();
     $this_battle = rpg_battle::get_battle();
     $this_field = rpg_field::get_field();
     // Generate default trigger options if not set
     if (!isset($trigger_options['item_multiplier'])) {
         $trigger_options['item_multiplier'] = 1.0;
     // If the battle has already ended, return false
     if (!empty($this_battle->flags['battle_complete_message_created'])) {
         return false;
     // Create references to save time 'cause I'm tired
     // (rather than replace all target references to this references)
     $this_battle =& $this_battle;
     $this_player =& $this->player;
     // the player of the robot being disabled
     $this_robot =& $this;
     // the robot being disabled
     $target_player =& $target_robot->player;
     // the player of the other robot
     $target_robot =& $target_robot;
     // the other robot that isn't this one
     // If the target player is the same as the current or the target is dead
     if ($this_player->player_id == $target_player->player_id) {
         // Collect the actual target player from the battle values
         if (!empty($this_battle->values['players'])) {
             foreach ($this_battle->values['players'] as $id => $info) {
                 if ($this_player->player_id != $id) {
                     $target_player = new rpg_player($info);
         // Collect the actual target robot from the battle values
         if (!empty($target_player->values['robots_active'])) {
             foreach ($target_player->values['robots_active'] as $key => $info) {
                 if ($info['robot_position'] == 'active') {
     // Update the target player's session
     // Create the robot disabled event
     $disabled_text = in_array($this_robot->robot_token, array('dark-frag', 'dark-spire', 'dark-tower')) || $this_robot->robot_core == 'empty' ? 'destroyed' : 'disabled';
     $event_header = ($this_player->player_token != 'player' ? $this_player->player_name . '&#39;s ' : '') . $this_robot->robot_name;
     $event_body = ($this_player->player_token != 'player' ? $this_player->print_name() . '&#39;s ' : 'The target ') . ' ' . $this_robot->print_name() . ' was ' . $disabled_text . '!<br />';
     //'.($this_robot->robot_position == 'bench' ? ' and removed from battle' : '').'
     if (isset($this_robot->robot_quotes['battle_defeat'])) {
         $this_find = array('{target_player}', '{target_robot}', '{this_player}', '{this_robot}');
         $this_replace = array($target_player->player_name, $target_robot->robot_name, $this_player->player_name, $this_robot->robot_name);
         $event_body .= $this_robot->print_quote('battle_defeat', $this_find, $this_replace);
     if ($target_robot->robot_status != 'disabled') {
         $target_robot->robot_frame = 'base';
     $this_robot->robot_frame = 'defeat';
     $this_battle->events_create($this_robot, $target_robot, $event_header, $event_body, array('console_show_target' => false, 'canvas_show_disabled_bench' => $this_robot->robot_id . '_' . $this_robot->robot_token));
     // Define the event options array
     $event_options = array();
     $event_options['this_ability_results']['total_actions'] = 0;
     // Calculate the bonus boosts from defeating the target robot (if NOT player battle)
     if ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && $this_player->player_id == MMRPG_SETTINGS_TARGET_PLAYERID && $target_robot->robot_status != 'disabled') {
         // Boost this robot's attack if a boost is in order
         if (empty($target_robot->flags['robot_stat_max_attack'])) {
             $this_attack_boost = $this_robot->robot_base_attack / 100;
             //ceil($this_robot->robot_base_attack / 100);
             if ($this_robot->robot_class == 'mecha') {
                 $this_attack_boost = $this_attack_boost / 2;
             if ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && $target_robot->robot_class == 'mecha') {
                 $this_attack_boost = $this_attack_boost * 2;
             if ($target_robot->robot_attack + $this_attack_boost > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                 $this_attack_overboost = (MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX - $target_robot->robot_attack) * -1;
                 $this_attack_boost = $this_attack_boost - $this_attack_overboost;
             $this_attack_boost = round($this_attack_boost);
         } else {
             $this_attack_boost = 0;
         // Boost this robot's defense if a boost is in order
         if (empty($target_robot->flags['robot_stat_max_defense'])) {
             $this_defense_boost = $this_robot->robot_base_defense / 100;
             //ceil($this_robot->robot_base_defense / 100);
             if ($this_robot->robot_class == 'mecha') {
                 $this_defense_boost = $this_defense_boost / 2;
             if ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && $target_robot->robot_class == 'mecha') {
                 $this_defense_boost = $this_defense_boost * 2;
             if ($target_robot->robot_defense + $this_defense_boost > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                 $this_defense_overboost = (MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX - $target_robot->robot_defense) * -1;
                 $this_defense_boost = $this_defense_boost - $this_defense_overboost;
             $this_defense_boost = round($this_defense_boost);
         } else {
             $this_defense_boost = 0;
         // Boost this robot's speed if a boost is in order
         if (empty($target_robot->flags['robot_stat_max_speed'])) {
             $this_speed_boost = $this_robot->robot_base_speed / 100;
             //ceil($this_robot->robot_base_speed / 100);
             if ($this_robot->robot_class == 'mecha') {
                 $this_speed_boost = $this_speed_boost / 2;
             if ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && $target_robot->robot_class == 'mecha') {
                 $this_speed_boost = $this_speed_boost * 2;
             if ($target_robot->robot_speed + $this_speed_boost > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                 $this_speed_overboost = (MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX - $target_robot->robot_speed) * -1;
                 $this_speed_boost = $this_speed_boost - $this_speed_overboost;
             $this_speed_boost = round($this_speed_boost);
         } else {
             $this_speed_boost = 0;
         // If the target robot is holding a Growth Module, double the stat bonuses
         if ($target_robot->robot_item == 'growth-module') {
             if (!$this_attack_boost) {
                 $this_attack_boost = $this_attack_boost * 2;
             if (!$this_defense_boost) {
                 $this_defense_boost = $this_defense_boost * 2;
             if (!$this_speed_boost) {
                 $this_speed_boost = $this_speed_boost * 2;
         // Define the temporary boost actions counter
         $temp_boost_actions = 1;
         // Increase reward if there are any pending stat boosts and clear session
         if ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && ($target_robot->robot_level == 100 && $target_robot->robot_class == 'master') && $target_robot->robot_base_attack < MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
             if (!empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack_pending'])) {
                 $this_attack_boost += $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack_pending'];
                 $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack_pending'] = 0;
         // Increase reward if there are any pending stat boosts and clear session
         if ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && ($target_robot->robot_level == 100 && $target_robot->robot_class == 'master') && $target_robot->robot_base_defense < MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
             if (!empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense_pending'])) {
                 $this_defense_boost += $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense_pending'];
                 $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense_pending'] = 0;
         // Increase reward if there are any pending stat boosts and clear session
         if ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && ($target_robot->robot_level == 100 && $target_robot->robot_class == 'master') && $target_robot->robot_base_speed < MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
             if (!empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_speed_pending'])) {
                 $this_speed_boost += $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_speed_pending'];
                 $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_speed_pending'] = 0;
         // If the attack boost was not empty, process it
         if ($this_attack_boost > 0) {
             // If the robot is under level 100, stat boosts are pending
             if ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && $target_robot->robot_level < 100 && $target_robot->robot_class == 'master') {
                 // Update the session variables with the pending stat boost
                 if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack_pending'])) {
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack_pending'] = 0;
                 $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack_pending'] += $this_attack_boost;
             } elseif ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && ($target_robot->robot_level == 100 && $target_robot->robot_class == 'master' || $target_robot->robot_class == 'mecha') && $target_robot->robot_base_attack < MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                 // Define the base attack boost based on robot base stats
                 $temp_attack_boost = ceil($this_attack_boost);
                 // If this action would boost the robot over their stat limits
                 if ($temp_attack_boost + $target_robot->robot_attack > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                     $temp_attack_boost = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX - $target_robot->robot_attack;
                 // Increment this robot's attack by the calculated amount and display an event
                 $target_robot->robot_attack = ceil($target_robot->robot_attack + $temp_attack_boost);
                 $target_robot->robot_base_attack = ceil($target_robot->robot_base_attack + $temp_attack_boost);
                 $event_options = array();
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['trigger_kind'] = 'recovery';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_kind'] = 'attack';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_type'] = '';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['flag_affinity'] = true;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['flag_critical'] = true;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_amount'] = $temp_attack_boost;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_result'] = 'success';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['total_actions'] = $temp_boost_actions++;
                 $event_options['this_ability_user'] = $this->robot_id . '_' . $this->robot_token;
                 $event_options['this_ability_target'] = $target_robot->robot_id . '_' . $target_robot->robot_token;
                 $event_options['console_show_target'] = false;
                 $event_body = $target_robot->print_name() . ' downloads weapons data from the target robot! ';
                 $event_body .= '<br />';
                 $event_body .= $target_robot->print_name() . '&#39;s attack grew by <span class="recovery_amount">' . $temp_attack_boost . '</span>! ';
                 $target_robot->robot_frame = 'shoot';
                 $this_battle->events_create($target_robot, $this_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                 // Update the session variables with the rewarded stat boost if not mecha
                 if ($target_robot->robot_class == 'master') {
                     if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack'])) {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack'] = 0;
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack'] = ceil($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack']);
                     $temp_attack_session_boost = round($this_attack_boost);
                     if ($temp_attack_session_boost < 1) {
                         $temp_attack_session_boost = 1;
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack'] += $temp_attack_session_boost;
         // If the defense boost was not empty, process it
         if ($this_defense_boost > 0) {
             // If the robot is under level 100, stat boosts are pending
             if ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && $target_robot->robot_level < 100 && $target_robot->robot_class == 'master') {
                 // Update the session variables with the pending stat boost
                 if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense_pending'])) {
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense_pending'] = 0;
                 $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense_pending'] += $this_defense_boost;
             } elseif ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && ($target_robot->robot_level == 100 && $target_robot->robot_class == 'master' || $target_robot->robot_class == 'mecha') && $target_robot->robot_base_defense < MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                 // Define the base defense boost based on robot base stats
                 $temp_defense_boost = ceil($this_defense_boost);
                 // If this action would boost the robot over their stat limits
                 if ($temp_defense_boost + $target_robot->robot_defense > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                     $temp_defense_boost = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX - $target_robot->robot_defense;
                 // Increment this robot's defense by the calculated amount and display an event
                 $target_robot->robot_defense = ceil($target_robot->robot_defense + $temp_defense_boost);
                 $target_robot->robot_base_defense = ceil($target_robot->robot_base_defense + $temp_defense_boost);
                 $event_options = array();
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['trigger_kind'] = 'recovery';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_kind'] = 'defense';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_type'] = '';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['flag_affinity'] = true;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['flag_critical'] = true;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_amount'] = $temp_defense_boost;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_result'] = 'success';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['total_actions'] = $temp_boost_actions++;
                 $event_options['this_ability_user'] = $this->robot_id . '_' . $this->robot_token;
                 $event_options['this_ability_target'] = $target_robot->robot_id . '_' . $target_robot->robot_token;
                 $event_options['console_show_target'] = false;
                 $event_body = $target_robot->print_name() . ' downloads shield data from the target robot! ';
                 $event_body .= '<br />';
                 $event_body .= $target_robot->print_name() . '&#39;s defense grew by <span class="recovery_amount">' . $temp_defense_boost . '</span>! ';
                 $target_robot->robot_frame = 'defend';
                 $this_battle->events_create($target_robot, $this_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                 // Update the session variables with the rewarded stat boost if not mecha
                 if ($target_robot->robot_class == 'master') {
                     if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense'])) {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense'] = 0;
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense'] = ceil($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense']);
                     $temp_defense_session_boost = round($this_defense_boost);
                     if ($temp_defense_session_boost < 1) {
                         $temp_defense_session_boost = 1;
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense'] += $temp_defense_session_boost;
         // If the speed boost was not empty, process it
         if ($this_speed_boost > 0) {
             // If the robot is under level 100, stat boosts are pending
             if ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && $target_robot->robot_level < 100 && $target_robot->robot_class == 'master') {
                 // Update the session variables with the pending stat boost
                 if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_speed_pending'])) {
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_speed_pending'] = 0;
                 $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_speed_pending'] += $this_speed_boost;
             } elseif ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && ($target_robot->robot_level == 100 && $target_robot->robot_class == 'master' || $target_robot->robot_class == 'mecha') && $target_robot->robot_base_speed < MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                 // Define the base speed boost based on robot base stats
                 $temp_speed_boost = ceil($this_speed_boost);
                 // If this action would boost the robot over their stat limits
                 if ($temp_speed_boost + $target_robot->robot_speed > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                     $temp_speed_boost = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX - $target_robot->robot_speed;
                 // Increment this robot's speed by the calculated amount and display an event
                 $target_robot->robot_speed = ceil($target_robot->robot_speed + $temp_speed_boost);
                 $target_robot->robot_base_speed = ceil($target_robot->robot_base_speed + $temp_speed_boost);
                 $event_options = array();
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['trigger_kind'] = 'recovery';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_kind'] = 'speed';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_type'] = '';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['flag_affinity'] = true;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['flag_critical'] = true;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_amount'] = $temp_speed_boost;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_result'] = 'success';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['total_actions'] = $temp_boost_actions++;
                 $event_options['this_ability_user'] = $this->robot_id . '_' . $this->robot_token;
                 $event_options['this_ability_target'] = $target_robot->robot_id . '_' . $target_robot->robot_token;
                 $event_options['console_show_target'] = false;
                 $event_body = $target_robot->print_name() . ' downloads mobility data from the target robot! ';
                 $event_body .= '<br />';
                 $event_body .= $target_robot->print_name() . '&#39;s speed grew by <span class="recovery_amount">' . $temp_speed_boost . '</span>! ';
                 $target_robot->robot_frame = 'slide';
                 $this_battle->events_create($target_robot, $this_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                 // Update the session variables with the rewarded stat boost if not mecha
                 if ($target_robot->robot_class == 'master') {
                     if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_speed'])) {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_speed'] = 0;
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_speed'] = ceil($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_speed']);
                     $temp_speed_session_boost = round($this_speed_boost);
                     if ($temp_speed_session_boost < 1) {
                         $temp_speed_session_boost = 1;
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$target_robot->robot_token]['robot_speed'] += $temp_speed_session_boost;
         // Update the target robot frame
         $target_robot->robot_frame = 'base';
     // Ensure player and robot variables are updated
     // DEBUG
     $this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', 'we made it past the stat boosts... <br />'.
         '$this_robot->robot_token='.$this_robot->robot_token.'; $target_robot->robot_token='.$target_robot->robot_token.';<br />'.
         '$target_player->player_token='.$target_player->player_token.'; $target_player->player_side='.$target_player->player_side.';<br />'
      * Reward the player and robots with items and experience if not in demo mode
     if ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && $this_player->player_id == MMRPG_SETTINGS_TARGET_PLAYERID && rpg_game::is_user()) {
         // -- EXPERIENCE POINTS / LEVEL UP -- //
         // Filter out robots who were active in this battle in at least some way
         $temp_robots_active = $target_player->values['robots_active'];
         usort($temp_robots_active, array('rpg_functions', 'robot_sort_by_active'));
         // Define the boost multiplier and start out at zero
         $temp_boost_multiplier = 0;
         // DEBUG
         //$event_body = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $this_robot->robot_token.' : $this_robot->counters = <pre>'.print_r($this_robot->counters, true).'</pre>');
         //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', $event_body);
         // If the target has had any damage flags triggered, update the multiplier
         //if ($this_robot->flags['triggered_immunity']){ $temp_boost_multiplier += 0; }
         //if (!empty($this_robot->flags['triggered_resistance'])){ $temp_boost_multiplier -= $this_robot->counters['triggered_resistance'] * 0.10; }
         //if (!empty($this_robot->flags['triggered_affinity'])){ $temp_boost_multiplier -= $this_robot->counters['triggered_affinity'] * 0.10; }
         //if (!empty($this_robot->flags['triggered_weakness'])){ $temp_boost_multiplier += $this_robot->counters['triggered_weakness'] * 0.10; }
         //if (!empty($this_robot->flags['triggered_critical'])){ $temp_boost_multiplier += $this_robot->counters['triggered_critical'] * 0.10; }
         // If we're in DEMO mode, give a 100% experience boost
         //if (rpg_game::is_demo()){ $temp_boost_multiplier += 1; }
         // Ensure the multiplier has not gone below 100%
         if ($temp_boost_multiplier < -0.99) {
             $temp_boost_multiplier = -0.99;
         } elseif ($temp_boost_multiplier > 0.99) {
             $temp_boost_multiplier = 0.99;
         // Define the boost text to match the multiplier
         $temp_boost_text = '';
         if ($temp_boost_multiplier < 0) {
             $temp_boost_text = 'a lowered ';
         } elseif ($temp_boost_multiplier > 0) {
             $temp_boost_text = 'a boosted ';
         $event_body = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $this_robot->robot_token.'<pre>'.print_r($this_robot->flags, true).'</pre>');
         //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', $event_body);
         $event_body = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $target_robot->robot_token.'<pre>'.print_r($target_robot->flags, true).'</pre>');
         //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', $event_body);
         // Define the base experience for the target robot
         $temp_experience = $this_robot->robot_base_energy + $this_robot->robot_base_attack + $this_robot->robot_base_defense + $this_robot->robot_base_speed;
         // DEBUG
         //$event_body = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $this_robot->robot_token.' : $temp_boost_multiplier = '.$temp_boost_multiplier.'; $temp_experience = '.$temp_experience.'; ');
         //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG_'.__LINE__, $event_body);
         // Apply any boost multipliers to the experience earned
         if ($temp_boost_multiplier > 0 || $temp_boost_multiplier < 0) {
             $temp_experience += $temp_experience * $temp_boost_multiplier;
         if ($temp_experience <= 0) {
             $temp_experience = 1;
         $temp_experience = round($temp_experience);
         $temp_target_experience = array('level' => $this_robot->robot_level, 'experience' => $temp_experience);
         // DEBUG
         //$event_body = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $this_robot->robot_token.' : $temp_target_experience = <pre>'.print_r($temp_target_experience, true).'</pre>');
         //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', $event_body);
         // Define the robot experience level and start at zero
         $target_robot_experience = 0;
         // Sort the active robots based on active or not
         function mmrpg_sort_temp_active_robots($info1, $info2){
             if ($info1['robot_position'] == 'active'){ return -1; }
             else { return 1; }
         usort($temp_robots_active, 'mmrpg_sort_temp_active_robots');
         // If the target was defeated with overkill, add it to the battle var
         if (!empty($this_robot->counters['defeat_overkill'])) {
             $overkill_bonus = $this_robot->counters['defeat_overkill'];
             //$overkill_bonus = $overkill_bonus - ceil($overkill_bonus * 0.90);
             //$overkill_divider = $target_robot->robot_level >= 100 ? 0.01 : (100 - $target_robot->robot_level) / 100;
             //$overkill_bonus = floor($overkill_bonus * $overkill_divider);
             //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', '<pre>'.preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', print_r(array('$this_battle->battle_overkill' => $this_battle->battle_overkill, '$this_battle->battle_rewards_zenny' => $this_battle->battle_rewards_zenny), true)).'</pre>', $event_options);
             //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', '<pre>'.preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', print_r(array('$overkill_bonus' => $overkill_bonus), true)).'</pre>', $event_options);
             //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', '<pre>'.preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', print_r(array('$this_robot->robot_base_total' => $this_robot->robot_base_total, '$target_robot->robot_base_total' => $target_robot->robot_base_total), true)).'</pre>', $event_options);
             //if ($target_robot->robot_base_total > $this_robot->robot_base_total){ $overkill_bonus = floor($overkill_bonus * ($this_robot->robot_base_total / $target_robot->robot_base_total));   }
             //elseif ($target_robot->robot_base_total < $this_robot->robot_base_total){ $overkill_bonus = floor($overkill_bonus * ($target_robot->robot_base_total / $this_robot->robot_base_total));   }
             //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', '<pre>'.preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', print_r(array('$overkill_bonus' => $overkill_bonus), true)).'</pre>', $event_options);
             $this_battle->battle_overkill += $this_robot->counters['defeat_overkill'];
             if (empty($this_battle->flags['starter_battle'])) {
                 $this_battle->battle_rewards_zenny += $overkill_bonus;
             //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', '<pre>'.preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', print_r(array('$this_battle->battle_overkill' => $this_battle->battle_overkill, '$this_battle->battle_rewards_zenny' => $this_battle->battle_rewards_zenny), true)).'</pre>', $event_options);
         // Increment each of this player's robots
         $temp_robots_active_num = count($temp_robots_active);
         $temp_robots_active_num2 = $temp_robots_active_num;
         // This will be decremented for each non-experience gaining level 100 robots
         $temp_robots_active = array_reverse($temp_robots_active, true);
         usort($temp_robots_active, array('rpg_functions', 'robot_sort_by_active'));
         $temp_robot_active_position = false;
         foreach ($temp_robots_active as $temp_id => $temp_info) {
             $temp_robot = $target_robot->robot_id == $temp_info['robot_id'] ? $target_robot : new rpg_robot($target_player, $temp_info);
             if ($temp_robot->robot_level >= 100 || $temp_robot->robot_class != 'master') {
             if ($temp_robot->robot_position == 'active') {
                 $temp_robot_active_position = $temp_robots_active[$temp_id];
         $temp_unshift = array_unshift($temp_robots_active, $temp_robot_active_position);
         foreach ($temp_robots_active as $temp_id => $temp_info) {
             // Collect or define the robot points and robot rewards variables
             $temp_robot = $target_robot->robot_id == $temp_info['robot_id'] ? $target_robot : new rpg_robot($target_player, $temp_info);
             //if ($temp_robot->robot_class == 'mecha'){ continue; }
             $temp_robot_token = $temp_info['robot_token'];
             if ($temp_robot_token == 'robot') {
             $temp_robot_experience = rpg_game::robot_experience($target_player->player_token, $temp_info['robot_token']);
             $temp_robot_rewards = !empty($temp_info['robot_rewards']) ? $temp_info['robot_rewards'] : array();
             if (empty($temp_robots_active_num2)) {
             // Continue if over already at level 100
             //if ($temp_robot->robot_level >= 100){ continue; }
             // Reset the robot experience points to zero
             $target_robot_experience = 0;
             // Continue with experience mods only if under level 100
             if ($temp_robot->robot_level < 100 && $temp_robot->robot_class == 'master') {
                 // Give a proportionate amount of experience based on this and the target robot's levels
                 if ($temp_robot->robot_level == $temp_target_experience['level']) {
                     $temp_experience_boost = $temp_target_experience['experience'];
                 } elseif ($temp_robot->robot_level < $temp_target_experience['level']) {
                     $temp_experience_boost = $temp_target_experience['experience'] + round(($temp_target_experience['level'] - $temp_robot->robot_level) / 100 * $temp_target_experience['experience']);
                     //$temp_experience_boost = $temp_target_experience['experience'] + ((($temp_target_experience['level']) / $temp_robot->robot_level) * $temp_target_experience['experience']);
                 } elseif ($temp_robot->robot_level > $temp_target_experience['level']) {
                     $temp_experience_boost = $temp_target_experience['experience'] - round(($temp_robot->robot_level - $temp_target_experience['level']) / 100 * $temp_target_experience['experience']);
                     //$temp_experience_boost = $temp_target_experience['experience'] - ((($temp_robot->robot_level - $temp_target_experience['level']) / 100) * $temp_target_experience['experience']);
                 // DEBUG
                 //$event_body = 'START EXPERIENCE | ';
                 //$event_body .= preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $this_robot->robot_token.' : $temp_experience_boost = '.$temp_experience_boost.'; $target_robot_experience = '.$target_robot_experience.'; ');
                 //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', $event_body);
                 //$temp_experience_boost = ceil($temp_experience_boost / 10);
                 $temp_experience_boost = ceil($temp_experience_boost / $temp_robots_active_num);
                 //$temp_experience_boost = ceil($temp_experience_boost / ($temp_robots_active_num * 2));
                 //$temp_experience_boost = ceil($temp_experience_boost / ($temp_robots_active_num2 * 2));
                 //$temp_experience_boost = ceil(($temp_experience_boost / $temp_robots_active_num2) * 1.00);
                 if ($temp_experience_boost > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                     $temp_experience_boost = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX;
                 $target_robot_experience += $temp_experience_boost;
                 // DEBUG
                 //$event_body = 'ACTIVE ROBOT DIVISION | ';
                 //$event_body .= preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $this_robot->robot_token.' : $temp_experience_boost = '.$temp_experience_boost.'; $target_robot_experience = '.$target_robot_experience.'; $temp_robots_active_num = '.$temp_robots_active_num.'; $temp_robots_active_num2 = '.$temp_robots_active_num2.'; ');
                 //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', $event_body);
                 // If this robot has been traded, give it an additional experience boost
                 $temp_experience_boost = 0;
                 $temp_robot_boost_text = $temp_boost_text;
                 $temp_player_boosted = false;
                 if ($temp_robot->player_token != $temp_robot->robot_original_player) {
                     $temp_player_boosted = true;
                     $temp_robot_boost_text = 'a player boosted ';
                     $temp_experience_bak = $target_robot_experience;
                     $target_robot_experience = $target_robot_experience * 2;
                     $temp_experience_boost = $target_robot_experience - $temp_experience_bak;
                     // DEBUG
                     //$event_body = 'PLAYER BOOSTED | ';
                     //$event_body .= preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $this_robot->robot_token.' : $temp_experience_boost = '.$temp_experience_boost.'; $target_robot_experience = '.$target_robot_experience.'; $temp_robot->player_token('.$temp_robot->player_token.') != $temp_robot->robot_original_player('.$temp_robot->robot_original_player.'); ');
                     //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', $event_body);
                 // If the target robot is holding a Growth Module, double the experience bonus
                 if ($temp_robot->robot_item == 'growth-module') {
                     $temp_robot_boost_text = $temp_player_boosted ? 'a player and module boosted ' : 'a module boosted ';
                     $temp_experience_bak = $target_robot_experience;
                     $target_robot_experience = $target_robot_experience * 2;
                     $temp_experience_boost = $target_robot_experience - $temp_experience_bak;
                     // DEBUG
                     //$event_body = 'MODULE BOOSTED | ';
                     //$event_body .= preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $this_robot->robot_token.' : $temp_experience_boost = '.$temp_experience_boost.'; $target_robot_experience = '.$target_robot_experience.'; $temp_robot->robot_item = '.$temp_robot->robot_item.'; ');
                     //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', $event_body);
                 // If there are field multipliers in place, apply them now
                 $temp_experience_boost = 0;
                 if (isset($this->field->field_multipliers['experience'])) {
                     //$temp_robot_boost_text = '(and '.$target_robot_experience.' multiplied by '.number_format($this->field->field_multipliers['experience'], 1).') ';
                     $temp_experience_bak = $target_robot_experience;
                     $target_robot_experience = ceil($target_robot_experience * $this->field->field_multipliers['experience']);
                     $temp_experience_boost = $target_robot_experience - $temp_experience_bak;
                 // DEBUG
                 //$event_body = 'FIELD MULTIPLIERS | ';
                 //$event_body .= preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $this_robot->robot_token.' : $temp_experience_boost = '.$temp_experience_boost.'; $target_robot_experience = '.$target_robot_experience.'; ');
                 //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', $event_body);
                 // If this robot has any overkill, add that to the temp experience modifier
                 $temp_experience_boost = 0;
                 if (!empty($this_robot->counters['defeat_overkill'])){
                     if (empty($temp_robot_boost_text)){ $temp_robot_boost_text = 'an overkill boosted '; }
                     else { $temp_robot_boost_text = 'a player and overkill boosted '; }
                     $temp_experience_bak = $target_robot_experience;
                     $target_robot_experience += ceil($this_robot->counters['defeat_overkill'] / $temp_robots_active_num2);
                     $temp_experience_boost = $target_robot_experience - $temp_experience_bak;
                     //$this_battle->battle_overkill += $this_robot->counters['defeat_overkill'];
                     //$temp_robot_boost_text .= 'umm '.$this_battle->battle_overkill;
                 // DEBUG
                 //$event_body = 'OVERKILL BONUS | ';
                 //$event_body .= preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $this_robot->robot_token.' : $temp_experience_boost = '.$temp_experience_boost.'; $target_robot_experience = '.$target_robot_experience.'; ');
                 //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', $event_body);
                 // If the target robot's core type has been boosted by starforce
                 if (!empty($temp_robot->robot_core) && !empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['star_force'][$temp_robot->robot_core])){
                     if (empty($temp_robot_boost_text)){ $temp_robot_boost_text = 'a starforce boosted '; }
                     elseif ($temp_robot_boost_text == 'an overkill boosted '){ $temp_robot_boost_text = 'an overkill and starforce boosted '; }
                     elseif ($temp_robot_boost_text == 'a player boosted '){ $temp_robot_boost_text = 'a player and starforce boosted '; }
                     else { $temp_robot_boost_text = 'a player, overkill, and starforce boosted '; }
                     $temp_starforce = $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['star_force'][$temp_robot->robot_core];
                     $temp_experience_bak = $target_robot_experience;
                     $target_robot_experience += ceil($target_robot_experience * ($temp_starforce / 10));
                     $temp_experience_boost = $target_robot_experience - $temp_experience_bak;
                 // DEBUG
                 //$event_body = 'STARFORCE BONUS | ';
                 //$event_body .= preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $temp_robot->robot_token.' : '.$temp_robot->robot_core.' : $temp_experience_boost = '.$temp_experience_boost.'; $target_robot_experience = '.$target_robot_experience.'; ');
                 //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', $event_body);
                 // If the experience is greater then the max, level it off at the max (sorry guys!)
                 if ($target_robot_experience > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                     $target_robot_experience = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX;
                 if ($target_robot_experience < MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MIN) {
                     $target_robot_experience = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MIN;
                 // Collect the robot's current experience and level for reference later
                 $temp_start_experience = rpg_game::robot_experience($target_player->player_token, $temp_robot_token);
                 $temp_start_level = rpg_game::robot_level($target_player->player_token, $temp_robot_token);
                 // Increment this robots's points total with the battle points
                 if (!isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot_token]['robot_level'])) {
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot_token]['robot_level'] = 1;
                 if (!isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot_token]['robot_experience'])) {
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot_token]['robot_experience'] = 0;
                 $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot_token]['robot_experience'] += $target_robot_experience;
                 // Define the new experience for this robot
                 $temp_required_experience = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience_required($temp_robot->robot_level);
                 $temp_new_experience = rpg_game::robot_experience($target_player->player_token, $temp_info['robot_token']);
                 // If the new experience is over the required, level up the robot
                 $level_boost = 0;
                 if ($temp_new_experience > $temp_required_experience) {
                     //$level_boost = floor($temp_new_experience / $temp_required_experience);
                     while ($temp_new_experience > $temp_required_experience) {
                         $level_boost += 1;
                         $temp_new_experience -= $temp_required_experience;
                         $temp_required_experience = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience_required($temp_robot->robot_level + $level_boost);
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot_token]['robot_level'] += $level_boost;
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot_token]['robot_experience'] = $temp_new_experience;
                     //$level_boost * $temp_required_experience;
                     if ($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot_token]['robot_level'] > 100) {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot_token]['robot_level'] = 100;
                     $temp_new_experience = rpg_game::robot_experience($target_player->player_token, $temp_info['robot_token']);
                 // Define the new level for this robot
                 $temp_new_level = rpg_game::robot_level($target_player->player_token, $temp_robot_token);
             } else {
                 // Collect the robot's current experience and level for reference later
                 $temp_start_experience = rpg_game::robot_experience($target_player->player_token, $temp_robot_token);
                 $temp_start_level = rpg_game::robot_level($target_player->player_token, $temp_robot_token);
                 // Define the new experience for this robot
                 $temp_new_experience = $temp_start_experience;
                 $temp_new_level = $temp_start_level;
             // Define the event options
             $event_options = array();
             $event_options['this_ability_results']['trigger_kind'] = 'recovery';
             $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_kind'] = 'experience';
             $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_type'] = '';
             $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_amount'] = $target_robot_experience;
             $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_result'] = 'success';
             $event_options['this_ability_results']['flag_affinity'] = true;
             $event_options['this_ability_results']['total_actions'] = 1;
             $event_options['this_ability_user'] = $this->robot_id . '_' . $this->robot_token;
             $event_options['this_ability_target'] = $temp_robot->robot_id . '_' . $temp_robot->robot_token;
             // Update player/robot frames and points for the victory
             $temp_robot->robot_frame = 'victory';
             $temp_robot->robot_level = $temp_new_level;
             $temp_robot->robot_experience = $temp_new_experience;
             // Only display the event if the player is under level 100
             if ($temp_robot->robot_level < 100 && $temp_robot->robot_class == 'master') {
                 // Display the win message for this robot with battle points
                 $temp_robot->robot_frame = 'taunt';
                 $temp_robot->robot_level = $temp_new_level;
                 if ($temp_start_level != $temp_new_level) {
                     $temp_robot->robot_experience = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience_required($temp_robot->robot_level);
                 $event_header = $temp_robot->robot_name . '&#39;s Rewards';
                 $event_multiplier_text = $temp_robot_boost_text;
                 $event_body = $temp_robot->print_name() . ' collects ' . $event_multiplier_text . '<span class="recovery_amount ability_type ability_type_cutter">' . $target_robot_experience . '</span> experience points! ';
                 $event_body .= '<br />';
                 if (isset($temp_robot->robot_quotes['battle_victory'])) {
                     $this_find = array('{target_player}', '{target_robot}', '{this_player}', '{this_robot}');
                     $this_replace = array($this_player->player_name, $this_robot->robot_name, $target_player->player_name, $temp_robot->robot_name);
                     $event_body .= $temp_robot->print_quote('battle_victory', $this_find, $this_replace);
                 //$event_options = array();
                 $event_options['console_show_target'] = false;
                 $event_options['this_header_float'] = $event_options['this_body_float'] = $target_player->player_side;
                 $this_battle->events_create($temp_robot, $this_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                 if ($temp_start_level != $temp_new_level) {
                     $temp_robot->robot_experience = $temp_new_experience;
                 if ($temp_robot->robot_core == 'copy') {
                     $temp_robot->robot_image = $temp_robot->robot_base_image;
                     $temp_robot->robot_image_overlay = array();
             // Floor the robot's experience with or without the event
             $temp_robot->robot_frame = 'base';
             if ($temp_start_level != $temp_new_level) {
                 $temp_robot->robot_experience = 0;
             // If the level has been boosted, display the stat increases
             if ($temp_start_level != $temp_new_level) {
                 // Define the event options
                 $event_options = array();
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['trigger_kind'] = 'recovery';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_kind'] = 'level';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_type'] = '';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['flag_affinity'] = true;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['flag_critical'] = true;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_amount'] = $temp_new_level - $temp_start_level;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_result'] = 'success';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['total_actions'] = 2;
                 $event_options['this_ability_user'] = $this->robot_id . '_' . $this->robot_token;
                 $event_options['this_ability_target'] = $temp_robot->robot_id . '_' . $temp_robot->robot_token;
                 // Display the win message for this robot with battle points
                 $temp_robot->robot_frame = 'taunt';
                 $temp_robot->robot_level = $temp_new_level;
                 if ($temp_start_level != $temp_new_level) {
                     $temp_robot->robot_experience = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience_required($temp_robot->robot_level);
                 } else {
                     $temp_robot->robot_experience = $temp_new_experience;
                 $event_header = $temp_robot->robot_name . '&#39;s Rewards';
                 //$event_body = $temp_robot->print_name().' grew to <span class="recovery_amount'.($temp_new_level >= 100 ? ' ability_type ability_type_electric' : '').'">Level '.$temp_new_level.'</span>!<br /> ';
                 $event_body = $temp_robot->print_name() . ' grew to <span class="recovery_amount ability_type ability_type_level">Level ' . $temp_new_level . ($temp_new_level >= 100 ? ' &#9733;' : '') . '</span>!<br /> ';
                 $event_body .= $temp_robot->robot_name . '&#39;s energy, weapons, shields, and mobility were upgraded!';
                 //$event_options = array();
                 $event_options['console_show_target'] = false;
                 $event_options['this_header_float'] = $event_options['this_body_float'] = $target_player->player_side;
                 $this_battle->events_create($temp_robot, $this_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                 $temp_robot->robot_experience = 0;
                 // Collect the base robot template from the index for calculations
                 $temp_index_robot = rpg_robot::get_index_info($temp_robot->robot_token);
                 // Define the event options
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['trigger_kind'] = 'recovery';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_type'] = '';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_amount'] = $this_defense_boost;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_result'] = 'success';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['total_actions'] = 0;
                 $event_options['this_ability_user'] = $this->robot_id . '_' . $this->robot_token;
                 $event_options['this_ability_target'] = $temp_robot->robot_id . '_' . $temp_robot->robot_token;
                 // Update the robot rewards array with any recent info
                 $temp_robot_rewards = rpg_game::robot_rewards($target_player->player_token, $temp_robot->robot_token);
                 //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', '<pre>'.preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', print_r($temp_robot_rewards, true)).'</pre>', $event_options);
                 // Define the base energy boost based on robot base stats
                 $temp_energy_boost = ceil($level_boost * (0.05 * $temp_index_robot['robot_energy']));
                 // If this robot has reached level 100, the max level, create the flag in their session
                 if ($temp_new_level >= 100) {
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot->robot_token]['flags']['reached_max_level'] = true;
                 // Check if there are eny pending energy stat boosts for level up
                 if (!empty($temp_robot_rewards['robot_energy_pending'])) {
                     $temp_robot_rewards['robot_energy_pending'] = round($temp_robot_rewards['robot_energy_pending']);
                     $temp_energy_boost += $temp_robot_rewards['robot_energy_pending'];
                     if (!empty($temp_robot_rewards['robot_energy'])) {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot->robot_token]['robot_energy'] += $temp_robot_rewards['robot_energy_pending'];
                     } else {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot->robot_token]['robot_energy'] = $temp_robot_rewards['robot_energy_pending'];
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot->robot_token]['robot_energy_pending'] = 0;
                 // Increment this robot's energy by the calculated amount and display an event
                 $temp_robot->robot_energy += $temp_energy_boost;
                 $temp_base_energy_boost = ceil($level_boost * (0.05 * $temp_index_robot['robot_energy']));
                 $temp_robot->robot_base_energy += $temp_base_energy_boost;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_kind'] = 'energy';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_amount'] = $temp_energy_boost;
                 $event_body = $temp_robot->print_name() . '&#39;s health improved! ';
                 $event_body .= '<br />';
                 $event_body .= $temp_robot->print_name() . '&#39;s energy grew by <span class="recovery_amount">' . $temp_energy_boost . '</span>! ';
                 $temp_robot->robot_frame = 'summon';
                 $this_battle->events_create($temp_robot, $this_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                 // Define the base attack boost based on robot base stats
                 $temp_attack_boost = ceil($level_boost * (0.05 * $temp_index_robot['robot_attack']));
                 // Check if there are eny pending attack stat boosts for level up
                 if (!empty($temp_robot_rewards['robot_attack_pending'])) {
                     $temp_robot_rewards['robot_attack_pending'] = round($temp_robot_rewards['robot_attack_pending']);
                     $temp_attack_boost += $temp_robot_rewards['robot_attack_pending'];
                     if (!empty($temp_robot_rewards['robot_attack'])) {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack'] += $temp_robot_rewards['robot_attack_pending'];
                     } else {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack'] = $temp_robot_rewards['robot_attack_pending'];
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot->robot_token]['robot_attack_pending'] = 0;
                 // Increment this robot's attack by the calculated amount and display an event
                 $temp_robot->robot_attack += $temp_attack_boost;
                 $temp_base_attack_boost = ceil($level_boost * (0.05 * $temp_index_robot['robot_attack']));
                 $temp_robot->robot_base_attack += $temp_base_attack_boost;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_kind'] = 'attack';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_amount'] = $temp_attack_boost;
                 $event_body = $temp_robot->print_name() . '&#39;s weapons improved! ';
                 $event_body .= '<br />';
                 $event_body .= $temp_robot->print_name() . '&#39;s attack grew by <span class="recovery_amount">' . $temp_attack_boost . '</span>! ';
                 $temp_robot->robot_frame = 'shoot';
                 $this_battle->events_create($temp_robot, $this_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                 // Define the base defense boost based on robot base stats
                 $temp_defense_boost = ceil($level_boost * (0.05 * $temp_index_robot['robot_defense']));
                 // Check if there are eny pending defense stat boosts for level up
                 if (!empty($temp_robot_rewards['robot_defense_pending'])) {
                     $temp_robot_rewards['robot_defense_pending'] = round($temp_robot_rewards['robot_defense_pending']);
                     $temp_defense_boost += $temp_robot_rewards['robot_defense_pending'];
                     if (!empty($temp_robot_rewards['robot_defense'])) {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense'] += $temp_robot_rewards['robot_defense_pending'];
                     } else {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense'] = $temp_robot_rewards['robot_defense_pending'];
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot->robot_token]['robot_defense_pending'] = 0;
                 // Increment this robot's defense by the calculated amount and display an event
                 $temp_robot->robot_defense += $temp_defense_boost;
                 $temp_base_defense_boost = ceil($level_boost * (0.05 * $temp_index_robot['robot_defense']));
                 $temp_robot->robot_base_defense += $temp_base_defense_boost;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_kind'] = 'defense';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_amount'] = $temp_defense_boost;
                 $event_body = $temp_robot->print_name() . '&#39;s shields improved! ';
                 $event_body .= '<br />';
                 $event_body .= $temp_robot->print_name() . '&#39;s defense grew by <span class="recovery_amount">' . $temp_defense_boost . '</span>! ';
                 $temp_robot->robot_frame = 'defend';
                 $this_battle->events_create($temp_robot, $this_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                 // Define the base speed boost based on robot base stats
                 $temp_speed_boost = ceil($level_boost * (0.05 * $temp_index_robot['robot_speed']));
                 // Check if there are eny pending speed stat boosts for level up
                 if (!empty($temp_robot_rewards['robot_speed_pending'])) {
                     $temp_robot_rewards['robot_speed_pending'] = round($temp_robot_rewards['robot_speed_pending']);
                     $temp_speed_boost += $temp_robot_rewards['robot_speed_pending'];
                     if (!empty($temp_robot_rewards['robot_speed'])) {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot->robot_token]['robot_speed'] += $temp_robot_rewards['robot_speed_pending'];
                     } else {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot->robot_token]['robot_speed'] = $temp_robot_rewards['robot_speed_pending'];
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot_token]['robot_speed_pending'] = 0;
                 // Increment this robot's speed by the calculated amount and display an event
                 $temp_robot->robot_speed += $temp_speed_boost;
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['recovery_kind'] = 'speed';
                 $event_options['this_ability_results']['this_amount'] = $temp_speed_boost;
                 $temp_base_speed_boost = ceil($level_boost * (0.05 * $temp_index_robot['robot_speed']));
                 $temp_robot->robot_base_speed += $temp_base_speed_boost;
                 $event_body = $temp_robot->print_name() . '&#39;s mobility improved! ';
                 $event_body .= '<br />';
                 $event_body .= $temp_robot->print_name() . '&#39;s speed grew by <span class="recovery_amount">' . $temp_speed_boost . '</span>! ';
                 $temp_robot->robot_frame = 'slide';
                 $this_battle->events_create($temp_robot, $this_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                 // Update the robot frame
                 $temp_robot->robot_frame = 'base';
             // Update the experience level for real this time
             $temp_robot->robot_experience = $temp_new_experience;
             // Collect the robot info array
             $temp_robot_info = $temp_robot->export_array();
             // Collect the indexed robot rewards for new abilities
             $index_robot_rewards = $temp_robot_info['robot_rewards'];
             //$event_body = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', '<pre>'.print_r($index_robot_rewards, true).'</pre>');
             //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', $event_body);
             // Loop through the ability rewards for this robot if set
             if ($temp_robot->robot_class != 'mecha' && ($temp_start_level == 100 || $temp_start_level != $temp_new_level && !empty($index_robot_rewards['abilities']))) {
                 $temp_abilities_index = $db->get_array_list("SELECT * FROM mmrpg_index_abilities WHERE ability_flag_complete = 1;", 'ability_token');
                 foreach ($index_robot_rewards['abilities'] as $ability_reward_key => $ability_reward_info) {
                     // If the ability does not exist or is otherwise incomplete, continue
                     if (!isset($temp_abilities_index[$ability_reward_info['token']])) {
                     // If this ability is already unlocked, continue
                     if (rpg_game::ability_unlocked($target_player->player_token, $temp_robot_token, $ability_reward_info['token'])) {
                     // If we're in DEMO mode, continue
                     if (rpg_game::is_demo()) {
                     // Check if the required level has been met by this robot
                     if ($temp_new_level >= $ability_reward_info['level']) {
                         // Create the temporary ability object for event creation
                         $temp_ability_info = array('ability_id' => MMRPG_SETTINGS_BATTLEABILITIES_PERROBOT_MAX + $ability_reward_key, 'ability_token' => $ability_reward_info['token']);
                         $temp_ability = new rpg_ability($target_player, $temp_robot, $temp_ability_info);
                         // Collect or define the ability variables
                         $temp_ability_token = $ability_reward_info['token'];
                         // Display the robot reward message markup
                         $event_header = $temp_ability->ability_name . ' Unlocked';
                         $event_body = '<span class="robot_name">' . $temp_info['robot_name'] . '</span> unlocked new ability data!<br />';
                         $event_body .= $temp_ability->print_name() . ' can now be used in battle!';
                         $event_options = array();
                         $event_options['console_show_target'] = false;
                         $event_options['this_header_float'] = $target_player->player_side;
                         $event_options['this_body_float'] = $target_player->player_side;
                         $event_options['this_ability'] = $temp_ability;
                         $event_options['this_ability_image'] = 'icon';
                         $event_options['console_show_this_player'] = false;
                         $event_options['console_show_this_robot'] = false;
                         $event_options['console_show_this_ability'] = true;
                         $event_options['canvas_show_this_ability'] = false;
                         $temp_robot->robot_frame = $ability_reward_key % 2 == 2 ? 'taunt' : 'victory';
                         $temp_ability->ability_frame = 'base';
                         $this_battle->events_create($temp_robot, false, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                         $temp_robot->robot_frame = 'base';
                         // Automatically unlock this ability for use in battle
                         $this_reward = rpg_ability::get_index_info($temp_ability_token);
                         //array('ability_token' => $temp_ability_token);
                         $temp_player_info = $target_player->export_array();
                         $show_event = !rpg_game::ability_unlocked('', '', $temp_ability_token) ? true : false;
                         rpg_game::unlock_ability($temp_player_info, $temp_robot_info, $this_reward, $show_event);
                         if ($temp_robot_info['robot_original_player'] == $temp_player_info['player_token']) {
                             rpg_game::unlock_ability($temp_player_info, false, $this_reward);
                         } else {
                             rpg_game::unlock_ability(array('player_token' => $temp_robot_info['robot_original_player']), false, $this_reward);
                         //$_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player_token]['player_robots'][$temp_robot_token]['robot_abilities'][$temp_ability_token] = $this_reward;
         // -- ITEM REWARDS -- //
         // Define the temp player rewards array
         $target_player_rewards = array();
         // Define the chance multiplier and start at one
         $temp_chance_multiplier = $trigger_options['item_multiplier'];
         // Increase the item chance multiplier if one is set for the stage
         if (isset($this_battle->field->field_multipliers['items'])) {
             $temp_chance_multiplier = $temp_chance_multiplier * $this_battle->field->field_multipliers['items'];
         // Define the available item drops for this battle
         $target_player_rewards['items'] = $this_battle->get_item_rewards();
         // Increase the multipliers if starter battle
         if (!empty($this_battle->flags['starter_battle'])) {
             $temp_chance_multiplier = 4;
         } else {
             // If the target holds a Fortune Module, increase the chance of dropps
             $temp_fortune_module = false;
             if ($target_robot->robot_item == 'fortune-module') {
                 $temp_fortune_module = true;
             // If this robot was a MECHA class, it may drop SMALL SCREWS
             if ($this_robot->robot_class == 'mecha') {
                 $target_player_rewards['items'][] = array('chance' => 100, 'token' => 'small-screw', 'quantity' => mt_rand(1, $temp_fortune_module ? 9 : 6));
                 // If this robot was an empty core, it drops other items too
                 if (!empty($this_robot->robot_core) && $this_robot->robot_core == 'empty') {
                     $target_player_rewards['items'][] = array('chance' => 100, 'token' => 'super-pellet');
             // If this robot was a MASTER class, it may drop LARGE SCREWS
             if ($this_robot->robot_class == 'master') {
                 $target_player_rewards['items'][] = array('chance' => 100, 'token' => 'large-screw', 'quantity' => mt_rand(1, $temp_fortune_module ? 6 : 3));
                 // If this robot was an empty core, it drops other items too
                 if (!empty($this_robot->robot_core) && $this_robot->robot_core == 'empty') {
                     $target_player_rewards['items'][] = array('chance' => 100, 'token' => 'super-capsule');
             // If this robot was a BOSS class, it may drop EXTRA LIFE
             if ($this_robot->robot_class == 'boss') {
                 $target_player_rewards['items'][] = array('chance' => 100, 'token' => 'extra-life', 'quantity' => mt_rand(1, $temp_fortune_module ? 3 : 1));
             // If this robot was holding an ITEM, it should also drop that at a high rate
             if (!empty($this_robot->robot_item)) {
                 $target_player_rewards['items'][] = array('chance' => 100, 'token' => $this_robot->robot_item);
         // Precount the item values for later use
         $temp_value_total = 0;
         $temp_count_total = 0;
         foreach ($target_player_rewards['items'] as $item_reward_key => $item_reward_info) {
             $temp_value_total += $item_reward_info['chance'];
             $temp_count_total += 1;
         //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', '$temp_count_total = '.$temp_count_total.';<br /> $temp_value_total = '.$temp_value_total.'; ');
         // If this robot was a MECHA class and destroyed by WEAKNESS, it may drop a SHARD
         if ($this_robot->robot_class == 'mecha' && !empty($this_robot->flags['triggered_weakness'])) {
             $temp_shard_type = !empty($this->robot_core) ? $this->robot_core : 'none';
             $target_player_rewards['items'] = array();
             $target_player_rewards['items'][] = array('chance' => 100, 'token' => $temp_shard_type . '-shard');
         } elseif (in_array($this_robot->robot_class, array('master', 'boss')) && !empty($this_robot->flags['triggered_weakness'])) {
             $temp_core_type = !empty($this->robot_core) ? $this->robot_core : 'none';
             $target_player_rewards['items'] = array();
             $target_player_rewards['items'][] = array('chance' => 100, 'token' => $temp_core_type . '-core');
         // Recount the item values for later use
         $temp_value_total = 0;
         $temp_count_total = 0;
         foreach ($target_player_rewards['items'] as $item_reward_key => $item_reward_info) {
             $temp_value_total += $item_reward_info['chance'];
             $temp_count_total += 1;
         // Adjust item values for easier to understand percentages
         foreach ($target_player_rewards['items'] as $item_reward_key => $item_reward_info) {
             $target_player_rewards['items'][$item_reward_key]['chance'] = ceil($item_reward_info['chance'] / $temp_value_total * 100);
         // Shuffle the rewards so it doesn't look to formulaic
         // DEBUG
         //$temp_string = '';
         //foreach ($target_player_rewards['items'] AS $info){ $temp_string .= $info['token'].' = '.$info['chance'].'%, '; }
         //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', '$target_player_rewards[\'items\'] = '.count($target_player_rewards['items']).'<br /> '.$temp_string);
         // Define a function for dealing with item drops
         if (!function_exists('temp_player_rewards_items')) {
             function temp_player_rewards_items($this_battle, $target_player, $target_robot, $this_robot, $item_reward_key, $item_reward_info, $item_drop_count = 1)
                 global $mmrpg_index;
                 // Create the temporary ability object for event creation
                 $temp_info = array('ability_id' => MMRPG_SETTINGS_BATTLEABILITIES_PERROBOT_MAX + $item_reward_key + 300, 'ability_token' => $item_reward_info['ability_token']);
                 $temp_ability = new rpg_ability($target_player, $target_robot, $item_reward_info);
                 $temp_ability->ability_name = $item_reward_info['ability_name'];
                 $temp_ability->ability_image = $item_reward_info['ability_token'];
                 // Collect or define the ability variables
                 $temp_item_token = $item_reward_info['ability_token'];
                 $temp_item_name = $item_reward_info['ability_name'];
                 $temp_item_colour = !empty($item_reward_info['ability_type']) ? $item_reward_info['ability_type'] : 'none';
                 if (!empty($item_reward_info['ability_type2'])) {
                     $temp_item_colour .= '_' . $item_reward_info['ability_type2'];
                 $temp_type_name = !empty($item_reward_info['ability_type']) ? ucfirst($item_reward_info['ability_type']) : 'Neutral';
                 $allow_over_max = false;
                 $temp_is_shard = preg_match('/-shard$/i', $temp_item_token) ? true : false;
                 $temp_is_core = preg_match('/-core$/i', $temp_item_token) ? true : false;
                 // Define the max quantity limit for this particular item
                 if ($temp_is_shard) {
                     $temp_item_quantity_max = MMRPG_SETTINGS_SHARDS_MAXQUANTITY;
                     $allow_over_max = true;
                 } elseif ($temp_is_core) {
                     $temp_item_quantity_max = MMRPG_SETTINGS_CORES_MAXQUANTITY;
                 } else {
                     $temp_item_quantity_max = MMRPG_SETTINGS_ITEMS_MAXQUANTITY;
                 // Create the session variable for this item if it does not exist and collect its value
                 if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token])) {
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token] = 0;
                 $temp_item_quantity = $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token];
                 // If this item is already at the quantity limit, skip it entirely
                 if ($temp_item_quantity >= $temp_item_quantity_max) {
                     //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', 'max count for '.$temp_item_token.' of '.$temp_item_quantity_max.' has been reached ('.($allow_over_max ? 'allow' : 'disallow').')');
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token] = $temp_item_quantity_max;
                     $temp_item_quantity = $temp_item_quantity_max;
                     if (!$allow_over_max) {
                         return true;
                 // Define the new item quantity after increment
                 $temp_item_quantity_new = $temp_item_quantity + $item_drop_count;
                 $shards_remaining = false;
                 // If this is a shard piece
                 if ($temp_is_shard) {
                     // Define the number of shards remaining for a new core
                     $temp_item_quantity_max = MMRPG_SETTINGS_SHARDS_MAXQUANTITY;
                     $shards_remaining = $temp_item_quantity_max - $temp_item_quantity_new;
                     // If this player has collected enough shards to create a new core
                     if ($shards_remaining == 0) {
                         $temp_body_addon = 'The other ' . $temp_type_name . ' Shards from the inventory started glowing&hellip;';
                     } else {
                         $temp_body_addon = 'Collect ' . $shards_remaining . ' more shard' . ($shards_remaining > 1 ? 's' : '') . ' to create a new ' . $temp_type_name . ' Core!';
                 } elseif (preg_match('/-core$/i', $temp_item_token)) {
                     // Define the robot core drop text for displau
                     $temp_body_addon = $target_player->print_name() . ' added the new core to the inventory.';
                 } else {
                     // Define the normal item drop text for display
                     $temp_body_addon = $target_player->print_name() . ' added the dropped item' . ($item_drop_count > 1 ? 's' : '') . ' to the inventory.';
                 // Display the robot reward message markup
                 $event_header = $temp_item_name . ' Item Drop';
                 $event_body = rpg_functions::get_random_positive_word();
                 $event_body .= ' The disabled ' . $this_robot->print_name() . ' dropped ';
                 if ($item_drop_count == 1) {
                     $event_body .= (preg_match('/^(a|e|i|o|u)/i', $temp_item_name) ? 'an' : 'a') . ' <span class="ability_name ability_type ability_type_' . $temp_item_colour . '">' . $temp_item_name . '</span>!<br />';
                 } else {
                     $event_body .= 'x' . $item_drop_count . ' <span class="ability_name ability_type ability_type_' . $temp_item_colour . '">' . ($temp_item_name == 'Extra Life' ? 'Extra Lives' : $temp_item_name . 's') . '</span>!<br />';
                 $event_body .= $temp_body_addon;
                 $event_options = array();
                 $event_options['console_show_target'] = false;
                 $event_options['this_header_float'] = $target_player->player_side;
                 $event_options['this_body_float'] = $target_player->player_side;
                 $event_options['this_ability'] = $temp_ability;
                 $event_options['this_ability_image'] = 'icon';
                 $event_options['event_flag_victory'] = true;
                 $event_options['console_show_this_player'] = false;
                 $event_options['console_show_this_robot'] = false;
                 $event_options['console_show_this_ability'] = true;
                 $event_options['canvas_show_this_ability'] = true;
                 $target_player->set_frame($item_reward_key % 3 == 0 ? 'victory' : 'taunt');
                 $target_robot->robot_frame = $item_reward_key % 2 == 0 ? 'taunt' : 'base';
                 $temp_ability->ability_frame = 'base';
                 $temp_ability->ability_frame_offset = array('x' => 220, 'y' => 0, 'z' => 10);
                 $this_battle->events_create($target_robot, $target_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                 // Create and/or increment the session variable for this item increasing its quantity
                 if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token])) {
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token] = 0;
                 if ($temp_item_quantity < $temp_item_quantity_max) {
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token] += $item_drop_count;
                 // If this was a shard, and it was the LAST shard
                 if ($shards_remaining !== false && $shards_remaining < 1) {
                     // Define the new core token and increment value in session
                     $temp_core_token = str_replace('shard', 'core', $temp_item_token);
                     $temp_core_name = str_replace('Shard', 'Core', $temp_item_name);
                     $item_core_info = array('ability_token' => $temp_core_token, 'ability_name' => $temp_core_name, 'ability_type' => $item_reward_info['ability_type']);
                     // Create the temporary ability object for event creation
                     $temp_info['ability_id'] += 1;
                     $temp_info['ability_token'] = $temp_core_token;
                     $temp_core = new rpg_ability($target_player, $target_robot, $temp_info);
                     $temp_core->ability_name = $item_core_info['ability_name'];
                     $temp_core->ability_image = $item_core_info['ability_token'];
                     // Collect or define the ability variables
                     //$temp_core_token = $item_core_info['ability_token'];
                     //$temp_core_name = $item_core_info['ability_name'];
                     $temp_type_name = !empty($temp_core->ability_type) ? ucfirst($temp_core->ability_type) : 'Neutral';
                     $temp_core_colour = !empty($temp_core->ability_type) ? $temp_core->ability_type : 'none';
                     // Define the max quantity limit for this particular item
                     $temp_core_quantity_max = MMRPG_SETTINGS_ITEMS_MAXQUANTITY;
                     // Create the session variable for this item if it does not exist and collect its value
                     if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token])) {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token] = 0;
                     $temp_core_quantity = $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token];
                     // If this item is already at the quantity limit, skip it entirely
                     if ($temp_core_quantity >= $temp_core_quantity_max) {
                         //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', 'max count for '.$temp_core_token.' of '.$temp_core_quantity_max.' has been reached');
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token] = $temp_core_quantity_max;
                         $temp_core_quantity = $temp_core_quantity_max;
                         return true;
                     // Display the robot reward message markup
                     $event_header = $temp_core_name . ' Item Fusion';
                     $event_body = rpg_functions::get_random_positive_word() . ' The glowing shards fused to create a new ' . $temp_core->print_name() . '!<br />';
                     $event_body .= $target_player->print_name() . ' added the new core to the inventory.';
                     $event_options = array();
                     $event_options['console_show_target'] = false;
                     $event_options['this_header_float'] = $target_player->player_side;
                     $event_options['this_body_float'] = $target_player->player_side;
                     $event_options['this_ability'] = $temp_core;
                     $event_options['this_ability_image'] = 'icon';
                     $event_options['event_flag_victory'] = true;
                     $event_options['console_show_this_player'] = false;
                     $event_options['console_show_this_robot'] = false;
                     $event_options['console_show_this_ability'] = true;
                     $event_options['canvas_show_this_ability'] = true;
                     $target_player->set_frame($item_reward_key + 1 % 3 == 0 ? 'taunt' : 'victory');
                     $target_robot->robot_frame = $item_reward_key % 2 == 0 ? 'base' : 'taunt';
                     $temp_core->ability_frame = 'base';
                     $temp_core->ability_frame_offset = array('x' => 220, 'y' => 0, 'z' => 10);
                     $this_battle->events_create($target_robot, $target_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                     // Create and/or increment the session variable for this item increasing its quantity
                     if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token])) {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token] = 0;
                     if ($temp_core_quantity < $temp_core_quantity_max) {
                         $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token] += 1;
                     // Set the old shard counter back to zero now that they've fused
                     $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token] = 0;
                     $temp_item_quantity = 0;
                 // Return true on success
                 return true;
         // Loop through the ability rewards for this robot if set and NOT demo mode
         if (rpg_game::is_user() && !empty($target_player_rewards['items']) && $this->player->player_id == MMRPG_SETTINGS_TARGET_PLAYERID) {
             $temp_items_index = $db->get_array_list("SELECT * FROM mmrpg_index_abilities WHERE ability_flag_complete = 1;", 'ability_token');
             // Define the default success rate and multiply by the modifier
             $temp_success_value = $this_robot->robot_class == 'master' ? 50 : 25;
             $temp_success_value = ceil($temp_success_value * $temp_chance_multiplier);
             // Empty cores always have item drops
             if (!empty($this_robot->robot_core) && $this_robot->robot_core == 'empty') {
                 $temp_success_value = 100;
             // If the target holds a Fortune Module, increase the chance of dropps
             if ($target_robot->robot_item == 'fortune-module') {
                 $temp_success_value = $temp_success_value * 2;
             // Fix success values over 100
             if ($temp_success_value > 100) {
                 $temp_success_value = 100;
             // Define the failure based on success rate
             $temp_failure_value = 100 - $temp_success_value;
             // Define the dropping result based on rates
             $temp_dropping_result = $temp_success_value == 100 ? 'success' : rpg_functions::weighted_chance(array('success', 'failure'), array($temp_success_value, $temp_failure_value));
             //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', '..and the result of the drop ('.$temp_success_value.' / '.$temp_failure_value.') is '.$temp_dropping_result);
             if ($temp_dropping_result == 'success') {
                 $temp_value_total = 0;
                 $temp_count_total = 0;
                 foreach ($target_player_rewards['items'] as $item_reward_key => $item_reward_info) {
                     $temp_value_total += $item_reward_info['chance'];
                     $temp_count_total += 1;
                 $temp_item_counts = array();
                 $temp_item_tokens = array();
                 $temp_item_weights = array();
                 if ($temp_value_total > 0) {
                     foreach ($target_player_rewards['items'] as $item_reward_key => $item_reward_info) {
                         $temp_item_tokens[] = $item_reward_info['token'];
                         $temp_item_weights[] = ceil($item_reward_info['chance'] / $temp_value_total * 100);
                         $temp_item_counts[$item_reward_info['token']] = isset($item_reward_info['quantity']) ? $item_reward_info['quantity'] : 1;
                 $temp_random_item = rpg_functions::weighted_chance($temp_item_tokens, $temp_item_weights);
                 $item_index_info = rpg_ability::parse_index_info($temp_items_index[$temp_random_item]);
                 $item_drop_count = $temp_item_counts[$temp_random_item];
                 temp_player_rewards_items($this_battle, $target_player, $target_robot, $this, $item_reward_key, $item_index_info, $item_drop_count);
     // DEBUG
     //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', 'we made it past the experience boosts');
     // If the player has replacement robots and the knocked-out one was active
     if ($this_player->counters['robots_active'] > 0) {
         // Try to find at least one active POSITION robot before requiring a switch
         $has_active_positon_robot = false;
         foreach ($this_player->values['robots_active'] as $key => $robot) {
             //if ($robot['robot_position'] == 'active'){ $has_active_positon_robot = true; }
         // If the player does NOT have an active position robot, trigger a switch
         if (!$has_active_positon_robot) {
             // If the target player is not on autopilot, require input
             if ($this_player->player_autopilot == false) {
                 // Empty the action queue to allow the player switch time
                 $this_battle->actions = array();
             } elseif ($this_player->player_autopilot == true) {
                 // && $this_player->player_next_action != 'switch'
                 // Empty the action queue to allow the player switch time
                 $this_battle->actions = array();
                 // Remove any previous switch actions for this player
                 $backup_switch_actions = $this_battle->actions_extract(array('this_player_id' => $this_player->player_id, 'this_action' => 'switch'));
                 //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG DEBUG', 'This is a test from inside the dead trigger ['.count($backup_switch_actions).'].');
                 // If there were any previous switches removed
                 if (!empty($backup_switch_actions)) {
                     // If the target robot was faster, it should attack first
                     if ($this_robot->robot_speed > $target_robot->robot_speed) {
                         // Prepend an ability action for this robot
                         $this_battle->actions_prepend($this_player, $this_robot, $target_player, $target_robot, 'ability', '');
                     } else {
                         // Prepend an ability action for this robot
                         $this_battle->actions_append($this_player, $this_robot, $target_player, $target_robot, 'ability', '');
                 // Prepend a switch action for the target robot
                 $this_battle->actions_prepend($this_player, $this_robot, $target_player, $target_robot, 'switch', '');
     } else {
         // Trigger a battle complete action
         $this_battle->trigger_complete($target_player, $target_robot, $this_player, $this_robot);
     // Either way, set the hidden flag on the robot
     //if (($this_robot->robot_status == 'disabled' || $this_robot->robot_energy < 1) && $this_robot->robot_position == 'bench'){
     if ($this_robot->robot_status == 'disabled' || $this_robot->robot_energy < 1) {
         //$this_robot->robot_status == 'disabled';
         $this_robot->flags['apply_disabled_state'] = true;
         if ($this_robot->robot_position == 'bench') {
             $this_robot->flags['hidden'] = true;
     // -- ROBOT UNLOCKING STUFF!!! -- //
     // Check if this target winner was a HUMAN player and update the robot database counter for defeats
     if ($target_player->player_side == 'left') {
         // Add this robot to the global robot database array
         if (!isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['robot_database'][$this->robot_token])) {
             $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['robot_database'][$this->robot_token] = array('robot_token' => $this->robot_token);
         if (!isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['robot_database'][$this->robot_token]['robot_defeated'])) {
             $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['robot_database'][$this->robot_token]['robot_defeated'] = 0;
     // Check if this battle has any robot rewards to unlock and the winner was a HUMAN player
     $temp_robot_rewards = $this_battle->get_robot_rewards();
     if ($target_player->player_side == 'left' && !empty($temp_robot_rewards)) {
         // DEBUG
         //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG_'.__LINE__, $this->robot_token.' | trigger_disabled | battle_rewards_robots = '.count($temp_robot_rewards).'');
         foreach ($temp_robot_rewards as $temp_reward_key => $temp_reward_info) {
             // DEBUG
             //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG_'.__LINE__, $this->robot_token.' | trigger_disabled | checking '.$this->robot_token.' == '.preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', print_r($temp_reward_info, true)).'...');
             // Check if this robot was part of the rewards for this battle
             if (!rpg_game::robot_unlocked(false, $temp_reward_info['token']) && $this->robot_token == $temp_reward_info['token']) {
                 // DEBUG
                 //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG_'.__LINE__, $this->robot_token.' | trigger_disabled | '.$this->robot_token.' == '.$temp_reward_info['token'].' is a match!');
                 // Check if this robot has been attacked with any elemental moves
                 if (!empty($this->history['triggered_damage_types'])) {
                     // Loop through all the damage types and check if they're not empty
                     foreach ($this->history['triggered_damage_types'] as $key => $types) {
                         if (!empty($types)) {
                             // DEBUG
                             //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG_'.__LINE__, $this->robot_token.' | trigger_disabled | '.$this->robot_token.' was attacked with a '.implode(', ', $types).' type ability!<br />Removing from the battle rewards!');
                             // Generate the robot removed event showing the destruction
                             $event_header = $this->robot_name.'&#39;s Data Destroyed';
                             $event_body = $this->print_name().'&#39;s battle data was damaged beyond repair!<br />';
                             $event_body .= $this->print_name().' could not be unlocked for use in battle&hellip;';
                             $event_options = array();
                             $event_options['console_show_target'] = false;
                             $event_options['this_header_float'] = $this_player->player_side;
                             $event_options['this_body_float'] = $this_player->player_side;
                             $event_options['console_show_this_player'] = false;
                             $event_options['console_show_this_robot'] = true;
                             $this_robot->robot_frame = 'defeat';
                             $this_battle->events_create($this, false, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                             // Remove this robot from the battle rewards array
                             // Break, we know all we need to
                 // If this robot is somehow still a reward, print a message showing a good job
                 if (!empty($temp_robot_rewards[$temp_reward_key])) {
                     // Collect this reward's information
                     $robot_reward_info = $temp_robot_rewards[$temp_reward_key];
                     // Collect or define the robot points and robot rewards variables
                     //$this_robot_token = $robot_reward_info['token'];
                     $this_robot_level = !empty($robot_reward_info['level']) ? $robot_reward_info['level'] : 1;
                     $this_robot_experience = !empty($robot_reward_info['experience']) ? $robot_reward_info['experience'] : 0;
                     $this_robot_rewards = !empty($robot_info['robot_rewards']) ? $robot_info['robot_rewards'] : array();
                     // Create the temp new robot for the player
                     //$temp_index_robot = rpg_robot::get_index_info($this_robot_token);
                     $temp_index_robot['robot_id'] = MMRPG_SETTINGS_TARGET_PLAYERID * 2;
                     $temp_index_robot['robot_level'] = $this_robot_level;
                     $temp_index_robot['robot_experience'] = $this_robot_experience;
                     $temp_unlocked_robot = new rpg_robot($target_player, $temp_index_robot);
                     // Automatically unlock this robot for use in battle
                     //$temp_unlocked_player = $mmrpg_index['players'][$target_player->player_token];
                     rpg_game::unlock_robot($temp_unlocked_player, $temp_index_robot, true, true);
                     // Display the robot reward message markup
                     //$event_header = $temp_unlocked_robot->robot_name.' Unlocked';
                     $event_body = rpg_functions::get_random_positive_word() . ' ' . $target_player->print_name() . ' unlocked new robot data!<br />';
                     $event_body .= $temp_unlocked_robot->print_name() . ' can now be used in battle!';
                     $event_options = array();
                     $event_options['console_show_target'] = false;
                     $event_options['this_header_float'] = $target_player->player_side;
                     $event_options['this_body_float'] = $target_player->player_side;
                     $event_options['this_robot_image'] = 'mug';
                     $temp_unlocked_robot->robot_frame = 'base';
                     $this_battle->events_create($temp_unlocked_robot, false, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options);
                 // Update the battle with robot reward changes
                 $temp_robot_rewards = array_values($temp_robot_rewards);
     // Return true on success
     return true;
예제 #6
 public static function reset_session()
     // Reference global variables
     global $mmrpg_index, $db;
     //$GAME_SESSION = &$_SESSION[self::session_token()];
     $session_token = self::session_token();
     // Collect the user ID from the session
     $user_id = !empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['USER']['userid']) ? $_SESSION[$session_token]['USER']['userid'] : 0;
     // Back up the user and file info from the session
     $this_demo = $_SESSION[$session_token]['DEMO'];
     $this_user = $_SESSION[$session_token]['USER'];
     $this_file = $_SESSION[$session_token]['FILE'];
     $this_level_bonus = self::robot_level('dr-light', 'mega-man');
     $this_battle_points = !empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['counters']['battle_points']) ? $_SESSION[$session_token]['counters']['battle_points'] : 0;
     $this_battle_zenny = !empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['counters']['battle_zenny']) ? $_SESSION[$session_token]['counters']['battle_zenny'] : 0;
     $this_battle_items = !empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['counters']['battle_items']) ? $_SESSION[$session_token]['counters']['battle_items'] : array();
     $this_battle_stars = !empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['counters']['battle_stars']) ? $_SESSION[$session_token]['counters']['battle_stars'] : array();
     $this_battle_abilities = !empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['counters']['battle_abilities']) ? $_SESSION[$session_token]['counters']['battle_abilities'] : array();
     $this_battle_complete = !empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_complete']) ? $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_complete'] : array();
     $this_battle_failure = !empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_failure']) ? $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_failure'] : array();
     $this_robot_database = !empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['robot_database']) ? $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['robot_database'] : array();
     $this_battle_rewards = !empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_rewards']) ? $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_rewards'] : array();
     $this_battle_items = !empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_items']) ? $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_items'] : array();
     $this_index_settings = !empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['index_settings']) ? $_SESSION[$session_token]['index_settings'] : array();
     // Automatically unset the session variable entirely
     // Automatically create the cache date
     $_SESSION[$session_token] = array();
     // Redefine the user and file variables in the new session
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['DEMO'] = $this_demo;
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['USER'] = $this_user;
     // Automatically create the battle points counter and start at zero
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['counters']['battle_points'] = !empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'reset' ? 0 : $this_battle_points;
     // Automatically create the battle points counter and start at zero
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['counters']['battle_zenny'] = !empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'reset' ? 0 : $this_battle_zenny;
     // Automatically create the battle complete array and start at empty
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_complete'] = array();
     // Automatically create the battle failure array and start at empty
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_failure'] = array();
     // Automatically create the battle index array and start at empty
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_index'] = array();
     // Automatically create the battle items array and start at empty
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_items'] = !empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'reset' ? array() : $this_battle_items;
     // Automatically create the battle stars array and start at empty
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_stars'] = !empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'reset' ? array() : $this_battle_stars;
     // Automatically create the battle abilities array and start at empty
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_abilities'] = !empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'reset' ? array() : $this_battle_abilities;
     // Automatically create the robot database array and start at empty
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['robot_database'] = array();
     // Automatically create the index settings array and start at what was before
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['index_settings'] = $this_index_settings;
     // Automatically create the last load and save variable and set to now
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['last_load'] = time();
     $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['last_save'] = time();
     // -- DEMO MODE UNLOCKS -- //
     if (rpg_game::is_demo()) {
         // Reset the demo flag and user id to defaul
         $_SESSION[$session_token]['USER']['userid'] = MMRPG_SETTINGS_GUEST_ID;
         $_SESSION[$session_token]['DEMO'] = 1;
         // Only unlock Dr. Light as a playable character
         $unlock_player_info = $mmrpg_index['players']['dr-light'];
         self::unlock_player($unlock_player_info, false, true);
         $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_rewards']['dr-light']['player_points'] = 0;
         $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_items'] = array('item-energy-pellet' => 3, 'item-energy-capsule' => 2, 'item-weapon-pellet' => 3, 'item-weapon-capsule' => 2);
         // Auto-select Dr. Light as the current playable character
         $_SESSION[$session_token]['battle_settings']['this_player_token'] = 'dr-light';
         // Collect the robot index for calculation purposes
         $this_robot_index = $db->get_array_list("SELECT * FROM mmrpg_index_robots WHERE robot_flag_complete = 1;", 'robot_token');
         // Unlock Mega Man as a playable character
         $unlock_robot_info = $this_robot_index['mega-man'];
         $unlock_robot_info['robot_level'] = 1;
         $unlock_robot_info['robot_rewards']['abilities'] = array(array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'super-throw'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'fire-storm'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'hyper-bomb'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'ice-breath'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'buster-shot'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'mega-buster'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'mega-ball'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'mega-slide'));
         //$unlock_robot_info['robot_level'] = 5;
         //echo __LINE__.print_r($_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_rewards']['dr-light'], true);
         self::unlock_robot($unlock_player_info, $unlock_robot_info, true, false);
         // Unlock Bass as a playable character
         $unlock_robot_info = $this_robot_index['bass'];
         $unlock_robot_info['robot_level'] = 1;
         $unlock_robot_info['robot_rewards']['abilities'] = array(array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'air-shooter'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'leaf-shield'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'bubble-spray'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'quick-boomerang'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'buster-shot'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'bass-buster'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'bass-crush'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'bass-baroque'));
         //$unlock_robot_info['robot_level'] = 99;
         //$unlock_robot_info['robot_experience'] = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience_required(1) - 1;
         self::unlock_robot($unlock_player_info, $unlock_robot_info, true, false);
         // Unlock Proto Man as a playable character
         $unlock_robot_info = $this_robot_index['proto-man'];
         $unlock_robot_info['robot_level'] = 1;
         $unlock_robot_info['robot_rewards']['abilities'] = array(array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'drill-blitz'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'bright-burst'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'dive-missile'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'skull-barrier'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'buster-shot'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'proto-buster'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'proto-shield'), array('level' => 0, 'token' => 'proto-strike'));
         //$unlock_robot_info['robot_level'] = 99;
         //$unlock_robot_info['robot_experience'] = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience_required(1) - 1;
         self::unlock_robot($unlock_player_info, $unlock_robot_info, true, false);
     } else {
         // Unlock Dr. Light as a playable character
         $unlock_player_info = $mmrpg_index['players']['dr-light'];
         self::unlock_player($unlock_player_info, true, true);
         $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_rewards']['dr-light']['player_points'] = 0;
         $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_items'] = array();
         // Auto-select Dr. Light as the current playable character
         $_SESSION[$session_token]['battle_settings']['this_player_token'] = 'dr-light';
         // Unlock Mega Man as a playable character
         $unlock_robot_info = rpg_robot::get_index_info('mega-man');
         $unlock_robot_info['robot_level'] = 1;
         //!empty($this_level_bonus) ? $this_level_bonus : 1;
         $unlock_robot_info['robot_experience'] = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience_required(1) - 1;
         self::unlock_robot($unlock_player_info, $unlock_robot_info, true, false);
     // Return true on success
     return true;
예제 #7

// Include the application TOP file
$temp_path = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
require $temp_path . '/_top.php';
// Unset the database variable
// Collect the password string from the URL, if set
$password_string = !empty($_REQUEST['password']) ? $_REQUEST['password'] : false;
// If the password was not empty and is valid, continue
$valid_passwords = '#^([-_a-z0-9]+)$#i';
if (!empty($password_string) && preg_match($valid_passwords, $password_string)) {
    // Ensure the user and file details have already been loaded to the session
    if (!empty($_SESSION['GAME']['USER'])) {
        // Process the password based on a predefined list
        if (preg_match('#^(dr-light|dr-wily|dr-cossack)_#i', $password_string)) {
            //($password_string == 'dr-light_proto-man'){
            // UNLOCK ROBOTS
            list($player_token, $robot_token) = explode('_', $password_string);
            $unlock_player_info = $mmrpg_index['players'][$player_token];
            $unlock_robot_info = rpg_robot::get_index_info($robot_token);
            rpg_game::unlock_robot($unlock_player_info, $unlock_robot_info);
            exit('success:unlock_' . $player_token . '_' . $robot_token);
        } else {
            // UNLOCK NOTHING!!!
} else {
예제 #8
     * Generate the markup for the in-game battle menu given environment variables
     * @param $objects array
     * @param $kind string (battle, ability, scan, item, option, switch, target_this, target_target, target_this_disabled)
     * @return array
    public static function get_menu_markup($objects, $menu_kind)
        // Extract global objects into local scope
        // Count the total number of robots
        $num_robots = count($this_player->player_robots);
        $robot_direction = $this_player->player_side == 'left' ? 'right' : 'left';
        // Collect this and target robot options and sort them
        $this_player_robots = $this_player->player_robots;
        $target_player_robots = $target_player->player_robots;
        usort($this_player_robots, array('rpg_functions', 'robot_sort_by_active'));
        usort($target_player_robots, array('rpg_functions', 'robot_sort_by_active'));
        // Collect required item and ability tokens to display
        $temp_item_tokens = array();
        $temp_ability_tokens = array();
        if (!empty($this_player->player_items)) {
            $temp_item_tokens = array_merge($temp_item_tokens, $this_player->player_items);
        if (!empty($target_player->player_items)) {
            $temp_item_tokens = array_merge($temp_item_tokens, $target_player->player_items);
        foreach (array($this_player_robots, $target_player_robots) as $player_robots) {
            foreach ($player_robots as $robot_key => $robot_info) {
                if (!empty($robot_info['robot_item'])) {
                    $temp_item_tokens[] = $robot_info['robot_item'];
                if (!empty($robot_info['robot_abilities'])) {
                    $temp_ability_tokens = array_merge($temp_ability_tokens, $robot_info['robot_abilities']);
        $temp_item_tokens = array_unique($temp_item_tokens);
        $temp_ability_tokens = array_unique($temp_ability_tokens);
        // Generate custom ability and item indexes for reference
        $temp_items_index = rpg_item::get_index_custom($temp_item_tokens);
        $temp_abilities_index = rpg_ability::get_index_custom($temp_ability_tokens);
        // Generate the markup for the action battle panel
        // Generate different markup for the different menu kinds
        switch ($menu_kind) {
            // If this was a BATTLE menu request
            case 'battle':
                // If the current robot is not disabled and is active
                if ($this_robot->robot_energy > 0 && $this_robot->robot_position == 'active') {
                    // Define the order counter and start at one
                    $dataOrder = 1;
                    // Display available main actions
<div class="main_actions"><?php 
                    if (!empty($temp_player_ability_actions) || $this_robot->robot_class == 'mecha') {
<a class="button action_ability" type="button" data-panel="ability" data-order="<?php 
                        echo $dataOrder;
                    } else {
<a class="button button_disabled action_ability" type="button" data-action="ability_8_action-noweapons" data-order="<?php 
                        echo $dataOrder;
"><label style="text-decoration: line-through;">Ability</label></a><?php 
                    // Display the available sub options
<div class="sub_actions"><?php 
                    // Display the SCAN option
                    if ($target_player->counters['robots_active'] > 1) {
<a class="button action_scan" type="button" <?php 
                        echo $target_player->counters['robots_active'] > 1 ? 'data-panel="scan"' : 'data-action="scan_' . $target_robot->robot_id . '_' . $target_robot->robot_token . '"';
                        echo $dataOrder;
                    } else {
                        foreach ($target_player->values['robots_active'] as $key => $info) {
                            if ($info['robot_position'] != 'active') {
<a class="button action_scan" type="button" data-action="scan_<?php 
                            echo $info['robot_id'] . '_' . $info['robot_token'];
" data-order="<?php 
                            echo $dataOrder;
                    // Display the ITEM option
                    $temp_disabled = false;
<a class="button action_item <?php 
                    echo $temp_disabled ? 'button_disabled' : '';
" type="button" <?php 
                    echo !$temp_disabled ? 'data-panel="item"' : '';
                    echo !$temp_disabled ? 'data-order="' . $dataOrder . '"' : '';
                    if (!$temp_disabled) {
                    // Display the OPTION option
<a class="button action_option" type="button" data-panel="option" data-order="<?php 
                    echo $dataOrder;
                    // Display the SWITCH option
<a class="button action_switch" type="button" data-panel="switch" data-order="<?php 
                    echo $dataOrder;
                } else {
                    // Display available main actions
<div class="main_actions"><?php 
<a class="button action_ability button_disabled" type="button"><label>Ability</label></a><?php 
                    // Display the available sub options
<div class="sub_actions"><?php 
<a class="button action_scan button_disabled" type="button"><label>Scan</label></a><?php 
<a class="button action_item button_disabled" type="button"><label>Item</label></a><?php 
<a class="button action_option" type="button" data-panel="option" data-order="1"><label>Option</label></a><?php 
<a class="button action_switch" type="button" data-panel="switch" data-order="2"><label>Switch</label></a><?php 
                // If this was a ABILITY menu request
            // If this was a ABILITY menu request
            case 'ability':
                // Define and start the order counter
                $temp_order_counter = 1;
                // Display container for the main actions
<div class="main_actions main_actions_hastitle"><span class="main_actions_title">Select Ability</span><?php 
                // Collect the abilities for this robot, by whatever means
                if ($this_robot->robot_class == 'master') {
                    $this_robot_settings = rpg_game::robot_settings($this_player->player_token, $this_robot->robot_token);
                    if (!empty($this_robot_settings['robot_abilities'])) {
                        $current_robot_abilities = $this_robot_settings['robot_abilities'];
                    } else {
                        $current_robot_abilities = array();
                    // If this robot has more than eight abilities, slice to only eight
                    if (count($current_robot_abilities) > 8) {
                        $current_robot_abilities = array_slice($current_robot_abilities, 0, 8);
                        $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_settings'][$this_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$this_robot->robot_token]['robot_abilities'] = $current_robot_abilities;
                    // Collect the robot's held item if any
                    if (!empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_settings'][$this_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$this_robot->robot_token]['robot_item'])) {
                        $current_robot_item = $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_settings'][$this_player->player_token]['player_robots'][$this_robot->robot_token]['robot_item'];
                    } else {
                        $current_robot_item = '';
                } elseif ($this_robot->robot_class == 'mecha') {
                    // Collect the temp ability index
                    $temp_index_info = rpg_robot::get_index_info($this_robot->robot_token);
                    $current_robot_abilities = array();
                    foreach ($temp_index_info['robot_abilities'] as $token) {
                        $current_robot_abilities[$token] = array('ability_token' => $token);
                    $current_robot_item = '';
                // Ensure this robot has abilities to display
                if (!empty($current_robot_abilities)) {
                    // Count the total number of abilities
                    $num_abilities = count($this_robot->robot_abilities);
                    $robot_direction = $this_player->player_side == 'left' ? 'right' : 'left';
                    // Define the ability display counter
                    $unlocked_abilities_count = 0;
                    // Collect the temp ability index
                    $temp_abilities_index = rpg_ability::get_index_custom(array_keys($current_robot_abilities));
                    $temp_robotinfo = rpg_robot::get_index_info($this_robot->robot_token);
                    if ($temp_robotinfo['robot_core'] != $this_robot->robot_core) {
                        $temp_robotinfo['robot_core'] = $this_robot->robot_core;
                    $temp_robotinfo['robot_core2'] = preg_match('/^item-core-/i', $current_robot_item) ? preg_replace('/^item-core-/i', '', $current_robot_item) : '';
                    if ($temp_robotinfo['robot_core2'] == 'none') {
                        $temp_robotinfo['robot_core2'] = '';
                    // Loop through each ability and display its button
                    $ability_key = 0;
                    //$temp_robot_array = $this_robot->export_array();
                    foreach ($current_robot_abilities as $ability_token => $ability_info) {
                        if (empty($ability_token) || !isset($temp_abilities_index[$ability_token])) {
                        // Check if this ability has been unlocked
                        $this_ability_unlocked = true;
                        if ($this_ability_unlocked) {
                        } else {
                        // Create the ability object using the session/index data
                        $temp_abilityinfo = $temp_abilities_index[$ability_token];
                        $temp_abilityinfo['ability_id'] = $this_robot->robot_id . str_pad($temp_abilityinfo['ability_id'], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                        $temp_ability = $this_battle->get_ability($temp_abilityinfo['ability_id']);
                        $temp_type = $temp_ability->ability_type;
                        $temp_type2 = $temp_ability->ability_type2;
                        $temp_damage = $temp_ability->ability_damage;
                        $temp_damage2 = $temp_ability->ability_damage2;
                        $temp_damage_unit = $temp_ability->ability_damage_percent ? '%' : '';
                        $temp_damage2_unit = $temp_ability->ability_damage2_percent ? '%' : '';
                        $temp_recovery = $temp_ability->ability_recovery;
                        $temp_recovery2 = $temp_ability->ability_recovery2;
                        $temp_recovery_unit = $temp_ability->ability_recovery_percent ? '%' : '';
                        $temp_recovery2_unit = $temp_ability->ability_recovery2_percent ? '%' : '';
                        $temp_accuracy = $temp_ability->ability_accuracy;
                        $temp_kind = !empty($temp_damage) && empty($temp_recovery) ? 'damage' : (!empty($temp_recovery) && empty($temp_damage) ? 'recovery' : (!empty($temp_damage) && !empty($temp_recovery) ? 'multi' : ''));
                        $temp_target = 'auto';
                        $temp_target_text = '';
                        if ($temp_ability->ability_target == 'select_target' && $target_player->counters['robots_active'] > 1) {
                            $temp_target = 'select_target';
                            $temp_target_text = 'Select Target';
                        } elseif ($temp_ability->ability_target == 'select_this') {
                            $temp_target = 'select_this';
                            $temp_target_text = 'Select Target';
                        $temp_multiplier = 1;
                        if (!empty($this_robot->robot_core) && ($this_robot->robot_core == $temp_type || $this_robot->robot_core == $temp_type2)) {
                            $temp_multiplier = $temp_multiplier * 1.5;
                        if (!empty($temp_type) && !empty($this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers[$temp_type])) {
                            $temp_multiplier = $temp_multiplier * $this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers[$temp_type];
                        } elseif (!empty($this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers['none'])) {
                            $temp_multiplier = $temp_multiplier * $this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers['none'];
                        if (!empty($temp_type2) && !empty($this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers[$temp_type2])) {
                            $temp_multiplier = $temp_multiplier * $this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers[$temp_type2];
                        $temp_damage = ceil($temp_damage * $temp_multiplier);
                        if (!preg_match('/-(booster|breaker)$/i', $ability_token) && !empty($this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers['damage'])) {
                            $temp_damage = ceil($temp_damage * $this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers['damage']);
                        if ($temp_damage_unit == '%' && $temp_damage > 100) {
                            $temp_damage = 100;
                        $temp_damage2 = ceil($temp_damage2 * $temp_multiplier);
                        if (!preg_match('/-(booster|breaker)$/i', $ability_token) && !empty($this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers['damage'])) {
                            $temp_damage2 = ceil($temp_damage2 * $this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers['damage']);
                        if ($temp_damage2_unit == '%' && $temp_damage2 > 100) {
                            $temp_damage2 = 100;
                        $temp_recovery = ceil($temp_recovery * $temp_multiplier);
                        if (!preg_match('/-(booster|breaker)$/i', $ability_token) && !empty($this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers['recovery'])) {
                            $temp_recovery = ceil($temp_recovery * $this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers['recovery']);
                        if ($temp_recovery_unit == '%' && $temp_recovery > 100) {
                            $temp_recovery = 100;
                        $temp_recovery2 = ceil($temp_recovery2 * $temp_multiplier);
                        if (!preg_match('/-(booster|breaker)$/i', $ability_token) && !empty($this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers['recovery'])) {
                            $temp_recovery2 = ceil($temp_recovery2 * $this_battle->battle_field->field_multipliers['recovery']);
                        if ($temp_recovery2_unit == '%' && $temp_recovery2 > 100) {
                            $temp_recovery2 = 100;
                        // Define the amount of weapon energy for this ability
                        $temp_robot_weapons = $this_robot->robot_weapons;
                        $temp_ability_energy = $this_robot->calculate_weapon_energy($temp_ability, $temp_ability_energy_base, $temp_ability_energy_mods);
                        // Collect the type info for this ability if it exists
                        $temp_type_info = !empty($temp_ability->ability_type) ? rpg_type::get_index_info($temp_ability->ability_type) : false;
                        $temp_type_info2 = !empty($temp_ability->ability_type2) ? rpg_type::get_index_info($temp_ability->ability_type2) : false;
                        // Define the ability title details text
                        $temp_ability_details = $temp_ability->ability_name;
                        $temp_ability_details .= ' (' . (!empty($temp_type_info) ? $temp_type_info['type_name'] : 'Neutral');
                        if (!empty($temp_type_info2)) {
                            $temp_ability_details .= ' / ' . $temp_type_info2['type_name'];
                        } else {
                            $temp_ability_details .= ' Type';
                        $temp_ability_details .= ') <br />';
                        if ($temp_kind == 'damage') {
                            $temp_ability_details .= $temp_damage . $temp_damage_unit . ' Damage';
                        } elseif ($temp_kind == 'recovery') {
                            $temp_ability_details .= $temp_recovery . $temp_recovery_unit . ' Recovery';
                        } elseif ($temp_kind == 'multi') {
                            $temp_ability_details .= $temp_damage . $temp_damage_unit . ' Damage / ' . ($temp_multiplier != 1 ? '<del>' . $temp_ability->ability_recovery . '</del> ' : '') . $temp_recovery . $temp_recovery_unit . ' Recovery';
                        } else {
                            $temp_ability_details .= 'Support';
                        $temp_ability_details .= ' | ' . $temp_ability->ability_accuracy . '% Accuracy';
                        if (!empty($temp_ability_energy)) {
                            $temp_ability_details .= ' | ' . $temp_ability_energy . ' Energy';
                        if (!empty($temp_target_text)) {
                            $temp_ability_details .= ' | ' . $temp_target_text;
                        $temp_ability_description = $temp_ability->ability_description;
                        $temp_ability_description = str_replace('{DAMAGE}', $temp_damage, $temp_ability_description);
                        $temp_ability_description = str_replace('{RECOVERY}', $temp_recovery, $temp_ability_description);
                        $temp_ability_description = str_replace('{DAMAGE2}', $temp_damage2, $temp_ability_description);
                        $temp_ability_description = str_replace('{RECOVERY2}', $temp_recovery2, $temp_ability_description);
                        $temp_ability_details .= ' <br />' . $temp_ability_description;
                        $temp_ability_details_plain = strip_tags(str_replace('<br />', '&#10;', $temp_ability_details));
                        $temp_ability_details_tooltip = htmlentities($temp_ability_details, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                        // Define the ability button text variables
                        $temp_ability_label = '<span class="multi">';
                        $temp_ability_label .= '<span class="maintext">' . $temp_ability->ability_name . '</span>';
                        $temp_ability_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                        $temp_ability_label .= !empty($temp_type_info) ? $temp_type_info['type_name'] . ' ' : 'Neutral ';
                        if (!empty($temp_type_info2)) {
                            $temp_ability_label .= ' / ' . $temp_type_info2['type_name'];
                        } else {
                            $temp_ability_label .= $temp_kind == 'damage' ? 'Damage' : ($temp_kind == 'recovery' ? 'Recovery' : ($temp_kind == 'multi' ? 'Effects' : 'Special'));
                        $temp_ability_label .= '</span>';
                        $temp_ability_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                        $temp_ability_label .= '<span style="' . ($temp_multiplier != 1 ? $temp_multiplier > 1 ? 'color: rgb(161, 255, 124); ' : 'color: rgb(255, 150, 150); ' : '') . '">P:' . ($temp_kind == 'damage' ? $temp_damage . $temp_damage_unit . ' ' : ($temp_kind == 'recovery' ? $temp_recovery . $temp_recovery_unit . ' ' : ($temp_kind == 'multi' ? $temp_damage . $temp_damage_unit . '/' . $temp_recovery . $temp_recovery_unit . ' ' : '0'))) . '</span>';
                        $temp_ability_label .= '&nbsp;';
                        $temp_ability_label .= 'A:' . $temp_accuracy . '%';
                        $temp_ability_label .= '</span>';
                        $temp_ability_label .= '</span>';
                        // Define whether or not this ability button should be enabled
                        $temp_button_enabled = $temp_robot_weapons >= $temp_ability_energy ? true : false;
                        // If the ability is not actually compatible with this robot, disable it
                        $temp_button_compatible = rpg_robot::has_ability_compatibility($temp_robotinfo, $temp_abilityinfo, $current_robot_item);
                        if (!$temp_button_compatible) {
                            $temp_button_enabled = false;
                        // If this button is enabled, add it to the global ability options array
                        if ($temp_button_enabled) {
                            $temp_player_ability_actions[] = $temp_ability->ability_token;
                        // Define the ability sprite variables
                        $temp_ability_sprite = array();
                        $temp_ability_sprite['name'] = $temp_ability->ability_name;
                        if ($this_robot->robot_class == 'master') {
                            $temp_ability_sprite['image'] = $temp_ability->ability_image;
                            $temp_ability_sprite['image_size'] = $temp_ability->ability_image_size;
                            $temp_ability_sprite['image_size_text'] = $temp_ability_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_ability_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_ability_sprite['image_size_zoom'] = $temp_ability->ability_image_size * 2;
                            $temp_ability_sprite['image_size_zoom_text'] = $temp_ability_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_ability_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_ability_sprite['url'] = 'images/sprites/abilities/' . $temp_ability_sprite['image'] . '/icon_' . $robot_direction . '_' . $temp_ability_sprite['image_size_text'] . '.png';
                            $temp_ability_sprite['class'] = 'sprite size' . $temp_ability_sprite['image_size'] . ' base ';
                            $temp_ability_sprite['style'] = 'background-image: url(' . $temp_ability_sprite['url'] . '?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . '); top: 5px; left: 5px; ';
                            $temp_ability_sprite['markup'] = '<span class="' . $temp_ability_sprite['class'] . ' ability" style="' . $temp_ability_sprite['style'] . '">' . $temp_ability_sprite['name'] . '</span>';
                            $temp_ability_sprite['markup'] .= '<span class="' . $temp_ability_sprite['class'] . ' weapons" style="top: 35px; left: 5px; ' . ($temp_ability_energy == $temp_ability_energy_base ? '' : ($temp_ability_energy_mods <= 1 ? 'color: #80A280; ' : 'color: #68B968; ')) . '">' . $temp_ability_energy . ' WE</span>';
                        } elseif ($this_robot->robot_class == 'mecha') {
                            $temp_ability_sprite['image'] = $this_robot->robot_image;
                            $temp_ability_sprite['image_size'] = $this_robot->robot_image_size;
                            $temp_ability_sprite['image_size_text'] = $temp_ability_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_ability_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_ability_sprite['image_size_zoom'] = $this_robot->robot_image_size * 2;
                            $temp_ability_sprite['image_size_zoom_text'] = $temp_ability_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_ability_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_ability_sprite['url'] = 'images/sprites/robots/' . $temp_ability_sprite['image'] . '/mug_' . $robot_direction . '_' . $temp_ability_sprite['image_size_text'] . '.png';
                            $temp_ability_sprite['class'] = 'sprite size' . $temp_ability_sprite['image_size'] . ' base ';
                            $temp_ability_sprite['style'] = 'background-image: url(' . $temp_ability_sprite['url'] . '?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . '); top: 7px; left: 5px; height: 43px; background-position: center center !important; background-size: 50% 50% !important; ';
                            $temp_ability_sprite['markup'] = '<span class="' . $temp_ability_sprite['class'] . ' ability" style="' . $temp_ability_sprite['style'] . '">' . $temp_ability_sprite['name'] . '</span>';
                        $temp_ability_sprite['preload'] = 'images/sprites/abilities/' . $temp_ability_sprite['image'] . '/sprite_' . $robot_direction . '_' . $temp_ability_sprite['image_size_zoom_text'] . '.png';
                        // Now use the new object to generate a snapshot of this ability button
                        if ($temp_button_enabled) {
<a data-order="<?php 
                            echo $temp_order_counter;
" class="button action_ability ability_<?php 
                            echo $temp_ability->ability_token;
 ability_type ability_type_<?php 
                            echo (!empty($temp_ability->ability_type) ? $temp_ability->ability_type : 'none') . (!empty($temp_ability->ability_type2) ? '_' . $temp_ability->ability_type2 : '');
                            echo $unlocked_abilities_count;
" type="button" data-action="ability_<?php 
                            echo $temp_ability->ability_id . '_' . $temp_ability->ability_token;
" data-tooltip="<?php 
                            echo $temp_ability_details_tooltip;
" data-target="<?php 
                            echo $temp_target;
"><label class=""><?php 
                            echo $temp_ability_sprite['markup'];
                            echo $temp_ability_label;
                        } else {
<a data-order="<?php 
                            echo $temp_order_counter;
" class="button button_disabled action_ability ability_<?php 
                            echo $temp_ability->ability_token;
 ability_type ability_type_<?php 
                            echo (!empty($temp_ability->ability_type) ? $temp_ability->ability_type : 'none') . (!empty($temp_ability->ability_type2) ? '_' . $temp_ability->ability_type2 : '');
                            echo $unlocked_abilities_count;
" type="button"><label class=""><?php 
                            echo $temp_ability_sprite['markup'];
                            echo $temp_ability_label;
                        // Increment the order counter
                    // If there were less than 8 abilities, fill in the empty spaces
                    if ($unlocked_abilities_count < 8) {
                        for ($i = $unlocked_abilities_count; $i < 8; $i++) {
                            // Display an empty button placeholder
<a class="button action_ability button_disabled block_<?php 
                            echo $i + 1;
" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
                // End the main action container tag
                //echo 'Abilities : ['.print_r($this_robot->robot_abilities, true).']';
                //echo preg_replace('#\s+#', ' ', print_r($this_robot_settings, true));
                // Display the back button by default
<div class="sub_actions"><a data-order="<?php 
                echo $temp_order_counter;
" class="button action_back" type="button" data-panel="battle"><label>Back</label></a></div><?php 
                // Increment the order counter
                // If this was a ITEM menu request
            // If this was a ITEM menu request
            case 'item':
                // Define all the available player items in a handy index array
                $current_player_items = $this_player->player_items;
                foreach ($current_player_items as $key => $token) {
                    $info = !empty($temp_items_index[$token]) ? $temp_items_index[$token] : false;
                    if (empty($info) || $info['ability_subclass'] != 'consumable') {
                $current_player_items_count = count($current_player_items);
                $current_player_items_pages = $current_player_items_count <= 8 ? 1 : ceil($current_player_items_count / 8);
                // Define and start the order counter
                $temp_order_counter = 1;
                // Display container for the main actions
                <div class="main_actions main_actions_hastitle">
                    <span class="main_actions_title <?php 
                echo $target_player->player_id != MMRPG_SETTINGS_TARGET_PLAYERID || !empty($this_player->flags['item_used_this_turn']) ? 'main_actions_title_disabled' : '';
                // If there were more than eight items, print the page numbers
                if ($current_player_items_count > 8) {
                    $temp_selected_page = 1;
                    //!empty($_SESSION['GAME']['battle_settings']['action_ability_page_num']) ? $_SESSION['GAME']['battle_settings']['action_ability_page_num'] : 1;
                    echo '<span class="float_title">Select Item</span>';
                    echo '<span class="float_links"><span class="page">Page</span>';
                    for ($i = 1; $i <= $current_player_items_pages; $i++) {
                        echo '<a class="num' . ($i == $temp_selected_page ? ' active' : '') . '" href="#' . $i . '">' . $i . '</a>';
                    echo '</span>';
                } else {
                    echo 'Select Item';
                // Ensure this player has items to display
                if (!empty($current_player_items)) {
                    // Count the total number of items
                    $num_items = count($current_player_items);
                    $item_direction = $this_player->player_side == 'left' ? 'right' : 'left';
                    // Define the item display counter
                    $equipped_items_count = 0;
                    // Define the default button enabled option
                    if ($target_player->player_id != MMRPG_SETTINGS_TARGET_PLAYERID) {
                        $temp_button_enabled_base = false;
                    } else {
                        $temp_button_enabled_base = true;
                    // If this player has already used an item this turn
                    if (!empty($this_player->flags['item_used_this_turn'])) {
                        $temp_button_enabled_base = false;
                    // Loop through each ability and display its button
                    $item_key = 0;
                    $item_token_list = array_keys($temp_items_index);
                    foreach ($item_token_list as $item_key => $item_token) {
                        // Ensure this is an actual ability in the index
                        if (!empty($item_token) && in_array($item_token, $current_player_items)) {
                            // Define the amount of weapon energy for this ability
                            $temp_item_quantity = !empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$item_token]) ? $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$item_token] : 0;
                            // CHANGEME to zero!!! mt_rand(0, 10)
                            $temp_item_cost = 1;
                            // If this player has never aquired this item, do not display it
                            if (!isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$item_token])) {
                            //$temp_item_quantity = 99; // CHANGEME! COMMENT ME OUT! TESTING ONLY!
                            // Increment the equipped items count
                            // Define the button enabled flag
                            $temp_button_enabled = $temp_button_enabled_base;
                            // Create the ability object using the session/index data
                            $temp_iteminfo = $temp_items_index[$item_token];
                            //$temp_iteminfo['item_id'] = $this_player->player_id.str_pad($temp_iteminfo['item_id'], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                            $temp_item = new rpg_item($this_player, $this_robot, $temp_iteminfo);
                            $temp_type = $temp_item->item_type;
                            $temp_type2 = $temp_item->item_type2;
                            $temp_damage = $temp_item->item_damage;
                            $temp_damage2 = $temp_item->item_damage2;
                            $temp_damage_unit = $temp_item->item_damage_percent ? '%' : '';
                            $temp_damage2_unit = $temp_item->item_damage2_percent ? '%' : '';
                            $temp_recovery = $temp_item->item_recovery;
                            $temp_recovery2 = $temp_item->item_recovery2;
                            $temp_recovery_unit = $temp_item->item_recovery_percent ? '%' : '';
                            $temp_recovery2_unit = $temp_item->item_recovery2_percent ? '%' : '';
                            $temp_accuracy = $temp_item->item_accuracy;
                            $temp_kind = !empty($temp_damage) && empty($temp_recovery) ? 'damage' : (!empty($temp_recovery) && empty($temp_damage) ? 'recovery' : (!empty($temp_damage) && !empty($temp_recovery) ? 'multi' : ''));
                            if (preg_match('/-score-ball$/i', $item_token)) {
                                $temp_kind = 'score';
                            } elseif (preg_match('/-core$/i', $item_token)) {
                                $temp_kind = 'core';
                            $temp_target = 'select_this';
                            if ($temp_item->item_target == 'select_target' && $target_player->counters['robots_active'] > 1) {
                                $temp_target = 'select_target';
                            } elseif ($temp_item->item_target == 'select_this' && $this_player->counters['robots_active'] > 1) {
                                $temp_target = 'select_this';
                            } elseif ($temp_item->item_target == 'select_this_disabled') {
                                $temp_target = 'select_this_disabled';
                            } elseif ($temp_item->item_target == 'auto') {
                                $temp_target = 'auto';
                            $temp_multiplier = 1;
                            // Collect the type info for this item if it exists
                            $temp_type_info = !empty($temp_item->item_type) ? rpg_type::get_index_info($temp_item->item_type) : false;
                            $temp_type_info2 = !empty($temp_item->item_type2) ? rpg_type::get_index_info($temp_item->item_type2) : false;
                            // Define the ability title details text
                            $temp_item_details = $temp_item->item_name . ' <br />';
                            if ($temp_kind == 'damage') {
                                $temp_item_details .= $temp_damage . $temp_damage_unit . ' Damage';
                            } elseif ($temp_kind == 'recovery') {
                                $temp_item_details .= $temp_recovery . $temp_recovery_unit . ' Recovery';
                            } elseif ($temp_kind == 'multi') {
                                $temp_item_details .= $temp_damage . $temp_damage_unit . ' Damage / ' . $temp_recovery . $temp_recovery_unit . ' Recovery';
                            } elseif ($temp_kind == 'core') {
                                $temp_item_details .= '10% Damage';
                            } else {
                                $temp_item_details .= 'Support';
                            if (!empty($temp_item_quantity)) {
                                if ($temp_item_quantity != 1) {
                                    $temp_item_details .= ' | ' . $temp_item_quantity . ' Units';
                                } else {
                                    $temp_item_details .= ' | 1 Unit';
                            $temp_item_description = $temp_item->item_description;
                            $temp_item_description = str_replace('{DAMAGE}', $temp_damage, $temp_item_description);
                            $temp_item_description = str_replace('{RECOVERY}', $temp_recovery, $temp_item_description);
                            $temp_item_description = str_replace('{DAMAGE2}', $temp_damage2, $temp_item_description);
                            $temp_item_description = str_replace('{RECOVERY2}', $temp_recovery2, $temp_item_description);
                            $temp_item_details .= ' <br />' . $temp_item_description;
                            $temp_item_details_plain = strip_tags(str_replace('<br />', '&#10;', $temp_item_details));
                            $temp_item_details_tooltip = htmlentities($temp_item_details, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                            // Define the ability button text variables
                            $temp_item_label = '<span class="multi">';
                            $temp_item_label .= '<span class="maintext">' . $temp_item->item_name . '</span>';
                            $temp_item_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                            if ($temp_kind == 'score') {
                                $temp_item_label .= 'Reward Booster';
                            } elseif ($temp_kind == 'core') {
                                $temp_item_label .= !empty($temp_type_info) ? $temp_type_info['type_name'] : 'Neutral';
                                $temp_item_label .= ' Damage';
                            } else {
                                $temp_item_label .= !empty($temp_type_info) ? $temp_type_info['type_name'] . ' ' : 'Neutral ';
                                if (!empty($temp_type_info) && !empty($temp_type_info2)) {
                                    $temp_item_label .= ' / ' . $temp_type_info2['type_name'];
                                } else {
                                    $temp_item_label .= $temp_kind == 'damage' ? 'Damage' : ($temp_kind == 'recovery' ? 'Recovery' : ($temp_kind == 'multi' ? 'Effects' : 'Special'));
                            $temp_item_label .= '</span>';
                            $temp_item_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                            if ($temp_kind == 'score') {
                                $temp_item_label .= '<span>Value : +' . $temp_recovery . $temp_recovery_unit . '</span>';
                            } elseif ($temp_kind == 'core') {
                                $temp_item_label .= '<span>Power : 10%</span>';
                            } else {
                                $temp_item_label .= '<span style="' . ($temp_multiplier != 1 ? $temp_multiplier > 1 ? 'color: rgb(161, 255, 124); ' : 'color: rgb(255, 150, 150); ' : '') . '">Power : ' . ($temp_kind == 'damage' ? $temp_damage . $temp_damage_unit . ' ' : ($temp_kind == 'recovery' ? $temp_recovery . $temp_recovery_unit . ' ' : ($temp_kind == 'multi' ? $temp_damage . $temp_damage_unit . '/' . $temp_recovery . $temp_recovery_unit . ' ' : '0'))) . '</span>';
                            $temp_item_label .= '&nbsp;';
                            $temp_item_label .= '</span>';
                            $temp_item_label .= '</span>';
                            // Define whether or not this ability button should be enabled
                            if ($temp_item_quantity < $temp_item_cost) {
                                $temp_button_enabled = false;
                            // Define the ability sprite variables
                            $temp_item_sprite = array();
                            $temp_item_sprite['name'] = $temp_item->item_name;
                            $temp_item_sprite['image'] = $temp_item->item_image;
                            if ($temp_item->item_token == 'item-extra-life') {
                                // Automatically change this ability's image based on player
                                if ($this_player->player_token == 'dr-light') {
                                    $temp_item_sprite['image'] = 'item-extra-life';
                                } elseif ($this_player->player_token == 'dr-wily') {
                                    $temp_item_sprite['image'] = 'item-extra-life-2';
                                } elseif ($this_player->player_token == 'dr-cossack') {
                                    $temp_item_sprite['image'] = 'item-extra-life-3';
                            $temp_item_sprite['image_size'] = $temp_item->item_image_size;
                            $temp_item_sprite['image_size_text'] = $temp_item_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_item_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_item_sprite['image_size_zoom'] = $temp_item->item_image_size * 2;
                            $temp_item_sprite['image_size_zoom_text'] = $temp_item_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_item_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_item_sprite['url'] = 'images/sprites/items/' . $temp_item_sprite['image'] . '/icon_' . $item_direction . '_' . $temp_item_sprite['image_size_text'] . '.png';
                            $temp_item_sprite['preload'] = 'images/sprites/items/' . $temp_item_sprite['image'] . '/sprite_' . $item_direction . '_' . $temp_item_sprite['image_size_zoom_text'] . '.png';
                            $temp_item_sprite['class'] = 'sprite size' . $temp_item_sprite['image_size'] . ' base ';
                            // ability_type ability_type_'.(!empty($temp_item->item_type) ? $temp_item->item_type : 'none');
                            $temp_item_sprite['style'] = 'background-image: url(' . $temp_item_sprite['url'] . '?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . ');  top: 5px; left: 5px; ';
                            $temp_item_sprite['markup'] = '<span class="' . $temp_item_sprite['class'] . ' ability" style="' . $temp_item_sprite['style'] . '">' . $temp_item_sprite['name'] . '</span>';
                            $temp_item_sprite['markup'] .= '<span class="' . $temp_item_sprite['class'] . ' weapons" style="top: 35px; left: 5px; ' . ($temp_item_quantity > 1 ? '' : ($temp_item_quantity > 0 ? 'color: #AA9393; ' : 'color: #A77D7D; ')) . '"><sup style="position: relative: bottom: 1px;">x</sup> ' . $temp_item_quantity . '</span>';
                            $temp_type_class = !empty($temp_item->item_type) ? $temp_item->item_type : 'none';
                            if ($temp_type_class != 'none' && !empty($temp_item->item_type2)) {
                                $temp_type_class .= '_' . $temp_item->item_type2;
                            } elseif ($temp_type_class == 'none' && !empty($temp_item->item_type2)) {
                                $temp_type_class = $temp_item->item_type2;
                            // Now use the new object to generate a snapshot of this ability button
                            if ($temp_button_enabled) {
<a data-order="<?php 
                                echo $temp_order_counter;
" class="button action_item ability_<?php 
                                echo $temp_item->item_token;
 ability_type ability_type_<?php 
                                echo $temp_type_class;
                                echo $equipped_items_count;
" type="button" data-action="ability_<?php 
                                echo $temp_item->item_id . '_' . $temp_item->item_token;
" data-tooltip="<?php 
                                echo $temp_item_details_tooltip;
" data-preload="<?php 
                                echo $temp_item_sprite['preload'];
" data-actualtarget="<?php 
                                echo $temp_item->item_target;
" data-target="<?php 
                                echo $temp_target;
"><label class=""><?php 
                                echo $temp_item_sprite['markup'];
                                echo $temp_item_label;
                            } else {
<a data-order="<?php 
                                echo $temp_order_counter;
" class="button button_disabled action_item ability_<?php 
                                echo $temp_item->item_token;
 ability_type ability_type_<?php 
                                echo $temp_type_class;
                                echo $equipped_items_count;
" type="button"><label class=""><?php 
                                echo $temp_item_sprite['markup'];
                                echo $temp_item_label;
                            // Increment the order counter
                    // If there were less than 8 items, fill in the empty spaces
                    if ($equipped_items_count % 8 != 0) {
                        $temp_padding_amount = 8 - $equipped_items_count % 8;
                        $temp_last_key = $equipped_items_count + $temp_padding_amount;
                        for ($i = $equipped_items_count; $i < $temp_last_key; $i++) {
                            // Display an empty button placeholder
<a class="button action_item button_disabled block_<?php 
                            echo $i + 1;
" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
                // Display the back button by default
<div class="sub_actions"><a data-order="<?php 
                echo $temp_order_counter;
" class="button action_back" type="button" data-panel="battle"><label>Back</label></a></div><?php 
                // Increment the order counter
                // If this was a OPTION menu request
            // If this was a OPTION menu request
            case 'option':
                // Define the markup for the option buttons
                $temp_options = array();
                // Display the option for returning to the main prototype menu
                $temp_options[] = '<a data-order="1" class="button action_option block_1 ability_type_space" type="button" data-action="prototype"><label><span class="multi">Return&nbsp;To<br />Main&nbsp;Menu</span></label></a>';
                // Display an option for restarting this battle from scratch
                $temp_options[] = '<a data-order="2" class="button action_option block_2 ability_type_space" type="button" data-action="restart"><label><span class="multi">Restart<br />Mission</span></label></a>';
                // Display an option for changing config settings
                //$temp_options[] = '<a class="button action_option block_3" type="button" data-panel="settings"><label><span class="multi">Settings<br />Menu</span></label></a>';
                $temp_options[] = '<a data-order="3" class="button action_option block_3 ability_type_space" type="button" data-panel="settings_eventTimeout"><label><span class="multi">Message<br />Speed</span></label></a>';
                $temp_options[] = '<a data-order="4" class="button action_option block_4 ability_type_space" type="button" onclick="parent.mmrpg_music_load(\'fields/' . $this_field->field_music . '/battle-field_background_music\', true);"><label><span class="multi">Restart<br />Music</span></label></a>';
                // Display the toggle options for debug mode and stuff
                $current_debug_value = !empty($_SESSION['GAME']['debug_mode']) ? 1 : 0;
                $temp_options[] = '<a data-order="5" class="button action_option block_5 ability_type_space" type="button" onclick="mmrpg_toggle_debug_mode(this);" data-value="' . $current_debug_value . '"><label><span class="multi"><span class="title">Toggle Debug</span><br /><span class="value type ' . ($current_debug_value ? 'nature' : 'flame') . '">' . ($current_debug_value ? 'ON' : 'OFF') . '</span></span></label></a>';
                // Display container for the main actions
<div class="main_actions main_actions_hastitle"><span class="main_actions_title">Select Option</span><?php 
                // Ensure there are options to display
                if (!empty($temp_options)) {
                    // Count the total number of options
                    $num_options = count($temp_options);
                    // Loop through each option and display its button markup
                    foreach ($temp_options as $key => $option_markup) {
                        // Display the option button's generated markup
                        echo $option_markup;
                    // If there were less than 6 options, fill in the empty spaces
                    if ($num_options < 8) {
                        for ($i = $num_options; $i < 8; $i++) {
                            // Display an empty button placeholder
<a class="button action_option button_disabled block_<?php 
                            echo $i + 1;
" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
                // End the main action container tag
                // Display the back button by default
<div class="sub_actions"><a data-order="7" class="button action_back" type="button" data-panel="battle"><label>Back</label></a></div><?php 
                // If this was a SCAN menu request
            // If this was a SCAN menu request
            case 'scan':
                // Define and start the order counter
                $temp_order_counter = 1;
                // Display container for the main actions
<div class="main_actions main_actions_hastitle"><span class="main_actions_title">Select Scan Target</span><?php 
                // Ensure there are robots to display
                if (!empty($target_player->player_robots)) {
                    // Loop through each robot and display its target button
                    foreach ($target_player_robots as $robot_key => $robot_info) {
                        // Ensure this robot has an ID before attempting to load
                        if (!empty($robot_info['robot_id'])) {
                            // Create the scan object using the session/index data
                            $temp_robot = $this_battle->get_robot($robot_info['robot_id']);
                            // Default the allow button flag to true
                            $allow_button = true;
                            // If this robot is disabled, disable the button
                            if ($temp_robot->robot_status == 'disabled') {
                                $allow_button = false;
                            // If this robot is not active, disable the button
                            //if ($temp_robot->robot_position != 'active'){ $allow_button = false; }
                            // Define the title hover for the robot
                            $temp_robot_title = $temp_robot->robot_name . '  (Lv. ' . $temp_robot->robot_level . ')';
                            //$temp_robot_title .= ' | '.$temp_robot->robot_id.'';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . (!empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? ucfirst($temp_robot->robot_core) . ' Core' : 'Neutral Core') . ' | ' . ucfirst($temp_robot->robot_position) . ' Position';
                            // Display the robot's item if it exists
                            if (!empty($temp_robot->robot_item)) {
                                $temp_item = $temp_items_index[$temp_robot->robot_item];
                                $temp_robot_title .= ' | + ' . $temp_item['ability_name'] . ' ';
                            // Display the robot's life and weapon energy current and base
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . $temp_robot->robot_energy . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_energy . ' LE';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_weapons . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_weapons . ' WE';
                            $temp_required_experience = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience_required($temp_robot->robot_level);
                            if ($robot_direction == 'right' && $temp_robot->robot_class != 'mecha') {
                                $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_experience . ' / ' . $temp_required_experience . ' EXP';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . $temp_robot->robot_attack . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_attack . ' AT';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_defense . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_defense . ' DF';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_speed . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_speed . ' SP';
                            // Generate alt formats for the robot title
                            $temp_robot_title_plain = strip_tags(str_replace('<br />', '&#10;', $temp_robot_title));
                            $temp_robot_title_tooltip = htmlentities($temp_robot_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                            // Collect the robot's core types for display
                            $temp_robot_core_type = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? $temp_robot->robot_core : 'none';
                            $temp_robot_core2_type = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core2) ? $temp_robot->robot_core2 : '';
                            if (!empty($temp_robot->robot_item) && preg_match('/^item-core-/', $temp_robot->robot_item)) {
                                $temp_item_core_type = preg_replace('/^item-core-/', '', $temp_robot->robot_item);
                                if (empty($temp_robot_core2_type) && $temp_robot_core_type != $temp_item_core_type) {
                                    $temp_robot_core2_type = $temp_item_core_type;
                            // Define the robot button text variables
                            $temp_robot_label = '<span class="multi">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="maintext">' . $temp_robot->robot_name . '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= $temp_robot->robot_energy . '/' . $temp_robot->robot_base_energy . ' Energy';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'A:' . $temp_robot->robot_attack;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '&nbsp;';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'D:' . $temp_robot->robot_defense;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '&nbsp;';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'S:' . $temp_robot->robot_speed;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            // Define the robot sprite variables
                            $temp_robot_sprite = array();
                            $temp_robot_sprite['name'] = $temp_robot->robot_name;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['core'] = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? $temp_robot->robot_core : 'none';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image'] = $temp_robot->robot_image;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] = $temp_robot->robot_image_size;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_text'] = $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_zoom'] = $temp_robot->robot_image_size * 2;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_zoom_text'] = $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_robot_sprite['url'] = 'images/sprites/robots/' . $temp_robot_sprite['image'] . '/sprite_' . $robot_direction . '_' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_text'] . '.png';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['preload'] = 'images/sprites/robots/' . $temp_robot_sprite['image'] . '/sprite_' . $robot_direction . '_' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_zoom_text'] . '.png';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['class'] = 'sprite size' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . ' ' . ($temp_robot->robot_energy > 0 ? $temp_robot->robot_energy > $temp_robot->robot_base_energy / 2 ? 'base' : 'defend' : 'defeat') . ' ';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['style'] = 'background-image: url(' . $temp_robot_sprite['url'] . '?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . ');  top: 6px; left: 5px; ';
                            if ($temp_robot->robot_position == 'active') {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['style'] .= 'border-color: #ababab; ';
                            $temp_energy_percent = ceil($temp_robot->robot_energy / $temp_robot->robot_base_energy * 100);
                            if ($temp_energy_percent > 50) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy high ';
                            } elseif ($temp_energy_percent > 25) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy medium ';
                            } elseif ($temp_energy_percent > 0) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy low ';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['markup'] = '<span class="' . $temp_robot_sprite['class'] . '" style="' . $temp_robot_sprite['style'] . '">' . $temp_robot_sprite['name'] . '</span>';
                            // Update the order button if necessary
                            $order_button_markup = $allow_button ? 'data-order="' . $temp_order_counter . '"' : '';
                            $temp_order_counter += $allow_button ? 1 : 0;
                            // Now use the new object to generate a snapshot of this switch button
                            /*?><a <?= $order_button_markup?> title="<?= $temp_robot_title_plain?>" data-tooltip="<?= $temp_robot_title_tooltip?>" class="button <?= !$allow_button ? 'button_disabled' : '' ?> action_scan scan_<?= $temp_robot->robot_token ?> status_<?= $temp_robot->robot_status ?> robot_type robot_type_<?= !empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? $temp_robot->robot_core : 'none' ?> block_<?= $robot_key + 1 ?>" type="button" <?if($allow_button):?>data-action="scan_<?= $temp_robot->robot_id.'_'.$temp_robot->robot_token ?>"<?endif;?> data-preload="<?= $temp_robot_sprite['preload'] ?>"><label><?= $temp_robot_sprite['markup'] ?><?= $temp_robot_label ?></label></a><?*/
<a class="button <?php 
                            echo !$allow_button ? 'button_disabled' : '';
 action_scan scan_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_token;
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_status;
 robot_type robot_type_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot_core_type . (!empty($temp_robot_core2_type) ? '_' . $temp_robot_core2_type : '');
                            echo $robot_key + 1;
" type="button" data-tooltip="<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot_title_tooltip;
" <?php 
                            echo $order_button_markup;
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_id . '_' . $temp_robot->robot_token;
"<?endif;?> data-preload="<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot_sprite['preload'];
                            echo $temp_robot_sprite['markup'];
                            echo $temp_robot_label;
                    // If there were less than 8 robots, fill in the empty spaces
                    if ($num_robots < 8) {
                        for ($i = $num_robots; $i < 8; $i++) {
                            // Display an empty button placeholder
<a class="button action_scan button_disabled block_<?php 
                            echo $i + 1;
" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
                // End the main action container tag
                // Display the back button by default
<div class="sub_actions"><a data-order="<?php 
                echo $temp_order_counter;
" class="button action_back" type="button" data-panel="battle"><label>Back</label></a></div><?php 
                // Increment the order counter
                // If this was a SWITCH menu request
            // If this was a SWITCH menu request
            case 'switch':
                // Check if the switch should be disabled
                $this_switch_disabled = false;
                if ($this_robot->robot_status != 'disabled' && $this_robot->robot_position == 'active' && !empty($this_robot->robot_attachments)) {
                    foreach ($this_robot->robot_attachments as $attachment_token => $attachment_info) {
                        if (isset($attachment_info['attachment_switch_disabled']) && $attachment_info['attachment_switch_disabled'] == 1) {
                            $this_switch_disabled = true;
                // Define and start the order counter
                $temp_order_counter = 1;
                // Display container for the main actions
<div class="main_actions main_actions_hastitle"><span class="main_actions_title" style="<?php 
                echo !empty($this_player->flags['switch_used_this_turn']) ? 'text-decoration: line-through;' : '';
">Select Switch Target <?php 
                echo $this_switch_disabled ? '(Disabled)' : '';
                // Ensure there are robots to display
                if (!empty($this_player_robots)) {
                    // Collect the target robot options and sort them
                    $switch_robots_count = $this_player->counters['robots_active'];
                    // Loop through each robot and display its switch button
                    foreach ($this_player_robots as $robot_key => $robot_info) {
                        // Ensure this robot has an ID before attempting to load
                        if (!empty($robot_info['robot_id'])) {
                            // Create the scan object using the session/index data
                            $temp_robot = $this_battle->get_robot($robot_info['robot_id']);
                            // Check if the switch should be disabled based on attachments on this robot
                            $temp_switch_disabled = false;
                            if ($temp_robot->robot_status != 'disabled' && !empty($temp_robot->robot_attachments)) {
                                foreach ($temp_robot->robot_attachments as $attachment_token => $attachment_info) {
                                    if (!empty($attachment_info['attachment_switch_disabled'])) {
                                        $temp_switch_disabled = true;
                            // If the switch is not disabled yet and the robot status isn't disabled, disable it
                            if ($this_switch_disabled && $this_robot->robot_status != 'disabled') {
                                $temp_switch_disabled = true;
                            // If this player has already used a switch this turn
                            if (!empty($this_player->flags['switch_used_this_turn'])) {
                                $temp_switch_disabled = true;
                            // Default the allow button flag to true
                            $allow_button = true;
                            // If this robot is already out, disable the button
                            if ($temp_robot->robot_position == 'active') {
                                $allow_button = false;
                            // If this robot is disabled, disable the button
                            if ($temp_robot->robot_status == 'disabled') {
                                $allow_button = false;
                            // If this robot is the "active" one (maybe it was a force switch?)
                            if ($switch_robots_count >= 2 && $temp_robot->robot_id == $this_robot->robot_id) {
                                $allow_button = false;
                            // If the current robot has switching disabled
                            if ($temp_switch_disabled) {
                                $allow_button = false;
                            // Define the title hover for the robot
                            $temp_robot_title = $temp_robot->robot_name . '  (Lv. ' . $temp_robot->robot_level . ')';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . (!empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? ucfirst($temp_robot->robot_core) . ' Core' : 'Neutral Core') . ' | ' . ucfirst($temp_robot->robot_position) . ' Position';
                            // Display the robot's item if it exists
                            if (!empty($temp_robot->robot_item)) {
                                $temp_item = $temp_items_index[$temp_robot->robot_item];
                                $temp_robot_title .= ' | + ' . $temp_item['ability_name'] . ' ';
                            // Display the robot's life and weapon energy current and base
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . $temp_robot->robot_energy . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_energy . ' LE';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_weapons . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_weapons . ' WE';
                            // Display the robot's experience points if on the player side
                            $temp_required_experience = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience_required($temp_robot->robot_level);
                            if ($robot_direction == 'right' && $temp_robot->robot_class != 'mecha') {
                                $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_experience . ' / ' . $temp_required_experience . ' EXP';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . $temp_robot->robot_attack . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_attack . ' AT';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_defense . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_defense . ' DF';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_speed . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_speed . ' SP';
                            // Loop through this robot's current abilities and list them as well
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />';
                            foreach ($temp_robot->robot_abilities as $key => $token) {
                                if (!isset($temp_abilities_index[$token])) {
                                if ($key > 0 && $key % 4 != 0) {
                                    $temp_robot_title .= '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
                                if ($key > 0 && $key % 4 == 0) {
                                    $temp_robot_title .= '<br /> ';
                                $info = $temp_abilities_index[$token];
                                $temp_robot_title .= $info['ability_name'];
                            // Encode the tooltip for markup insertion and create a plain one too
                            $temp_robot_title_plain = strip_tags(str_replace('<br />', '//', $temp_robot_title));
                            $temp_robot_title_tooltip = htmlentities($temp_robot_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                            // Collect the robot's core types for display
                            $temp_robot_core_type = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? $temp_robot->robot_core : 'none';
                            $temp_robot_core2_type = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core2) ? $temp_robot->robot_core2 : '';
                            if (!empty($temp_robot->robot_item) && preg_match('/^item-core-/', $temp_robot->robot_item)) {
                                $temp_item_core_type = preg_replace('/^item-core-/', '', $temp_robot->robot_item);
                                if (empty($temp_robot_core2_type) && $temp_robot_core_type != $temp_item_core_type) {
                                    $temp_robot_core2_type = $temp_item_core_type;
                            // Define the robot button text variables
                            $temp_robot_label = '<span class="multi">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="maintext">' . $temp_robot->robot_name . '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= $temp_robot->robot_energy . '/' . $temp_robot->robot_base_energy . ' Energy';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'A:' . $temp_robot->robot_attack;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '&nbsp;';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'D:' . $temp_robot->robot_defense;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '&nbsp;';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'S:' . $temp_robot->robot_speed;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            // Define the robot sprite variables
                            $temp_robot_sprite = array();
                            $temp_robot_sprite['name'] = $temp_robot->robot_name;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image'] = $temp_robot->robot_image;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] = $temp_robot->robot_image_size;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_text'] = $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_zoom'] = $temp_robot->robot_image_size * 2;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_zoom_text'] = $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_robot_sprite['url'] = 'images/sprites/robots/' . $temp_robot->robot_image . '/sprite_' . $robot_direction . '_' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_text'] . '.png';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['preload'] = 'images/sprites/robots/' . $temp_robot->robot_image . '/sprite_' . $robot_direction . '_' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_zoom_text'] . '.png';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['class'] = 'sprite size' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . ' ' . ($temp_robot->robot_energy > 0 ? $temp_robot->robot_energy > $temp_robot->robot_base_energy / 2 ? 'base' : 'defend' : 'defeat') . ' ';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['style'] = 'background-image: url(' . $temp_robot_sprite['url'] . '?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . ');  top: 5px; left: 5px; ';
                            if ($temp_robot->robot_position == 'active') {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['style'] .= 'border-color: #ababab; ';
                            $temp_energy_percent = ceil($temp_robot->robot_energy / $temp_robot->robot_base_energy * 100);
                            if ($temp_energy_percent > 50) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy high ';
                            } elseif ($temp_energy_percent > 25) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy medium ';
                            } elseif ($temp_energy_percent > 0) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy low ';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['markup'] = '<span class="' . $temp_robot_sprite['class'] . '" style="' . $temp_robot_sprite['style'] . '">' . $temp_robot_sprite['name'] . '</span>';
                            // Update the order button if necessary
                            $order_button_markup = $allow_button ? 'data-order="' . $temp_order_counter . '"' : '';
                            $temp_order_counter += $allow_button ? 1 : 0;
                            // Now use the new object to generate a snapshot of this switch button
                            /*?><a <?= $order_button_markup?> title="<?= $temp_robot_title_plain?>" data-tooltip="<?= $temp_robot_title_tooltip?>" class="button <?= !$allow_button ? 'button_disabled' : '' ?> action_switch switch_<?= $temp_robot->robot_token ?> status_<?= $temp_robot->robot_status ?> robot_type robot_type_<?= !empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? $temp_robot->robot_core : 'none' ?> block_<?= $robot_key + 1 ?>" type="button" <?if($allow_button):?>data-action="switch_<?= $temp_robot->robot_id.'_'.$temp_robot->robot_token ?>"<?endif;?> data-preload="<?= $temp_robot_sprite['preload'] ?>"><label><?= $temp_robot_sprite['markup'] ?><?= $temp_robot_label ?></label></a><?*/
<a <?php 
                            echo $order_button_markup;
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_key;
" data-tooltip="<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot_title_tooltip;
" class="button <?php 
                            echo !$allow_button ? 'button_disabled' : '';
 action_switch switch_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_token;
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_status;
 robot_type robot_type_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot_core_type . (!empty($temp_robot_core2_type) ? '_' . $temp_robot_core2_type : '');
                            echo $robot_key + 1;
" type="button" <?if($allow_button):?>data-action="switch_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_id . '_' . $temp_robot->robot_token;
"<?endif;?> data-preload="<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot_sprite['preload'];
                            echo $temp_robot_sprite['markup'];
                            echo $temp_robot_label;
                    // If there were less than 8 robots, fill in the empty spaces
                    if ($num_robots < 8) {
                        for ($i = $num_robots; $i < 8; $i++) {
                            // Display an empty button placeholder
<a class="button action_switch button_disabled block_<?php 
                            echo $i + 1;
" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
                // End the main action container tag
                // Display the back button by default
                $allow_back_button = $this_robot->robot_position == 'active' && $this_robot->robot_status != 'disabled' ? true : false;
<div class="sub_actions"><a <?php 
                echo $allow_back_button ? 'data-order="' . $temp_order_counter . '"' : '';
 class="button action_back <?php 
                echo !$allow_back_button ? 'button_disabled' : '';
" type="button" <?php 
                echo $allow_back_button ? 'data-panel="battle"' : '';
                echo $allow_back_button ? '<label>Back</label>' : '&nbsp;';
                // Increment the order counter
                // If this was a TARGET (THIS) menu request
            // If this was a TARGET (THIS) menu request
            case 'target_this':
                // Define and start the order counter
                $temp_order_counter = 1;
                // Display container for the main actions
<div class="main_actions main_actions_hastitle"><span class="main_actions_title">Select {thisPanel} Target</span><?php 
                // Ensure there are robots to display
                if (!empty($this_player_robots)) {
                    // Loop through each robot and display its target button
                    foreach ($this_player_robots as $robot_key => $robot_info) {
                        // Ensure this robot has a lookup ID
                        if (!empty($robot_info['robot_id'])) {
                            // Create the scan object using the session/index data
                            $temp_robot = $this_battle->get_robot($robot_info['robot_id']);
                            // Default the allow button flag to true
                            $allow_button = true;
                            // If this robot is disabled, disable the button
                            if ($temp_robot->robot_status == 'disabled') {
                                $allow_button = false;
                            // If this robot is not active, disable the button
                            //if ($temp_robot->robot_position != 'active'){ $allow_button = false; }
                            // Define the title hover for the robot
                            $temp_robot_title = $temp_robot->robot_name . '  (Lv. ' . $temp_robot->robot_level . ')';
                            //$temp_robot_title .= ' | '.$temp_robot->robot_id.'';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . (!empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? ucfirst($temp_robot->robot_core) . ' Core' : 'Neutral Core') . ' | ' . ucfirst($temp_robot->robot_position) . ' Position';
                            // Display the robot's item if it exists
                            if (!empty($temp_robot->robot_item)) {
                                $temp_item = $temp_items_index[$temp_robot->robot_item];
                                $temp_robot_title .= ' | + ' . $temp_item['ability_name'] . ' ';
                            // Display the robot's life and weapon energy current and base
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . $temp_robot->robot_energy . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_energy . ' LE';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_weapons . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_weapons . ' WE';
                            $temp_required_experience = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience_required($temp_robot->robot_level);
                            if ($robot_direction == 'right' && $temp_robot->robot_class != 'mecha') {
                                $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_experience . ' / ' . $temp_required_experience . ' EXP';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . $temp_robot->robot_attack . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_attack . ' AT';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_defense . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_defense . ' DF';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_speed . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_speed . ' SP';
                            // Loop through this robot's current abilities and list them as well
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />';
                            foreach ($temp_robot->robot_abilities as $key => $token) {
                                if (!isset($temp_abilities_index[$token])) {
                                if ($key > 0 && $key % 4 != 0) {
                                    $temp_robot_title .= '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
                                if ($key > 0 && $key % 4 == 0) {
                                    $temp_robot_title .= '<br /> ';
                                $info = $temp_abilities_index[$token];
                                $temp_robot_title .= $info['ability_name'];
                            // Encode the tooltip for markup insertion and create a plain one too
                            $temp_robot_title_plain = strip_tags(str_replace('<br />', '//', $temp_robot_title));
                            $temp_robot_title_tooltip = htmlentities($temp_robot_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                            // Collect the robot's core types for display
                            $temp_robot_core_type = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? $temp_robot->robot_core : 'none';
                            $temp_robot_core2_type = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core2) ? $temp_robot->robot_core2 : '';
                            if (!empty($temp_robot->robot_item) && preg_match('/^item-core-/', $temp_robot->robot_item)) {
                                $temp_item_core_type = preg_replace('/^item-core-/', '', $temp_robot->robot_item);
                                if (empty($temp_robot_core2_type) && $temp_robot_core_type != $temp_item_core_type) {
                                    $temp_robot_core2_type = $temp_item_core_type;
                            // Define the robot button text variables
                            $temp_robot_label = '<span class="multi">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="maintext">' . $temp_robot->robot_name . '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= $temp_robot->robot_energy . '/' . $temp_robot->robot_base_energy . ' Energy';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'A:' . $temp_robot->robot_attack;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '&nbsp;';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'D:' . $temp_robot->robot_defense;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '&nbsp;';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'S:' . $temp_robot->robot_speed;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            // Define the robot sprite variables
                            $temp_robot_sprite = array();
                            $temp_robot_sprite['name'] = $temp_robot->robot_name;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['core'] = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? $temp_robot->robot_core : 'none';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image'] = $temp_robot->robot_image;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] = $temp_robot->robot_image_size;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_text'] = $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_zoom'] = $temp_robot->robot_image_size * 2;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_zoom_text'] = $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_robot_sprite['url'] = 'images/sprites/robots/' . $temp_robot_sprite['image'] . '/sprite_' . $robot_direction . '_' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_text'] . '.png';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['class'] = 'sprite size' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . ' ' . ($temp_robot->robot_energy > 0 ? $temp_robot->robot_energy > $temp_robot->robot_base_energy / 2 ? 'base' : 'defend' : 'defeat') . ' ';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['style'] = 'background-image: url(' . $temp_robot_sprite['url'] . '?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . ');  top: 6px; left: 5px; ';
                            if ($temp_robot->robot_position == 'active') {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['style'] .= 'border-color: #ababab; ';
                            $temp_energy_percent = ceil($temp_robot->robot_energy / $temp_robot->robot_base_energy * 100);
                            if ($temp_energy_percent > 50) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy high ';
                            } elseif ($temp_energy_percent > 25) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy medium ';
                            } elseif ($temp_energy_percent > 0) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy low ';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['markup'] = '<span class="' . $temp_robot_sprite['class'] . '" style="' . $temp_robot_sprite['style'] . '">' . $temp_robot_sprite['name'] . '</span>';
                            // Update the order button if necessary
                            $order_button_markup = $allow_button ? 'data-order="' . $temp_order_counter . '"' : '';
                            $temp_order_counter += $allow_button ? 1 : 0;
                            // Now use the new object to generate a snapshot of this target button
<a <?php 
                            echo $order_button_markup;
                            echo $temp_robot_title_tooltip;
" class="button <?php 
                            echo !$allow_button ? 'button_disabled' : '';
 action_target target_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_token;
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_status;
 robot_type robot_type_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot_core_type . (!empty($temp_robot_core2_type) ? '_' . $temp_robot_core2_type : '');
                            echo $robot_key + 1;
" type="button" <?if($allow_button):?>data-action="target_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_id . '_' . $temp_robot->robot_token;
                            echo $temp_robot_sprite['markup'];
                            echo $temp_robot_label;
                    // If there were less than 8 robots, fill in the empty spaces
                    if ($num_robots < 8) {
                        for ($i = $num_robots; $i < 8; $i++) {
                            // Display an empty button placeholder
<a class="button action_target button_disabled block_<?php 
                            echo $i + 1;
" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
                // End the main action container tag
                // Display the back button by default
<div class="sub_actions"><a data-order="<?php 
                echo $temp_order_counter;
" class="button action_back" type="button" data-panel="ability"><label>Back</label></a></div><?php 
                // Increment the order counter
                // If this was a TARGET (TARGET) menu request
            // If this was a TARGET (TARGET) menu request
            case 'target_target':
                // Define and start the order counter
                $temp_order_counter = 1;
                // Display container for the main actions
<div class="main_actions main_actions_hastitle"><span class="main_actions_title">Select {thisPanel} Target</span><?php 
                // Ensure there are robots to display
                if (!empty($target_player_robots)) {
                    // Loop through each robot and display its target button
                    foreach ($target_player_robots as $robot_key => $robot_info) {
                        // Ensure this robot has a lookup ID
                        if (!empty($robot_info['robot_id'])) {
                            // Create the scan object using the session/index data
                            $temp_robot = $this_battle->get_robot($robot_info['robot_id']);
                            // Default the allow button flag to true
                            $allow_button = true;
                            // If this robot is disabled, disable the button
                            if ($temp_robot->robot_status == 'disabled') {
                                $allow_button = false;
                            // If this robot is not active, disable the button
                            //if ($temp_robot->robot_position != 'active'){ $allow_button = false; }
                            // Define the title hover for the robot
                            $temp_robot_title = $temp_robot->robot_name . '  (Lv. ' . $temp_robot->robot_level . ')';
                            //$temp_robot_title .= ' | '.$temp_robot->robot_id.'';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . (!empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? ucfirst($temp_robot->robot_core) . ' Core' : 'Neutral Core') . ' | ' . ucfirst($temp_robot->robot_position) . ' Position';
                            // Display the robot's item if it exists
                            if (!empty($temp_robot->robot_item)) {
                                $temp_item = $temp_items_index[$temp_robot->robot_item];
                                $temp_robot_title .= ' | + ' . $temp_item['ability_name'] . ' ';
                            // Display the robot's life and weapon energy current and base
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . $temp_robot->robot_energy . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_energy . ' LE';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_weapons . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_weapons . ' WE';
                            $temp_required_experience = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience_required($temp_robot->robot_level);
                            if ($robot_direction == 'right' && $temp_robot->robot_class != 'mecha') {
                                $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_experience . ' / ' . $temp_required_experience . ' EXP';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . $temp_robot->robot_attack . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_attack . ' AT';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_defense . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_defense . ' DF';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_speed . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_speed . ' SP';
                            $temp_robot_title_plain = strip_tags(str_replace('<br />', '&#10;', $temp_robot_title));
                            $temp_robot_title_tooltip = htmlentities($temp_robot_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                            // Collect the robot's core types for display
                            $temp_robot_core_type = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? $temp_robot->robot_core : 'none';
                            $temp_robot_core2_type = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core2) ? $temp_robot->robot_core2 : '';
                            if (!empty($temp_robot->robot_item) && preg_match('/^item-core-/', $temp_robot->robot_item)) {
                                $temp_item_core_type = preg_replace('/^item-core-/', '', $temp_robot->robot_item);
                                if (empty($temp_robot_core2_type) && $temp_robot_core_type != $temp_item_core_type) {
                                    $temp_robot_core2_type = $temp_item_core_type;
                            // Define the robot button text variables
                            $temp_robot_label = '<span class="multi">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="maintext">' . $temp_robot->robot_name . '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= $temp_robot->robot_energy . '/' . $temp_robot->robot_base_energy . ' Energy';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'A:' . $temp_robot->robot_attack;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '&nbsp;';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'D:' . $temp_robot->robot_defense;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '&nbsp;';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'S:' . $temp_robot->robot_speed;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            // Define the robot sprite variables
                            $temp_robot_sprite = array();
                            $temp_robot_sprite['name'] = $temp_robot->robot_name;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['core'] = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? $temp_robot->robot_core : 'none';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image'] = $temp_robot->robot_image;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] = $temp_robot->robot_image_size;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_text'] = $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_zoom'] = $temp_robot->robot_image_size * 2;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_zoom_text'] = $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_robot_sprite['url'] = 'images/sprites/robots/' . $temp_robot_sprite['image'] . '/sprite_' . $robot_direction . '_' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_text'] . '.png';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['preload'] = 'images/sprites/robots/' . $temp_robot_sprite['image'] . '/sprite_' . $robot_direction . '_' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_zoom_text'] . '.png';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['class'] = 'sprite size' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . ' ' . ($temp_robot->robot_energy > 0 ? $temp_robot->robot_energy > $temp_robot->robot_base_energy / 2 ? 'base' : 'defend' : 'defeat') . ' ';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['style'] = 'background-image: url(' . $temp_robot_sprite['url'] . '?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . ');  top: 6px; left: 5px; ';
                            if ($temp_robot->robot_position == 'active') {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['style'] .= 'border-color: #ababab; ';
                            $temp_energy_percent = ceil($temp_robot->robot_energy / $temp_robot->robot_base_energy * 100);
                            if ($temp_energy_percent > 50) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy high ';
                            } elseif ($temp_energy_percent > 25) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy medium ';
                            } elseif ($temp_energy_percent > 0) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy low ';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['markup'] = '<span class="' . $temp_robot_sprite['class'] . '" style="' . $temp_robot_sprite['style'] . '">' . $temp_robot_sprite['name'] . '</span>';
                            // Update the order button if necessary
                            $order_button_markup = $allow_button ? 'data-order="' . $temp_order_counter . '"' : '';
                            $temp_order_counter += $allow_button ? 1 : 0;
                            // Now use the new object to generate a snapshot of this target button
                            /*?><a <?= $order_button_markup?> title="<?= $temp_robot_title_plain?>" data-tooltip="<?= $temp_robot_title_tooltip?>" class="button <?= !$allow_button ? 'button_disabled' : '' ?> action_target target_<?= $temp_robot->robot_token ?> status_<?= $temp_robot->robot_status ?> robot_type robot_type_<?= !empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? $temp_robot->robot_core : 'none' ?> block_<?= $robot_key + 1 ?>" type="button" <?if($allow_button):?>data-action="target_<?= $temp_robot->robot_id.'_'.$temp_robot->robot_token ?>"<?endif;?> data-preload="<?= $temp_robot_sprite['preload'] ?>"><label><?= $temp_robot_sprite['markup'] ?><?= $temp_robot_label ?></label></a><?*/
<a <?php 
                            echo $order_button_markup;
                            echo $temp_robot_title_tooltip;
" class="button <?php 
                            echo !$allow_button ? 'button_disabled' : '';
 action_target target_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_token;
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_status;
 robot_type robot_type_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot_core_type . (!empty($temp_robot_core2_type) ? '_' . $temp_robot_core2_type : '');
                            echo $robot_key + 1;
" type="button" <?if($allow_button):?>data-action="target_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_id . '_' . $temp_robot->robot_token;
"<?endif;?> data-preload="<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot_sprite['preload'];
                            echo $temp_robot_sprite['markup'];
                            echo $temp_robot_label;
                    // If there were less than 8 robots, fill in the empty spaces
                    if ($num_robots < 8) {
                        for ($i = $num_robots; $i < 8; $i++) {
                            // Display an empty button placeholder
<a class="button action_target button_disabled block_<?php 
                            echo $i + 1;
" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
                // End the main action container tag
                // Display the back button by default
<div class="sub_actions"><a data-order="<?php 
                echo $temp_order_counter;
" class="button action_back" type="button" data-panel="ability"><label>Back</label></a></div><?php 
                // Increment the order counter
                // If this was a TARGET (THIS, DISABLED) menu request
            // If this was a TARGET (THIS, DISABLED) menu request
            case 'target_this_disabled':
                // Define and start the order counter
                $temp_order_counter = 1;
                // Display container for the main actions
<div class="main_actions main_actions_hastitle"><span class="main_actions_title">Select {thisPanel} Target</span><?php 
                // Ensure there are robots to display
                if (!empty($this_player_robots)) {
                    // Loop through each robot and display its target button
                    foreach ($this_player_robots as $robot_key => $scan_robotinfo) {
                        // Ensure this is an actual switch in the index
                        if (!empty($switch_robotinfo['robot_token'])) {
                            // Create the scan object using the session/index data
                            $temp_robot = new rpg_robot($this_player, $scan_robotinfo);
                            // Default the allow button flag to true
                            $allow_button = false;
                            // If this robot is disabled, disable the button
                            if ($temp_robot->robot_status == 'disabled') {
                                $allow_button = true;
                            // If this robot is not active, disable the button
                            //if ($temp_robot->robot_position != 'active'){ $allow_button = false; }
                            // Define the title hover for the robot
                            $temp_robot_title = $temp_robot->robot_name . '  (Lv. ' . $temp_robot->robot_level . ')';
                            //$temp_robot_title .= ' | '.$temp_robot->robot_id.'';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . (!empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? ucfirst($temp_robot->robot_core) . ' Core' : 'Neutral Core') . ' | ' . ucfirst($temp_robot->robot_position) . ' Position';
                            // Display the robot's item if it exists
                            if (!empty($temp_robot->robot_item)) {
                                $temp_item = $temp_items_index[$temp_robot->robot_item];
                                $temp_robot_title .= ' | + ' . $temp_item['ability_name'] . ' ';
                            // Display the robot's life and weapon energy current and base
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . $temp_robot->robot_energy . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_energy . ' LE';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_weapons . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_weapons . ' WE';
                            $temp_required_experience = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience_required($temp_robot->robot_level);
                            if ($robot_direction == 'right' && $temp_robot->robot_class != 'mecha') {
                                $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_experience . ' / ' . $temp_required_experience . ' EXP';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />' . $temp_robot->robot_attack . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_attack . ' AT';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_defense . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_defense . ' DF';
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' | ' . $temp_robot->robot_speed . ' / ' . $temp_robot->robot_base_speed . ' SP';
                            // Loop through this robot's current abilities and list them as well
                            $temp_robot_title .= ' <br />';
                            foreach ($temp_robot->robot_abilities as $key => $token) {
                                if (!isset($temp_abilities_index[$token])) {
                                if ($key > 0 && $key % 4 != 0) {
                                    $temp_robot_title .= '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
                                if ($key > 0 && $key % 4 == 0) {
                                    $temp_robot_title .= '<br /> ';
                                $info = $temp_abilities_index[$token];
                                $temp_robot_title .= $info['ability_name'];
                            // Encode the tooltip for markup insertion and create a plain one too
                            $temp_robot_title_plain = strip_tags(str_replace('<br />', '//', $temp_robot_title));
                            $temp_robot_title_tooltip = htmlentities($temp_robot_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                            // Collect the robot's core types for display
                            $temp_robot_core_type = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? $temp_robot->robot_core : 'none';
                            $temp_robot_core2_type = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core2) ? $temp_robot->robot_core2 : '';
                            if (!empty($temp_robot->robot_item) && preg_match('/^item-core-/', $temp_robot->robot_item)) {
                                $temp_item_core_type = preg_replace('/^item-core-/', '', $temp_robot->robot_item);
                                if (empty($temp_robot_core2_type) && $temp_robot_core_type != $temp_item_core_type) {
                                    $temp_robot_core2_type = $temp_item_core_type;
                            // Define the robot button text variables
                            $temp_robot_label = '<span class="multi">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="maintext">' . $temp_robot->robot_name . '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= $temp_robot->robot_energy . '/' . $temp_robot->robot_base_energy . ' Energy';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '<span class="subtext">';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'A:' . $temp_robot->robot_attack;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '&nbsp;';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'D:' . $temp_robot->robot_defense;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '&nbsp;';
                            $temp_robot_label .= 'S:' . $temp_robot->robot_speed;
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            $temp_robot_label .= '</span>';
                            // Define the robot sprite variables
                            $temp_robot_sprite = array();
                            $temp_robot_sprite['name'] = $temp_robot->robot_name;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['core'] = !empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? $temp_robot->robot_core : 'none';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image'] = $temp_robot->robot_image;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] = $temp_robot->robot_image_size;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_text'] = $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_zoom'] = $temp_robot->robot_image_size * 2;
                            $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_zoom_text'] = $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . 'x' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'];
                            $temp_robot_sprite['url'] = 'images/sprites/robots/' . $temp_robot_sprite['image'] . '/sprite_' . $robot_direction . '_' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size_text'] . '.png';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['class'] = 'sprite size' . $temp_robot_sprite['image_size'] . ' ' . ($temp_robot->robot_energy > 0 ? $temp_robot->robot_energy > $temp_robot->robot_base_energy / 2 ? 'base' : 'defend' : 'defeat') . ' ';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['style'] = 'background-image: url(' . $temp_robot_sprite['url'] . '?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . ');  top: 6px; left: 5px; ';
                            if ($temp_robot->robot_position == 'active') {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['style'] .= 'border-color: #ababab; ';
                            $temp_energy_percent = ceil($temp_robot->robot_energy / $temp_robot->robot_base_energy * 100);
                            if ($temp_energy_percent > 50) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy high ';
                            } elseif ($temp_energy_percent > 25) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy medium ';
                            } elseif ($temp_energy_percent > 0) {
                                $temp_robot_sprite['class'] .= 'energy low ';
                            $temp_robot_sprite['markup'] = '<span class="' . $temp_robot_sprite['class'] . '" style="' . $temp_robot_sprite['style'] . '">' . $temp_robot_sprite['name'] . '</span>';
                            // Update the order button if necessary
                            $order_button_markup = $allow_button ? 'data-order="' . $temp_order_counter . '"' : '';
                            $temp_order_counter += $allow_button ? 1 : 0;
                            // Now use the new object to generate a snapshot of this target button
                            /*?><a <?= $order_button_markup?> title="<?= $temp_robot_title_plain?>" data-tooltip="<?= $temp_robot_title_tooltip?>" class="button <?= !$allow_button ? 'button_disabled' : '' ?> action_target target_<?= $temp_robot->robot_token ?> status_<?= $temp_robot->robot_status ?> robot_type robot_type_<?= !empty($temp_robot->robot_core) ? $temp_robot->robot_core : 'none' ?> block_<?= $robot_key + 1 ?>" type="button" <?if($allow_button):?>data-action="target_<?= $temp_robot->robot_id.'_'.$temp_robot->robot_token ?>"<?endif;?>><label><?= $temp_robot_sprite['markup'] ?><?= $temp_robot_label ?></label></a><?*/
<a <?php 
                            echo $order_button_markup;
                            echo $temp_robot_title_tooltip;
" class="button <?php 
                            echo !$allow_button ? 'button_disabled' : '';
 action_target target_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_token;
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_status;
 robot_type robot_type_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot_core_type . (!empty($temp_robot_core2_type) ? '_' . $temp_robot_core2_type : '');
                            echo $robot_key + 1;
" type="button" <?if($allow_button):?>data-action="target_<?php 
                            echo $temp_robot->robot_id . '_' . $temp_robot->robot_token;
                            echo $temp_robot_sprite['markup'];
                            echo $temp_robot_label;
                    // If there were less than 8 robots, fill in the empty spaces
                    if ($num_robots < 8) {
                        for ($i = $num_robots; $i < 8; $i++) {
                            // Display an empty button placeholder
<a class="button action_target button_disabled block_<?php 
                            echo $i + 1;
" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
                // End the main action container tag
                // Display the back button by default
<div class="sub_actions"><a data-order="<?php 
                echo $temp_order_counter;
" class="button action_back" type="button" data-panel="ability"><label>Back</label></a></div><?php 
                // Increment the order counter
                // If this was a COMPLETE menu request
            // If this was a COMPLETE menu request
            case 'complete':
                // If the current robot is not disabled (WE WIN!)
                if ($this_player->counters['robots_active'] > 0) {
                    // Display available main actions
<div class="main_actions"><?php 
<a class="button action_ability" data-action="prototype" type="button" data-order="1"><label>Mission Complete!</label></a><?php 
                    // Display the available sub options
<div class="sub_actions"><?php 
<a class="button action_scan button_disabled" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
<a class="button action_item button_disabled" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
<a class="button action_option button_disabled" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
<a class="button action_switch button_disabled" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
                } else {
                    // Display available main actions
<div class="main_actions"><?php 
<a class="button action_ability button_disabled" type="button"><label>Mission Failure&hellip;</label></a><?php 
                    // Display the available sub options
<div class="sub_actions"><?php 
<a class="button action_scan button_disabled" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
<a class="button action_item" data-action="prototype" type="button" data-order="1"><label>Exit Mission</label></a><?php 
<a class="button action_option" data-action="restart" type="button" data-order="2"><label>Restart Mission</label></a><?php 
<a class="button action_switch button_disabled" type="button">&nbsp;</a><?php 
        // Collect generated markup, compress, and return
        $menu_markup = trim(ob_get_clean());
        $menu_markup = preg_replace('#\\s+#', ' ', $menu_markup);
        return $menu_markup;